2020-08-12 10:31:11 +02:00

98 lines
3.7 KiB

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::mem;
use heed::{RwTxn, RoTxn, RoRange, types::Str, BytesEncode, BytesDecode};
use sdset::{SetBuf, Set, SetOperation};
use meilisearch_types::DocumentId;
use meilisearch_schema::FieldId;
use crate::MResult;
use crate::database::MainT;
use crate::facets::FacetKey;
use super::cow_set::CowSet;
/// contains facet info
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Facets {
pub(crate) facets: heed::Database<FacetKey, FacetData>,
pub struct FacetData;
impl<'a> BytesEncode<'a> for FacetData {
type EItem = (&'a str, &'a Set<DocumentId>);
fn bytes_encode(item: &'a Self::EItem) -> Option<Cow<'a, [u8]>> {
// get size of the first item
let first_size = item.0.as_bytes().len();
let size = mem::size_of::<u64>()
+ first_size
+ item.1.len() * mem::size_of::<DocumentId>();
let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(size);
// encode the length of the first item
let second_slice = CowSet::bytes_encode(&item.1)?;
impl<'a> BytesDecode<'a> for FacetData {
type DItem = (&'a str, Cow<'a, Set<DocumentId>>);
fn bytes_decode(bytes: &'a [u8]) -> Option<Self::DItem> {
const LEN: usize = mem::size_of::<u64>();
let mut size_buf = [0; LEN];
// decode size of the first item from the bytes
let first_size = usize::from_be_bytes(size_buf);
// decode first and second items
let first_item = Str::bytes_decode(bytes.get(LEN..(LEN + first_size))?)?;
let second_item = CowSet::bytes_decode(bytes.get((LEN + first_size)..)?)?;
Some((first_item, second_item))
impl Facets {
// we use sdset::SetBuf to ensure the docids are sorted.
pub fn put_facet_document_ids(&self, writer: &mut RwTxn<MainT>, facet_key: FacetKey, doc_ids: &Set<DocumentId>, facet_value: &str) -> MResult<()> {
Ok(self.facets.put(writer, &facet_key, &(facet_value, doc_ids))?)
pub fn field_document_ids<'txn>(&self, reader: &'txn RoTxn<MainT>, field_id: FieldId) -> MResult<RoRange<'txn, FacetKey, FacetData>> {
Ok(self.facets.prefix_iter(reader, &FacetKey::new(field_id, String::new()))?)
pub fn facet_document_ids<'txn>(&self, reader: &'txn RoTxn<MainT>, facet_key: &FacetKey) -> MResult<Option<(&'txn str,Cow<'txn, Set<DocumentId>>)>> {
Ok(self.facets.get(reader, &facet_key)?)
/// updates the facets store, revmoving the documents from the facets provided in the
/// `facet_map` argument
pub fn remove(&self, writer: &mut RwTxn<MainT>, facet_map: HashMap<FacetKey, (String, Vec<DocumentId>)>) -> MResult<()> {
for (key, (name, document_ids)) in facet_map {
if let Some((_, old)) = self.facets.get(writer, &key)? {
let to_remove = SetBuf::from_dirty(document_ids);
let new = sdset::duo::OpBuilder::new(old.as_ref(), to_remove.as_set()).difference().into_set_buf();
self.facets.put(writer, &key, &(&name, new.as_set()))?;
pub fn add(&self, writer: &mut RwTxn<MainT>, facet_map: HashMap<FacetKey, (String, Vec<DocumentId>)>) -> MResult<()> {
for (key, (facet_name, document_ids)) in facet_map {
let set = SetBuf::from_dirty(document_ids);
self.put_facet_document_ids(writer, key, set.as_set(), &facet_name)?;
pub fn clear(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<()> {