bors[bot] ee3a49cfba
Merge #291
291: Fix a bug about zero bytes in the inputs r=irevoire a=Kerollmops

Ok, good news, after a little session of debugging with `@irevoire` we found out that the bug seems to be related to zeroes in the input update. The engine wasn't designed to accept those. The chosen solution is to update the tokenizer to remove those zeroes. We are waiting on to be merged and a new version to be released.

It is not an undefined behavior, I repeat: it is a "normal" bug 🎉 👏


This PR tries to fix a bug where we use LMDB in the wrong way, leading to panic due to an undefined behavior on the Rust side. I thought [we fixed it in a previous PR]( but we found out that _a similar_ bug was still present. `@bb` found a way to trigger this bug and helped us find the origin of it.

As I don't have a minimal reproducible example of this bug I bet on the unsafe `put_current` calls when we index new documents as the bug was trigger after a big indexation on a clean database, thus not triggering a deletion update. I only replaced the unsafe `put_current` with two safe calls to `get`/`put`.

I hope it helps and fixes the bug, only `@bb` can help us check that. I am not even sure how I can create a custom Docker image and expose it for testing purposes.

  <summary>The backtrace leading us to a panic in grenad.</summary>

meilisearch_1    | thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'assertion failed: key > &last_key', /root/.cargo/git/checkouts/grenad-e2cb77f65d31bb02/3adcb26/src/
meilisearch_1    | stack backtrace:
meilisearch_1    |    0: rust_begin_unwind
meilisearch_1    |              at ./rustc/53cb7b09b00cbea8754ffb78e7e3cb521cb8af4b/library/std/src/
meilisearch_1    |    1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
meilisearch_1    |              at ./rustc/53cb7b09b00cbea8754ffb78e7e3cb521cb8af4b/library/core/src/
meilisearch_1    |    2: core::panicking::panic
meilisearch_1    |              at ./rustc/53cb7b09b00cbea8754ffb78e7e3cb521cb8af4b/library/core/src/
meilisearch_1    |    3: grenad::block_builder::BlockBuilder::insert
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/git/checkouts/grenad-e2cb77f65d31bb02/3adcb26/src/
meilisearch_1    |    4: grenad::writer::Writer<W>::insert
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/git/checkouts/grenad-e2cb77f65d31bb02/3adcb26/src/
meilisearch_1    |    5: milli::update::words_level_positions::write_level_entry
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/git/checkouts/milli-00376cd5db949a15/007fec2/milli/src/update/
meilisearch_1    |    6: milli::update::words_level_positions::compute_positions_levels
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/git/checkouts/milli-00376cd5db949a15/007fec2/milli/src/update/
meilisearch_1    |    7: milli::update::words_level_positions::WordsLevelPositions::execute
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/git/checkouts/milli-00376cd5db949a15/007fec2/milli/src/update/
meilisearch_1    |    8: milli::update::index_documents::IndexDocuments::execute_raw
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/git/checkouts/milli-00376cd5db949a15/007fec2/milli/src/update/index_documents/
meilisearch_1    |    9: milli::update::index_documents::IndexDocuments::execute
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/git/checkouts/milli-00376cd5db949a15/007fec2/milli/src/update/index_documents/
meilisearch_1    |   10: meilisearch_http::index::updates::<impl meilisearch_http::index::Index>::update_documents_txn
meilisearch_1    |              at ./meilisearch/meilisearch-http/src/index/
meilisearch_1    |   11: meilisearch_http::index::updates::<impl meilisearch_http::index::Index>::update_documents
meilisearch_1    |              at ./meilisearch/meilisearch-http/src/index/
meilisearch_1    |   12: meilisearch_http::index::update_handler::UpdateHandler::handle_update
meilisearch_1    |              at ./meilisearch/meilisearch-http/src/index/
meilisearch_1    |   13: meilisearch_http::index_controller::index_actor::actor::IndexActor<S>::handle_update::{{closure}}::{{closure}}
meilisearch_1    |              at ./meilisearch/meilisearch-http/src/index_controller/index_actor/
meilisearch_1    |   14: <tokio::runtime::blocking::task::BlockingTask<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   15: tokio::runtime::task::core::CoreStage<T>::poll::{{closure}}
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   16: tokio::loom::std::unsafe_cell::UnsafeCell<T>::with_mut
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   17: tokio::runtime::task::core::CoreStage<T>::poll
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   18: tokio::runtime::task::harness::poll_future::{{closure}}
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   19: <std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe<F> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<()>>::call_once
meilisearch_1    |              at ./rustc/53cb7b09b00cbea8754ffb78e7e3cb521cb8af4b/library/std/src/
meilisearch_1    |   20: std::panicking::try::do_call
meilisearch_1    |              at ./rustc/53cb7b09b00cbea8754ffb78e7e3cb521cb8af4b/library/std/src/
meilisearch_1    |   21: std::panicking::try
meilisearch_1    |              at ./rustc/53cb7b09b00cbea8754ffb78e7e3cb521cb8af4b/library/std/src/
meilisearch_1    |   22: std::panic::catch_unwind
meilisearch_1    |              at ./rustc/53cb7b09b00cbea8754ffb78e7e3cb521cb8af4b/library/std/src/
meilisearch_1    |   23: tokio::runtime::task::harness::poll_future
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   24: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll_inner
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   25: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   26: tokio::runtime::task::raw::RawTask::poll
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   27: tokio::runtime::task::Notified<S>::run
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   28: tokio::runtime::blocking::pool::Inner::run
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    |   29: tokio::runtime::blocking::pool::Spawner::spawn_thread::{{closure}}
meilisearch_1    |              at ./root/.cargo/registry/src/
meilisearch_1    | note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.


