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2023-03-08 13:26:29 +01:00
/*! Implementation of a generic graph-based ranking rule.
A graph-based ranking rule is a ranking rule that works by representing
its possible operations and their relevancy cost as a directed acyclic multi-graph
built on top of the query graph. It then computes its buckets by finding the
cheapest paths from the start node to the end node and computing the document ids
that satisfy those paths.
For example, the proximity ranking rule builds a graph where the edges between two
nodes represent a condition that the term of the source node is in a certain proximity
to the term of the destination node. With the query "pretty house by" where the term
"pretty" has three possible proximities to the term "house" and "house" has two
proximities to "by", the graph will look like this:
START 0pretty 2 house by 0 END
The proximity ranking rule's first bucket will be determined by the union of all
the shortest paths from START to END, which in this case is:
START --0-> pretty --1--> house --1--> by --0--> end
The path's corresponding document ids are found by taking the intersection of the
document ids of each edge. That is, we find the documents where both `pretty` is
1-close to `house` AND `house` is 1-close to `by`.
For the second bucket, we get the union of the second-cheapest paths, which are:
START --0-> pretty --1--> house --2--> by --0--> end
START --0-> pretty --2--> house --1--> by --0--> end
That is we find the documents where either:
- `pretty` is 1-close to `house` AND `house` is 2-close to `by`
- OR: `pretty` is 2-close to `house` AND `house` is 1-close to `by`
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
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use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use super::interner::{Interned, MappedInterner};
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use super::logger::SearchLogger;
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use super::query_graph::QueryNode;
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use super::ranking_rule_graph::{
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ConditionDocIdsCache, DeadEndsCache, ProximityGraph, RankingRuleGraph, RankingRuleGraphTrait,
2023-03-08 09:55:53 +01:00
use super::small_bitmap::SmallBitmap;
use super::{QueryGraph, RankingRule, RankingRuleOutput, SearchContext};
use crate::search::new::query_term::LocatedQueryTermSubset;
use crate::search::new::ranking_rule_graph::PathVisitor;
use crate::{Result, TermsMatchingStrategy};
pub type Proximity = GraphBasedRankingRule<ProximityGraph>;
impl GraphBasedRankingRule<ProximityGraph> {
pub fn new(terms_matching_strategy: Option<TermsMatchingStrategy>) -> Self {
Self::new_with_id("proximity".to_owned(), terms_matching_strategy)
pub type Typo = GraphBasedRankingRule<TypoGraph>;
impl GraphBasedRankingRule<TypoGraph> {
pub fn new(terms_matching_strategy: Option<TermsMatchingStrategy>) -> Self {
Self::new_with_id("typo".to_owned(), terms_matching_strategy)
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/// A generic graph-based ranking rule
pub struct GraphBasedRankingRule<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> {
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id: String,
terms_matching_strategy: Option<TermsMatchingStrategy>,
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// When the ranking rule is not iterating over its buckets,
// its state is `None`.
state: Option<GraphBasedRankingRuleState<G>>,
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impl<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> GraphBasedRankingRule<G> {
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/// Creates the ranking rule with the given identifier
pub fn new_with_id(id: String, terms_matching_strategy: Option<TermsMatchingStrategy>) -> Self {
Self { id, terms_matching_strategy, state: None }
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/// The internal state of a graph-based ranking rule during iteration
pub struct GraphBasedRankingRuleState<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> {
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/// The current graph
graph: RankingRuleGraph<G>,
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/// Cache to retrieve the docids associated with each edge
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conditions_cache: ConditionDocIdsCache<G>,
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/// Cache used to optimistically discard paths that resolve to no documents.
