Loïc Lecrenier fc9f3f31e7 Change DocumentsBatchReader to access cursor and index at same time
Otherwise it is not possible to iterate over all documents while
using the fields index at the same time.
2022-07-18 16:08:14 +02:00

366 lines
14 KiB

use std::io::{Read, Seek};
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use std::{fmt, iter};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::documents::{DocumentsBatchIndex, DocumentsBatchReader, EnrichedDocumentsBatchReader};
use crate::error::{GeoError, InternalError, UserError};
use crate::update::index_documents::{obkv_to_object, writer_into_reader};
use crate::{FieldId, Index, Object, Result};
/// The symbol used to define levels in a nested primary key.
const PRIMARY_KEY_SPLIT_SYMBOL: char = '.';
/// The default primary that is used when not specified.
const DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY: &str = "id";
/// This function validates and enrich the documents by checking that:
/// - we can infer a primary key,
/// - all the documents id exist and are extracted,
/// - the validity of them but also,
/// - the validity of the `_geo` field depending on the settings.
pub fn enrich_documents_batch<R: Read + Seek>(
rtxn: &heed::RoTxn,
index: &Index,
autogenerate_docids: bool,
reader: DocumentsBatchReader<R>,
) -> Result<StdResult<EnrichedDocumentsBatchReader<R>, UserError>> {
let (mut cursor, mut documents_batch_index) = reader.into_cursor_and_fields_index();
let mut external_ids = tempfile::tempfile().map(grenad::Writer::new)?;
let mut uuid_buffer = [0; uuid::fmt::Hyphenated::LENGTH];
// The primary key *field id* that has already been set for this index or the one
// we will guess by searching for the first key that contains "id" as a substring.
let primary_key = match index.primary_key(rtxn)? {
Some(primary_key) if primary_key.contains(PRIMARY_KEY_SPLIT_SYMBOL) => {
Some(primary_key) => match {
Some(id) => PrimaryKey::flat(primary_key, id),
None if autogenerate_docids => {
PrimaryKey::flat(primary_key, documents_batch_index.insert(primary_key))
None => {
return match cursor.next_document()? {
Some(first_document) => Ok(Err(UserError::MissingDocumentId {
primary_key: primary_key.to_string(),
document: obkv_to_object(&first_document, &documents_batch_index)?,
None => Ok(Err(UserError::MissingPrimaryKey)),
None => {
let guessed = documents_batch_index
.filter(|(_, name)| name.to_lowercase().contains(DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY))
.min_by_key(|(fid, _)| *fid);
match guessed {
Some((id, name)) => PrimaryKey::flat(name.as_str(), *id),
None if autogenerate_docids => PrimaryKey::flat(
None => return Ok(Err(UserError::MissingPrimaryKey)),
// If the settings specifies that a _geo field must be used therefore we must check the
// validity of it in all the documents of this batch and this is when we return `Some`.
let geo_field_id = match"_geo") {
Some(geo_field_id) if index.sortable_fields(rtxn)?.contains("_geo") => Some(geo_field_id),
_otherwise => None,
let mut count = 0;
while let Some(document) = cursor.next_document()? {
let document_id = match fetch_or_generate_document_id(
&mut uuid_buffer,
)? {
Ok(document_id) => document_id,
Err(user_error) => return Ok(Err(user_error)),
if let Some(geo_value) = geo_field_id.and_then(|fid| document.get(fid)) {
if let Err(user_error) = validate_geo_from_json(&document_id, geo_value)? {
return Ok(Err(UserError::from(user_error)));
let document_id = serde_json::to_vec(&document_id).map_err(InternalError::SerdeJson)?;
external_ids.insert(count.to_be_bytes(), document_id)?;
count += 1;
let external_ids = writer_into_reader(external_ids)?;
let primary_key_name =;
let reader = EnrichedDocumentsBatchReader::new(
DocumentsBatchReader::new(cursor, documents_batch_index),
/// Retrieve the document id after validating it, returning a `UserError`
/// if the id is invalid or can't be guessed.
