2023-06-14 12:39:42 +02:00

401 lines
17 KiB

/** Implements a "PathVisitor" which finds all paths of a certain cost
from the START to END node of a ranking rule graph.
A path is a list of conditions. A condition is the data associated with
an edge, given by the ranking rule. Some edges don't have a condition associated
with them, they are "unconditional". These kinds of edges are used to "skip" a node.
The algorithm uses a depth-first search. It benefits from two main optimisations:
- The list of all possible costs to go from any node to the END node is precomputed
- The `DeadEndsCache` reduces the number of valid paths drastically, by making some edges
untraversable depending on what other edges were selected.
These two optimisations are meant to avoid traversing edges that wouldn't lead
to a valid path. In practically all cases, we avoid the exponential complexity
that is inherent to depth-first search in a large ranking rule graph.
The DeadEndsCache is a sort of prefix tree which associates a list of forbidden
conditions to a list of traversed conditions.
For example, the DeadEndsCache could say the following:
- Immediately, from the start, the conditions `[a,b]` are forbidden
- if we take the condition `c`, then the conditions `[e]` are also forbidden
- and if after that, we take `f`, then `[h,i]` are also forbidden
- etc.
- if we take `g`, then `[f]` is also forbidden
- etc.
- etc.
As we traverse the graph, we also traverse the `DeadEndsCache` and keep a list of forbidden
conditions in memory. Then, we know to avoid all edges which have a condition that is forbidden.
When a path is found from START to END, we give it to the `visit` closure.
This closure takes a mutable reference to the `DeadEndsCache`. This means that
the caller can update this cache. Therefore, we must handle the case where the
DeadEndsCache has been updated. This means potentially backtracking up to the point
where the traversed conditions are all allowed by the new DeadEndsCache.
The algorithm also implements the `TermsMatchingStrategy` logic.
Some edges are augmented with a list of "nodes_to_skip". Skipping
a node means "reaching this node through an unconditional edge". If we have
already traversed (ie. not skipped) a node that is in this list, then we know that we
can't traverse this edge. Otherwise, we traverse the edge but make sure to skip any
future node that was present in the "nodes_to_skip" list.
The caller can decide to stop the path finding algorithm
by returning a `ControlFlow::Break` from the `visit` closure.
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, VecDeque};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
use fxhash::FxHashSet;
use super::{DeadEndsCache, RankingRuleGraph, RankingRuleGraphTrait};
use crate::search::new::interner::{Interned, MappedInterner};
use crate::search::new::query_graph::QueryNode;
use crate::search::new::small_bitmap::SmallBitmap;
use crate::Result;
/// Closure which processes a path found by the `PathVisitor`
type VisitFn<'f, G> = &'f mut dyn FnMut(
// the path as a list of conditions
&[Interned<<G as RankingRuleGraphTrait>::Condition>],
&mut RankingRuleGraph<G>,
// a mutable reference to the DeadEndsCache, to update it in case the given
// path doesn't resolve to any valid document ids
&mut DeadEndsCache<<G as RankingRuleGraphTrait>::Condition>,
) -> Result<ControlFlow<()>>;
/// A structure which is kept but not updated during the traversal of the graph.
/// It can however be updated by the `visit` closure once a valid path has been found.
struct VisitorContext<'a, G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> {
graph: &'a mut RankingRuleGraph<G>,
all_costs_from_node: &'a MappedInterner<QueryNode, Vec<u64>>,
dead_ends_cache: &'a mut DeadEndsCache<G::Condition>,
/// The internal state of the traversal algorithm
struct VisitorState<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> {
/// Budget from the current node to the end node
remaining_cost: u64,
/// Previously visited conditions, in order.
path: Vec<Interned<G::Condition>>,
/// Previously visited conditions, as an efficient and compact set.
visited_conditions: SmallBitmap<G::Condition>,
/// Previously visited (ie not skipped) nodes, as an efficient and compact set.
