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synced 2025-01-26 05:07:28 +01:00
3496: Fix metrics feature r=irevoire a=james-2001 # Pull Request ## Related issue Resolves: #3469 See also: #2763 ## What does this PR do? As reported the metrics feature was broken by still using and old reference to `meilisearch_auth::actions`. This commit switches to the new location, `meilisearch_types::keys::actions`. The original issue was not *that* clear as to exactly what was broken, and the build logs have disappeared, but it seemed to just be this one line fix. If this is not the case and I've missed the mark let me know, and i'll head back to the drawing board. ## PR checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [x] Does this PR fix an existing issue, or have you listed the changes applied in the PR description (and why they are needed)? - [x] Have you read the contributing guidelines? - [x] Have you made sure that the title is accurate and descriptive of the changes? Co-authored-by: James <james.a.may.2001@gmail.com>
458 lines
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458 lines
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pub mod error;
pub mod analytics;
pub mod extractors;
pub mod option;
pub mod routes;
pub mod search;
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
pub mod metrics;
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
pub mod route_metrics;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter};
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use actix_cors::Cors;
use actix_http::body::MessageBody;
use actix_web::dev::{ServiceFactory, ServiceResponse};
use actix_web::error::JsonPayloadError;
use actix_web::web::Data;
use actix_web::{middleware, web, HttpRequest};
use analytics::Analytics;
use anyhow::bail;
use error::PayloadError;
use extractors::payload::PayloadConfig;
use http::header::CONTENT_TYPE;
use index_scheduler::{IndexScheduler, IndexSchedulerOptions};
use log::error;
use meilisearch_auth::AuthController;
use meilisearch_types::milli::documents::{DocumentsBatchBuilder, DocumentsBatchReader};
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::{IndexDocumentsConfig, IndexDocumentsMethod};
use meilisearch_types::settings::apply_settings_to_builder;
use meilisearch_types::tasks::KindWithContent;
use meilisearch_types::versioning::{check_version_file, create_version_file};
use meilisearch_types::{compression, milli, VERSION_FILE_NAME};
pub use option::Opt;
use option::ScheduleSnapshot;
use crate::error::MeilisearchHttpError;
/// Check if a db is empty. It does not provide any information on the
/// validity of the data in it.
/// We consider a database as non empty when it's a non empty directory.
fn is_empty_db(db_path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> bool {
let db_path = db_path.as_ref();
if !db_path.exists() {
// if we encounter an error or if the db is a file we consider the db non empty
} else if let Ok(dir) = db_path.read_dir() {
dir.count() == 0
} else {
pub fn create_app(
index_scheduler: Data<IndexScheduler>,
auth_controller: AuthController,
opt: Opt,
analytics: Arc<dyn Analytics>,
enable_dashboard: bool,
) -> actix_web::App<
impl ServiceFactory<
Config = (),
Response = ServiceResponse<impl MessageBody>,
Error = actix_web::Error,
InitError = (),
> {
let app = actix_web::App::new()
.configure(|s| {
.configure(|s| dashboard(s, enable_dashboard));
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
let app = app.configure(|s| configure_metrics_route(s, opt.enable_metrics_route));
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
let app =
app.wrap(middleware::Condition::new(opt.enable_metrics_route, route_metrics::RouteMetrics));
.max_age(86_400), // 24h
enum OnFailure {
pub fn setup_meilisearch(opt: &Opt) -> anyhow::Result<(Arc<IndexScheduler>, AuthController)> {
let empty_db = is_empty_db(&opt.db_path);
let (index_scheduler, auth_controller) = if let Some(ref snapshot_path) = opt.import_snapshot {
let snapshot_path_exists = snapshot_path.exists();
// the db is empty and the snapshot exists, import it
if empty_db && snapshot_path_exists {
match compression::from_tar_gz(snapshot_path, &opt.db_path) {
Ok(()) => open_or_create_database_unchecked(opt, OnFailure::RemoveDb)?,
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
// the db already exists and we should not ignore the snapshot => throw an error
} else if !empty_db && !opt.ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists {
"database already exists at {:?}, try to delete it or rename it",
opt.db_path.canonicalize().unwrap_or_else(|_| opt.db_path.to_owned())
// the snapshot doesn't exist and we can't ignore it => throw an error
} else if !snapshot_path_exists && !opt.ignore_missing_snapshot {
bail!("snapshot doesn't exist at {}", snapshot_path.display())
// the snapshot and the db exist, and we can ignore the snapshot because of the ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists flag
} else {
open_or_create_database(opt, empty_db)?