Co-authored-by: Kerollmops <>
2021-07-22 16:14:35 +00:00

568 lines
23 KiB

use std::collections::btree_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use chrono::Utc;
use fst::IntoStreamer;
use heed::types::ByteSlice;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use serde_json::Value;
use super::ClearDocuments;
use crate::error::{FieldIdMapMissingEntry, InternalError, UserError};
use crate::heed_codec::facet::FacetStringLevelZeroValueCodec;
use crate::heed_codec::CboRoaringBitmapCodec;
use crate::index::{db_name, main_key};
use crate::{DocumentId, ExternalDocumentsIds, FieldId, Index, Result, SmallString32, BEU32};
pub struct DeleteDocuments<'t, 'u, 'i> {
wtxn: &'t mut heed::RwTxn<'i, 'u>,
index: &'i Index,
external_documents_ids: ExternalDocumentsIds<'static>,
documents_ids: RoaringBitmap,
update_id: u64,
impl<'t, 'u, 'i> DeleteDocuments<'t, 'u, 'i> {
pub fn new(
wtxn: &'t mut heed::RwTxn<'i, 'u>,
index: &'i Index,
update_id: u64,
) -> Result<DeleteDocuments<'t, 'u, 'i>> {
let external_documents_ids = index.external_documents_ids(wtxn)?.into_static();
Ok(DeleteDocuments {
documents_ids: RoaringBitmap::new(),
pub fn delete_document(&mut self, docid: u32) {
pub fn delete_documents(&mut self, docids: &RoaringBitmap) {
self.documents_ids |= docids;
pub fn delete_external_id(&mut self, external_id: &str) -> Option<u32> {
let docid = self.external_documents_ids.get(external_id)?;
pub fn execute(self) -> Result<u64> {
self.index.set_updated_at(self.wtxn, &Utc::now())?;
// We retrieve the current documents ids that are in the database.
let mut documents_ids = self.index.documents_ids(self.wtxn)?;
// We can and must stop removing documents in a database that is empty.
if documents_ids.is_empty() {
return Ok(0);
// We remove the documents ids that we want to delete
// from the documents in the database and write them back.
let current_documents_ids_len = documents_ids.len();
documents_ids -= &self.documents_ids;
self.index.put_documents_ids(self.wtxn, &documents_ids)?;
// We can execute a ClearDocuments operation when the number of documents
// to delete is exactly the number of documents in the database.
if current_documents_ids_len == self.documents_ids.len() {
return ClearDocuments::new(self.wtxn, self.index, self.update_id).execute();
let fields_ids_map = self.index.fields_ids_map(self.wtxn)?;
let primary_key = self.index.primary_key(self.wtxn)?.ok_or_else(|| {
InternalError::DatabaseMissingEntry {
db_name: db_name::MAIN,
key: Some(main_key::PRIMARY_KEY_KEY),
let id_field =|| FieldIdMapMissingEntry::FieldName {
field_name: primary_key.to_string(),
process: "DeleteDocuments::execute",
let Index {
env: _env,
main: _main,
} = self.index;
// Number of fields for each document that has been deleted.
let mut fields_ids_distribution_diff = HashMap::new();
// Retrieve the words and the external documents ids contained in the documents.
let mut words = Vec::new();
let mut external_ids = Vec::new();
for docid in &self.documents_ids {
// We create an iterator to be able to get the content and delete the document
// content itself. It's faster to acquire a cursor to get and delete,
// as we avoid traversing the LMDB B-Tree two times but only once.
let key = BEU32::new(docid);
let mut iter = documents.range_mut(self.wtxn, &(key..=key))?;
if let Some((_key, obkv)) = {
for (field_id, _) in obkv.iter() {
*fields_ids_distribution_diff.entry(field_id).or_default() += 1;
if let Some(content) = obkv.get(id_field) {
let external_id = match serde_json::from_slice(content).unwrap() {
Value::String(string) => SmallString32::from(string.as_str()),