visited_nodes: SmallBitmap<QueryNode>,
/// The conditions that cannot be visited anymore
forbidden_conditions: SmallBitmap<G::Condition>,
/// The nodes that cannot be visited anymore (they must be skipped)
nodes_to_skip: SmallBitmap<QueryNode>,
/// See module documentation
pub struct PathVisitor<'a, G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> {
state: VisitorState<G>,
ctx: VisitorContext<'a, G>,
impl<'a, G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> PathVisitor<'a, G> {
pub fn new(
cost: u64,
graph: &'a mut RankingRuleGraph<G>,
all_costs_from_node: &'a MappedInterner<QueryNode, Vec<u64>>,
dead_ends_cache: &'a mut DeadEndsCache<G::Condition>,
) -> Self {
Self {
state: VisitorState {
remaining_cost: cost,
path: vec![],
visited_conditions: SmallBitmap::for_interned_values_in(&graph.conditions_interner),
visited_nodes: SmallBitmap::for_interned_values_in(&graph.query_graph.nodes),
forbidden_conditions: SmallBitmap::for_interned_values_in(
nodes_to_skip: SmallBitmap::for_interned_values_in(&graph.query_graph.nodes),
ctx: VisitorContext { graph, all_costs_from_node, dead_ends_cache },
/// See module documentation
pub fn visit_paths(mut self, visit: VisitFn<G>) -> Result<()> {
let _ =
self.state.visit_node(self.ctx.graph.query_graph.root_node, visit, &mut self.ctx)?;
impl<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> VisitorState<G> {
/// Visits a node: traverse all its valid conditional and unconditional edges.
/// Returns ControlFlow::Break if the path finding algorithm should stop.
/// Returns whether a valid path was found from this node otherwise.
fn visit_node(
&mut self,
from_node: Interned<QueryNode>,
visit: VisitFn<G>,
ctx: &mut VisitorContext<G>,
) -> Result<ControlFlow<(), bool>> {
// any valid path will be found from this point
// if a valid path was found, then we know that the DeadEndsCache may have been updated,
// and we will need to do more work to potentially backtrack
let mut any_valid = false;
let edges = ctx.graph.edges_of_node.get(from_node).clone();
for edge_idx in edges.iter() {
// could be none if the edge was deleted
let Some(edge) = ctx.graph.edges_store.get(edge_idx).clone() else { continue };
if self.remaining_cost < edge.cost as u64 {
self.remaining_cost -= edge.cost as u64;
let cf = match edge.condition {
Some(condition) => self.visit_condition(
None => self.visit_no_condition(edge.dest_node, &edge.nodes_to_skip, visit, ctx)?,
self.remaining_cost += edge.cost as u64;
let ControlFlow::Continue(next_any_valid) = cf else {
return Ok(ControlFlow::Break(()));
any_valid |= next_any_valid;
if next_any_valid {
// backtrack as much as possible if a valid path was found and the dead_ends_cache
// was updated such that the current prefix is now invalid
self.forbidden_conditions = ctx
if self.visited_conditions.intersects(&self.forbidden_conditions) {
return Ok(ControlFlow::Continue(true));
/// Visits an unconditional edge.
/// Returns ControlFlow::Break if the path finding algorithm should stop.
/// Returns whether a valid path was found from this node otherwise.
fn visit_no_condition(
&mut self,
dest_node: Interned<QueryNode>,
edge_new_nodes_to_skip: &SmallBitmap<QueryNode>,
visit: VisitFn<G>,
ctx: &mut VisitorContext<G>,
) -> Result<ControlFlow<(), bool>> {
if !ctx
.any(|next_cost| *next_cost == self.remaining_cost)
return Ok(ControlFlow::Continue(false));
// We've reached the END node!
if dest_node == ctx.graph.query_graph.end_node {
let control_flow = visit(&self.path, ctx.graph, ctx.dead_ends_cache)?;
// We could change the return type of the visit closure such that the caller
// tells us whether the dead ends cache was updated or not.
// Alternatively, maybe the DeadEndsCache should have a generation number
// to it, so that we don't need to play with these booleans at all.
match control_flow {
ControlFlow::Continue(_) => Ok(ControlFlow::Continue(true)),
ControlFlow::Break(_) => Ok(ControlFlow::Break(())),
} else {
let old_fbct = self.nodes_to_skip.clone();
let cf = self.visit_node(dest_node, visit, ctx)?;
self.nodes_to_skip = old_fbct;
/// Visits a conditional edge.
/// Returns ControlFlow::Break if the path finding algorithm should stop.
