Tamo 3b309f654a
Fasten the document deletion
When a document deletion occurs, instead of deleting the document we mark it as deleted
in the new “soft deleted” bitmap. It is then removed from the search, and all the other
2022-07-05 15:30:33 +02:00

247 lines
9.7 KiB

use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::{io, str};
use heed::{Error as HeedError, MdbError};
use rayon::ThreadPoolBuildError;
use serde_json::{Map, Value};
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::{CriterionError, DocumentId, FieldId, SortError};
pub type Object = Map<String, Value>;
pub fn is_reserved_keyword(keyword: &str) -> bool {
["_geo", "_geoDistance", "_geoPoint", "_geoRadius"].contains(&keyword)
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("internal: {0}.")]
InternalError(#[from] InternalError),
IoError(#[from] io::Error),
UserError(#[from] UserError),
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum InternalError {
#[error("Tried to access a soft deleted documents.")]
AccessingSoftDeletedDocument { document_id: DocumentId },
#[error("{}", HeedError::DatabaseClosing)]
#[error("Missing {} in the {db_name} database.", key.unwrap_or("key"))]
DatabaseMissingEntry { db_name: &'static str, key: Option<&'static str> },
FieldIdMapMissingEntry(#[from] FieldIdMapMissingEntry),
#[error("Missing {key} in the field id mapping.")]
FieldIdMappingMissingEntry { key: FieldId },
Fst(#[from] fst::Error),
#[error("Invalid compression type have been specified to grenad.")]
#[error("Invalid grenad file with an invalid version format.")]
#[error("Invalid merge while processing {process}.")]
IndexingMergingKeys { process: &'static str },
#[error("{}", HeedError::InvalidDatabaseTyping)]
RayonThreadPool(#[from] ThreadPoolBuildError),
SerdeJson(#[from] serde_json::Error),
Serialization(#[from] SerializationError),
Store(#[from] MdbError),
Utf8(#[from] str::Utf8Error),
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum SerializationError {
#[error("{}", match .db_name {
Some(name) => format!("decoding from the {name} database failed"),
None => "decoding failed".to_string(),
Decoding { db_name: Option<&'static str> },
#[error("{}", match .db_name {
Some(name) => format!("encoding into the {name} database failed"),
None => "encoding failed".to_string(),
Encoding { db_name: Option<&'static str> },
#[error("number is not a valid finite number")]
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum FieldIdMapMissingEntry {
#[error("unknown field id {field_id} coming from the {process} process")]
FieldId { field_id: FieldId, process: &'static str },
#[error("unknown field name {field_name} coming from the {process} process")]
FieldName { field_name: String, process: &'static str },
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum UserError {
#[error("A document cannot contain more than 65,535 fields.")]
CriterionError(#[from] CriterionError),
#[error("Maximum number of documents reached.")]
"Document identifier `{}` is invalid. \
A document identifier can be of type integer or string, \
only composed of alphanumeric characters (a-z A-Z 0-9), hyphens (-) and underscores (_).", .document_id.to_string()
InvalidDocumentId { document_id: Value },
#[error("Invalid facet distribution, the fields `{}` are not set as filterable.",
.invalid_facets_name.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ")
InvalidFacetsDistribution { invalid_facets_name: BTreeSet<String> },
InvalidGeoField(#[from] GeoError),
#[error("Attribute `{}` is not sortable. {}",
match .valid_fields.is_empty() {
true => "This index does not have configured sortable attributes.".to_string(),
false => format!("Available sortable attributes are: `{}`.",
valid_fields.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ")
InvalidSortableAttribute { field: String, valid_fields: BTreeSet<String> },
#[error("The sort ranking rule must be specified in the ranking rules settings to use the sort parameter at search time.")]
#[error("The database file is in an invalid state.")]
#[error("Maximum database size has been reached.")]
#[error("Document doesn't have a `{}` attribute: `{}`.", .primary_key, serde_json::to_string(.document).unwrap())]
MissingDocumentId { primary_key: String, document: Object },
#[error("The primary key inference process failed because the engine did not find any fields containing `id` substring in their name. If your document identifier does not contain any `id` substring, you can set the primary key of the index.")]