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dead_ends_cache: DeadEndsCache<G::Condition>,
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/// A structure giving the list of possible costs from each node to the end node
all_costs: MappedInterner<QueryNode, Vec<u64>>,
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/// An index in the first element of `all_distances`, giving the cost of the next bucket
cur_distance_idx: usize,
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impl<'ctx, G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> RankingRule<'ctx, QueryGraph> for GraphBasedRankingRule<G> {
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fn id(&self) -> String {
fn start_iteration(
&mut self,
2023-03-13 14:03:48 +01:00
ctx: &mut SearchContext<'ctx>,
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_logger: &mut dyn SearchLogger<QueryGraph>,
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_universe: &RoaringBitmap,
query_graph: &QueryGraph,
) -> Result<()> {
let removal_cost = if let Some(terms_matching_strategy) = self.terms_matching_strategy {
// oh no this is wrong!
// because
// skipping the second node should require that the first one be skipped too
match terms_matching_strategy {
TermsMatchingStrategy::Last => {
let removal_order =
let mut forbidden_nodes =
let mut costs =|_| None);
let mut cost = 100;
for ns in removal_order {
for n in ns.iter() {
*costs.get_mut(n) = Some((cost, forbidden_nodes.clone()));
cost = 1000;
TermsMatchingStrategy::All =>|_| None),
} else {|_| None)
let graph = RankingRuleGraph::build(ctx, query_graph.clone(), removal_cost)?;
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let condition_docids_cache = ConditionDocIdsCache::default();
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let dead_ends_cache = DeadEndsCache::new(&graph.conditions_interner);
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// Then pre-compute the cost of all paths from each node to the end node
let all_costs = graph.find_all_costs_to_end();
let state = GraphBasedRankingRuleState {
2023-03-16 11:49:23 +01:00
conditions_cache: condition_docids_cache,
2023-03-19 15:03:57 +01:00
cur_distance_idx: 0,
self.state = Some(state);
fn next_bucket(
&mut self,
2023-03-13 14:03:48 +01:00
ctx: &mut SearchContext<'ctx>,
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logger: &mut dyn SearchLogger<QueryGraph>,
universe: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<Option<RankingRuleOutput<QueryGraph>>> {
2023-03-08 13:26:29 +01:00
// If universe.len() <= 1, the bucket sort algorithm
// should not have called this function.
assert!(universe.len() > 1);
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// Will crash if `next_bucket` is called before `start_iteration` or after `end_iteration`,
// should never happen
let mut state = self.state.take().unwrap();
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// If the cur_distance_idx does not point to a valid cost in the `all_distances`
// structure, then we have computed all the buckets and can return.
if state.cur_distance_idx >= state.all_costs.get(state.graph.query_graph.root_node).len() {
self.state = None;
return Ok(None);
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// Retrieve the cost of the paths to compute
let cost = state.all_costs.get(state.graph.query_graph.root_node)[state.cur_distance_idx];
state.cur_distance_idx += 1;
let mut bucket = RoaringBitmap::new();
let GraphBasedRankingRuleState {
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conditions_cache: condition_docids_cache,
2023-03-19 15:03:57 +01:00
cur_distance_idx: _,
} = &mut state;
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let original_universe = universe;
let mut universe = universe.clone();
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let original_graph = graph.clone();
let mut used_conditions = SmallBitmap::for_interned_values_in(&graph.conditions_interner);
let mut good_paths = vec![];
let mut considered_paths = vec![];
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// For each path of the given cost, we will compute its associated
// document ids.
// In case the path does not resolve to any document id, we try to figure out why
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// and update the `dead_ends_cache` accordingly.
// Updating the dead_ends_cache helps speed up the execution of `visit_paths_of_cost` and reduces
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// the number of future candidate paths given by that same function.
let mut subpaths_docids: Vec<(Interned<G::Condition>, RoaringBitmap)> = vec![];
let visitor = PathVisitor::new(cost, graph, all_costs, dead_ends_cache);
visitor.visit_paths(&mut |path, graph, dead_ends_cache| {
// If the universe is empty, stop exploring the graph, since no docids will ever be found anymore.
if universe.is_empty() {
return Ok(ControlFlow::Break(()));
// `visit_paths` performs a depth-first search, so the previously visited path
// is likely to share a prefix with the current one.
