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synced 2025-03-29 11:00:39 +01:00
3571: Introduce two filters to select documents with `null` and empty fields r=irevoire a=Kerollmops # Pull Request ## Related issue This PR implements the `X IS NULL`, `X IS NOT NULL`, `X IS EMPTY`, `X IS NOT EMPTY` filters that [this comment](https://github.com/meilisearch/product/discussions/539#discussioncomment-5115884) is describing in a very detailed manner. ## What does this PR do? ### `IS NULL` and `IS NOT NULL` This PR will be exposed as a prototype for now. Below is the copy/pasted version of a spec that defines this filter. - `IS NULL` matches fields that `EXISTS` AND `= IS NULL` - `IS NOT NULL` matches fields that `NOT EXISTS` OR `!= IS NULL` 1. `{"name": "A", "price": null}` 2. `{"name": "A", "price": 10}` 3. `{"name": "A"}` `price IS NULL` would match 1 `price IS NOT NULL` or `NOT price IS NULL` would match 2,3 `price EXISTS` would match 1, 2 `price NOT EXISTS` or `NOT price EXISTS` would match 3 common query : `(price EXISTS) AND (price IS NOT NULL)` would match 2 ### `IS EMPTY` and `IS NOT EMPTY` - `IS EMPTY` matches Array `[]`, Object `{}`, or String `""` fields that `EXISTS` and are empty - `IS NOT EMPTY` matches fields that `NOT EXISTS` OR are not empty. 1. `{"name": "A", "tags": null}` 2. `{"name": "A", "tags": [null]}` 3. `{"name": "A", "tags": []}` 4. `{"name": "A", "tags": ["hello","world"]}` 5. `{"name": "A", "tags": [""]}` 6. `{"name": "A"}` 7. `{"name": "A", "tags": {}}` 8. `{"name": "A", "tags": {"t1":"v1"}}` 9. `{"name": "A", "tags": {"t1":""}}` 10. `{"name": "A", "tags": ""}` `tags IS EMPTY` would match 3,7,10 `tags IS NOT EMPTY` or `NOT tags IS EMPTY` would match 1,2,4,5,6,8,9 `tags IS NULL` would match 1 `tags IS NOT NULL` or `NOT tags IS NULL` would match 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 `tags EXISTS` would match 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 `tags NOT EXISTS` or `NOT tags EXISTS` would match 6 common query : `(tags EXISTS) AND (tags IS NOT NULL) AND (tags IS NOT EMPTY)` would match 2,4,5,8,9 ## What should the reviewer do? - Check that I tested the filters - Check that I deleted the ids of the documents when deleting documents Co-authored-by: Clément Renault <clement@meilisearch.com> Co-authored-by: Kerollmops <clement@meilisearch.com>
383 lines
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383 lines
14 KiB
use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::{take_till, take_while, take_while1};
use nom::character::complete::{char, multispace0};
use nom::combinator::cut;
use nom::sequence::{delimited, terminated};
use nom::{InputIter, InputLength, InputTake, Slice};
use crate::error::{ExpectedValueKind, NomErrorExt};
use crate::{
parse_geo, parse_geo_bounding_box, parse_geo_distance, parse_geo_point, parse_geo_radius,
Error, ErrorKind, IResult, Span, Token,
/// This function goes through all characters in the [Span] if it finds any escaped character (`\`).
/// It generates a new string with all `\` removed from the [Span].
fn unescape(buf: Span, char_to_escape: char) -> String {
let to_escape = format!("\\{}", char_to_escape);
buf.replace(&to_escape, &char_to_escape.to_string())
/// Parse a value in quote. If it encounter an escaped quote it'll unescape it.
fn quoted_by(quote: char, input: Span) -> IResult<Token> {
// empty fields / values are valid in json
if input.is_empty() {
return Ok((input.slice(input.input_len()..), input.into()));
let mut escaped = false;
let mut i = input.iter_indices();
while let Some((idx, c)) = i.next() {
if c == quote {
let (rem, output) = input.take_split(idx);
return Ok((rem, Token::new(output, escaped.then(|| unescape(output, quote)))));
} else if c == '\\' {
if let Some((_, c)) = i.next() {
escaped |= c == quote;
} else {
return Err(nom::Err::Error(Error::new_from_kind(
// if it was preceeded by a `\` or if it was anything else we can continue to advance
Token::new(input, escaped.then(|| unescape(input, quote))),
// word = (alphanumeric | _ | - | .)+ except for reserved keywords
pub fn word_not_keyword<'a>(input: Span<'a>) -> IResult<Token<'a>> {
let (input, word): (_, Token<'a>) =
take_while1(is_value_component)(input).map(|(s, t)| (s, t.into()))?;
if is_keyword(word.value()) {
return Err(nom::Err::Error(Error::new_from_kind(
Ok((input, word))
// word = {tag}
pub fn word_exact<'a, 'b: 'a>(tag: &'b str) -> impl Fn(Span<'a>) -> IResult<'a, Token<'a>> {
move |input| {
let (input, word): (_, Token<'a>) =
take_while1(is_value_component)(input).map(|(s, t)| (s, t.into()))?;
if word.value() == tag {
Ok((input, word))
} else {
/// value = WS* ( word | singleQuoted | doubleQuoted) WS+
pub fn parse_value(input: Span) -> IResult<Token> {
// to get better diagnostic message we are going to strip the left whitespaces from the input right now
let (input, _) = take_while(char::is_whitespace)(input)?;
// then, we want to check if the user is misusing a geo expression
// This expression can’t finish without error.
