bors[bot] 49f58b2c47
Merge #732
732: Interpret synonyms as phrases r=loiclec a=loiclec

# Pull Request

## Related issue
Fixes (when merged into meilisearch)

## What does this PR do?
We now map multi-word synonyms to phrases instead of loose words. Such that the request:
btw I am going to nyc soon
is interpreted as (when the synonym interpretation is chosen for both `btw` and `nyc`):
"by the way" I am going to "New York City" soon
instead of:
by the way I am going to New York City soon

This prevents queries containing multi-word synonyms to exceed to word length limit and degrade the search performance.

In terms of relevancy, there is a debate to have. I personally think this could be considered an improvement, since it would be strange for a user to search for:
good DIY project
and have a result such as:
    "text": "whether it is a good project to do, you'll have to decide for yourself"
However, for synonyms such as `NYC -> New York City`, then we will stop matching documents where `New York` is separated from `City`. This is however solvable by adding an additional mapping: `NYC -> New York`.

## Performance

With the old behaviour, some long search requests making heavy uses of synonyms could take minutes to be executed. This is no longer the case, these search requests now take an average amount of time to be resolved.

Co-authored-by: Loïc Lecrenier <>
2023-01-04 08:34:18 +00:00

1472 lines
53 KiB
Executable File

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::cmp::max;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::{fmt, mem};
use charabia::normalizer::NormalizedTokenIter;
use charabia::{SeparatorKind, TokenKind};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use slice_group_by::GroupBy;
use crate::search::matches::matching_words::{MatchingWord, PrimitiveWordId};
use crate::search::TermsMatchingStrategy;
use crate::{CboRoaringBitmapLenCodec, Index, MatchingWords, Result};
type IsOptionalWord = bool;
type IsPrefix = bool;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Operation {
// series of consecutive non prefix and exact words
// `None` means a stop word.
Or(IsOptionalWord, Vec<Operation>),
impl fmt::Debug for Operation {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fn pprint_tree(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, op: &Operation, depth: usize) -> fmt::Result {
match op {
Operation::And(children) => {
writeln!(f, "{:1$}AND", "", depth * 2)?;
children.iter().try_for_each(|c| pprint_tree(f, c, depth + 1))
Operation::Phrase(children) => {
writeln!(f, "{:2$}PHRASE {:?}", "", children, depth * 2)
Operation::Or(true, children) => {
writeln!(f, "{:1$}OR(WORD)", "", depth * 2)?;
children.iter().try_for_each(|c| pprint_tree(f, c, depth + 1))
Operation::Or(false, children) => {
writeln!(f, "{:1$}OR", "", depth * 2)?;
children.iter().try_for_each(|c| pprint_tree(f, c, depth + 1))
Operation::Query(query) => writeln!(f, "{:2$}{:?}", "", query, depth * 2),
pprint_tree(f, self, 0)
impl Operation {
fn and(mut ops: Vec<Self>) -> Self {
if ops.len() == 1 {
} else {
pub fn or(word_branch: IsOptionalWord, mut ops: Vec<Self>) -> Self {
if ops.len() == 1 {
} else {
let ops = ops
.flat_map(|o| match o {
Operation::Or(wb, children) if wb == word_branch => children,
op => vec![op],
Self::Or(word_branch, ops)
fn phrase(mut words: Vec<Option<String>>) -> Self {
if words.len() == 1 {
if let Some(word) = words.pop().unwrap() {
Self::Query(Query { prefix: false, kind: QueryKind::exact(word) })
} else {
} else {
pub fn query(&self) -> Option<&Query> {
match self {
Operation::Query(query) => Some(query),
_ => None,
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Query {
pub prefix: IsPrefix,
pub kind: QueryKind,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum QueryKind {
Tolerant { typo: u8, word: String },
Exact { original_typo: u8, word: String },
impl QueryKind {
pub fn exact(word: String) -> Self {
QueryKind::Exact { original_typo: 0, word }
pub fn tolerant(typo: u8, word: String) -> Self {
QueryKind::Tolerant { typo, word }
pub fn typo(&self) -> u8 {
match self {
QueryKind::Tolerant { typo, .. } => *typo,
QueryKind::Exact { original_typo, .. } => *original_typo,
pub fn word(&self) -> &str {
match self {
QueryKind::Tolerant { word, .. } => word,
QueryKind::Exact { word, .. } => word,
impl fmt::Debug for Query {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let Query { prefix, kind } = self;
let prefix = if *prefix { String::from("Prefix") } else { String::default() };
match kind {
QueryKind::Exact { word, .. } => {
f.debug_struct(&(prefix + "Exact")).field("word", &word).finish()
QueryKind::Tolerant { typo, word } => f
.debug_struct(&(prefix + "Tolerant"))
.field("word", &word)
.field("max typo", &typo)
trait Context {
fn word_docids(&self, word: &str) -> heed::Result<Option<RoaringBitmap>>;
fn synonyms<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, words: &[S]) -> heed::Result<Option<Vec<Vec<String>>>>;
fn word_documents_count(&self, word: &str) -> heed::Result<Option<u64>> {
match self.word_docids(word)? {
Some(rb) => Ok(Some(rb.len())),
None => Ok(None),
/// Returns the minimum word len for 1 and 2 typos.
