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Contributing to MAT2

The main repository for MAT2 is on 0xacab, with a mirror on gitlab.com.

Do feel free to pick up an issue and to send a pull-request. Please do check that everything is fine by running the testsuite with python3 -m unittest discover -v before submitting one :)

If you're fixing a bug or adding a new feature, please add tests accordingly, this will greatly improve the odds of your merge-request getting merged.

If you're adding a new fileformat, please add tests for:

  1. Getting metadata
  2. Cleaning metadata
  3. Raising ValueError upon a corrupted file

Doing a release

  1. Update the changelog
  2. Update the version in the mat2 file
  3. Update the version in the setup.py file
  4. Commit the changelog, mat2 and setup.py files
  5. Create a tag with git tag -s $VERSION
  6. Push the tag with git push --tags