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//! This file implements a queue of searches to process and the ability to control how many searches can be run in parallel.
//! We need this because we don't want to process more search requests than we have cores.
//! That slows down everything and consumes RAM for no reason.
//! The steps to do a search are to get the `SearchQueue` data structure and try to get a search permit.
//! This can fail if the queue is full, and we need to drop your search request to register a new one.
//! ### How to do a search request
//! In order to do a search request you should try to get a search permit.
//! Retrieve the `SearchQueue` structure from actix-web (`search_queue: Data<SearchQueue>`)
//! and right before processing the search, calls the `SearchQueue::try_get_search_permit` method: `search_queue.try_get_search_permit().await?;`
//! What is going to happen at this point is that you're going to send a oneshot::Sender over an async mpsc channel.
//! Then, the queue/scheduler is going to either:
//! - Drop your oneshot channel => that means there are too many searches going on, and yours won't be executed.
//! You should exit and free all the RAM you use ASAP.
//! - Sends you a Permit => that will unlock the method, and you will be able to process your search.
//! And should drop the Permit only once you have freed all the RAM consumed by the method.
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot};
use crate::error::MeilisearchHttpError;
pub struct SearchQueue {
sender: mpsc::Sender<oneshot::Sender<Permit>>,
capacity: usize,
/// You should only run search requests while holding this permit.
/// Once it's dropped, a new search request will be able to process.
pub struct Permit {
sender: mpsc::Sender<()>,
impl Drop for Permit {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// if the channel is closed then the whole instance is down
let _ = futures::executor::block_on(self.sender.send(()));
impl SearchQueue {
pub fn new(capacity: usize, paralellism: NonZeroUsize) -> Self {
// Search requests are going to wait until we're available anyway,
// so let's not allocate any RAM and keep a capacity of 1.
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(1);
tokio::task::spawn(Self::run(capacity, paralellism, receiver));
Self { sender, capacity }
/// This function is the main loop, it's in charge on scheduling which search request should execute first and
/// how many should executes at the same time.
/// It **must never** panic or exit.
async fn run(
capacity: usize,
parallelism: NonZeroUsize,
mut receive_new_searches: mpsc::Receiver<oneshot::Sender<Permit>>,
) {
let mut queue: Vec<oneshot::Sender<Permit>> = Default::default();
let mut rng: StdRng = StdRng::from_entropy();
let mut searches_running: usize = 0;
// By having a capacity of parallelism we ensures that every time a search finish it can release its RAM asap
let (sender, mut search_finished) = mpsc::channel(parallelism.into());
loop {
tokio::select! {
// biased select because we wants to free up space before trying to register new tasks
_ = search_finished.recv() => {
searches_running = searches_running.saturating_sub(1);
if !queue.is_empty() {
// Can't panic: the queue wasn't empty thus the range isn't empty.
let remove = rng.gen_range(0..queue.len());
let channel = queue.swap_remove(remove);
let _ = channel.send(Permit { sender: sender.clone() });
search_request = receive_new_searches.recv() => {
let search_request = match search_request {
Some(search_request) => search_request,
// This should never happen while actix-web is running, but it's not a reason to crash
// and it can generate a lot of noise in the tests.
None => continue,
if searches_running < usize::from(parallelism) && queue.is_empty() {
searches_running += 1;
// if the search requests die it's not a hard error on our side
let _ = search_request.send(Permit { sender: sender.clone() });
} else if capacity == 0 {
// in the very specific case where we have a capacity of zero
// we must refuse the request straight away without going through
// the queue stuff.
} else if queue.len() >= capacity {
let remove = rng.gen_range(0..queue.len());
let thing = queue.swap_remove(remove); // this will drop the channel and notify the search that it won't be processed
/// Returns a search `Permit`.
/// It should be dropped as soon as you've freed all the RAM associated with the search request being processed.
pub async fn try_get_search_permit(&self) -> Result<Permit, MeilisearchHttpError> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
self.sender.send(sender).await.map_err(|_| MeilisearchHttpError::SearchLimiterIsDown)?;
receiver.await.map_err(|_| MeilisearchHttpError::TooManySearchRequests(self.capacity))
/// Returns `Ok(())` if everything seems normal.
/// Returns `Err(MeilisearchHttpError::SearchLimiterIsDown)` if the search limiter seems down.
pub fn health(&self) -> Result<(), MeilisearchHttpError> {
if self.sender.is_closed() {
} else {