fn min_word_len_for_typo(&self) -> heed::Result<(u8, u8)>;
fn exact_words(&self) -> Option<&fst::Set<Cow<[u8]>>>;
fn word_pair_frequency(
left_word: &str,
right_word: &str,
proximity: u8,
) -> heed::Result<Option<u64>>;
/// The query tree builder is the interface to build a query tree.
pub struct QueryTreeBuilder<'a> {
rtxn: &'a heed::RoTxn<'a>,
index: &'a Index,
terms_matching_strategy: TermsMatchingStrategy,
authorize_typos: bool,
words_limit: Option<usize>,
exact_words: Option<fst::Set<Cow<'a, [u8]>>>,
impl<'a> Context for QueryTreeBuilder<'a> {
fn word_docids(&self, word: &str) -> heed::Result<Option<RoaringBitmap>> {
self.index.word_docids.get(self.rtxn, word)
fn synonyms<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, words: &[S]) -> heed::Result<Option<Vec<Vec<String>>>> {
self.index.words_synonyms(self.rtxn, words)
fn word_documents_count(&self, word: &str) -> heed::Result<Option<u64>> {
self.index.word_documents_count(self.rtxn, word)
fn min_word_len_for_typo(&self) -> heed::Result<(u8, u8)> {
let one = self.index.min_word_len_one_typo(self.rtxn)?;
let two = self.index.min_word_len_two_typos(self.rtxn)?;
Ok((one, two))
fn exact_words(&self) -> Option<&fst::Set<Cow<[u8]>>> {
fn word_pair_frequency(
left_word: &str,
right_word: &str,
proximity: u8,
) -> heed::Result<Option<u64>> {
let key = (proximity, left_word, right_word);
.get(self.rtxn, &key)
impl<'a> QueryTreeBuilder<'a> {
/// Create a `QueryTreeBuilder` from a heed ReadOnly transaction `rtxn`
/// and an Index `index`.
pub fn new(rtxn: &'a heed::RoTxn<'a>, index: &'a Index) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
terms_matching_strategy: TermsMatchingStrategy::default(),
authorize_typos: true,
words_limit: None,
exact_words: index.exact_words(rtxn)?,
/// if `terms_matching_strategy` is set to `All` the query tree will be
/// generated forcing all query words to be present in each matching documents
/// (the criterion `words` will be ignored).
/// default value if not called: `Last`
pub fn terms_matching_strategy(
&mut self,
terms_matching_strategy: TermsMatchingStrategy,
) -> &mut Self {
self.terms_matching_strategy = terms_matching_strategy;
/// if `authorize_typos` is set to `false` the query tree will be generated
/// forcing all query words to match documents without any typo
/// (the criterion `typo` will be ignored).
/// default value if not called: `true`
pub fn authorize_typos(&mut self, authorize_typos: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.authorize_typos = authorize_typos;
/// Limit words and phrases that will be taken for query building.
/// Any beyond `words_limit` will be ignored.
pub fn words_limit(&mut self, words_limit: usize) -> &mut Self {
self.words_limit = Some(words_limit);
/// Build the query tree:
/// - if `terms_matching_strategy` is set to `All` the query tree will be
/// generated forcing all query words to be present in each matching documents
/// (the criterion `words` will be ignored)
/// - if `authorize_typos` is set to `false` the query tree will be generated
/// forcing all query words to match documents without any typo
/// (the criterion `typo` will be ignored)
pub fn build<A: AsRef<[u8]>>(
query: NormalizedTokenIter<A>,
) -> Result<Option<(Operation, PrimitiveQuery, MatchingWords)>> {
let primitive_query = create_primitive_query(query, self.words_limit);
if !primitive_query.is_empty() {
let qt = create_query_tree(
let matching_words =
create_matching_words(self, self.authorize_typos, &primitive_query)?;
Ok(Some((qt, primitive_query, matching_words)))
} else {
/// Split the word depending on the frequency of pairs near together in the database documents.