// We want to return an error in case of failure.
let geo_reserved_parse_functions = [parse_geo_point, parse_geo_distance, parse_geo];
for parser in geo_reserved_parse_functions {
if let Err(err) = parser(input) {
if err.is_failure() {
return Err(err);
match parse_geo_radius(input) {
Ok(_) => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::MisusedGeoRadius)))
// if we encountered a failure it means the user badly wrote a _geoRadius filter.
// But instead of showing them how to fix his syntax we are going to tell them they should not use this filter as a value.
Err(e) if e.is_failure() => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::MisusedGeoRadius)))
_ => (),
match parse_geo_bounding_box(input) {
Ok(_) => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(
// if we encountered a failure it means the user badly wrote a _geoBoundingBox filter.
// But instead of showing them how to fix his syntax we are going to tell them they should not use this filter as a value.
Err(e) if e.is_failure() => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(
_ => (),
// this parser is only used when an error is encountered and it parse the
// largest string possible that do not contain any “language” syntax.
// If we try to parse `name = 🦀 AND language = rust` we want to return an
// error saying we could not parse `🦀`. Not that no value were found or that
// we could note parse `🦀 AND language = rust`.
// we want to remove the space before entering the alt because if we don't,
// when we create the errors from the output of the alt we have spaces everywhere
let error_word = take_till::<_, _, Error>(is_syntax_component);
let (input, value) = terminated(
delimited(char('\''), cut(|input| quoted_by('\'', input)), cut(char('\''))),
delimited(char('"'), cut(|input| quoted_by('"', input)), cut(char('"'))),
// if we found nothing in the alt it means the user specified something that was not recognized as a value
.map_err(|e: nom::Err<Error>| {
e.map_err(|error| {
let expected_value_kind = if matches!(error.kind(), ErrorKind::ReservedKeyword(_)) {
} else {
.map_err(|e| {
e.map_fail(|failure| {
// if we found encountered a char failure it means the user had an unmatched quote
if matches!(failure.kind(), ErrorKind::Char(_)) {
Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::MissingClosingDelimiter(failure.char()))
} else {
// else we let the failure untouched
Ok((input, value))
fn is_value_component(c: char) -> bool {
c.is_alphanumeric() || ['_', '-', '.'].contains(&c)
fn is_syntax_component(c: char) -> bool {
c.is_whitespace() || ['(', ')', '=', '<', '>', '!'].contains(&c)
fn is_keyword(s: &str) -> bool {
| "OR"
| "IN"
| "NOT"
| "TO"
| "IS"
| "NULL"
| "_geoRadius"
| "_geoBoundingBox"
pub mod test {
use nom::Finish;
use super::*;
use crate::tests::rtok;
fn test_span() {
let test_case = [
("channel", rtok("", "channel")),
(".private", rtok("", ".private")),
("I-love-kebab", rtok("", "I-love-kebab")),
("but_snakes_is_also_good", rtok("", "but_snakes_is_also_good")),
("parens(", rtok("", "parens")),
("parens)", rtok("", "parens")),
("not!", rtok("", "not")),
(" channel", rtok(" ", "channel")),
("channel ", rtok("", "channel")),
(" channel ", rtok(" ", "channel")),
("'channel'", rtok("'", "channel")),
("\"channel\"", rtok("\"", "channel")),
("'cha)nnel'", rtok("'", "cha)nnel")),
("'cha\"nnel'", rtok("'", "cha\"nnel")),
("\"cha'nnel\"", rtok("\"", "cha'nnel")),
("\" some spaces \"", rtok("\"", " some spaces ")),
("\"cha'nnel\"", rtok("'", "cha'nnel")),
("\"cha'nnel\"", rtok("'", "cha'nnel")),
("I'm tamo", rtok("'m tamo", "I")),
("\"I'm \\\"super\\\" tamo\"", rtok("\"", "I'm \\\"super\\\" tamo")),
for (input, expected) in test_case {
let input = Span::new_extra(input, input);
let result = parse_value(input);