#[error("There is no more space left on the device. Consider increasing the size of the disk/partition.")]
#[error("Index already has a primary key: `{0}`.")]
SortError(#[from] SortError),
#[error("An unknown internal document id have been used: `{document_id}`.")]
UnknownInternalDocumentId { document_id: DocumentId },
#[error("`minWordSizeForTypos` setting is invalid. `oneTypo` and `twoTypos` fields should be between `0` and `255`, and `twoTypos` should be greater or equals to `oneTypo` but found `oneTypo: {0}` and twoTypos: {1}`.")]
InvalidMinTypoWordLenSetting(u8, u8),
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum GeoError {
#[error("Could not find latitude in the document with the id: `{document_id}`. Was expecting a `` field.")]
MissingLatitude { document_id: Value },
#[error("Could not find longitude in the document with the id: `{document_id}`. Was expecting a `_geo.lng` field.")]
MissingLongitude { document_id: Value },
#[error("Could not parse latitude in the document with the id: `{document_id}`. Was expecting a number but instead got `{value}`.")]
BadLatitude { document_id: Value, value: Value },
#[error("Could not parse longitude in the document with the id: `{document_id}`. Was expecting a number but instead got `{value}`.")]
BadLongitude { document_id: Value, value: Value },
/// A little macro helper to autogenerate From implementation that needs two `Into`.
/// Given the following parameters: `error_from_sub_error!(FieldIdMapMissingEntry => InternalError)`
/// the macro will create the following code:
/// ```ignore
/// impl From<FieldIdMapMissingEntry> for Error {
/// fn from(error: FieldIdMapMissingEntry) -> Error {
/// Error::from(InternalError::from(error))
/// }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! error_from_sub_error {
() => {};
($sub:ty => $intermediate:ty) => {
impl From<$sub> for Error {
fn from(error: $sub) -> Error {
($($sub:ty => $intermediate:ty $(,)?),+) => {
$(error_from_sub_error!($sub => $intermediate);)+
error_from_sub_error! {
FieldIdMapMissingEntry => InternalError,
fst::Error => InternalError,
str::Utf8Error => InternalError,
ThreadPoolBuildError => InternalError,
SerializationError => InternalError,
GeoError => UserError,
CriterionError => UserError,
impl<E> From<grenad::Error<E>> for Error
Error: From<E>,
fn from(error: grenad::Error<E>) -> Error {
match error {
grenad::Error::Io(error) => Error::IoError(error),
grenad::Error::Merge(error) => Error::from(error),
grenad::Error::InvalidCompressionType => {
grenad::Error::InvalidFormatVersion => {
impl From<Infallible> for Error {
fn from(_error: Infallible) -> Error {
impl From<HeedError> for Error {
fn from(error: HeedError) -> Error {
use self::Error::*;
use self::InternalError::*;
use self::SerializationError::*;
use self::UserError::*;
match error {
HeedError::Io(error) => Error::from(error),
HeedError::Mdb(MdbError::MapFull) => UserError(MaxDatabaseSizeReached),
HeedError::Mdb(MdbError::Invalid) => UserError(InvalidStoreFile),
HeedError::Mdb(error) => InternalError(Store(error)),
HeedError::Encoding => InternalError(Serialization(Encoding { db_name: None })),
HeedError::Decoding => InternalError(Serialization(Decoding { db_name: None })),
HeedError::InvalidDatabaseTyping => InternalError(InvalidDatabaseTyping),
HeedError::DatabaseClosing => InternalError(DatabaseClosing),
fn conditionally_lookup_for_error_message() {
let prefix = "Attribute `name` is not sortable.";
let messages = vec![
(BTreeSet::new(), "This index does not have configured sortable attributes."),
(BTreeSet::from(["age".to_string()]), "Available sortable attributes are: `age`."),
for (list, suffix) in messages {
let err =
UserError::InvalidSortableAttribute { field: "name".to_string(), valid_fields: list };
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), format!("{} {}", prefix, suffix));