fn split_best_frequency<'a>(
ctx: &impl Context,
word: &'a str,
) -> heed::Result<Option<(&'a str, &'a str)>> {
let chars = word.char_indices().skip(1);
let mut best = None;
for (i, _) in chars {
let (left, right) = word.split_at(i);
let pair_freq = ctx.word_pair_frequency(left, right, 1)?.unwrap_or(0);
if pair_freq != 0 && best.map_or(true, |(old, _, _)| pair_freq > old) {
best = Some((pair_freq, left, right));
Ok(|(_, left, right)| (left, right)))
pub struct TypoConfig<'a> {
pub max_typos: u8,
pub word_len_one_typo: u8,
pub word_len_two_typo: u8,
pub exact_words: Option<&'a fst::Set<Cow<'a, [u8]>>>,
/// Return the `QueryKind` of a word depending on `authorize_typos`
/// and the provided word length.
fn typos(word: String, authorize_typos: bool, config: TypoConfig) -> QueryKind {
if authorize_typos && !config.exact_words.map_or(false, |s| s.contains(&word)) {
let count = word.chars().count().min(u8::MAX as usize) as u8;
if count < config.word_len_one_typo {
} else if count < config.word_len_two_typo {
QueryKind::tolerant(1.min(config.max_typos), word)
} else {
QueryKind::tolerant(2.min(config.max_typos), word)
} else {
/// Fetch synonyms from the `Context` for the provided word
/// and create the list of operations for the query tree
fn synonyms(ctx: &impl Context, word: &[&str]) -> heed::Result<Option<Vec<Operation>>> {
let synonyms = ctx.synonyms(word)?;
Ok(|synonyms| {
.map(|synonym| {
if synonym.len() == 1 {
Operation::Query(Query {
prefix: false,
kind: QueryKind::exact(synonym[0].clone()),
} else {
/// Main function that creates the final query tree from the primitive query.
fn create_query_tree(
ctx: &impl Context,
terms_matching_strategy: TermsMatchingStrategy,
authorize_typos: bool,
query: &[PrimitiveQueryPart],
) -> Result<Operation> {
/// Matches on the `PrimitiveQueryPart` and create an operation from it.
fn resolve_primitive_part(
ctx: &impl Context,
authorize_typos: bool,
part: PrimitiveQueryPart,
) -> Result<Operation> {
match part {
// 1. try to split word in 2
// 2. try to fetch synonyms
// 3. create an operation containing the word
// 4. wrap all in an OR operation
PrimitiveQueryPart::Word(word, prefix) => {
let mut children = synonyms(ctx, &[&word])?.unwrap_or_default();
if let Some((left, right)) = split_best_frequency(ctx, &word)? {
let (word_len_one_typo, word_len_two_typo) = ctx.min_word_len_for_typo()?;
let exact_words = ctx.exact_words();
let config =
TypoConfig { max_typos: 2, word_len_one_typo, word_len_two_typo, exact_words };
children.push(Operation::Query(Query {
kind: typos(word, authorize_typos, config),
Ok(Operation::or(false, children))
// create a CONSECUTIVE operation wrapping all word in the phrase
PrimitiveQueryPart::Phrase(words) => Ok(Operation::phrase(words)),
/// Create all ngrams 1..=3 generating query tree branches.
fn ngrams(
ctx: &impl Context,
authorize_typos: bool,
query: &[PrimitiveQueryPart],
any_words: bool,
) -> Result<Operation> {
const MAX_NGRAM: usize = 3;
let mut op_children = Vec::new();
for sub_query in query.linear_group_by(|a, b| !(a.is_phrase() || b.is_phrase())) {
let mut or_op_children = Vec::new();
for ngram in 1..=MAX_NGRAM.min(sub_query.len()) {
if let Some(group) = sub_query.get(..ngram) {
let mut and_op_children = Vec::new();
let tail = &sub_query[ngram..];
let is_last = tail.is_empty();
match group {
[part] => {
let operation =
resolve_primitive_part(ctx, authorize_typos, part.clone())?;
words => {
let is_prefix = words.last().map_or(false, |part| part.is_prefix());
let words: Vec<_> = words
.filter_map(|part| {
if let PrimitiveQueryPart::Word(word, _) = part {
} else {
let mut operations = synonyms(ctx, &words)?.unwrap_or_default();
let concat = words.concat();
let (word_len_one_typo, word_len_two_typo) =
let exact_words = ctx.exact_words();
let config = TypoConfig {
max_typos: 1,
let query = Query {
prefix: is_prefix,
kind: typos(concat, authorize_typos, config),
and_op_children.push(Operation::or(false, operations));
if !is_last {
let ngrams = ngrams(ctx, authorize_typos, tail, any_words)?;
if any_words {
or_op_children.push(Operation::or(false, and_op_children));
} else {
op_children.push(Operation::or(false, or_op_children));
if any_words {
Ok(Operation::or(false, op_children))
} else {
let number_phrases = query.iter().filter(|p| p.is_phrase()).count();
let remove_count = query.len() - max(number_phrases, 1);
if remove_count == 0 {
return ngrams(ctx, authorize_typos, query, false);
let mut operation_children = Vec::new();
let mut query = query.to_vec();
for _ in 0..=remove_count {
let pos = match terms_matching_strategy {
TermsMatchingStrategy::All => return ngrams(ctx, authorize_typos, &query, false),
TermsMatchingStrategy::Any => {
let operation = Operation::Or(
// branch allowing matching documents to contains any query word.
