2022-10-27 11:35:05 +02:00

159 lines
5.9 KiB

mod common;
use actix_web::test;
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use crate::common::Server;
enum HttpVerb {
impl HttpVerb {
fn test_request(&self) -> test::TestRequest {
match self {
HttpVerb::Put => test::TestRequest::put(),
HttpVerb::Patch => test::TestRequest::patch(),
HttpVerb::Post => test::TestRequest::post(),
HttpVerb::Get => test::TestRequest::get(),
HttpVerb::Delete => test::TestRequest::delete(),
async fn error_json_bad_content_type() {
use HttpVerb::{Patch, Post, Put};
let routes = [
// all the routes except the dumps that can be created without any body or content-type
// and the search that is not a strict json
(Post, "/indexes"),
(Post, "/indexes/doggo/documents/delete-batch"),
(Post, "/indexes/doggo/search"),
(Patch, "/indexes/doggo/settings"),
(Put, "/indexes/doggo/settings/displayed-attributes"),
(Put, "/indexes/doggo/settings/distinct-attribute"),
(Put, "/indexes/doggo/settings/filterable-attributes"),
(Put, "/indexes/doggo/settings/ranking-rules"),
(Put, "/indexes/doggo/settings/searchable-attributes"),
(Put, "/indexes/doggo/settings/sortable-attributes"),
(Put, "/indexes/doggo/settings/stop-words"),
(Put, "/indexes/doggo/settings/synonyms"),
let bad_content_types = [
let document = "{}";
let server = Server::new().await;
let app = server.init_web_app().await;
for (verb, route) in routes {
// Good content-type, we probably have an error since we didn't send anything in the json
// so we only ensure we didn't get a bad media type error.
let req = verb
.insert_header(("content-type", "application/json"))
let res = test::call_service(&app, req).await;
let status_code = res.status();
assert_ne!(status_code, 415,
"calling the route `{}` with a content-type of json isn't supposed to throw a bad media type error", route);
// No content-type.
let req = verb.test_request().uri(route).set_payload(document).to_request();
let res = test::call_service(&app, req).await;
let status_code = res.status();
let body = test::read_body(res).await;
let response: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&body).unwrap_or_default();
assert_eq!(status_code, 415, "calling the route `{}` without content-type is supposed to throw a bad media type error", route);
"message": r#"A Content-Type header is missing. Accepted values for the Content-Type header are: `application/json`"#,
"code": "missing_content_type",
"type": "invalid_request",
"link": "",
"when calling the route `{}` with no content-type",
for bad_content_type in bad_content_types {
// Always bad content-type
let req = verb
.insert_header(("content-type", bad_content_type))
let res = test::call_service(&app, req).await;
let status_code = res.status();
let body = test::read_body(res).await;
let response: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&body).unwrap_or_default();
assert_eq!(status_code, 415);
let expected_error_message = format!(
r#"The Content-Type `{}` is invalid. Accepted values for the Content-Type header are: `application/json`"#,
"message": expected_error_message,
"code": "invalid_content_type",
"type": "invalid_request",
"link": "",
"when calling the route `{}` with a content-type of `{}`",
async fn extract_actual_content_type() {
let route = "/indexes/doggo/documents";
let documents = "[{}]";
let server = Server::new().await;
let app = server.init_web_app().await;
// Good content-type, we probably have an error since we didn't send anything in the json
// so we only ensure we didn't get a bad media type error.
let req = test::TestRequest::post()
.insert_header(("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"))
let res = test::call_service(&app, req).await;
let status_code = res.status();
assert_ne!(status_code, 415,
"calling the route `{}` with a content-type of json isn't supposed to throw a bad media type error", route);
let req = test::TestRequest::put()
.insert_header(("content-type", "application/json; charset=latin-1"))
let res = test::call_service(&app, req).await;
let status_code = res.status();
assert_ne!(status_code, 415,
"calling the route `{}` with a content-type of json isn't supposed to throw a bad media type error", route);