2018-12-29 22:30:41 +01:00

299 lines
11 KiB

use std::{cmp, mem, vec, str, char};
use std::ops::{Deref, Range};
use std::error::Error;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::rc::Rc;
use group_by::GroupByMut;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use fst::Streamer;
use rocksdb::DB;
use crate::automaton::{self, DfaExt, AutomatonExt};
use crate::rank::distinct_map::{DistinctMap, BufferedDistinctMap};
use crate::rank::criterion::Criteria;
use crate::database::DatabaseView;
use crate::{Match, DocumentId};
use crate::rank::Document;
fn split_whitespace_automatons(query: &str) -> Vec<DfaExt> {
let has_end_whitespace = query.chars().last().map_or(false, char::is_whitespace);
let mut automatons = Vec::new();
let mut words = query.split_whitespace().map(str::to_lowercase).peekable();
while let Some(word) = {
let has_following_word = words.peek().is_some();
let lev = if has_following_word || has_end_whitespace {
} else {
pub type FilterFunc<D> = fn(DocumentId, &DatabaseView<D>) -> bool;
pub struct QueryBuilder<'a, D, FI>
where D: Deref<Target=DB>
view: &'a DatabaseView<D>,
criteria: Criteria<D>,
filter: Option<FI>,
impl<'a, D> QueryBuilder<'a, D, FilterFunc<D>>
where D: Deref<Target=DB>
pub fn new(view: &'a DatabaseView<D>) -> Result<Self, Box<Error>> {
QueryBuilder::with_criteria(view, Criteria::default())
impl<'a, D, FI> QueryBuilder<'a, D, FI>
where D: Deref<Target=DB>,
pub fn with_criteria(view: &'a DatabaseView<D>, criteria: Criteria<D>) -> Result<Self, Box<Error>> {
Ok(QueryBuilder { view, criteria, filter: None })
pub fn with_filter<F>(self, function: F) -> QueryBuilder<'a, D, F>
where F: Fn(DocumentId, &DatabaseView<D>) -> bool,
QueryBuilder {
view: self.view,
criteria: self.criteria,
filter: Some(function)
pub fn with_distinct<F, K>(self, function: F, size: usize) -> DistinctQueryBuilder<'a, D, FI, F>
where F: Fn(DocumentId, &DatabaseView<D>) -> Option<K>,
K: Hash + Eq,
DistinctQueryBuilder {
inner: self,
function: function,
size: size
fn query_all(&self, query: &str) -> Vec<Document> {
let automatons = split_whitespace_automatons(query);
let mut stream = {
let mut op_builder = fst::map::OpBuilder::new();
for automaton in &automatons {
let stream = self.view.blob().as_map().search(automaton);
let mut matches = HashMap::new();
while let Some((input, indexed_values)) = {
for iv in indexed_values {
let automaton = &automatons[iv.index];
let distance = automaton.eval(input).to_u8();
let is_exact = distance == 0 && input.len() == automaton.query_len();
let doc_indexes = self.view.blob().as_indexes();
let doc_indexes = &doc_indexes[iv.value as usize];
for doc_index in doc_indexes {
let match_ = Match {
query_index: iv.index as u32,
distance: distance,
attribute: doc_index.attribute,
is_exact: is_exact,
word_area: doc_index.word_area,
matches.into_iter().map(|(id, matches)| Document::from_matches(id, matches)).collect()
impl<'a, D, FI> QueryBuilder<'a, D, FI>
where D: Deref<Target=DB>,
FI: Fn(DocumentId, &DatabaseView<D>) -> bool,
pub fn query(self, query: &str, range: Range<usize>) -> Vec<Document> {
// We give the filtering work to the query distinct builder,
// specifying a distinct rule that has no effect.