ngrams(ctx, authorize_typos, &query, true)?,
// branch forcing matching documents to contains all the query words,
// keeping this documents of the top of the resulted list.
ngrams(ctx, authorize_typos, &query, false)?,
return Ok(operation);
TermsMatchingStrategy::Last => query
.filter(|(_, part)| !part.is_phrase())
.map(|(pos, _)| pos),
TermsMatchingStrategy::First => {
query.iter().enumerate().find(|(_, part)| !part.is_phrase()).map(|(pos, _)| pos)
TermsMatchingStrategy::Size => query
.filter(|(_, part)| !part.is_phrase())
.min_by_key(|(_, part)| match part {
PrimitiveQueryPart::Word(s, _) => s.len(),
_ => unreachable!(),
.map(|(pos, _)| pos),
TermsMatchingStrategy::Frequency => query
.filter(|(_, part)| !part.is_phrase())
.max_by_key(|(_, part)| match part {
PrimitiveQueryPart::Word(s, _) => {
_ => unreachable!(),
.map(|(pos, _)| pos),
// compute and push the current branch on the front
operation_children.insert(0, ngrams(ctx, authorize_typos, &query, false)?);
// remove word from query before creating an new branch
match pos {
Some(pos) => query.remove(pos),
None => break,
Ok(Operation::or(true, operation_children))
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct MatchingWordCache {
all: Vec<Rc<MatchingWord>>,
map: HashMap<(String, u8, bool), Rc<MatchingWord>>,
impl MatchingWordCache {
fn insert(&mut self, word: String, typo: u8, prefix: bool) -> Option<Rc<MatchingWord>> {
match, typo, prefix)) {
Entry::Occupied(idx) => Some(idx.get().clone()),
Entry::Vacant(vacant) => {
let matching_word = Rc::new(MatchingWord::new(word, typo, prefix)?);
// To deactivate the cache, for testing purposes, use the following instead:
// let matching_word = Rc::new(MatchingWord::new(word, typo, prefix)?);
// self.all.push(matching_word.clone());
// Some(matching_word)
/// Main function that matchings words used for crop and highlight.
fn create_matching_words(
ctx: &impl Context,
authorize_typos: bool,
query: &[PrimitiveQueryPart],
) -> Result<MatchingWords> {
/// Matches on the `PrimitiveQueryPart` and create matchings words from it.
fn resolve_primitive_part(
ctx: &impl Context,
authorize_typos: bool,
part: PrimitiveQueryPart,
matching_words: &mut Vec<(Vec<Rc<MatchingWord>>, Vec<PrimitiveWordId>)>,
matching_word_cache: &mut MatchingWordCache,
id: PrimitiveWordId,
) -> Result<()> {
match part {
// 1. try to split word in 2
// 2. try to fetch synonyms
PrimitiveQueryPart::Word(word, prefix) => {
if let Some(synonyms) = ctx.synonyms(&[word.as_str()])? {
for synonym in synonyms {
// Require that all words of the synonym have a corresponding MatchingWord
// before adding any of its words to the matching_words result.
