mpostma 87a56d2bc9
Fix settings bug
replace ids with str in settings

This allows for better maintainability of the settings code, since
updating the searchable attributes is now straightforward.

criterion use string

fix reindexing fieldid remaping

add tests for primary_key compute

fix tests

fix http-ui

fixup! add tests for primary_key compute

code improvements settings

update deps

fixup! code improvements settings

fixup! refactor settings updates and fix bug

fixup! Fix settings bug

fixup! Fix settings bug

fixup! Fix settings bug

Update src/update/index_documents/

Co-authored-by: Clément Renault <>

fixup! Fix settings bug
2021-01-26 13:53:08 +01:00

642 lines
26 KiB

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::iter::Peekable;
use std::time::Instant;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context};
use grenad::CompressionType;
use log::info;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use serde_json::{Map, Value};
use crate::{Index, BEU32, MergeFn, FieldsIdsMap, ExternalDocumentsIds, FieldId};
use crate::update::{AvailableDocumentsIds, UpdateIndexingStep};
use super::merge_function::merge_two_obkvs;
use super::{create_writer, create_sorter, IndexDocumentsMethod};
const DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY_NAME: &str = "id";
pub struct TransformOutput {
pub primary_key: String,
pub fields_ids_map: FieldsIdsMap,
pub external_documents_ids: ExternalDocumentsIds<'static>,
pub new_documents_ids: RoaringBitmap,
pub replaced_documents_ids: RoaringBitmap,
pub documents_count: usize,
pub documents_file: File,
/// Extract the external ids, deduplicate and compute the new internal documents ids
/// and fields ids, writing all the documents under their internal ids into a final file.
/// Outputs the new `FieldsIdsMap`, the new `UsersIdsDocumentsIds` map, the new documents ids,
/// the replaced documents ids, the number of documents in this update and the file
/// containing all those documents.
pub struct Transform<'t, 'i> {
pub rtxn: &'t heed::RoTxn<'i>,
pub index: &'i Index,
pub log_every_n: Option<usize>,
pub chunk_compression_type: CompressionType,
pub chunk_compression_level: Option<u32>,
pub chunk_fusing_shrink_size: Option<u64>,
pub max_nb_chunks: Option<usize>,
pub max_memory: Option<usize>,
pub index_documents_method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
pub autogenerate_docids: bool,
impl Transform<'_, '_> {
pub fn output_from_json<R, F>(self, reader: R, progress_callback: F) -> anyhow::Result<TransformOutput>
R: Read,
F: Fn(UpdateIndexingStep) + Sync,
self.output_from_generic_json(reader, false, progress_callback)
pub fn output_from_json_stream<R, F>(self, reader: R, progress_callback: F) -> anyhow::Result<TransformOutput>
R: Read,
F: Fn(UpdateIndexingStep) + Sync,
self.output_from_generic_json(reader, true, progress_callback)
fn output_from_generic_json<R, F>(
reader: R,
is_stream: bool,
progress_callback: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<TransformOutput>
R: Read,
F: Fn(UpdateIndexingStep) + Sync,
let mut fields_ids_map = self.index.fields_ids_map(self.rtxn)?;
let external_documents_ids = self.index.external_documents_ids(self.rtxn).unwrap();
// Deserialize the whole batch of documents in memory.
let mut documents: Peekable<Box<dyn Iterator<Item=serde_json::Result<Map<String, Value>>>>> = if is_stream {
let iter = serde_json::Deserializer::from_reader(reader).into_iter();
let iter = Box::new(iter) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item=_>>;
} else {
let vec: Vec<_> = serde_json::from_reader(reader)?;
let iter = vec.into_iter().map(Ok);
let iter = Box::new(iter) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item=_>>;
// We extract the primary key from the first document in
// the batch if it hasn't already been defined in the index
let first = documents.peek().and_then(|r| r.as_ref().ok());