fn fetch_or_generate_document_id(
document: &obkv::KvReader<FieldId>,
documents_batch_index: &DocumentsBatchIndex,
primary_key: PrimaryKey,
autogenerate_docids: bool,
uuid_buffer: &mut [u8; uuid::fmt::Hyphenated::LENGTH],
count: u32,
) -> Result<StdResult<DocumentId, UserError>> {
match primary_key {
PrimaryKey::Flat { name: primary_key, field_id: primary_key_id } => {
match document.get(primary_key_id) {
Some(document_id_bytes) => {
let document_id = serde_json::from_slice(document_id_bytes)
match validate_document_id_value(document_id)? {
Ok(document_id) => Ok(Ok(DocumentId::retrieved(document_id))),
Err(user_error) => Ok(Err(user_error)),
None if autogenerate_docids => {
let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().as_hyphenated().encode_lower(uuid_buffer);
Ok(Ok(DocumentId::generated(uuid.to_string(), count)))
None => Ok(Err(UserError::MissingDocumentId {
primary_key: primary_key.to_string(),
document: obkv_to_object(&document, &documents_batch_index)?,
nested @ PrimaryKey::Nested { .. } => {
let mut matching_documents_ids = Vec::new();
for (first_level_name, right) in nested.possible_level_names() {
if let Some(field_id) = {
if let Some(value_bytes) = document.get(field_id) {
let object = serde_json::from_slice(value_bytes)
fetch_matching_values(object, right, &mut matching_documents_ids);
if matching_documents_ids.len() >= 2 {
return Ok(Err(UserError::TooManyDocumentIds {
document: obkv_to_object(&document, &documents_batch_index)?,
match matching_documents_ids.pop() {
Some(document_id) => match validate_document_id_value(document_id)? {
Ok(document_id) => Ok(Ok(DocumentId::retrieved(document_id))),
Err(user_error) => Ok(Err(user_error)),
None => Ok(Err(UserError::MissingDocumentId {
document: obkv_to_object(&document, &documents_batch_index)?,
/// A type that represent the type of primary key that has been set
/// for this index, a classic flat one or a nested one.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum PrimaryKey<'a> {
Flat { name: &'a str, field_id: FieldId },
Nested { name: &'a str },
impl PrimaryKey<'_> {
fn flat(name: &str, field_id: FieldId) -> PrimaryKey {
PrimaryKey::Flat { name, field_id }
fn nested(name: &str) -> PrimaryKey {
PrimaryKey::Nested { name }
fn name(&self) -> &str {
match self {
PrimaryKey::Flat { name, .. } => name,
PrimaryKey::Nested { name } => name,
/// Returns an `Iterator` that gives all the possible fields names the primary key
/// can have depending of the first level name and deepnes of the objects.
fn possible_level_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, &str)> + '_ {
let name =;
.map(move |(i, _)| (&name[..i], &name[i + PRIMARY_KEY_SPLIT_SYMBOL.len_utf8()..]))
.chain(iter::once((name, "")))
/// A type that represents a document id that has been retrieved from a document or auto-generated.