Value::Number(number) => SmallString32::from(number.to_string()),
document_id => {
return Err(UserError::InvalidDocumentId { document_id }.into())
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
// We iterate through the words positions of the document id,
// retrieve the word and delete the positions.
let mut iter = docid_word_positions.prefix_iter_mut(self.wtxn, &(docid, ""))?;
while let Some(result) = {
let ((_docid, word), _positions) = result?;
// This boolean will indicate if we must remove this word from the words FST.
words.push((SmallString32::from(word), false));
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
let mut field_distribution = self.index.field_distribution(self.wtxn)?;
// We use pre-calculated number of fields occurrences that needs to be deleted
// to reflect deleted documents.
// If all field occurrences are removed, delete the entry from distribution.
// Otherwise, insert new number of occurrences (current_count - count_diff).
for (field_id, count_diff) in fields_ids_distribution_diff {
let field_name =;
if let Entry::Occupied(mut entry) = field_distribution.entry(field_name.to_string()) {
match entry.get().checked_sub(count_diff) {
Some(0) | None => entry.remove(),
Some(count) => entry.insert(count),
self.index.put_field_distribution(self.wtxn, &field_distribution)?;
// We create the FST map of the external ids that we must delete.
let external_ids_to_delete = fst::Set::from_iter(external_ids.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref))?;
// We acquire the current external documents ids map...
let mut new_external_documents_ids = self.index.external_documents_ids(self.wtxn)?;
// ...and remove the to-delete external ids.
// We write the new external ids into the main database.
let new_external_documents_ids = new_external_documents_ids.into_static();
self.index.put_external_documents_ids(self.wtxn, &new_external_documents_ids)?;
// Maybe we can improve the get performance of the words
// if we sort the words first, keeping the LMDB pages in cache.
// We iterate over the words and delete the documents ids
// from the word docids database.
for (word, must_remove) in &mut words {
// We create an iterator to be able to get the content and delete the word docids.
// It's faster to acquire a cursor to get and delete or put, as we avoid traversing
// the LMDB B-Tree two times but only once.
let mut iter = word_docids.prefix_iter_mut(self.wtxn, &word)?;
if let Some((key, mut docids)) = {
if key == word.as_ref() {
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
*must_remove = true;
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
let key = key.to_owned();
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&key, &docids)? };
// We construct an FST set that contains the words to delete from the words FST.
let words_to_delete =
|(word, must_remove)| {
if *must_remove {
} else {
let words_to_delete = fst::Set::from_iter(words_to_delete)?;
let new_words_fst = {
// We retrieve the current words FST from the database.
let words_fst = self.index.words_fst(self.wtxn)?;
let difference = words_fst.op().add(&words_to_delete).difference();
// We stream the new external ids that does no more contains the to-delete external ids.
let mut new_words_fst_builder = fst::SetBuilder::memory();
// We create an words FST set from the above builder.
// We write the new words FST into the main database.
self.index.put_words_fst(self.wtxn, &new_words_fst)?;
// We iterate over the word prefix docids database and remove the deleted documents ids