"Filter `{:?}` was supposed to be parsed but failed with the following error: `{}`",
let token = result.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!(token, expected, "Filter `{}` failed.", input);
fn test_escape_inside_double_quote() {
// (input, remaining, expected output token, output value)
let test_case = [
("aaaa", "", rtok("", "aaaa"), "aaaa"),
(r#"aa"aa"#, r#""aa"#, rtok("", "aa"), "aa"),
(r#"aa\"aa"#, r#""#, rtok("", r#"aa\"aa"#), r#"aa"aa"#),
(r#"aa\\\aa"#, r#""#, rtok("", r#"aa\\\aa"#), r#"aa\\\aa"#),
(r#"aa\\"\aa"#, r#""\aa"#, rtok("", r#"aa\\"#), r#"aa\\"#),
(r#"aa\\\"\aa"#, r#""#, rtok("", r#"aa\\\"\aa"#), r#"aa\\"\aa"#),
(r#"\"\""#, r#""#, rtok("", r#"\"\""#), r#""""#),
for (input, remaining, expected_tok, expected_val) in test_case {
let span = Span::new_extra(input, "");
let result = quoted_by('"', span);
let (rem, output) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(rem.to_string(), remaining);
assert_eq!(output, expected_tok);
assert_eq!(output.value(), expected_val.to_string());
fn test_unescape() {
// double quote
unescape(Span::new_extra(r#"Hello \"World\""#, ""), '"'),
r#"Hello "World""#.to_string()
unescape(Span::new_extra(r#"Hello \\\"World\\\""#, ""), '"'),
r#"Hello \\"World\\""#.to_string()
// simple quote
unescape(Span::new_extra(r#"Hello \'World\'"#, ""), '\''),
r#"Hello 'World'"#.to_string()
unescape(Span::new_extra(r#"Hello \\\'World\\\'"#, ""), '\''),
r#"Hello \\'World\\'"#.to_string()
fn test_value() {
let test_case = [
// (input, expected value, if a string was generated to hold the new value)
("channel", "channel", false),
// All the base test, no escaped string should be generated
(".private", ".private", false),
("I-love-kebab", "I-love-kebab", false),
("but_snakes_is_also_good", "but_snakes_is_also_good", false),
("parens(", "parens", false),
("parens)", "parens", false),
("not!", "not", false),
(" channel", "channel", false),
("channel ", "channel", false),
(" channel ", "channel", false),
("'channel'", "channel", false),
("\"channel\"", "channel", false),
("'cha)nnel'", "cha)nnel", false),
("'cha\"nnel'", "cha\"nnel", false),
("\"cha'nnel\"", "cha'nnel", false),
("\" some spaces \"", " some spaces ", false),
("\"cha'nnel\"", "cha'nnel", false),
("\"cha'nnel\"", "cha'nnel", false),
("I'm tamo", "I", false),
// escaped thing but not quote
(r#""\\""#, r#"\\"#, false),
(r#""\\\\\\""#, r#"\\\\\\"#, false),
(r#""aa\\aa""#, r#"aa\\aa"#, false),
// with double quote
(r#""Hello \"world\"""#, r#"Hello "world""#, true),
(r#""Hello \\\"world\\\"""#, r#"Hello \\"world\\""#, true),
(r#""I'm \"super\" tamo""#, r#"I'm "super" tamo"#, true),
(r#""\"\"""#, r#""""#, true),
// with simple quote
(r#"'Hello \'world\''"#, r#"Hello 'world'"#, true),
(r#"'Hello \\\'world\\\''"#, r#"Hello \\'world\\'"#, true),
(r#"'I\'m "super" tamo'"#, r#"I'm "super" tamo"#, true),
(r#"'\'\''"#, r#"''"#, true),
for (input, expected, escaped) in test_case {
let input = Span::new_extra(input, input);
let result = parse_value(input);
"Filter `{:?}` was supposed to be parsed but failed with the following error: `{}`",
let token = result.unwrap().1;
"Filter `{}` was not supposed to be escaped",
assert_eq!(token.value(), expected, "Filter `{}` failed.", input);
fn diagnostic() {
let test_case = [
("🦀", "🦀"),
(" 🦀", "🦀"),
("🦀 AND crab = truc", "🦀"),
("🦀_in_name", "🦀_in_name"),
(" (name = ...", ""),
for (input, expected) in test_case {
let input = Span::new_extra(input, input);
let result = parse_value(input);
"Filter `{}` wasn’t supposed to be parsed but it did with the following result: `{:?}`",
// get the inner string referenced in the error
let value = *result.finish().unwrap_err().context().fragment();
assert_eq!(value, expected, "Filter `{}` was supposed to fail with the following value: `{}`, but it failed with: `{}`.", input, expected, value);