mpostma aa6c5df0bc Implement documents format
document reader transform

remove update format

support document sequences

fix document transform

clean transform

improve error handling

add documents! macro

fix transform bug

fix tests

remove csv dependency

Add comments on the transform process

replace search cli


review edits

fix http ui

fix clippy warnings

Revert "fix clippy warnings"

This reverts commit a1ce3cd96e603633dbf43e9e0b12b2453c9c5620.

fix review comments

remove smallvec in transform loop

review edits
2021-09-21 16:58:33 +02:00

143 lines
5.1 KiB

mod facet_distinct;
mod noop_distinct;
pub use facet_distinct::FacetDistinct;
pub use noop_distinct::NoopDistinct;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::{DocumentId, Result};
/// A trait implemented by document interators that are returned by calls to `Distinct::distinct`.
/// It provides a way to get back the ownership to the excluded set.
pub trait DocIter: Iterator<Item = Result<DocumentId>> {
/// Returns ownership on the internal exluded set.
fn into_excluded(self) -> RoaringBitmap;
/// A trait that is implemented by structs that perform a distinct on `candidates`. Calling distinct
/// must return an iterator containing only distinct documents, and add the discarded documents to
/// the excluded set. The excluded set can later be retrieved by calling `DocIter::excluded` on the
/// returned iterator.
pub trait Distinct {
type Iter: DocIter;
fn distinct(&mut self, candidates: RoaringBitmap, excluded: RoaringBitmap) -> Self::Iter;
mod test {
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::io::Cursor;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use rand::Rng;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use crate::documents::{DocumentBatchBuilder, DocumentBatchReader};
use crate::index::tests::TempIndex;
use crate::index::Index;
use crate::update::{IndexDocumentsMethod, UpdateBuilder};
use crate::{DocumentId, FieldId, BEU32};
static JSON: Lazy<Vec<u8>> = Lazy::new(generate_documents);
fn generate_documents() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let num_docs = rng.gen_range(10..30);
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
let mut builder = DocumentBatchBuilder::new(&mut cursor).unwrap();
let txts = ["Toto", "Titi", "Tata"];
let cats = (1..10).map(|i| i.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let cat_ints = (1..10).collect::<Vec<_>>();
for i in 0..num_docs {
let txt = txts.choose(&mut rng).unwrap();
let mut sample_txts = cats.clone();
sample_txts.shuffle(&mut rng);
let mut sample_ints = cat_ints.clone();
sample_ints.shuffle(&mut rng);
let doc = json!({
"id": i,
"txt": txt,
"cat-int": rng.gen_range(0..3),
"txts": sample_txts[..(rng.gen_range(0..3))],
"cat-ints": sample_ints[..(rng.gen_range(0..3))],
/// Returns a temporary index populated with random test documents, the FieldId for the
/// distinct attribute, and the RoaringBitmap with the document ids.
pub(crate) fn generate_index(distinct: &str) -> (TempIndex, FieldId, RoaringBitmap) {
let index = TempIndex::new();
let mut txn = index.write_txn().unwrap();
// set distinct and faceted attributes for the index.
let builder = UpdateBuilder::new(0);
let mut update = builder.settings(&mut txn, &index);
update.execute(|_, _| ()).unwrap();
// add documents to the index
let builder = UpdateBuilder::new(1);
let mut addition = builder.index_documents(&mut txn, &index);
let reader =
addition.execute(reader, |_, _| ()).unwrap();
let fields_map = index.fields_ids_map(&txn).unwrap();
let fid =;
let documents = DocumentBatchReader::from_reader(Cursor::new(&*JSON)).unwrap();
let map = (0..documents.len() as u32).collect();
(index, fid, map)
/// Checks that all the candidates are distinct, and returns the candidates number.
pub(crate) fn validate_distinct_candidates(
candidates: impl Iterator<Item = crate::Result<DocumentId>>,
distinct: FieldId,
index: &Index,
) -> usize {
fn test(seen: &mut HashSet<String>, value: &Value) {
match value {
Value::Null | Value::Object(_) | Value::Bool(_) => (),
Value::Number(_) | Value::String(_) => {
let s = value.to_string();
Value::Array(values) => values.into_iter().for_each(|value| test(seen, value)),
let mut seen = HashSet::<String>::new();
let txn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let mut count = 0;
for candidate in candidates {
count += 1;
let candidate = candidate.unwrap();
let id = BEU32::new(candidate);
let document = index.documents.get(&txn, &id).unwrap().unwrap();
let value = document.get(distinct).unwrap();
let value = serde_json::from_slice(value).unwrap();
test(&mut seen, &value);