// We stored the previous path and the docids associated to each of its prefixes in `subpaths_docids`.
// We take advantage of this to avoid computing the docids associated with the common prefix between
// the old and current path.
let idx_of_first_different_condition = {
let mut idx = 0;
for (&last_c, cur_c) in path.iter().zip(subpaths_docids.iter().map(|x| x.0)) {
if last_c == cur_c {
idx += 1;
} else {
// Then for the remaining of the path, we continue computing docids.
for latest_condition in path[idx_of_first_different_condition..].iter().copied() {
// The visit_path_condition will stop
let success = visit_path_condition(
&mut subpaths_docids,
if !success {
return Ok(ControlFlow::Continue(()));
assert!(subpaths_docids.iter().map(|x| x.0).eq(path.iter().copied()));
let path_docids =
subpaths_docids.pop().map(|x| x.1).unwrap_or_else(|| universe.clone());
// Accumulate the path for logging purposes only
for &condition in path {
bucket |= &path_docids;
// Reduce the size of the universe so that we can more optimistically discard candidate paths
universe -= &path_docids;
for (_, docids) in subpaths_docids.iter_mut() {
*docids -= &path_docids;
if universe.is_empty() {
} else {
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2023-03-13 14:03:48 +01:00
2023-03-13 14:03:48 +01:00
// We modify the next query graph so that it only contains the subgraph
// that was used to compute this bucket
// But we only do it in case the bucket length is >1, because otherwise
// we know the child ranking rule won't be called anyway
let paths: Vec<Vec<(Option<LocatedQueryTermSubset>, LocatedQueryTermSubset)>> = good_paths
.map(|path| {
.map(|condition| {
let (a, b) =
(a.clone(), b.clone())
let next_query_graph = QueryGraph::build_from_paths(paths);
self.state = Some(state);
Ok(Some(RankingRuleOutput { query: next_query_graph, candidates: bucket }))
fn end_iteration(
&mut self,
2023-03-13 14:03:48 +01:00
_ctx: &mut SearchContext<'ctx>,
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_logger: &mut dyn SearchLogger<QueryGraph>,
) {
self.state = None;
/// Returns false if the intersection between the condition
/// docids and the previous path docids is empty.
fn visit_path_condition<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait>(
ctx: &mut SearchContext,
graph: &mut RankingRuleGraph<G>,
universe: &RoaringBitmap,
dead_ends_cache: &mut DeadEndsCache<G::Condition>,
condition_docids_cache: &mut ConditionDocIdsCache<G>,
subpath: &mut Vec<(Interned<G::Condition>, RoaringBitmap)>,
latest_condition: Interned<G::Condition>,
) -> Result<bool> {
let condition_docids = &condition_docids_cache
.get_computed_condition(ctx, latest_condition, graph, universe)?
if condition_docids.is_empty() {
// 1. Store in the cache that this edge is empty for this universe
// 2. remove all the edges with this condition from the ranking rule graph
return Ok(false);
let latest_path_docids = if let Some((_, prev_docids)) = subpath.last() {
prev_docids & condition_docids
} else {
if !latest_path_docids.is_empty() {
subpath.push((latest_condition, latest_path_docids));
return Ok(true);
// If the (sub)path is empty, we try to figure out why and update the caches accordingly.
// First, we know that this path is empty, and thus any path
// that is a superset of it will also be empty.
dead_ends_cache.forbid_condition_after_prefix(subpath.iter().map(|x| x.0), latest_condition);
if subpath.len() <= 1 {
return Ok(false);
let mut subprefix = vec![];
// Deadend if the intersection between this edge and any
// previous prefix is disjoint with the universe
// We already know that the intersection with the last one
// is empty,
for (past_condition, sp_docids) in subpath[..subpath.len() - 1].iter() {
if condition_docids.is_disjoint(sp_docids) {
.forbid_condition_after_prefix(subprefix.iter().copied(), latest_condition);