Introduce a function to find the docids of a set of paths in a graph

This commit is contained in:
Loïc Lecrenier 2023-02-21 09:48:05 +01:00
parent 23bf572dea
commit 48aae76b15

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
use heed::RoTxn;
use roaring::{MultiOps, RoaringBitmap};
use super::edge_docids_cache::EdgeDocidsCache;
use super::empty_paths_cache::EmptyPathsCache;
use super::paths_map::PathsMap;
use super::{RankingRuleGraph, RankingRuleGraphTrait};
use crate::new::db_cache::DatabaseCache;
use crate::new::ranking_rule_graph::Edge;
use crate::new::BitmapOrAllRef;
use crate::{Index, Result};
impl<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> RankingRuleGraph<G> {
pub fn resolve_paths<'transaction>(
&mut self,
index: &Index,
txn: &'transaction RoTxn,
db_cache: &mut DatabaseCache<'transaction>,
edge_docids_cache: &mut EdgeDocidsCache<G>,
empty_paths_cache: &mut EmptyPathsCache,
universe: &RoaringBitmap,
mut paths: PathsMap<u64>,
) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
let mut path_bitmaps = vec![];
'path_loop: while let Some((edge_indexes, _)) = paths.remove_first() {
// if path is excluded, continue...
let mut processed_edges = vec![];
let mut path_bitmap = universe.clone();
'edge_loop: for edge_index in edge_indexes {
let edge_docids =
edge_docids_cache.get_edge_docids(index, txn, db_cache, &edge_index, self)?;
match edge_docids {
BitmapOrAllRef::Bitmap(edge_docids) => {
if edge_docids.is_disjoint(universe) {
// 1. Store in the cache that this edge is empty for this universe
// 2. remove all the paths that contain this edge for this universe
// 3. remove this edge from the proximity graph
// 4. continue executing this function again on the remaining paths
continue 'path_loop;
} else {
path_bitmap &= edge_docids;
if path_bitmap.is_disjoint(universe) {
// 1. Store in the cache that this prefix is empty for this universe
.insert(processed_edges.iter().copied(), ());
// 2. remove all the paths beginning with this prefix
// 3. continue executing this function again on the remaining paths?
continue 'path_loop;
BitmapOrAllRef::All => continue 'edge_loop,
let docids = MultiOps::union(path_bitmaps);
// for each path, translate it to an intersection of cached roaring bitmaps
// then do a union for all paths
// get the docids of the given paths in the proximity graph
// in the fastest possible way
// 1. roaring MultiOps (before we can do the Frozen+AST thing)
// 2. minimize number of operations