} else if let Some(ref path) = opt.import_dump {
let src_path_exists = path.exists();
// the db is empty and the dump exists, import it
if empty_db && src_path_exists {
let (mut index_scheduler, mut auth_controller) =
open_or_create_database_unchecked(opt, OnFailure::RemoveDb)?;
match import_dump(&opt.db_path, path, &mut index_scheduler, &mut auth_controller) {
Ok(()) => (index_scheduler, auth_controller),
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
// the db already exists and we should not ignore the dump option => throw an error
} else if !empty_db && !opt.ignore_dump_if_db_exists {
"database already exists at {:?}, try to delete it or rename it",
opt.db_path.canonicalize().unwrap_or_else(|_| opt.db_path.to_owned())
// the dump doesn't exist and we can't ignore it => throw an error
} else if !src_path_exists && !opt.ignore_missing_dump {
bail!("dump doesn't exist at {:?}", path)
// the dump and the db exist and we can ignore the dump because of the ignore_dump_if_db_exists flag
// or, the dump is missing but we can ignore that because of the ignore_missing_dump flag
} else {
open_or_create_database(opt, empty_db)?
} else {
open_or_create_database(opt, empty_db)?
// We create a loop in a thread that registers snapshotCreation tasks
let index_scheduler = Arc::new(index_scheduler);
if let ScheduleSnapshot::Enabled(snapshot_delay) = opt.schedule_snapshot {
let snapshot_delay = Duration::from_secs(snapshot_delay);
let index_scheduler = index_scheduler.clone();
.spawn(move || loop {
if let Err(e) = index_scheduler.register(KindWithContent::SnapshotCreation) {
error!("Error while registering snapshot: {}", e);
Ok((index_scheduler, auth_controller))
/// Try to start the IndexScheduler and AuthController without checking the VERSION file or anything.
fn open_or_create_database_unchecked(
opt: &Opt,
on_failure: OnFailure,
) -> anyhow::Result<(IndexScheduler, AuthController)> {
// we don't want to create anything in the data.ms yet, thus we
// wrap our two builders in a closure that'll be executed later.
let auth_controller = AuthController::new(&opt.db_path, &opt.master_key);
let index_scheduler_builder = || -> anyhow::Result<_> {
Ok(IndexScheduler::new(IndexSchedulerOptions {
version_file_path: opt.db_path.join(VERSION_FILE_NAME),
auth_path: opt.db_path.join("auth"),
tasks_path: opt.db_path.join("tasks"),
update_file_path: opt.db_path.join("update_files"),
indexes_path: opt.db_path.join("indexes"),
snapshots_path: opt.snapshot_dir.clone(),
dumps_path: opt.dump_dir.clone(),
task_db_size: opt.max_task_db_size.get_bytes() as usize,
index_size: opt.max_index_size.get_bytes() as usize,
indexer_config: (&opt.indexer_options).try_into()?,
autobatching_enabled: true,
match (
) {
(Ok(i), Ok(a), Ok(())) => Ok((i, a)),
(Err(e), _, _) | (_, Err(e), _) | (_, _, Err(e)) => {
if matches!(on_failure, OnFailure::RemoveDb) {
/// Ensure you're in a valid state and open the IndexScheduler + AuthController for you.
fn open_or_create_database(
opt: &Opt,
empty_db: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<(IndexScheduler, AuthController)> {
if !empty_db {
open_or_create_database_unchecked(opt, OnFailure::KeepDb)
fn import_dump(
db_path: &Path,
dump_path: &Path,
index_scheduler: &mut IndexScheduler,
auth: &mut AuthController,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let reader = File::open(dump_path)?;
let mut dump_reader = dump::DumpReader::open(reader)?;
if let Some(date) = dump_reader.date() {
"Importing a dump of meilisearch `{:?}` from the {}",
dump_reader.version(), // TODO: get the meilisearch version instead of the dump version
} else {
"Importing a dump of meilisearch `{:?}`",
dump_reader.version(), // TODO: get the meilisearch version instead of the dump version
let instance_uid = dump_reader.instance_uid()?;
// 1. Import the instance-uid.
if let Some(ref instance_uid) = instance_uid {
// we don't want to panic if there is an error with the instance-uid.
let _ = std::fs::write(db_path.join("instance-uid"), instance_uid.to_string().as_bytes());
// 2. Import the `Key`s.
let mut keys = Vec::new();
for key in dump_reader.keys()? {
let key = key?;
let indexer_config = index_scheduler.indexer_config();
// /!\ The tasks must be imported AFTER importing the indexes or else the scheduler might
// try to process tasks while we're trying to import the indexes.
