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LdapCherry aims at being as simple as possible to deploy.
The Application is constituted of:
* ldapcherryd: the daemon to lauch LdapCherry
* one ini file (ldapcherry.ini by default): the entry point for the configuration, containing all the "technical" attributes
* two yaml files (roles.yml and attributes by default): the files containing the roles and attributes definition
LdapCherry is launched using the internal cherrypy server:
.. sourcecode:: bash
# ldapcherryd help
$ ldapcherryd -h
# launching ldapcherryd in the forground
$ ldapcherryd -c /etc/ldapcherry/ldapcherry.ini
# launching ldapcherryd as a daemon
$ ldapcherryd -c /etc/ldapcherry/ldapcherry.ini -p /var/run/ldapcherry/ldapcherry.pid -d
Roles and Attributes Configuration
Entry point in main configuration
The main configuration file (ldapcherry.ini by default) contains two parameters locating the roles and attributes configuration files:
| Parameter | Section | Description | Values |
| attributes.file | attributes | Attributes configuration file | Path to conf file |
| roles.file | roles | Roles configuration file | Path to conf file |
Attributes Configuration
The attributes configuration is done in a yaml file (attributes.yml by default).
Mandatory parameters
The mandatory parameters for an attribute, and their format are the following:
.. sourcecode:: yaml
<attr id>:
description: <Human readable description of the attribute> # (free text)
display_name: <Display name in LdapCherry forms> # (free text)
weight: <weight controlling the display order of the attributes, lower is first> # (integer)
type: <type of the attributes> # (in ['int', 'string', 'email', 'stringlist', 'fix'])
backends: # (list of backend attributes name)
- <backend id 1>: <backend 1 attribute name>
- <backend id 2>: <backend 2 attribute name>
.. warning::
<attr id> (the attribute id) must be unique, LdapCherry won't start if it's not.
.. warning::
<backend id> (the backend id) must be defined in main configuration
(ldapcherry.ini by default). LdapCherry won't start if it's not.
Type stringlist values
If **type** is set to **stringlist** the parameter **values** must be filled with the list of possible values:
.. sourcecode:: yaml
<attr id>:
description: <Human readable description of the attribute>
display_name: <Display name in LdapCherry forms>
weight: <weight controlling the display order of the attributes)
type: stringlist
- value1
- value2
- value3
- <backend id>: <backend attribute name>
Key attribute:
One attribute must be used as a unique key accross all backends:
To set the key attribute, you must set **key** to **True** on this attribute.
.. sourcecode:: yaml
description: "UID of the user"
display_name: "UID"
search_displayed: True
key: True # defining the attribute as "key"
type: string
weight: 50
ldap: uid
ad: sAMAccountName
Authorize self modification
A user can modify some of it's attributes (self modification).
In such case, the parameter **self** must set to **True**:
.. sourcecode:: yaml
<attr id>:
description: <Human readable description of the attribute>
display_name: <Display name in LdapCherry forms>
weight: <weight controlling the display order of the attributes)
type: <type of the attributes>
self: True
- <backend id 1>: <backend 1 attribute name>
- <backend id 2>: <backend 2 attribute name>
LdapCherry has the possibility to autofill fields from other fields,
to use this functionnality **autofill** must be set.
.. sourcecode:: yaml
description: "Group ID Number of the user"
display_name: "GID Number"
weight: 70
type: int
function: lcUidNumber # name of the function to call
args: # list of arguments
- $first-name #
- $name
- '10000'
- '40000'
ldap: gidNumber
Arguments of the autofill function work as follow:
* if argument starts with **$**, for example **$my_field**, the value of form input **my_field** will be passed to the function.
* otherwise, it will be treated as a fixed argument.
Available autofill functions:
* lcUid: generate 8 characters uid from 2 other fields (first letter of the first field, 7 first letters of the second):
.. sourcecode:: yaml
function: lcUid
- $first-name
- $name
* lcDisplayName: concatenate two fields
.. sourcecode:: yaml
function: lcDisplayName
- $first-name
- $name
* lcMail: generate an email address from 2 other fields and a domain (<uid>+domain)
.. sourcecode:: yaml
function: lcMail
- $first-name
- $name
- '@example.com'
* lcUidNumber: generate an uid number from 2 other fields and between a minimum and maximum value
.. sourcecode:: yaml
function: lcUidNumber
- $first-name
- $name
- '10000'
- '40000'
* lcHomeDir: generate an home directory from 2 other fields and a root (<root>+<uid>)
.. sourcecode:: yaml
function: lcHomeDir
- $first-name
- $name
- /home/
Roles Configuration
The roles configuration is done in a yaml file (roles.yml by default).