/// In case the document id has been auto-generated, the document nth is kept to help
/// users debug if there is an issue with the document itself.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum DocumentId {
Retrieved { value: String },
Generated { value: String, document_nth: u32 },
impl DocumentId {
fn retrieved(value: String) -> DocumentId {
DocumentId::Retrieved { value }
fn generated(value: String, document_nth: u32) -> DocumentId {
DocumentId::Generated { value, document_nth }
fn debug(&self) -> String {
format!("{:?}", self)
pub fn is_generated(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, DocumentId::Generated { .. })
pub fn value(&self) -> &str {
match self {
DocumentId::Retrieved { value } => value,
DocumentId::Generated { value, .. } => value,
impl fmt::Debug for DocumentId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
DocumentId::Retrieved { value } => write!(f, "{:?}", value),
DocumentId::Generated { value, document_nth } => {
write!(f, "{{{:?}}} of the {}nth document", value, document_nth)
fn starts_with(selector: &str, key: &str) -> bool {
selector.strip_prefix(key).map_or(false, |tail| {
tail.chars().next().map(|c| c == PRIMARY_KEY_SPLIT_SYMBOL).unwrap_or(true)
pub fn fetch_matching_values(value: Value, selector: &str, output: &mut Vec<Value>) {
match value {
Value::Object(object) => fetch_matching_values_in_object(object, selector, "", output),
otherwise => output.push(otherwise),
pub fn fetch_matching_values_in_object(
object: Object,
selector: &str,
base_key: &str,
output: &mut Vec<Value>,
) {
for (key, value) in object {
let base_key = if base_key.is_empty() {
} else {
format!("{}{}{}", base_key, PRIMARY_KEY_SPLIT_SYMBOL, key)
if starts_with(selector, &base_key) {
match value {
Value::Object(object) => {
fetch_matching_values_in_object(object, selector, &base_key, output)
value => output.push(value),
/// Returns a trimmed version of the document id or `None` if it is invalid.
pub fn validate_document_id(document_id: &str) -> Option<&str> {
let document_id = document_id.trim();
if !document_id.is_empty()
&& document_id.chars().all(|c| matches!(c, 'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' | '-' | '_'))
} else {
/// Parses a Json encoded document id and validate it, returning a user error when it is one.
pub fn validate_document_id_value(document_id: Value) -> Result<StdResult<String, UserError>> {
match document_id {
Value::String(string) => match validate_document_id(&string) {
Some(s) if s.len() == string.len() => Ok(Ok(string)),
Some(s) => Ok(Ok(s.to_string())),
None => Ok(Err(UserError::InvalidDocumentId { document_id: Value::String(string) })),
Value::Number(number) if number.is_i64() => Ok(Ok(number.to_string())),
content => Ok(Err(UserError::InvalidDocumentId { document_id: content.clone() })),
/// Try to extract an `f64` from a JSON `Value` and return the `Value`
/// in the `Err` variant if it failed.
pub fn extract_finite_float_from_value(value: Value) -> StdResult<f64, Value> {
let number = match value {
Value::Number(ref n) => match n.as_f64() {
Some(number) => number,
None => return Err(value),
Value::String(ref s) => match s.parse::<f64>() {
Ok(number) => number,
Err(_) => return Err(value),
value => return Err(value),
if number.is_finite() {
} else {
pub fn validate_geo_from_json(id: &DocumentId, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<StdResult<(), GeoError>> {
use GeoError::*;
let debug_id = || Value::from(id.debug());
match serde_json::from_slice(bytes).map_err(InternalError::SerdeJson)? {
Value::Object(mut object) => match (object.remove("lat"), object.remove("lng")) {
(Some(lat), Some(lng)) => {
match (extract_finite_float_from_value(lat), extract_finite_float_from_value(lng)) {
(Ok(_), Ok(_)) => Ok(Ok(())),
(Err(value), Ok(_)) => Ok(Err(BadLatitude { document_id: debug_id(), value })),
(Ok(_), Err(value)) => Ok(Err(BadLongitude { document_id: debug_id(), value })),
(Err(lat), Err(lng)) => {
Ok(Err(BadLatitudeAndLongitude { document_id: debug_id(), lat, lng }))
(None, Some(_)) => Ok(Err(MissingLatitude { document_id: debug_id() })),
(Some(_), None) => Ok(Err(MissingLongitude { document_id: debug_id() })),
(None, None) => Ok(Err(MissingLatitudeAndLongitude { document_id: debug_id() })),
value => Ok(Err(NotAnObject { document_id: debug_id(), value })),