if let Some(synonym_matching_words) = synonym
.map(|word| matching_word_cache.insert(word, 0, false))
matching_words.push((synonym_matching_words, vec![id]));
if let Some((left, right)) = split_best_frequency(ctx, &word)? {
// Require that both left and right words have a corresponding MatchingWord
// before adding them to the matching_words result
if let Some(left) = matching_word_cache.insert(left.to_string(), 0, false) {
if let Some(right) = matching_word_cache.insert(right.to_string(), 0, false)
matching_words.push((vec![left, right], vec![id]));
let (word_len_one_typo, word_len_two_typo) = ctx.min_word_len_for_typo()?;
let exact_words = ctx.exact_words();
let config =
TypoConfig { max_typos: 2, word_len_one_typo, word_len_two_typo, exact_words };
let matching_word = match typos(word, authorize_typos, config) {
QueryKind::Exact { word, .. } => matching_word_cache.insert(word, 0, prefix),
QueryKind::Tolerant { typo, word } => {
matching_word_cache.insert(word, typo, prefix)
if let Some(matching_word) = matching_word {
matching_words.push((vec![matching_word], vec![id]));
// create a CONSECUTIVE matchings words wrapping all word in the phrase
PrimitiveQueryPart::Phrase(words) => {
let ids: Vec<_> =
(0..words.len()).into_iter().map(|i| id + i as PrimitiveWordId).collect();
// Require that all words of the phrase have a corresponding MatchingWord
// before adding any of them to the matching_words result
if let Some(phrase_matching_words) = words
.map(|w| matching_word_cache.insert(w, 0, false))
matching_words.push((phrase_matching_words, ids));
/// Create all ngrams 1..=3 generating query tree branches.
fn ngrams(
ctx: &impl Context,
authorize_typos: bool,
query: &[PrimitiveQueryPart],
matching_words: &mut Vec<(Vec<Rc<MatchingWord>>, Vec<PrimitiveWordId>)>,
matching_word_cache: &mut MatchingWordCache,
mut id: PrimitiveWordId,
) -> Result<()> {
const MAX_NGRAM: usize = 3;
for sub_query in query.linear_group_by(|a, b| !(a.is_phrase() || b.is_phrase())) {
for ngram in 1..=MAX_NGRAM.min(sub_query.len()) {
if let Some(group) = sub_query.get(..ngram) {
let tail = &sub_query[ngram..];
let is_last = tail.is_empty();
match group {
[part] => {
words => {
let is_prefix = words.last().map_or(false, |part| part.is_prefix());
let words: Vec<_> = words
.filter_map(|part| {
if let PrimitiveQueryPart::Word(word, _) = part {
} else {
let ids: Vec<_> = (0..words.len())
.map(|i| id + i as PrimitiveWordId)
if let Some(synonyms) = ctx.synonyms(&words)? {
for synonym in synonyms {
if let Some(synonym) = synonym
.map(|syn| matching_word_cache.insert(syn, 0, false))
matching_words.push((synonym, ids.clone()));
let word = words.concat();
let (word_len_one_typo, word_len_two_typo) =
let exact_words = ctx.exact_words();
let config = TypoConfig {
max_typos: 1,
let matching_word = match typos(word, authorize_typos, config) {
QueryKind::Exact { word, .. } => {
matching_word_cache.insert(word, 0, is_prefix)
QueryKind::Tolerant { typo, word } => {
matching_word_cache.insert(word, typo, is_prefix)
if let Some(matching_word) = matching_word {
matching_words.push((vec![matching_word], ids));
if !is_last {
id + 1,
id += sub_query.iter().map(|x| x.len() as PrimitiveWordId).sum::<PrimitiveWordId>();
let mut matching_word_cache = MatchingWordCache::default();
let mut matching_words = Vec::new();
ngrams(ctx, authorize_typos, query, &mut matching_words, &mut matching_word_cache, 0)?;
pub type PrimitiveQuery = Vec<PrimitiveQueryPart>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PrimitiveQueryPart {
Word(String, IsPrefix),
impl PrimitiveQueryPart {
fn is_phrase(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Phrase(_))
fn is_prefix(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Word(_, is_prefix) if *is_prefix)
fn len(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::Phrase(words) => words.len(),
Self::Word(_, _) => 1,
/// Create primitive query from tokenized query string,
/// the primitive query is an intermediate state to build the query tree.
fn create_primitive_query<A>(
query: NormalizedTokenIter<A>,
words_limit: Option<usize>,
) -> PrimitiveQuery
A: AsRef<[u8]>,
let mut primitive_query = Vec::new();
let mut phrase = Vec::new();
let mut quoted = false;
let parts_limit = words_limit.unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
let mut peekable = query.peekable();
while let Some(token) = {
// early return if word limit is exceeded
if primitive_query.len() >= parts_limit {
return primitive_query;
match token.kind {
TokenKind::Word | TokenKind::StopWord => {
// 1. if the word is quoted we push it in a phrase-buffer waiting for the ending quote,
// 2. if the word is not the last token of the query and is not a stop_word we push it as a non-prefix word,
// 3. if the word is the last token of the query we push it as a prefix word.
