
1.4 KiB


For our benchmark we are using a small subset of the dataset songs.csv. It was generated with this command:

xsv sample --seed 42 song.csv -o smol-songs.csv

You can download it here And the original songs.csv dataset is available here.

You need to put this file in the current directory: milli/milli/benches/smol-songs.csv.gz You can run the following command from the root of this git repository

wget -O milli/benches/smol-songs.csv.gz
  • To run all the benchmarks we recommand using cargo bench, this should takes around ~4h
  • You can also run the benchmarks on the songs dataset with cargo bench --bench songs, it should takes around 1h
  • And on the wiki dataset with cargo bench --bench wiki, it should takes around 3h

By default the benchmarks expect the datasets to be uncompressed and present in milli/milli/benches, but you can also specify your own path with the environment variable MILLI_BENCH_DATASETS_PATH like that:

MILLI_BENCH_DATASETS_PATH=~/Downloads/datasets cargo bench --bench songs

Our benchmarking suite uses criterion which allow you to do a lot of configuration, see the documentation here