2023-04-25 16:40:32 +02:00

1220 lines
45 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;
use heed::types::{ByteSlice, DecodeIgnore};
use heed::{BytesDecode, Error, RoTxn, RwTxn};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::facet::FacetType;
use crate::heed_codec::facet::{
FacetGroupKey, FacetGroupKeyCodec, FacetGroupValue, FacetGroupValueCodec,
use crate::heed_codec::ByteSliceRefCodec;
use crate::search::facet::get_highest_level;
use crate::update::index_documents::valid_lmdb_key;
use crate::{CboRoaringBitmapCodec, FieldId, Index, Result};
enum InsertionResult {
enum DeletionResult {
Reduce { next: Option<Vec<u8>> },
Remove { next: Option<Vec<u8>> },
/// Algorithm to incrementally insert and delete elememts into the
/// `facet_id_(string/f64)_docids` databases.
/// Rhe `faceted_documents_ids` value in the main database of `Index`
/// is also updated to contain the new set of faceted documents.
pub struct FacetsUpdateIncremental<'i> {
index: &'i Index,
inner: FacetsUpdateIncrementalInner,
facet_type: FacetType,
new_data: grenad::Reader<File>,
impl<'i> FacetsUpdateIncremental<'i> {
pub fn new(
index: &'i Index,
facet_type: FacetType,
new_data: grenad::Reader<File>,
group_size: u8,
min_level_size: u8,
max_group_size: u8,
) -> Self {
FacetsUpdateIncremental {
inner: FacetsUpdateIncrementalInner {
db: match facet_type {
FacetType::String => index
FacetType::Number => index
pub fn execute(self, wtxn: &'i mut RwTxn) -> crate::Result<()> {
let mut new_faceted_docids = HashMap::<FieldId, RoaringBitmap>::default();
let mut cursor = self.new_data.into_cursor()?;
while let Some((key, value)) = cursor.move_on_next()? {
if !valid_lmdb_key(key) {
let key = FacetGroupKeyCodec::<ByteSliceRefCodec>::bytes_decode(key)
let docids = CboRoaringBitmapCodec::bytes_decode(value).ok_or(heed::Error::Encoding)?;
self.inner.insert(wtxn, key.field_id, key.left_bound, &docids)?;
*new_faceted_docids.entry(key.field_id).or_default() |= docids;
for (field_id, new_docids) in new_faceted_docids {
let mut docids = self.index.faceted_documents_ids(wtxn, field_id, self.facet_type)?;
docids |= new_docids;
self.index.put_faceted_documents_ids(wtxn, field_id, self.facet_type, &docids)?;
/// Implementation of `FacetsUpdateIncremental` that is independent of milli's `Index` type
pub struct FacetsUpdateIncrementalInner {
pub db: heed::Database<FacetGroupKeyCodec<ByteSliceRefCodec>, FacetGroupValueCodec>,
pub group_size: u8,
pub min_level_size: u8,
pub max_group_size: u8,
impl FacetsUpdateIncrementalInner {
/// Find the `FacetGroupKey`/`FacetGroupValue` in the database that
/// should be used to insert the new `facet_value` for the given `field_id` and `level`
/// where `level` must be strictly greater than 0.
/// For example, when inserting the facet value `4`, there are two possibilities:
/// 1. We find a key whose lower bound is 3 followed by a key whose lower bound is 6. Therefore,
/// we know that the implicit range of the first key is 3..6, which contains 4.
/// So the new facet value belongs in that first key/value pair.