if quoted {
if let TokenKind::StopWord = token.kind {
} else {
} else if peekable.peek().is_some() {
if let TokenKind::StopWord = token.kind {
} else {
.push(PrimitiveQueryPart::Word(token.lemma().to_string(), false));
} else {
primitive_query.push(PrimitiveQueryPart::Word(token.lemma().to_string(), true));
TokenKind::Separator(separator_kind) => {
let quote_count = token.lemma().chars().filter(|&s| s == '"').count();
// swap quoted state if we encounter a double quote
if quote_count % 2 != 0 {
quoted = !quoted;
// if there is a quote or a hard separator we close the phrase.
if !phrase.is_empty() && (quote_count > 0 || separator_kind == SeparatorKind::Hard)
primitive_query.push(PrimitiveQueryPart::Phrase(mem::take(&mut phrase)));
_ => (),
// If a quote is never closed, we consider all of the end of the query as a phrase.
if !phrase.is_empty() {
primitive_query.push(PrimitiveQueryPart::Phrase(mem::take(&mut phrase)));
/// Returns the maximum number of typos that this Operation allows.
pub fn maximum_typo(operation: &Operation) -> usize {
use Operation::{And, Or, Phrase, Query};
match operation {
Or(_, ops) => ops.iter().map(maximum_typo).max().unwrap_or(0),
And(ops) => ops.iter().map(maximum_typo).sum::<usize>(),
Query(q) => q.kind.typo() as usize,
// no typo allowed in phrases
Phrase(_) => 0,
/// Returns the maximum proximity that this Operation allows.
pub fn maximum_proximity(operation: &Operation) -> usize {
use Operation::{And, Or, Phrase, Query};
match operation {
Or(_, ops) => ops.iter().map(maximum_proximity).max().unwrap_or(0),
And(ops) => {
ops.iter().map(maximum_proximity).sum::<usize>() + ops.len().saturating_sub(1) * 7
Query(_) | Phrase(_) => 0,
mod test {
use std::collections::HashMap;
use charabia::Tokenize;
use maplit::hashmap;
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use super::*;
use crate::index::tests::TempIndex;
struct TestContext {
synonyms: HashMap<Vec<String>, Vec<Vec<String>>>,
postings: HashMap<String, RoaringBitmap>,
exact_words: Option<fst::Set<Cow<'static, [u8]>>>,
impl TestContext {
fn build<A: AsRef<[u8]>>(
terms_matching_strategy: TermsMatchingStrategy,
authorize_typos: bool,
words_limit: Option<usize>,
query: NormalizedTokenIter<A>,
) -> Result<Option<(Operation, PrimitiveQuery)>> {
let primitive_query = create_primitive_query(query, words_limit);
if !primitive_query.is_empty() {
let qt = create_query_tree(
Ok(Some((qt, primitive_query)))
} else {
impl Context for TestContext {
fn word_docids(&self, word: &str) -> heed::Result<Option<RoaringBitmap>> {
fn synonyms<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, words: &[S]) -> heed::Result<Option<Vec<Vec<String>>>> {
let words: Vec<_> = words.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref().to_owned()).collect();
fn min_word_len_for_typo(&self) -> heed::Result<(u8, u8)> {
fn exact_words(&self) -> Option<&fst::Set<Cow<[u8]>>> {
fn word_pair_frequency(
left_word: &str,
right_word: &str,
_proximity: u8,
) -> heed::Result<Option<u64>> {
match self.word_docids(&format!("{} {}", left_word, right_word))? {
Some(rb) => Ok(Some(rb.len())),
None => Ok(None),
impl Default for TestContext {
fn default() -> TestContext {
let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(102);
let rng = &mut rng;
fn random_postings<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, len: usize) -> RoaringBitmap {
let mut values = Vec::<u32>::with_capacity(len);
while values.len() != len {
let exact_words = fst::SetBuilder::new(Vec::new()).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
let exact_words =
TestContext {
synonyms: hashmap! {
vec![String::from("hello")] => vec![
vec![String::from("good"), String::from("morning")],
vec![String::from("world")] => vec![
// new york city
vec![String::from("nyc")] => vec![
vec![String::from("new"), String::from("york")],
vec![String::from("new"), String::from("york"), String::from("city")],
vec![String::from("new"), String::from("york")] => vec![
vec![String::from("new"), String::from("york"), String::from("city")],
vec![String::from("new"), String::from("york"), String::from("city")] => vec![
vec![String::from("new"), String::from("york")],
postings: hashmap! {
String::from("hello") => random_postings(rng, 1500),
String::from("hi") => random_postings(rng, 4000),
String::from("word") => random_postings(rng, 2500),
String::from("split") => random_postings(rng, 400),
String::from("ngrams") => random_postings(rng, 1400),
String::from("world") => random_postings(rng, 15_000),
String::from("earth") => random_postings(rng, 8000),
String::from("2021") => random_postings(rng, 100),
String::from("2020") => random_postings(rng, 500),
String::from("is") => random_postings(rng, 50_000),
String::from("this") => random_postings(rng, 50_000),
String::from("good") => random_postings(rng, 1250),