let alternative_name = first.and_then(|doc| doc.keys().find(|k| k.contains(DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY_NAME)).cloned());
let (primary_key_id, primary_key) = compute_primary_key_pair(
&mut fields_ids_map,
if documents.peek().is_none() {
return Ok(TransformOutput {
external_documents_ids: ExternalDocumentsIds::default(),
new_documents_ids: RoaringBitmap::new(),
replaced_documents_ids: RoaringBitmap::new(),
documents_count: 0,
documents_file: tempfile::tempfile()?,
// We must choose the appropriate merge function for when two or more documents
// with the same user id must be merged or fully replaced in the same batch.
let merge_function = match self.index_documents_method {
IndexDocumentsMethod::ReplaceDocuments => keep_latest_obkv,
IndexDocumentsMethod::UpdateDocuments => merge_obkvs,
// We initialize the sorter with the user indexing settings.
let mut sorter = create_sorter(
let mut json_buffer = Vec::new();
let mut obkv_buffer = Vec::new();
let mut uuid_buffer = [0; uuid::adapter::Hyphenated::LENGTH];
let mut documents_count = 0;
for result in documents {
let document = result?;
if self.log_every_n.map_or(false, |len| documents_count % len == 0) {
progress_callback(UpdateIndexingStep::TransformFromUserIntoGenericFormat {
documents_seen: documents_count,
let mut writer = obkv::KvWriter::new(&mut obkv_buffer);
// We prepare the fields ids map with the documents keys.
for (key, _value) in &document {
fields_ids_map.insert(&key).context("field id limit reached")?;
// We retrieve the user id from the document based on the primary key name,
// if the document id isn't present we generate a uuid.
let external_id = match document.get(&primary_key) {
Some(value) => match value {
Value::String(string) => Cow::Borrowed(string.as_str()),
Value::Number(number) => Cow::Owned(number.to_string()),
_ => return Err(anyhow!("documents ids must be either strings or numbers")),
None => {
if !self.autogenerate_docids {
return Err(anyhow!("missing primary key"));
let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_hyphenated().encode_lower(&mut uuid_buffer);
// We iterate in the fields ids ordered.
for (field_id, name) in fields_ids_map.iter() {
// We try to extract the value from the document and if we don't find anything
// and this should be the document id we return the one we generated.
if let Some(value) = document.get(name) {
// We serialize the attribute values.
serde_json::to_writer(&mut json_buffer, value)?;
writer.insert(field_id, &json_buffer)?;
else if field_id == primary_key_id {
// We validate the document id [a-zA-Z0-9\-_].
let external_id = match validate_document_id(&external_id) {
Some(valid) => valid,
None => return Err(anyhow!("invalid document id: {:?}", external_id)),
// We serialize the document id.
serde_json::to_writer(&mut json_buffer, &external_id)?;
writer.insert(field_id, &json_buffer)?;
// We use the extracted/generated user id as the key for this document.
sorter.insert(external_id.as_bytes(), &obkv_buffer)?;
documents_count += 1;
progress_callback(UpdateIndexingStep::TransformFromUserIntoGenericFormat {
documents_seen: documents_count,
// Now that we have a valid sorter that contains the user id and the obkv we
// give it to the last transforming function which returns the TransformOutput.
pub fn output_from_csv<R, F>(self, reader: R, progress_callback: F) -> anyhow::Result<TransformOutput>
R: Read,
F: Fn(UpdateIndexingStep) + Sync,
let mut fields_ids_map = self.index.fields_ids_map(self.rtxn)?;
let external_documents_ids = self.index.external_documents_ids(self.rtxn).unwrap();
let mut csv = csv::Reader::from_reader(reader);
let headers = csv.headers()?;
let mut fields_ids = Vec::new();
// Generate the new fields ids based on the current fields ids and this CSV headers.
for (i, header) in headers.iter().enumerate() {
let id = fields_ids_map.insert(header).context("field id limit reached)")?;
fields_ids.push((id, i));
// Extract the position of the primary key in the current headers, None if not found.