/// 2. The first key of the level has a lower bound of `5`. We return this key/value pair
/// but will need to change the lowerbound of this key to `4` in order to insert this facet value.
fn find_insertion_key_value(
field_id: u16,
level: u8,
facet_value: &[u8],
txn: &RoTxn,
) -> Result<(FacetGroupKey<Vec<u8>>, FacetGroupValue)> {
assert!(level > 0);
match self.db.get_lower_than_or_equal_to(
&FacetGroupKey { field_id, level, left_bound: facet_value },
)? {
Some((key, value)) => {
if key.level != level {
let mut prefix = vec![];
let mut iter =
self.db.as_polymorph().prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, FacetGroupValueCodec>(
let (key_bytes, value) =;
} else {
Ok((key.into_owned(), value))
None => {
// We checked that the level is > 0
// Since all keys of level 1 are greater than those of level 0,
// we are guaranteed that db.get_lower_than_or_equal_to(key) exists
/// Insert the given facet value and corresponding document ids in the level 0 of the database
/// ## Return
/// See documentation of `insert_in_level`
fn insert_in_level_0(
txn: &mut RwTxn,
field_id: u16,
facet_value: &[u8],
docids: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<InsertionResult> {
let key = FacetGroupKey { field_id, level: 0, left_bound: facet_value };
let value = FacetGroupValue { bitmap: docids.clone(), size: 1 };
let mut level0_prefix = vec![];
let mut iter = self
.prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, DecodeIgnore>(txn, &level0_prefix)?;
if {
self.db.put(txn, &key, &value)?;
} else {
let old_value = self.db.get(txn, &key)?;
match old_value {
Some(mut updated_value) => {
// now merge the two
updated_value.bitmap |= value.bitmap;
self.db.put(txn, &key, &updated_value)?;
None => {
self.db.put(txn, &key, &value)?;
/// Insert the given facet value and corresponding document ids in all the levels of the database up to the given `level`.
/// This function works recursively.
/// ## Return
/// Returns the effect of adding the facet value to the database on the given `level`.
/// - `InsertionResult::InPlace` means that inserting the `facet_value` into the `level` did not have
/// an effect on the number of keys in that level. Therefore, it did not increase the number of children
/// of the parent node.
/// - `InsertionResult::Insert` means that inserting the `facet_value` into the `level` resulted
/// in the addition of a new key in that level, and that therefore the number of children
/// of the parent node should be incremented.
fn insert_in_level(
txn: &mut RwTxn,
field_id: u16,
level: u8,
facet_value: &[u8],
docids: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<InsertionResult> {
if level == 0 {
return self.insert_in_level_0(txn, field_id, facet_value, docids);
let max_group_size = self.max_group_size;
let result = self.insert_in_level(txn, field_id, level - 1, facet_value, docids)?;
// level below inserted an element
let (insertion_key, insertion_value) =
self.find_insertion_key_value(field_id, level, facet_value, txn)?;
match result {
// because we know that we inserted in place, the facet_value is not a new one
// thus it doesn't extend a group, and thus the insertion key computed above is
// still correct
InsertionResult::InPlace => {
let mut updated_value = insertion_value;
updated_value.bitmap |= docids;
self.db.put(txn, &insertion_key.as_ref(), &updated_value)?;
return Ok(InsertionResult::InPlace);
InsertionResult::Expand => {}
InsertionResult::Insert => {}
// Here we know that inserting the facet value in the level below resulted in the creation
// of a new key. Therefore, it may be the case that we need to modify the left bound of the
// insertion key (see documentation of `find_insertion_key_value` for an example of when that
// could happen).
let (insertion_key, insertion_key_was_modified) = {
let mut new_insertion_key = insertion_key.clone();
let mut key_should_be_modified = false;
if facet_value < insertion_key.left_bound.as_slice() {
new_insertion_key.left_bound = facet_value.to_vec();
key_should_be_modified = true;
if key_should_be_modified {
let is_deleted = self.db.delete(txn, &insertion_key.as_ref())?;
self.db.put(txn, &new_insertion_key.as_ref(), &insertion_value)?;
(new_insertion_key, key_should_be_modified)
// Now we know that the insertion key contains the `facet_value`.