// 3. Import the indexes.
for index_reader in dump_reader.indexes()? {
let mut index_reader = index_reader?;
let metadata = index_reader.metadata();
log::info!("Importing index `{}`.", metadata.uid);
let date = Some((metadata.created_at, metadata.updated_at));
let index = index_scheduler.create_raw_index(&metadata.uid, date)?;
let mut wtxn = index.write_txn()?;
let mut builder = milli::update::Settings::new(&mut wtxn, &index, indexer_config);
// 3.1 Import the primary key if there is one.
if let Some(ref primary_key) = metadata.primary_key {
// 3.2 Import the settings.
log::info!("Importing the settings.");
let settings = index_reader.settings()?;
apply_settings_to_builder(&settings, &mut builder);
builder.execute(|indexing_step| log::debug!("update: {:?}", indexing_step), || false)?;
// 3.3 Import the documents.
// 3.3.1 We need to recreate the grenad+obkv format accepted by the index.
log::info!("Importing the documents.");
let file = tempfile::tempfile()?;
let mut builder = DocumentsBatchBuilder::new(BufWriter::new(file));
for document in index_reader.documents()? {
// This flush the content of the batch builder.
let file = builder.into_inner()?.into_inner()?;
// 3.3.2 We feed it to the milli index.
let reader = BufReader::new(file);
let reader = DocumentsBatchReader::from_reader(reader)?;
let builder = milli::update::IndexDocuments::new(
&mut wtxn,
IndexDocumentsConfig {
update_method: IndexDocumentsMethod::ReplaceDocuments,
|indexing_step| log::debug!("update: {:?}", indexing_step),
|| false,
let (builder, user_result) = builder.add_documents(reader)?;
log::info!("{} documents found.", user_result?);
log::info!("All documents successfully imported.");
// 4. Import the tasks.
for ret in dump_reader.tasks()? {
let (task, file) = ret?;
index_scheduler.register_dumped_task(task, file)?;
pub fn configure_data(
config: &mut web::ServiceConfig,
index_scheduler: Data<IndexScheduler>,
auth: AuthController,
opt: &Opt,
analytics: Arc<dyn Analytics>,
) {
let http_payload_size_limit = opt.http_payload_size_limit.get_bytes() as usize;
.content_type(|mime| mime == mime::APPLICATION_JSON)
.error_handler(|err, req: &HttpRequest| match err {
JsonPayloadError::ContentType => match req.headers().get(CONTENT_TYPE) {
Some(content_type) => MeilisearchHttpError::InvalidContentType(
None => MeilisearchHttpError::MissingContentType(vec![
err => PayloadError::from(err).into(),
web::QueryConfig::default().error_handler(|err, _req| PayloadError::from(err).into()),
#[cfg(feature = "mini-dashboard")]
pub fn dashboard(config: &mut web::ServiceConfig, enable_frontend: bool) {
use actix_web::HttpResponse;
use static_files::Resource;
mod generated {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/generated.rs"));
if enable_frontend {
let generated = generated::generate();
// Generate routes for mini-dashboard assets
for (path, resource) in generated.into_iter() {
let Resource { mime_type, data, .. } = resource;
// Redirect index.html to /
if path == "index.html" {
config.service(web::resource("/").route(web::get().to(move || async move {
} else {
config.service(web::resource(path).route(web::get().to(move || async move {
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "mini-dashboard"))]
pub fn dashboard(config: &mut web::ServiceConfig, _enable_frontend: bool) {
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
pub fn configure_metrics_route(config: &mut web::ServiceConfig, enable_metrics_route: bool) {
if enable_metrics_route {
/// Parses the output of
/// [`VERGEN_GIT_SEMVER_LIGHTWEIGHT`](https://docs.rs/vergen/latest/vergen/struct.Git.html#instructions)
/// as a prototype name.
/// Returns `Some(prototype_name)` if the following conditions are met on this value:
/// 1. starts with `prototype-`,
/// 2. ends with `-<some_number>`,
/// 3. does not end with `<some_number>-<some_number>`.
/// Otherwise, returns `None`.
pub fn prototype_name() -> Option<&'static str> {
let prototype: &'static str = option_env!("VERGEN_GIT_SEMVER_LIGHTWEIGHT")?;
if !prototype.starts_with("prototype-") {
return None;
let mut rsplit_prototype = prototype.rsplit('-');
// last component MUST be a number
// before than last component SHALL NOT be a number