Mandatory parameters
Roles are seen as an aggregate of groups:
.. sourcecode:: yaml
<role id>:
display_name: <Role display name in LdapCherry>
description: <human readable role description>
backends_groups: # list of backends
<backend id 1>: # list of groups in backend
- <b1 group 1>
- <b1 group 2>
<backend id 2>:
- <b2 group 1>
- <b2 group 2>
.. warning:: <role id> must be unique, LdapCherry won't start if it's not
Defining LdapCherry Administrator role
One of the declared roles must be tagged to be LdapCherry administrators.
Doing so is done by setting **LC_admins** to **True** for the selected role:
.. sourcecode:: yaml
<role id>:
display_name: <Role display name in LdapCherry>
description: <human readable role description>
LC_admins: True
backends_groups: # list of backends
<backend id 1>: # list of groups in backend
- <b1 group 1>
- <b1 group 2>
<backend id 2>:
- <b2 group 1>
- <b2 group 2>
Nesting roles
LdapCherry handles roles nesting:
.. sourcecode:: yaml
display_name: Role parent
description: The parent role
- b1_group_1
- b1_group_2
- b2_group_1
- b2_group_2
display_name: Child role 1
description: The first Child Role
- b1_group_3
display_name: Child role 2
description: The second Child Role
- b1_group_4
In that case, child_role_1 and child_role_2 will contain all groups of parent_role plus their own specific groups.
Main Configuration
LdapCherry uses the embedded http server of CherryPy, however it has some limitations:
* no listening on port 80/443 (unless run as root, which is strongly discourage)
* no https
The simpler way to properly deploy LdapCherry is to run it listening only on localhost
with a port above 1024 and put it behind an http server like nginx, apache or lighttpd
acting as a reverse http(s) proxy.
| Parameter | Section | Description | Values | Comment |
| server.socket_host | global | Listening IP | IP on which to listen | Use '' to listen on any interfaces. |
| server.socket_port | global | Listening Port | TCP Port | |
| server.thread_pool | global | Number of threads created | Number of threads | |
| | | by the CherryPy server | threads | |
| tools.staticdir.on | /static | Serve static files through | True, False | These files could be server directly by an |
| | | LdapCherry | | HTTP server for better performance. |
| tools.staticdir.dir | /static | Directory containing LdapCherry | Path to static resources | |
| | | static resources (js, css, img...) | | |
.. sourcecode:: ini
# listing interface
server.socket_host = ''
# port
server.socket_port = 8080
# number of threads
server.thread_pool = 8
# enable cherrypy static handling
# to comment if static content are handled otherwise
tools.staticdir.on = True
tools.staticdir.dir = '/usr/share/ldapcherry/static/'
Backends are configure in the **backends** section, the format is the following:
.. sourcecode:: ini
# backend python module path
<backend id>.module = 'python.module.path'
# parameters of the module instance for backend <backend id>.
<backend id>.<param> = <value>
It's possible to instanciate the same module several times.
Authentication and sessions
LdapCherry supports several authentication modes:
| Parameter | Section | Description | Values | Comment |
| auth.mode | auth | Authentication mode | * 'and' (user must auth on all backends) | |
| | | | * 'or' (user must auth on one of the backends) | |
| | | | * 'none' (disable auth) | |
| | | | * 'custom' (use custom auth module) | |
| auth.module | auth | Custom auth module | python class path to module | only used if auth.mode='custom' |
| tools.sessions.timeout | global | Session timeout in | Number of minutes | |
| | | minutes | | |
Different session backends can also be configured (see CherryPy documentation for details)
.. sourcecode:: ini
# session configuration
# activate session
tools.sessions.on = True
# session timeout in minutes
tools.sessions.timeout = 10
# file session storage(to use if multiple processes,
# default is in RAM and per process)
#tools.sessions.storage_type = "file"
# session
#tools.sessions.storage_path = "/var/lib/ldapcherry/sessions"
# Auth mode
# * and: user must authenticate on all backends
# * or: user must authenticate on one of the backend
# * none: disable authentification
# * custom: custom authentification module (need auth.module param)
auth.mode = 'or'
# custom auth module to load
#auth.module = 'ldapcherry.auth.modNone'
LdapCherry has two loggers, one for errors and applicative actions (login, del/add, logout...) and one for access logs.
Each logger can be configured to log to syslog, file or be desactivated.
Logging parameters:
| Parameter | Section | Description | Values | Comment |
| log.access_handler | global | Logger type for access log | 'syslog', 'file', 'none' | |
| log.error_handler | global | Logger type for applicative log | 'syslog', 'file', 'none' | |
| log.access_file | global | log file for access log | path to log file | only used if log.access_handler='file' |
| log.error_file | global | log file for applicative log | path to log file | only used if log.error_handler='file' |
| log.level | global | log level of LdapCherry | 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical' | |
.. sourcecode:: ini
# logger syslog for access log
log.access_handler = 'syslog'
# logger syslog for error and ldapcherry log
log.error_handler = 'syslog'
# log level
log.level = 'info'
Other LdapCherry parameters
.. sourcecode:: ini
# resources parameters
# templates directory
template_dir = '/usr/share/ldapcherry/templates/'