// We still need to update the insertion value by:
// 1. Incrementing the number of children (since the recursive call returned `InsertionResult::Insert`)
// 2. Merge the previous docids with the new one
let mut updated_value = insertion_value;
if matches!(result, InsertionResult::Insert) {
updated_value.size += 1;
if updated_value.size < max_group_size {
updated_value.bitmap |= docids;
self.db.put(txn, &insertion_key.as_ref(), &updated_value)?;
if insertion_key_was_modified {
return Ok(InsertionResult::Expand);
} else {
return Ok(InsertionResult::InPlace);
// We've increased the group size of the value and realised it has become greater than or equal to `max_group_size`
// Therefore it must be split into two nodes.
let size_left = updated_value.size / 2;
let size_right = updated_value.size - size_left;
let level_below = level - 1;
let start_key = FacetGroupKey {
level: level_below,
left_bound: insertion_key.left_bound.as_slice(),
let mut iter =
self.db.range(txn, &(start_key..))?.take((size_left as usize) + (size_right as usize));
let group_left = {
let mut values_left = RoaringBitmap::new();
let mut i = 0;
for next in iter.by_ref() {
let (_key, value) = next?;
i += 1;
values_left |= &value.bitmap;
if i == size_left {
let key =
FacetGroupKey { field_id, level, left_bound: insertion_key.left_bound.clone() };
let value = FacetGroupValue { size: size_left, bitmap: values_left };
(key, value)
let group_right = {
let (
FacetGroupKey { left_bound: right_left_bound, .. },
FacetGroupValue { bitmap: mut values_right, .. },
) =;
for next in iter.by_ref() {
let (_, value) = next?;
values_right |= &value.bitmap;
let key = FacetGroupKey { field_id, level, left_bound: right_left_bound.to_vec() };
let value = FacetGroupValue { size: size_right, bitmap: values_right };
(key, value)
let _ = self.db.delete(txn, &insertion_key.as_ref())?;
self.db.put(txn, &group_left.0.as_ref(), &group_left.1)?;
self.db.put(txn, &group_right.0.as_ref(), &group_right.1)?;
/// Insert the given facet value and corresponding document ids in the database.
pub fn insert(
txn: &mut RwTxn,
field_id: u16,
facet_value: &[u8],
docids: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<()> {
if docids.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let group_size = self.group_size;
let highest_level = get_highest_level(txn, self.db, field_id)?;
let result = self.insert_in_level(txn, field_id, highest_level, facet_value, docids)?;
match result {
InsertionResult::InPlace => return Ok(()),
InsertionResult::Expand => return Ok(()),
InsertionResult::Insert => {}
// Here we check whether the highest level has exceeded `min_level_size` * `self.group_size`.
// If it has, we must build an addition level above it.
let mut highest_level_prefix = vec![];
let size_highest_level = self
.prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, ByteSlice>(txn, &highest_level_prefix)?
if size_highest_level < self.group_size as usize * self.min_level_size as usize {
return Ok(());
let mut groups_iter = self
.prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, FacetGroupValueCodec>(txn, &highest_level_prefix)?;
let nbr_new_groups = size_highest_level / self.group_size as usize;
let nbr_leftover_elements = size_highest_level % self.group_size as usize;
let mut to_add = vec![];
for _ in 0..nbr_new_groups {
let mut first_key = None;
let mut values = RoaringBitmap::new();
for _ in 0..group_size {
let (key_bytes, value_i) =;
let key_i = FacetGroupKeyCodec::<ByteSliceRefCodec>::bytes_decode(key_bytes)
if first_key.is_none() {
first_key = Some(key_i);
values |= value_i.bitmap;
let key = FacetGroupKey {
level: highest_level + 1,
left_bound: first_key.unwrap().left_bound,
let value = FacetGroupValue { size: group_size, bitmap: values };
to_add.push((key.into_owned(), value));
// now we add the rest of the level, in case its size is > group_size * min_level_size
// this can indeed happen if the min_level_size parameter changes between two calls to `insert`
if nbr_leftover_elements > 0 {
let mut first_key = None;
let mut values = RoaringBitmap::new();
for _ in 0..nbr_leftover_elements {
let (key_bytes, value_i) =;
let key_i = FacetGroupKeyCodec::<ByteSliceRefCodec>::bytes_decode(key_bytes)
if first_key.is_none() {
first_key = Some(key_i);
values |= value_i.bitmap;
let key = FacetGroupKey {
level: highest_level + 1,
left_bound: first_key.unwrap().left_bound,
// Note: nbr_leftover_elements can be casted to a u8 since it is bounded by `max_group_size`
// when it is created above.