String::from("morning") => random_postings(rng, 125),
String::from("word split") => random_postings(rng, 5000),
String::from("quick brownfox") => random_postings(rng, 7000),
String::from("quickbrown fox") => random_postings(rng, 8000),
fn prefix() {
let query = "hey friends";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "hey" }
PrefixTolerant { word: "friends", max typo: 1 }
PrefixTolerant { word: "heyfriends", max typo: 1 }
fn no_prefix() {
let query = "hey friends ";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "hey" }
Tolerant { word: "friends", max typo: 1 }
Tolerant { word: "heyfriends", max typo: 1 }
fn synonyms() {
let query = "hello world ";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "hi" }
PHRASE [Some("good"), Some("morning")]
Tolerant { word: "hello", max typo: 1 }
Exact { word: "earth" }
Exact { word: "nature" }
Tolerant { word: "world", max typo: 1 }
Tolerant { word: "helloworld", max typo: 1 }
fn simple_synonyms() {
let query = "nyc";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::Last, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
PHRASE [Some("new"), Some("york")]
PHRASE [Some("new"), Some("york"), Some("city")]
PrefixExact { word: "nyc" }
fn complex_synonyms() {
let query = "new york city ";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "new" }
Exact { word: "york" }
Exact { word: "city" }
Tolerant { word: "yorkcity", max typo: 1 }
Exact { word: "nyc" }
PHRASE [Some("new"), Some("york"), Some("city")]
Tolerant { word: "newyork", max typo: 1 }
Exact { word: "city" }
Exact { word: "nyc" }
PHRASE [Some("new"), Some("york")]
Tolerant { word: "newyorkcity", max typo: 1 }
fn ngrams() {
let query = "n grams ";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "n" }
Tolerant { word: "grams", max typo: 1 }
Tolerant { word: "ngrams", max typo: 1 }
fn word_split() {
let query = "wordsplit fish ";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
PHRASE [Some("word"), Some("split")]
Tolerant { word: "wordsplit", max typo: 2 }
Exact { word: "fish" }
Tolerant { word: "wordsplitfish", max typo: 1 }
fn word_split_choose_pair_with_max_freq() {
let query = "quickbrownfox";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
PHRASE [Some("quickbrown"), Some("fox")]
PrefixTolerant { word: "quickbrownfox", max typo: 2 }
fn phrase() {
let query = "\"hey friends\" \" \" \"wooop";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
PHRASE [Some("hey"), Some("friends")]
Exact { word: "wooop" }
fn phrase_2() {
let query = "coco \"harry\"";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::default(), true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "harry" }
Exact { word: "coco" }
Exact { word: "harry" }
fn phrase_with_hard_separator() {
let query = "\"hey friends. wooop wooop\"";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
PHRASE [Some("hey"), Some("friends")]
PHRASE [Some("wooop"), Some("wooop")]
fn optional_word() {
let query = "hey my friend ";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::default(), true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "hey" }
Exact { word: "hey" }
Exact { word: "my" }
Tolerant { word: "heymy", max typo: 1 }
Exact { word: "hey" }
Exact { word: "my" }
Tolerant { word: "friend", max typo: 1 }
Tolerant { word: "myfriend", max typo: 1 }
Tolerant { word: "heymy", max typo: 1 }
Tolerant { word: "friend", max typo: 1 }
Tolerant { word: "heymyfriend", max typo: 1 }
fn optional_word_phrase() {
let query = "\"hey my\"";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::default(), true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
PHRASE [Some("hey"), Some("my")]
fn optional_word_multiple_phrases() {
let query = r#""hey" my good "friend""#;
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::default(), true, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "hey" }
Exact { word: "friend" }
Exact { word: "hey" }
Exact { word: "my" }
Exact { word: "friend" }
Exact { word: "hey" }
Exact { word: "my" }
Exact { word: "good" }
Tolerant { word: "mygood", max typo: 1 }
Exact { word: "friend" }
fn no_typo() {
let query = "hey friends ";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, false, None, tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
Exact { word: "hey" }
Exact { word: "friends" }
Exact { word: "heyfriends" }
fn words_limit() {
let query = "\"hey my\" good friend";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let (query_tree, _) = TestContext::default()
.build(TermsMatchingStrategy::All, false, Some(2), tokens)
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(query_tree, @r###"
PHRASE [Some("hey"), Some("my")]
Exact { word: "good" }
fn test_min_word_len_typo() {
let exact_words = fst::Set::from_iter([b""]).unwrap().map_data(Cow::Owned).unwrap();
let config = TypoConfig {
max_typos: 2,
word_len_one_typo: 5,
