Introduce a function to find the K shortest paths in a graph

This commit is contained in:
Loïc Lecrenier 2023-02-21 09:48:30 +01:00
parent 48aae76b15
commit a70ab8b072

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@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet};
use itertools::Itertools;
use super::{
empty_paths_cache::EmptyPathsCache, paths_map::PathsMap, Edge, EdgeIndex, RankingRuleGraph,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Path {
pub edges: Vec<EdgeIndex>,
pub cost: u64,
struct DijkstraState {
unvisited: HashSet<usize>, // should be a small bitset
distances: Vec<u64>, // or binary heap (f64, usize)
edges: Vec<EdgeIndex>,
edge_costs: Vec<u8>,
paths: Vec<Option<usize>>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct PathEdgeId<Id> {
pub from: usize,
pub to: usize,
pub id: Id,
pub struct KCheapestPathsState {
cheapest_paths: PathsMap<u64>,
potential_cheapest_paths: BTreeMap<u64, PathsMap<u64>>,
pub kth_cheapest_path: Path,
impl KCheapestPathsState {
pub fn next_cost(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn new<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait>(
graph: &RankingRuleGraph<G>,
) -> Option<KCheapestPathsState> {
let Some(cheapest_path) = graph.cheapest_path_to_end(graph.query_graph.root_node) else {
return None
let cheapest_paths = PathsMap::from_paths(&[cheapest_path.clone()]);
let potential_cheapest_paths = BTreeMap::new();
Some(KCheapestPathsState {
kth_cheapest_path: cheapest_path,
pub fn remove_empty_paths(mut self, empty_paths_cache: &EmptyPathsCache) -> Option<Self> {
let mut costs_to_delete = HashSet::new();
for (cost, potential_cheapest_paths) in self.potential_cheapest_paths.iter_mut() {
if potential_cheapest_paths.is_empty() {
for cost in costs_to_delete {
if self.cheapest_paths.is_empty() {}
pub fn compute_paths_of_next_lowest_cost<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait>(
mut self,
graph: &mut RankingRuleGraph<G>,
empty_paths_cache: &EmptyPathsCache,
into_map: &mut PathsMap<u64>,
) -> Option<Self> {
let cur_cost = self.kth_cheapest_path.cost;
while self.kth_cheapest_path.cost <= cur_cost {
if let Some(next_self) = self.compute_next_cheapest_paths(graph, empty_paths_cache) {
self = next_self;
if self.kth_cheapest_path.cost == cur_cost {
} else {
return None;
// TODO: use the cache to potentially remove edges that return an empty RoaringBitmap
// TODO: return an Option<&'self Path>?
fn compute_next_cheapest_paths<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait>(
mut self,
graph: &mut RankingRuleGraph<G>,
empty_paths_cache: &EmptyPathsCache,
) -> Option<KCheapestPathsState> {
// for all nodes in the last cheapest path (called spur_node), except last one...
for (i, edge_idx) in self.kth_cheapest_path.edges[..self.kth_cheapest_path.edges.len() - 1]
let Some(edge) = graph.all_edges[edge_idx.0].as_ref() else { continue; };
let Edge { from_node: spur_node, .. } = edge;
// TODO:
// Here, check that the root path is not dicarded by the empty_paths_cache
// If it is, then continue to the next spur_node
let root_path = &self.kth_cheapest_path.edges[..i];
if empty_paths_cache.path_is_empty(root_path) {
let root_cost = root_path
.fold(0, |sum, next| sum + graph.get_edge(*next).as_ref().unwrap().cost as u64);
let mut tmp_removed_edges = vec![];
// for all the paths already found that share a common prefix with the root path
// we delete the edge from the spur node to the next one
for edge_index_to_remove in self.cheapest_paths.edge_indices_after_prefix(root_path) {
let was_removed = graph.node_edges[*spur_node].remove(&edge_index_to_remove.0);
if was_removed {
// Compute the cheapest path from the spur node to the destination
// we will combine it with the root path to get a potential kth cheapest path
let spur_path = graph.cheapest_path_to_end(*spur_node);
// restore the temporarily removed edges
let Some(spur_path) = spur_path else { continue; };
let total_cost = root_cost + spur_path.cost;
let total_path = Path {
edges: root_path.iter().chain(spur_path.edges.iter()).cloned().collect(),
cost: total_cost,
let entry = self.potential_cheapest_paths.entry(total_cost).or_default();
while let Some(mut next_cheapest_paths_entry) = self.potential_cheapest_paths.first_entry()
// This could be implemented faster
// Here, maybe I should filter the potential cheapest paths so that they
// don't contain any removed edge?