let primary_key_pos = match self.index.primary_key(self.rtxn)? {
Some(primary_key) => {
// The primary key is known so we must find the position in the CSV headers.
headers.iter().position(|h| h == primary_key)
None => headers.iter().position(|h| h.contains("id")),
// Returns the field id in the fields ids map, create an "id" field
// in case it is not in the current headers.
let alternative_name =|pos| headers[pos].to_string());
let (primary_key_id, _) = compute_primary_key_pair(
&mut fields_ids_map,
// The primary key field is not present in the header, so we need to create it.
if primary_key_pos.is_none() {
fields_ids.push((primary_key_id, usize::max_value()));
// We sort the fields ids by the fields ids map id, this way we are sure to iterate over
// the records fields in the fields ids map order and correctly generate the obkv.
fields_ids.sort_unstable_by_key(|(field_id, _)| *field_id);
// We initialize the sorter with the user indexing settings.
let mut sorter = create_sorter(
// We write into the sorter to merge and deduplicate the documents
// based on the external ids.
let mut json_buffer = Vec::new();
let mut obkv_buffer = Vec::new();
let mut uuid_buffer = [0; uuid::adapter::Hyphenated::LENGTH];
let mut documents_count = 0;
let mut record = csv::StringRecord::new();
while csv.read_record(&mut record)? {
let mut writer = obkv::KvWriter::new(&mut obkv_buffer);
if self.log_every_n.map_or(false, |len| documents_count % len == 0) {
progress_callback(UpdateIndexingStep::TransformFromUserIntoGenericFormat {
documents_seen: documents_count,
// We extract the user id if we know where it is or generate an UUID V4 otherwise.
let external_id = match primary_key_pos {
Some(pos) => {
let external_id = &record[pos];
// We validate the document id [a-zA-Z0-9\-_].
match validate_document_id(&external_id) {
Some(valid) => valid,
None => return Err(anyhow!("invalid document id: {:?}", external_id)),
None => uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_hyphenated().encode_lower(&mut uuid_buffer),
// When the primary_key_field_id is found in the fields ids list
// we return the generated document id instead of the record field.
let iter = fields_ids.iter()
.map(|(fi, i)| {
let field = if *fi == primary_key_id { external_id } else { &record[*i] };
(fi, field)
// We retrieve the field id based on the fields ids map fields ids order.
for (field_id, field) in iter {
// We serialize the attribute values as JSON strings.
serde_json::to_writer(&mut json_buffer, &field)?;
writer.insert(*field_id, &json_buffer)?;
// We use the extracted/generated user id as the key for this document.
sorter.insert(external_id, &obkv_buffer)?;
documents_count += 1;
progress_callback(UpdateIndexingStep::TransformFromUserIntoGenericFormat {
documents_seen: documents_count,
// Now that we have a valid sorter that contains the user id and the obkv we
// give it to the last transforming function which returns the TransformOutput.
let primary_key_name = fields_ids_map
.expect("Primary key must be present in fields id map");
/// Generate the `TransformOutput` based on the given sorter that can be generated from any
/// format like CSV, JSON or JSON stream. This sorter must contain a key that is the document
/// id for the user side and the value must be an obkv where keys are valid fields ids.
fn output_from_sorter<F>(
sorter: grenad::Sorter<MergeFn>,
primary_key: String,
fields_ids_map: FieldsIdsMap,
approximate_number_of_documents: usize,
mut external_documents_ids: ExternalDocumentsIds<'_>,
progress_callback: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<TransformOutput>
F: Fn(UpdateIndexingStep) + Sync,
let documents_ids = self.index.documents_ids(self.rtxn)?;
let mut available_documents_ids = AvailableDocumentsIds::from_documents_ids(&documents_ids);
// Once we have sort and deduplicated the documents we write them into a final file.
let mut final_sorter = create_sorter(