if self.filter.is_some() {
let builder = self.with_distinct(|_, _| None as Option<()>, 1);
return builder.query(query, range);
let mut documents = self.query_all(query);
let mut groups = vec![documents.as_mut_slice()];
let view = &self.view;
'criteria: for criterion in self.criteria.as_ref() {
let tmp_groups = mem::replace(&mut groups, Vec::new());
let mut documents_seen = 0;
for group in tmp_groups {
// if this group does not overlap with the requested range,
// push it without sorting and splitting it
if documents_seen + group.len() < range.start {
documents_seen += group.len();
group.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| criterion.evaluate(a, b, view));
for group in GroupByMut::new(group, |a, b| criterion.eq(a, b, view)) {
documents_seen += group.len();
// we have sort enough documents if the last document sorted is after
// the end of the requested range, we can continue to the next criterion
if documents_seen >= range.end { continue 'criteria }
// `drain` removes the documents efficiently using `ptr::copy`
// TODO it could be more efficient to have a custom iterator
let offset = cmp::min(documents.len(), range.start);
pub struct DistinctQueryBuilder<'a, D, FI, FD>
where D: Deref<Target=DB>
inner: QueryBuilder<'a, D, FI>,
function: FD,
size: usize,
impl<'a, D, FI, FD> DistinctQueryBuilder<'a, D, FI, FD>
where D: Deref<Target=DB>,
pub fn with_filter<F>(self, function: F) -> DistinctQueryBuilder<'a, D, F, FD>
where F: Fn(DocumentId, &DatabaseView<D>) -> bool,
DistinctQueryBuilder {
inner: self.inner.with_filter(function),
function: self.function,
size: self.size
impl<'a, D, FI, FD, K> DistinctQueryBuilder<'a, D, FI, FD>
where D: Deref<Target=DB>,
FI: Fn(DocumentId, &DatabaseView<D>) -> bool,
FD: Fn(DocumentId, &DatabaseView<D>) -> Option<K>,
K: Hash + Eq,
pub fn query(self, query: &str, range: Range<usize>) -> Vec<Document> {
let mut documents = self.inner.query_all(query);
let mut groups = vec![documents.as_mut_slice()];
let mut key_cache = HashMap::new();
let view = &self.inner.view;
let mut filter_map = HashMap::new();
// these two variables informs on the current distinct map and
// on the raw offset of the start of the group where the
// range.start bound is located according to the distinct function
let mut distinct_map = DistinctMap::new(self.size);
let mut distinct_raw_offset = 0;
'criteria: for criterion in self.inner.criteria.as_ref() {
let tmp_groups = mem::replace(&mut groups, Vec::new());
let mut buf_distinct = BufferedDistinctMap::new(&mut distinct_map);
let mut documents_seen = 0;
for group in tmp_groups {
// if this group does not overlap with the requested range,
// push it without sorting and splitting it
if documents_seen + group.len() < distinct_raw_offset {
documents_seen += group.len();
group.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| criterion.evaluate(a, b, view));
for group in GroupByMut::new(group, |a, b| criterion.eq(a, b, view)) {
// we must compute the real distinguished len of this sub-group
for document in group.iter() {
let filter_accepted = match &self.inner.filter {
None => true,
Some(filter) => {
let entry = filter_map.entry(;
*entry.or_insert_with(|| (filter)(, view))
if filter_accepted {
let entry = key_cache.entry(;
let key = entry.or_insert_with(|| (self.function)(, view).map(Rc::new));
match key.clone() {
Some(key) => buf_distinct.register(key),
None => buf_distinct.register_without_key(),
// the requested range end is reached: stop computing distinct
if buf_distinct.len() >= range.end { break }
documents_seen += group.len();
// if this sub-group does not overlap with the requested range
// we must update the distinct map and its start index
if buf_distinct.len() < range.start {
distinct_raw_offset = documents_seen;
// we have sort enough documents if the last document sorted is after
// the end of the requested range, we can continue to the next criterion
if buf_distinct.len() >= range.end { continue 'criteria }
let mut out_documents = Vec::with_capacity(range.len());
let mut seen = BufferedDistinctMap::new(&mut distinct_map);
for document in documents.into_iter().skip(distinct_raw_offset) {
let filter_accepted = match &self.inner.filter {
Some(_) => filter_map.remove(&"BUG: filtered not found"),
None => true,
if filter_accepted {
let key = key_cache.remove(&"BUG: cached key not found");
let distinct_accepted = match key {
Some(key) => seen.register(key),
None => seen.register_without_key(),
if distinct_accepted && seen.len() > range.start {
if out_documents.len() == range.len() { break }