/// Returns whether a valid path was found from this node otherwise.
fn visit_condition(
&mut self,
condition: Interned<G::Condition>,
dest_node: Interned<QueryNode>,
edge_new_nodes_to_skip: &SmallBitmap<QueryNode>,
visit: VisitFn<G>,
ctx: &mut VisitorContext<G>,
) -> Result<ControlFlow<(), bool>> {
assert!(dest_node != ctx.graph.query_graph.end_node);
if self.forbidden_conditions.contains(condition)
|| self.nodes_to_skip.contains(dest_node)
|| edge_new_nodes_to_skip.intersects(&self.visited_nodes)
return Ok(ControlFlow::Continue(false));
// Checking that from the destination node, there is at least
// one cost that we can visit that corresponds to our remaining budget.
if !ctx
.any(|next_cost| *next_cost == self.remaining_cost)
return Ok(ControlFlow::Continue(false));
let old_forb_cond = self.forbidden_conditions.clone();
if let Some(next_forbidden) =
let old_nodes_to_skip = self.nodes_to_skip.clone();
let cf = self.visit_node(dest_node, visit, ctx)?;
self.nodes_to_skip = old_nodes_to_skip;
self.forbidden_conditions = old_forb_cond;
impl<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> RankingRuleGraph<G> {
pub fn find_all_costs_to_end(&self) -> MappedInterner<QueryNode, Vec<u64>> {
let mut costs_to_end =|_| vec![]);
self.traverse_breadth_first_backward(self.query_graph.end_node, |cur_node| {
if cur_node == self.query_graph.end_node {
*costs_to_end.get_mut(self.query_graph.end_node) = vec![0];
let mut self_costs = Vec::<u64>::new();
let cur_node_edges = &self.edges_of_node.get(cur_node);
for edge_idx in cur_node_edges.iter() {
let edge = self.edges_store.get(edge_idx).as_ref().unwrap();
let succ_node = edge.dest_node;
let succ_costs = costs_to_end.get(succ_node);
for succ_cost in succ_costs {
self_costs.push(edge.cost as u64 + succ_cost);
*costs_to_end.get_mut(cur_node) = self_costs;
pub fn update_all_costs_before_node(
node_with_removed_outgoing_conditions: Interned<QueryNode>,
costs: &mut MappedInterner<QueryNode, Vec<u64>>,
) {
// Traverse the graph backward from the target node, recomputing the cost for each of its predecessors.
// We first check that no other node is contributing the same total cost to a predecessor before removing
// the cost from the predecessor.
self.traverse_breadth_first_backward(node_with_removed_outgoing_conditions, |cur_node| {
let mut costs_to_remove = FxHashSet::default();
let cur_node_edges = &self.edges_of_node.get(cur_node);
for edge_idx in cur_node_edges.iter() {
let edge = self.edges_store.get(edge_idx).as_ref().unwrap();
for cost in costs.get(edge.dest_node).iter() {
costs_to_remove.remove(&(*cost + edge.cost as u64));
if costs_to_remove.is_empty() {
if costs_to_remove.is_empty() {
let mut new_costs = BTreeSet::from_iter(costs.get(cur_node).iter().copied());
for c in costs_to_remove {
*costs.get_mut(cur_node) = new_costs.into_iter().collect();
/// Traverse the graph backwards from the given node such that every time
/// a node is visited, we are guaranteed that all its successors either:
/// 1. have already been visited; OR
/// 2. were not reachable from the given node
pub fn traverse_breadth_first_backward(
from: Interned<QueryNode>,
mut visit: impl FnMut(Interned<QueryNode>),
) {
let mut reachable = SmallBitmap::for_interned_values_in(&self.query_graph.nodes);
// go backward to get the set of all reachable nodes from the given node
// the nodes that are not reachable will be set as `visited`
let mut stack = VecDeque::new();
let mut enqueued = SmallBitmap::for_interned_values_in(&self.query_graph.nodes);
while let Some(n) = stack.pop_front() {
if reachable.contains(n) {
for prev_node in self.query_graph.nodes.get(n).predecessors.iter() {
if !enqueued.contains(prev_node) && !reachable.contains(prev_node) {
let mut unreachable_or_visited =
for (n, _) in self.query_graph.nodes.iter() {
if !reachable.contains(n) {
let mut enqueued = SmallBitmap::for_interned_values_in(&self.query_graph.nodes);
let mut stack = VecDeque::new();
while let Some(cur_node) = stack.pop_front() {
if !self.query_graph.nodes.get(cur_node).successors.is_subset(&unreachable_or_visited) {
for prev_node in self.query_graph.nodes.get(cur_node).predecessors.iter() {
if !enqueued.contains(prev_node) && !unreachable_or_visited.contains(prev_node) {