|_docid, _obkvs| Err(anyhow!("cannot merge two documents")),
let mut new_external_documents_ids_builder = fst::MapBuilder::memory();
let mut replaced_documents_ids = RoaringBitmap::new();
let mut new_documents_ids = RoaringBitmap::new();
let mut obkv_buffer = Vec::new();
// While we write into final file we get or generate the internal documents ids.
let mut documents_count = 0;
let mut iter = sorter.into_iter()?;
while let Some((external_id, update_obkv)) = {
if self.log_every_n.map_or(false, |len| documents_count % len == 0) {
progress_callback(UpdateIndexingStep::ComputeIdsAndMergeDocuments {
documents_seen: documents_count,
total_documents: approximate_number_of_documents,
let (docid, obkv) = match external_documents_ids.get(external_id) {
Some(docid) => {
// If we find the user id in the current external documents ids map
// we use it and insert it in the list of replaced documents.
// Depending on the update indexing method we will merge
// the document update with the current document or not.
match self.index_documents_method {
IndexDocumentsMethod::ReplaceDocuments => (docid, update_obkv),
IndexDocumentsMethod::UpdateDocuments => {
let key = BEU32::new(docid);
let base_obkv = self.index.documents.get(&self.rtxn, &key)?
.context("document not found")?;
let update_obkv = obkv::KvReader::new(update_obkv);
merge_two_obkvs(base_obkv, update_obkv, &mut obkv_buffer);
(docid, obkv_buffer.as_slice())
None => {
// If this user id is new we add it to the external documents ids map
// for new ids and into the list of new documents.
let new_docid =
.context("no more available documents ids")?;
new_external_documents_ids_builder.insert(external_id, new_docid as u64)?;
(new_docid, update_obkv)
// We insert the document under the documents ids map into the final file.
final_sorter.insert(docid.to_be_bytes(), obkv)?;
documents_count += 1;
progress_callback(UpdateIndexingStep::ComputeIdsAndMergeDocuments {
documents_seen: documents_count,
total_documents: documents_count,
// We create a final writer to write the new documents in order from the sorter.
let file = tempfile::tempfile()?;
let mut writer = create_writer(self.chunk_compression_type, self.chunk_compression_level, file)?;
// Once we have written all the documents into the final sorter, we write the documents
// into this writer, extract the file and reset the seek to be able to read it again.
final_sorter.write_into(&mut writer)?;
let mut documents_file = writer.into_inner()?;;
let before_docids_merging = Instant::now();
// We merge the new external ids with existing external documents ids.
let new_external_documents_ids = new_external_documents_ids_builder.into_map();
info!("Documents external merging took {:.02?}", before_docids_merging.elapsed());
Ok(TransformOutput {
external_documents_ids: external_documents_ids.into_static(),
/// Returns a `TransformOutput` with a file that contains the documents of the index
/// with the attributes reordered accordingly to the `FieldsIdsMap` given as argument.
// TODO this can be done in parallel by using the rayon `ThreadPool`.
pub fn remap_index_documents(
primary_key: String,
old_fields_ids_map: FieldsIdsMap,
new_fields_ids_map: FieldsIdsMap,
) -> anyhow::Result<TransformOutput>
let external_documents_ids = self.index.external_documents_ids(self.rtxn)?;
let documents_ids = self.index.documents_ids(self.rtxn)?;
let documents_count = documents_ids.len() as usize;
// We create a final writer to write the new documents in order from the sorter.
let file = tempfile::tempfile()?;
let mut writer = create_writer(self.chunk_compression_type, self.chunk_compression_level, file)?;
let mut obkv_buffer = Vec::new();
for result in self.index.documents.iter(self.rtxn)? {
let (docid, obkv) = result?;
let docid = docid.get();
let mut obkv_writer = obkv::KvWriter::new(&mut obkv_buffer);
// We iterate over the new `FieldsIdsMap` ids in order and construct the new obkv.
