meili-bors[bot] 040b5a5b6f
Merge #3842
3842: fix some typos r=dureuill a=cuishuang

# Pull Request

## Related issue
Fixes #<issue_number>

## What does this PR do?
- fix some typos

## PR checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- [x] Does this PR fix an existing issue, or have you listed the changes applied in the PR description (and why they are needed)?
- [x] Have you read the contributing guidelines?
- [x] Have you made sure that the title is accurate and descriptive of the changes?

Thank you so much for contributing to Meilisearch!

Co-authored-by: cui fliter <>
2023-06-22 18:01:10 +00:00
.. Merge #3842 2023-06-22 18:01:10 +00:00