let cost = *next_cheapest_paths_entry.key();
let next_cheapest_paths = next_cheapest_paths_entry.get_mut();
while let Some((next_cheapest_path, cost2)) = next_cheapest_paths.remove_first() {
assert_eq!(cost, cost2);
if next_cheapest_path
.any(|edge_index| graph.all_edges.get(edge_index.0).is_none())
} else {
self.cheapest_paths.insert(next_cheapest_path.iter().copied(), cost);
if next_cheapest_paths.is_empty() {
self.kth_cheapest_path = Path { edges: next_cheapest_path, cost };
return Some(self);
let _ = next_cheapest_paths_entry.remove_entry();
impl<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> RankingRuleGraph<G> {
fn cheapest_path_to_end(&self, from: usize) -> Option<Path> {
let mut dijkstra = DijkstraState {
unvisited: (0..self.query_graph.nodes.len()).collect(),
distances: vec![u64::MAX; self.query_graph.nodes.len()],
edges: vec![EdgeIndex(usize::MAX); self.query_graph.nodes.len()],
edge_costs: vec![u8::MAX; self.query_graph.nodes.len()],
paths: vec![None; self.query_graph.nodes.len()],
dijkstra.distances[from] = 0;
// TODO: could use a binary heap here to store the distances
while let Some(&cur_node) =
dijkstra.unvisited.iter().min_by_key(|&&n| dijkstra.distances[n])
let cur_node_dist = dijkstra.distances[cur_node];
if cur_node_dist == u64::MAX {
return None;
if cur_node == self.query_graph.end_node {
let succ_cur_node: HashSet<_> = self.node_edges[cur_node]
.map(|e| self.all_edges[*e].as_ref().unwrap().to_node)
// TODO: this intersection may be slow but shouldn't be,
// can use a bitmap intersection instead
let unvisited_succ_cur_node = succ_cur_node.intersection(&dijkstra.unvisited);
for &succ in unvisited_succ_cur_node {
let Some((cheapest_edge, cheapest_edge_cost)) = self.cheapest_edge(cur_node, succ) else {
// println!("cur node dist {cur_node_dist}");
let old_dist_succ = &mut dijkstra.distances[succ];
let new_potential_distance = cur_node_dist + cheapest_edge_cost as u64;
if new_potential_distance < *old_dist_succ {
*old_dist_succ = new_potential_distance;
dijkstra.edges[succ] = cheapest_edge;
dijkstra.edge_costs[succ] = cheapest_edge_cost;
dijkstra.paths[succ] = Some(cur_node);
let mut cur = self.query_graph.end_node;
// let mut edge_costs = vec![];
// let mut distances = vec![];
let mut path_edges = vec![];
while let Some(n) = dijkstra.paths[cur] {
cur = n;
Some(Path { edges: path_edges, cost: dijkstra.distances[self.query_graph.end_node] })
// TODO: this implementation is VERY fragile, as we assume that the edges are ordered by cost
// already. Change it.
pub fn cheapest_edge(&self, cur_node: usize, succ: usize) -> Option<(EdgeIndex, u8)> {
self.visit_edges(cur_node, succ, |edge_idx, edge| {
std::ops::ControlFlow::Break((edge_idx, edge.cost))