word_len_two_typo: 7,
exact_words: Some(&exact_words),
typos("hello".to_string(), true, config.clone()),
QueryKind::Tolerant { typo: 1, word: "hello".to_string() }
typos("hell".to_string(), true, config.clone()),
typos("verylongword".to_string(), true, config.clone()),
QueryKind::Tolerant { typo: 2, word: "verylongword".to_string() }
fn test_dont_create_matching_word_for_long_words() {
let index = TempIndex::new();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let query = "what a supercalifragilisticexpialidocioussupercalifragilisticexpialidocioussupercalifragilisticexpialidocioussupercalifragilisticexpialidocioussupercalifragilisticexpialidocioussupercalifragilisticexpialidocioussupercalifragilisticexpialidocioussupercalifragilisticexpialidocious house";
let mut builder = QueryTreeBuilder::new(&rtxn, &index).unwrap();
let (_, _, matching_words) =;
insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{matching_words:?}"), @r###"
([MatchingWord { word: "house", typo: 1, prefix: true }], [3])
([MatchingWord { word: "house", typo: 1, prefix: true }], [2])
([MatchingWord { word: "whata", typo: 1, prefix: false }], [0, 1])
([MatchingWord { word: "house", typo: 1, prefix: true }], [2])
([MatchingWord { word: "house", typo: 1, prefix: true }], [1])
([MatchingWord { word: "what", typo: 0, prefix: false }], [0])
([MatchingWord { word: "a", typo: 0, prefix: false }], [1])
fn disable_typo_on_word() {
let query = "goodbye";
let tokens = query.tokenize();
let exact_words = fst::Set::from_iter(Some("goodbye")).unwrap().into_fst().into_inner();
let exact_words = Some(fst::Set::new(exact_words).unwrap().map_data(Cow::Owned).unwrap());
let context = TestContext { exact_words, ..Default::default() };
let (query_tree, _) =, true, Some(2), tokens).unwrap().unwrap();
Operation::Query(Query { prefix: true, kind: QueryKind::Exact { .. } })
// The memory usage test below is disabled because `cargo test` runs multiple tests in parallel,
// which invalidates the measurements of memory usage. Nevertheless, it is a useful test to run
// manually from time to time, so I kept it here, commented-out.
// use std::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, System};
// use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicI64};
// #[global_allocator]
// static ALLOC: CountingAlloc =
// CountingAlloc { resident: AtomicI64::new(0), allocated: AtomicI64::new(0) };
// pub struct CountingAlloc {
// pub resident: AtomicI64,
// pub allocated: AtomicI64,
// }
// unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for CountingAlloc {
// unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: std::alloc::Layout) -> *mut u8 {
// self.allocated.fetch_add(layout.size() as i64, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
// self.resident.fetch_add(layout.size() as i64, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
// System.alloc(layout)
// }
// unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: std::alloc::Layout) {
// self.resident.fetch_sub(layout.size() as i64, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
// System.dealloc(ptr, layout)
// }
// }
// #[test]
// fn memory_usage_of_ten_word_query() {
// let resident_before = ALLOC.resident.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
// let allocated_before = ALLOC.allocated.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
// let index = TempIndex::new();
// let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
// let query = "a beautiful summer house by the beach overlooking what seems";
// let mut builder = QueryTreeBuilder::new(&rtxn, &index).unwrap();
// builder.words_limit(10);
// let x =;
// let resident_after = ALLOC.resident.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
// let allocated_after = ALLOC.allocated.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
// // Weak check on the memory usage
// // Don't keep more than 5MB. (Arguably 5MB is already too high)
// assert!(resident_after - resident_before < 5_000_000);
// // Don't allocate more than 10MB.
// assert!(allocated_after - allocated_before < 10_000_000);
// // Use these snapshots to measure the exact memory usage.
// // The values below were correct at the time I wrote them.
// // insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}", resident_after - resident_before), @"4486950");
// // insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}", allocated_after - allocated_before), @"7107502");
// // Note, with the matching word cache deactivated, the memory usage was:
// // insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}", resident_after - resident_before), @"91248697");
// // insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}", allocated_after - allocated_before), @"125697588");
// // or about 20x more resident memory (90MB vs 4.5MB)
// // Use x
// let _x = x;
// }