Louis Dureuil 098ab594eb
A score of 0.0 is now lesser than a sort result
handles the niche case 🐩 in the hybrid search where:
1. a sort ranking rule is the first rule.
2. the keyword search is skipped at the first rule.
3. the semantic search is not skipped at the first rule.

Previously, we would have the skipped search winning, whereas we want the non skipped one winning.
2024-03-19 17:32:32 +01:00

192 lines
7.3 KiB

use std::cmp::Ordering;
use itertools::Itertools;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::score_details::{ScoreDetails, ScoreValue, ScoringStrategy};
use crate::{MatchingWords, Result, Search, SearchResult};
struct ScoreWithRatioResult {
matching_words: MatchingWords,
candidates: RoaringBitmap,
document_scores: Vec<(u32, ScoreWithRatio)>,
degraded: bool,
type ScoreWithRatio = (Vec<ScoreDetails>, f32);
fn compare_scores(
&(ref left_scores, left_ratio): &ScoreWithRatio,
&(ref right_scores, right_ratio): &ScoreWithRatio,
) -> Ordering {
let mut left_it = ScoreDetails::score_values(left_scores.iter());
let mut right_it = ScoreDetails::score_values(right_scores.iter());
loop {
let left =;
let right =;
match (left, right) {
(None, None) => return Ordering::Equal,
(None, Some(_)) => return Ordering::Less,
(Some(_), None) => return Ordering::Greater,
(Some(ScoreValue::Score(left)), Some(ScoreValue::Score(right))) => {
let left = left * left_ratio as f64;
let right = right * right_ratio as f64;
if (left - right).abs() <= f64::EPSILON {
return left.partial_cmp(&right).unwrap();
(Some(ScoreValue::Sort(left)), Some(ScoreValue::Sort(right))) => {
match left.partial_cmp(right).unwrap() {
Ordering::Equal => continue,
order => return order,
(Some(ScoreValue::GeoSort(left)), Some(ScoreValue::GeoSort(right))) => {
match left.partial_cmp(right).unwrap() {
Ordering::Equal => continue,
order => return order,
(Some(ScoreValue::Score(x)), Some(_)) => {
return if x == 0. { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Greater }
(Some(_), Some(ScoreValue::Score(x))) => {
return if x == 0. { Ordering::Greater } else { Ordering::Less }
// if we have this, we're bad
(Some(ScoreValue::GeoSort(_)), Some(ScoreValue::Sort(_)))
| (Some(ScoreValue::Sort(_)), Some(ScoreValue::GeoSort(_))) => {
unreachable!("Unexpected geo and sort comparison")
impl ScoreWithRatioResult {
fn new(results: SearchResult, ratio: f32) -> Self {
let document_scores = results
.zip(results.document_scores.into_iter().map(|scores| (scores, ratio)))
Self {
matching_words: results.matching_words,
candidates: results.candidates,
degraded: results.degraded,
fn merge(left: Self, right: Self, from: usize, length: usize) -> SearchResult {
let mut documents_ids =
Vec::with_capacity(left.document_scores.len() + right.document_scores.len());
let mut document_scores =
Vec::with_capacity(left.document_scores.len() + right.document_scores.len());
let mut documents_seen = RoaringBitmap::new();
for (docid, (main_score, _sub_score)) in left
.merge_by(right.document_scores.into_iter(), |(_, left), (_, right)| {
// the first value is the one with the greatest score
compare_scores(left, right).is_ge()
// remove documents we already saw
.filter(|(docid, _)| documents_seen.insert(*docid))
// start skipping **after** the filter
// take **after** skipping
// TODO: pass both scores to documents_score in some way?
SearchResult {
matching_words: right.matching_words,
candidates: left.candidates | right.candidates,
degraded: left.degraded | right.degraded,
impl<'a> Search<'a> {
pub fn execute_hybrid(&self, semantic_ratio: f32) -> Result<SearchResult> {
// TODO: find classier way to achieve that than to reset vector and query params
// create separate keyword and semantic searches
let mut search = Search {
query: self.query.clone(),
vector: self.vector.clone(),
filter: self.filter.clone(),
offset: 0,
limit: self.limit + self.offset,
sort_criteria: self.sort_criteria.clone(),
searchable_attributes: self.searchable_attributes,
geo_strategy: self.geo_strategy,
terms_matching_strategy: self.terms_matching_strategy,
scoring_strategy: ScoringStrategy::Detailed,
words_limit: self.words_limit,
exhaustive_number_hits: self.exhaustive_number_hits,
rtxn: self.rtxn,
index: self.index,
distribution_shift: self.distribution_shift,
embedder_name: self.embedder_name.clone(),
time_budget: self.time_budget.clone(),
let vector_query = search.vector.take();
let keyword_results = search.execute()?;
// skip semantic search if we don't have a vector query (placeholder search)
let Some(vector_query) = vector_query else {
return Ok(keyword_results);
// completely skip semantic search if the results of the keyword search are good enough
if self.results_good_enough(&keyword_results, semantic_ratio) {
return Ok(keyword_results);
search.vector = Some(vector_query);
search.query = None;
// TODO: would be better to have two distinct functions at this point
let vector_results = search.execute()?;
let keyword_results = ScoreWithRatioResult::new(keyword_results, 1.0 - semantic_ratio);
let vector_results = ScoreWithRatioResult::new(vector_results, semantic_ratio);
let merge_results =
ScoreWithRatioResult::merge(vector_results, keyword_results, self.offset, self.limit);
assert!(merge_results.documents_ids.len() <= self.limit);
fn results_good_enough(&self, keyword_results: &SearchResult, semantic_ratio: f32) -> bool {
// A result is good enough if its keyword score is > 0.9 with a semantic ratio of 0.5 => 0.9 * 0.5
const GOOD_ENOUGH_SCORE: f64 = 0.45;
// 1. we check that we got a sufficient number of results
if keyword_results.document_scores.len() < self.limit + self.offset {
return false;
// 2. and that all results have a good enough score.
// we need to check all results because due to sort like rules, they're not necessarily in relevancy order
for score in &keyword_results.document_scores {
let score = ScoreDetails::global_score(score.iter());
if score * ((1.0 - semantic_ratio) as f64) < GOOD_ENOUGH_SCORE {
return false;