let value = FacetGroupValue { size: nbr_leftover_elements as u8, bitmap: values };
to_add.push((key.into_owned(), value));
for (key, value) in to_add {
self.db.put(txn, &key.as_ref(), &value)?;
/// Delete the given document id from the given facet value in the database, from level 0 to the
/// the given level.
/// ## Return
/// Returns the effect of removing the document id from the database on the given `level`.
/// - `DeletionResult::InPlace` means that deleting the document id did not have
/// an effect on the keys in that level.
/// - `DeletionResult::Reduce` means that deleting the document id resulted in a change in the
/// number of keys in the level. For example, removing a document id from the facet value `3` could
/// cause it to have no corresponding document in level 0 anymore, and therefore the key was deleted
/// entirely. In that case, `DeletionResult::Remove` is returned. The parent of the deleted key must
/// then adjust its group size. If its group size falls to 0, then it will need to be deleted as well.
/// - `DeletionResult::Reduce` means that deleting the document id resulted in a change in the
/// bounds of the keys of the level. For example, removing a document id from the facet value
/// `3` might have caused the facet value `3` to have no corresponding document in level 0. Therefore,
/// in level 1, the key with the left bound `3` had to be changed to the next facet value (e.g. 4).
/// In that case `DeletionResult::Reduce` is returned. The parent of the reduced key may need to adjust
/// its left bound as well.
fn delete_in_level(
txn: &mut RwTxn,
field_id: u16,
level: u8,
facet_value: &[u8],
docids: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<DeletionResult> {
if level == 0 {
return self.delete_in_level_0(txn, field_id, facet_value, docids);
let (deletion_key, mut bitmap) =
self.find_insertion_key_value(field_id, level, facet_value, txn)?;
let result = self.delete_in_level(txn, field_id, level - 1, facet_value, docids)?;
let mut decrease_size = false;
let next_key = match result {
DeletionResult::InPlace => {
bitmap.bitmap -= docids;
self.db.put(txn, &deletion_key.as_ref(), &bitmap)?;
return Ok(DeletionResult::InPlace);
DeletionResult::Reduce { next } => next,
DeletionResult::Remove { next } => {
decrease_size = true;
// If either DeletionResult::Reduce or DeletionResult::Remove was returned,
// then we may need to adjust the left_bound of the deletion key.
// If DeletionResult::Remove was returned, then we need to decrease the group
// size of the deletion key.
let mut updated_value = bitmap;
if decrease_size {
updated_value.size -= 1;
if updated_value.size == 0 {
self.db.delete(txn, &deletion_key.as_ref())?;
Ok(DeletionResult::Remove { next: next_key })
} else {
let mut updated_deletion_key = deletion_key.clone();
let reduced_range = facet_value == deletion_key.left_bound;
if reduced_range {
updated_deletion_key.left_bound = next_key.clone().unwrap();
updated_value.bitmap -= docids;
let _ = self.db.delete(txn, &deletion_key.as_ref())?;
self.db.put(txn, &updated_deletion_key.as_ref(), &updated_value)?;
if reduced_range {
Ok(DeletionResult::Reduce { next: next_key })
} else {
fn delete_in_level_0(
txn: &mut RwTxn,
field_id: u16,
facet_value: &[u8],
docids: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<DeletionResult> {
let key = FacetGroupKey { field_id, level: 0, left_bound: facet_value };
let mut bitmap = self.db.get(txn, &key)?.unwrap().bitmap;
bitmap -= docids;
if bitmap.is_empty() {
let mut next_key = None;
if let Some((next, _)) =
self.db.remap_data_type::<DecodeIgnore>().get_greater_than(txn, &key)?