for (id, name) in new_fields_ids_map.iter() {
if let Some(val) =|id| obkv.get(id)) {
obkv_writer.insert(id, val)?;
let buffer = obkv_writer.into_inner()?;
writer.insert(docid.to_be_bytes(), buffer)?;
// Once we have written all the documents, we extract
// the file and reset the seek to be able to read it again.
let mut documents_file = writer.into_inner()?;;
Ok(TransformOutput {
fields_ids_map: new_fields_ids_map,
external_documents_ids: external_documents_ids.into_static(),
new_documents_ids: documents_ids,
replaced_documents_ids: RoaringBitmap::default(),
/// Given an optional primary key and an optional alternative name, returns the (field_id, attr_name)
/// for the primary key according to the following rules:
/// - if primary_key is `Some`, returns the id and the name, else
/// - if alternative_name is Some, adds alternative to the fields_ids_map, and returns the pair, else
/// - if autogenerate_docids is true, insert the default id value in the field ids map ("id") and
/// returns the pair, else
/// - returns an error.
fn compute_primary_key_pair(
primary_key: Option<&str>,
fields_ids_map: &mut FieldsIdsMap,
alternative_name: Option<String>,
autogenerate_docids: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<(FieldId, String)> {
match primary_key {
Some(primary_key) => {
let id ="primary key must be present in the fields id map");
Ok((id, primary_key.to_string()))
None => {
let name = match alternative_name {
Some(key) => key,
None => {
if !autogenerate_docids {
// If there is no primary key in the current document batch, we must
// return an error and not automatically generate any document id.
anyhow::bail!("missing primary key")
let id = fields_ids_map.insert(&name).context("field id limit reached")?;
Ok((id, name))
/// Only the last value associated with an id is kept.
fn keep_latest_obkv(_key: &[u8], obkvs: &[Cow<[u8]>]) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
obkvs.last().context("no last value").map(|last| last.clone().into_owned())
/// Merge all the obks in the order we see them.
fn merge_obkvs(_key: &[u8], obkvs: &[Cow<[u8]>]) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut iter = obkvs.iter();
let first =|b| b.clone().into_owned()).context("no first value")?;
Ok(iter.fold(first, |acc, current| {
let first = obkv::KvReader::new(&acc);
let second = obkv::KvReader::new(current);
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
merge_two_obkvs(first, second, &mut buffer);
fn validate_document_id(document_id: &str) -> Option<&str> {
let document_id = document_id.trim();
Some(document_id).filter(|id| {
!id.is_empty() && id.chars().all(|c| {
matches!(c, 'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' | '-' | '_')
mod test {
use super::*;
mod compute_primary_key {
use super::compute_primary_key_pair;
use super::FieldsIdsMap;
fn should_panic_primary_key_not_in_map() {
let mut fields_map = FieldsIdsMap::new();
let _result = compute_primary_key_pair(
&mut fields_map,
fn should_return_primary_key_if_is_some() {
let mut fields_map = FieldsIdsMap::new();
let result = compute_primary_key_pair(
&mut fields_map,
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), (0u8, "toto".to_string()));
assert_eq!(fields_map.len(), 1);
fn should_return_alternative_if_primary_is_none() {
let mut fields_map = FieldsIdsMap::new();
let result = compute_primary_key_pair(
&mut fields_map,
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), (0u8, "tata".to_string()));
assert_eq!(fields_map.len(), 1);
fn should_return_default_if_both_are_none() {
let mut fields_map = FieldsIdsMap::new();
let result = compute_primary_key_pair(
&mut fields_map,
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), (0u8, "id".to_string()));
assert_eq!(fields_map.len(), 1);
fn should_return_err_if_both_are_none_and_recompute_is_false(){
let mut fields_map = FieldsIdsMap::new();
let result = compute_primary_key_pair(
&mut fields_map,
assert_eq!(fields_map.len(), 0);