// from every docids lists. We register the empty prefixes in an fst Set for futur deletion.
let mut prefixes_to_delete = fst::SetBuilder::memory();
let mut iter = word_prefix_docids.iter_mut(self.wtxn)?;
while let Some(result) = {
let (prefix, mut docids) = result?;
let prefix = prefix.to_owned();
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&prefix, &docids)? };
// We compute the new prefix FST and write it only if there is a change.
let prefixes_to_delete = prefixes_to_delete.into_set();
if !prefixes_to_delete.is_empty() {
let new_words_prefixes_fst = {
// We retrieve the current words prefixes FST from the database.
let words_prefixes_fst = self.index.words_prefixes_fst(self.wtxn)?;
let difference = words_prefixes_fst.op().add(&prefixes_to_delete).difference();
// We stream the new external ids that does no more contains the to-delete external ids.
let mut new_words_prefixes_fst_builder = fst::SetBuilder::memory();
// We create an words FST set from the above builder.
// We write the new words prefixes FST into the main database.
self.index.put_words_prefixes_fst(self.wtxn, &new_words_prefixes_fst)?;
// We delete the documents ids from the word prefix pair proximity database docids
// and remove the empty pairs too.
let db = word_prefix_pair_proximity_docids.remap_key_type::<ByteSlice>();
let mut iter = db.iter_mut(self.wtxn)?;
while let Some(result) = {
let (key, mut docids) = result?;
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
let key = key.to_owned();
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&key, &docids)? };
// We delete the documents ids that are under the pairs of words,
// it is faster and use no memory to iterate over all the words pairs than
// to compute the cartesian product of every words of the deleted documents.
let mut iter =
while let Some(result) = {
let (bytes, mut docids) = result?;
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
let bytes = bytes.to_owned();
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&bytes, &docids)? };
// We delete the documents ids that are under the word level position docids.
let mut iter =
while let Some(result) = {
let (bytes, mut docids) = result?;
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
let bytes = bytes.to_owned();
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&bytes, &docids)? };
// We delete the documents ids that are under the word prefix level position docids.
let mut iter =
while let Some(result) = {
let (bytes, mut docids) = result?;
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
let bytes = bytes.to_owned();
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&bytes, &docids)? };
// Remove the documents ids from the field id word count database.
let mut iter = field_id_word_count_docids.iter_mut(self.wtxn)?;
while let Some((key, mut docids)) = {
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
let key = key.to_owned();
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&key, &docids)? };
// We delete the documents ids that are under the facet field id values.
// Remove the documents ids from the faceted documents ids.
for field_id in self.index.faceted_fields_ids(self.wtxn)? {
// Remove docids from the number faceted documents ids
let mut docids = self.index.number_faceted_documents_ids(self.wtxn, field_id)?;
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
self.index.put_number_faceted_documents_ids(self.wtxn, field_id, &docids)?;
|(_fid, docid, _value)| docid,
// Remove docids from the string faceted documents ids
let mut docids = self.index.string_faceted_documents_ids(self.wtxn, field_id)?;