if next.field_id == field_id && next.level == 0 {
next_key = Some(next.left_bound.to_vec());
self.db.delete(txn, &key)?;
Ok(DeletionResult::Remove { next: next_key })
} else {
self.db.put(txn, &key, &FacetGroupValue { size: 1, bitmap })?;
pub fn delete(
txn: &mut RwTxn,
field_id: u16,
facet_value: &[u8],
docids: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<()> {
if self
.get(txn, &FacetGroupKey { field_id, level: 0, left_bound: facet_value })?
return Ok(());
let highest_level = get_highest_level(txn, self.db, field_id)?;
let result = self.delete_in_level(txn, field_id, highest_level, facet_value, docids)?;
match result {
DeletionResult::InPlace => return Ok(()),
DeletionResult::Reduce { .. } => return Ok(()),
DeletionResult::Remove { .. } => {}
// if we either removed a key from the highest level, its size may have fallen
// below `min_level_size`, in which case we need to remove the entire level
let mut highest_level_prefix = vec![];
if highest_level == 0
|| self
.prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, ByteSlice>(txn, &highest_level_prefix)?
>= self.min_level_size as usize
return Ok(());
let mut to_delete = vec![];
let mut iter = self
.prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, ByteSlice>(txn, &highest_level_prefix)?;
for el in iter.by_ref() {
let (k, _) = el?;
for k in to_delete {
self.db.delete(txn, &k.as_ref())?;
impl<'a> FacetGroupKey<&'a [u8]> {
pub fn into_owned(self) -> FacetGroupKey<Vec<u8>> {
FacetGroupKey {
field_id: self.field_id,
level: self.level,
left_bound: self.left_bound.to_vec(),
impl FacetGroupKey<Vec<u8>> {
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> FacetGroupKey<&[u8]> {
FacetGroupKey {
field_id: self.field_id,
level: self.level,
left_bound: self.left_bound.as_slice(),
mod tests {
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::heed_codec::facet::OrderedF64Codec;
use crate::heed_codec::StrRefCodec;
use crate::milli_snap;
use crate::update::facet::test_helpers::FacetIndex;
fn append() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
for i in 0..256u16 {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(i as u32);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
let txn = index.env.read_txn().unwrap();
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
fn many_field_ids_append() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
for i in 0..256u16 {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(i as u32);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
for i in 0..256u16 {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(i as u32);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
index.insert(&mut txn, 2, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
for i in 0..256u16 {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(i as u32);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
index.insert(&mut txn, 1, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
let txn = index.env.read_txn().unwrap();
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 1);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 2);
fn many_field_ids_prepend() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
for i in (0..256).rev() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(i as u32);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
for i in (0..256).rev() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(i as u32);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
index.insert(&mut txn, 2, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
for i in (0..256).rev() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(i as u32);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
index.insert(&mut txn, 1, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
let txn = index.env.read_txn().unwrap();
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 1);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 2);
fn prepend() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in (0..256).rev() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
fn shuffled() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
let mut keys = (0..256).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut rng = rand::rngs::SmallRng::from_seed([0; 32]);
keys.shuffle(&mut rng);
for (_i, key) in keys.into_iter().enumerate() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(key as f64), &bitmap);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
fn merge_values() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
let mut keys = (0..256).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut rng = rand::rngs::SmallRng::from_seed([0; 32]);
keys.shuffle(&mut rng);
for (_i, key) in keys.into_iter().enumerate() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(key as f64), &bitmap);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
fn delete_from_end() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in 0..256 {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
for i in (200..256).rev() {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 200);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in (150..200).rev() {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 150);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in (100..150).rev() {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 100);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in (17..100).rev() {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 17);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in (15..17).rev() {
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 15);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in (0..15).rev() {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 0);
fn delete_from_start() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in 0..256 {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
for i in 0..128 {
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 127);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in 128..216 {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 215);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in 216..256 {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), i as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 255);
fn delete_shuffled() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in 0..256 {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(i as f64), &bitmap);
let mut keys = (0..256).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut rng = rand::rngs::SmallRng::from_seed([0; 32]);
keys.shuffle(&mut rng);
for i in 0..128 {
let key = keys[i];
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(key as f64), key as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 127);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for i in 128..216 {
let key = keys[i];
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(key as f64), key as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 215);
for i in 216..256 {
let key = keys[i];
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(key as f64), key as u32);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), 255);
fn in_place_level0_insert() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
let mut keys = (0..16).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut rng = rand::rngs::SmallRng::from_seed([0; 32]);
keys.shuffle(&mut rng);
for i in 0..4 {
for &key in keys.iter() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(rng.gen_range(i * 256..(i + 1) * 256));
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(key as f64), &bitmap);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
fn in_place_level0_delete() {
let index = FacetIndex::<OrderedF64Codec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
let mut keys = (0..64).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut rng = rand::rngs::SmallRng::from_seed([0; 32]);
keys.shuffle(&mut rng);
for &key in keys.iter() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(key + 100);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &(key as f64), &bitmap);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), "before_delete");
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for &key in keys.iter() {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &(key as f64), key + 100);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), "after_delete");
fn shuffle_merge_string_and_delete() {
let index = FacetIndex::<StrRefCodec>::new(4, 8, 5);
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
let mut keys = (1000..1064).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut rng = rand::rngs::SmallRng::from_seed([0; 32]);
keys.shuffle(&mut rng);
for &key in keys.iter() {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
bitmap.insert(key + 100);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.insert(&mut txn, 0, &format!("{key:x}").as_str(), &bitmap);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), "before_delete");
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
for &key in keys.iter() {
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
index.delete_single_docid(&mut txn, 0, &format!("{key:x}").as_str(), key + 100);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, 0);
milli_snap!(format!("{index}"), "after_delete");
// fuzz tests
#[cfg(all(test, fuzzing))]
Fuzz test for the incremental indxer.
The fuzz test uses fuzzcheck, a coverage-guided fuzzer.
See and
for more information.
It is only run when using the `cargo fuzzcheck` command line tool, which can be installed with:
cargo install cargo-fuzzcheck
To start the fuzz test, run (from the base folder or from milli/):
cargo fuzzcheck update::facet::incremental::fuzz::fuzz
and wait a couple minutes to make sure the code was thoroughly tested, then
hit `Ctrl-C` to stop the fuzzer. The corpus generated by the fuzzer is located in milli/fuzz.