docids -= &self.documents_ids;
self.index.put_string_faceted_documents_ids(self.wtxn, field_id, &docids)?;
|(_fid, docid, _value)| docid,
fn remove_docids_from_field_id_docid_facet_value<'a, C, K, F, DC, V>(
wtxn: &'a mut heed::RwTxn,
db: &heed::Database<C, DC>,
field_id: FieldId,
to_remove: &RoaringBitmap,
convert: F,
) -> heed::Result<()>
C: heed::BytesDecode<'a, DItem = K>,
DC: heed::BytesDecode<'a, DItem = V>,
F: Fn(K) -> DocumentId,
let mut iter = db
.prefix_iter_mut(wtxn, &field_id.to_be_bytes())?
while let Some(result) = {
let (key, _) = result?;
if to_remove.contains(convert(key)) {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
fn remove_docids_from_facet_field_id_string_docids<'a, C>(
wtxn: &'a mut heed::RwTxn,
db: &heed::Database<C, FacetStringLevelZeroValueCodec<CboRoaringBitmapCodec>>,
to_remove: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> heed::Result<()>
C: heed::BytesDecode<'a> + heed::BytesEncode<'a>,
let mut iter = db.remap_key_type::<ByteSlice>().iter_mut(wtxn)?;
while let Some(result) = {
let (bytes, (original_value, mut docids)) = result?;
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= to_remove;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
let bytes = bytes.to_owned();
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&bytes, &(original_value, docids))? };
fn remove_docids_from_facet_field_id_number_docids<'a, C>(
wtxn: &'a mut heed::RwTxn,
db: &heed::Database<C, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
to_remove: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> heed::Result<()>
C: heed::BytesDecode<'a> + heed::BytesEncode<'a>,
let mut iter = db.remap_key_type::<ByteSlice>().iter_mut(wtxn)?;
while let Some(result) = {
let (bytes, mut docids) = result?;
let previous_len = docids.len();
docids -= to_remove;
if docids.is_empty() {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
} else if docids.len() != previous_len {
let bytes = bytes.to_owned();
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(&bytes, &docids)? };
mod tests {
use heed::EnvOpenOptions;
use super::*;
use crate::update::{IndexDocuments, UpdateFormat};
fn delete_documents_with_numbers_as_primary_key() {
let path = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new();
options.map_size(10 * 1024 * 1024); // 10 MB
let index = Index::new(options, &path).unwrap();
let mut wtxn = index.write_txn().unwrap();
let content = &br#"[
{ "id": 0, "name": "kevin", "object": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } },
{ "id": 1, "name": "kevina", "array": ["I", "am", "fine"] },
{ "id": 2, "name": "benoit", "array_of_object": [{ "wow": "amazing" }] }
let mut builder = IndexDocuments::new(&mut wtxn, &index, 0);
builder.execute(content, |_, _| ()).unwrap();
// delete those documents, ids are synchronous therefore 0, 1, and 2.
let mut builder = DeleteDocuments::new(&mut wtxn, &index, 1).unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
fn delete_documents_with_strange_primary_key() {
let path = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new();
options.map_size(10 * 1024 * 1024); // 10 MB
let index = Index::new(options, &path).unwrap();
let mut wtxn = index.write_txn().unwrap();
let content = &br#"[
{ "mysuperid": 0, "name": "kevin" },
{ "mysuperid": 1, "name": "kevina" },
{ "mysuperid": 2, "name": "benoit" }
let mut builder = IndexDocuments::new(&mut wtxn, &index, 0);
builder.execute(content, |_, _| ()).unwrap();
// Delete not all of the documents but some of them.
let mut builder = DeleteDocuments::new(&mut wtxn, &index, 1).unwrap();