To work on this module with rust-analyzer working properly, add the following to your .cargo/config.toml file:
rustflags = ["--cfg", "fuzzing"]
The fuzz test generates sequences of additions and deletions to the facet database and
ensures that:
1. its structure is still internally valid
2. its content is the same as a trivially correct implementation of the same database
mod fuzz {
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::rc::Rc;
use fuzzcheck::mutators::integer::U8Mutator;
use fuzzcheck::mutators::integer_within_range::{U16WithinRangeMutator, U8WithinRangeMutator};
use fuzzcheck::mutators::vector::VecMutator;
use fuzzcheck::DefaultMutator;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use tempfile::TempDir;
use super::*;
use crate::update::facet::test_helpers::FacetIndex;
pub struct TrivialDatabase<T> {
pub elements: BTreeMap<u16, BTreeMap<T, RoaringBitmap>>,
impl<T> TrivialDatabase<T>
T: Ord + Clone + Eq + std::fmt::Debug,
pub fn insert(&mut self, field_id: u16, new_key: &T, new_values: &RoaringBitmap) {
if new_values.is_empty() {
let values_field_id = self.elements.entry(field_id).or_default();
let values = values_field_id.entry(new_key.clone()).or_default();
*values |= new_values;
pub fn delete(&mut self, field_id: u16, key: &T, values_to_remove: &RoaringBitmap) {
if let Some(values_field_id) = self.elements.get_mut(&field_id) {
if let Some(values) = values_field_id.get_mut(&key) {
*values -= values_to_remove;
if values.is_empty() {
if values_field_id.is_empty() {
#[derive(Clone, DefaultMutator, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Operation {
#[field_mutator(VecMutator<u8, U8Mutator> = { VecMutator::new(u8::default_mutator(), 0 ..= 5) })]
key: Vec<u8>,
#[field_mutator(U8WithinRangeMutator = { U8WithinRangeMutator::new(..32) })]
group_size: u8,
#[field_mutator(U8WithinRangeMutator = { U8WithinRangeMutator::new(..32) })]
max_group_size: u8,
#[field_mutator(U8WithinRangeMutator = { U8WithinRangeMutator::new(..32) })]
min_level_size: u8,
#[field_mutator(U16WithinRangeMutator = { U16WithinRangeMutator::new(..=3) })]
field_id: u16,
kind: OperationKind,
#[derive(Clone, DefaultMutator, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
enum OperationKind {
#[field_mutator(VecMutator<u8, U8Mutator> = { VecMutator::new(U8Mutator::default(), 0 ..= 10) })]
#[field_mutator(VecMutator<u8, U8Mutator> = { VecMutator::new(U8Mutator::default(), 0 ..= 10) })]
fn compare_with_trivial_database(tempdir: Rc<TempDir>, operations: &[Operation]) {
let index = FacetIndex::<ByteSliceRefCodec>::open_from_tempdir(tempdir, 4, 8, 5); // dummy params, they'll be overwritten
let mut txn = index.env.write_txn().unwrap();
let mut trivial_db = TrivialDatabase::<Vec<u8>>::default();
let mut value_to_keys = HashMap::<u8, Vec<Vec<u8>>>::new();
for Operation { key, group_size, max_group_size, min_level_size, field_id, kind } in
match kind {
OperationKind::Insert(values) => {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
for value in values {
bitmap.insert(*value as u32);
index.insert(&mut txn, *field_id, &key.as_slice(), &bitmap);
trivial_db.insert(*field_id, &key, &bitmap);
OperationKind::Delete(values) => {
let values = RoaringBitmap::from_iter(values.iter().copied().map(|x| x as u32));
let mut values_per_key = HashMap::new();
for value in values {
if let Some(keys) = value_to_keys.get(&(value as u8)) {
for key in keys {
let values: &mut RoaringBitmap =
for (key, values) in values_per_key {
index.delete(&mut txn, *field_id, &key.as_slice(), &values);
trivial_db.delete(*field_id, &key, &values);
for (field_id, values_field_id) in trivial_db.elements.iter() {
let level0iter = index
.prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, FacetGroupValueCodec>(
&mut txn,
for ((key, values), group) in values_field_id.iter().zip(level0iter) {
let (group_key, group_values) = group.unwrap();
let group_key =
assert_eq!(key, &group_key.left_bound);
assert_eq!(values, &group_values.bitmap);
for (field_id, values_field_id) in trivial_db.elements.iter() {
let level0iter = index
.prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, FacetGroupValueCodec>(&txn, &field_id.to_be_bytes())
for ((key, values), group) in values_field_id.iter().zip(level0iter) {
let (group_key, group_values) = group.unwrap();
let group_key =
assert_eq!(key, &group_key.left_bound);
assert_eq!(values, &group_values.bitmap);
index.verify_structure_validity(&txn, *field_id);
fn fuzz() {
let tempdir = Rc::new(TempDir::new().unwrap());
let tempdir_cloned = tempdir.clone();
let result = fuzzcheck::fuzz_test(move |operations: &[Operation]| {
compare_with_trivial_database(tempdir_cloned.clone(), operations)
.default_sensor_and_pool_with_custom_filter(|file, function| {
file == std::path::Path::new("milli/src/update/facet/")
&& !function.contains("serde")
&& !function.contains("tests::")
&& !function.contains("fuzz::")
&& !function.contains("display_bitmap")