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synced 2025-03-10 10:01:29 +01:00
Merge #5199
5199: Refactorize the index-scheduler r=Kerollmops a=irevoire # Pull Request ## Related issue Fixes https://github.com/meilisearch/meilisearch/issues/5115 ## What does this PR do? - Extract all the « task/batch queue » part of the `lib.rs` to a `queue` module containing: - The batches, and its test in another file - The tasks, and its test in another file - Extract all the « scheduler » stuff to another module - One file for the batch creation - One file for the autobatcher - One file for the batch process - The tests are a bit messier and are made by features (i.e.: All the embedder tests in one file) - The average size of the files is around 500 loc now and R-A is way faster Co-authored-by: Tamo <tamo@meilisearch.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,901 +0,0 @@
The autobatcher is responsible for combining the next enqueued
tasks affecting a single index into a [batch](crate::batch::Batch).
The main function of the autobatcher is [`next_autobatch`].
use std::ops::ControlFlow::{self, Break, Continue};
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexDocumentsMethod::{
self, ReplaceDocuments, UpdateDocuments,
use meilisearch_types::tasks::TaskId;
use crate::KindWithContent;
/// Succinctly describes a task's [`Kind`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Kind)
/// for the purpose of simplifying the implementation of the autobatcher.
/// Only the non-prioritised tasks that can be grouped in a batch have a corresponding [`AutobatchKind`]
enum AutobatchKind {
DocumentImport {
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<String>,
DocumentDeletion {
by_filter: bool,
Settings {
allow_index_creation: bool,
impl AutobatchKind {
fn allow_index_creation(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match self {
AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { allow_index_creation, .. }
| AutobatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, .. } => Some(*allow_index_creation),
_ => None,
fn primary_key(&self) -> Option<Option<&str>> {
match self {
AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { primary_key, .. } => Some(primary_key.as_deref()),
_ => None,
impl From<KindWithContent> for AutobatchKind {
fn from(kind: KindWithContent) -> Self {
match kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
} => AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key },
KindWithContent::DocumentEdition { .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentEdition,
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { .. } => {
AutobatchKind::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: false }
KindWithContent::DocumentClear { .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentClear,
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletionByFilter { .. } => {
AutobatchKind::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: true }
KindWithContent::SettingsUpdate { allow_index_creation, is_deletion, .. } => {
AutobatchKind::Settings {
allow_index_creation: allow_index_creation && !is_deletion,
KindWithContent::IndexDeletion { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexDeletion,
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexCreation,
KindWithContent::IndexUpdate { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexUpdate,
KindWithContent::IndexSwap { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexSwap,
KindWithContent::TaskCancelation { .. }
| KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { .. }
| KindWithContent::DumpCreation { .. }
| KindWithContent::SnapshotCreation => {
panic!("The autobatcher should never be called with tasks that don't apply to an index.")
pub enum BatchKind {
DocumentClear {
ids: Vec<TaskId>,
DocumentOperation {
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<String>,
operation_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
DocumentEdition {
id: TaskId,
DocumentDeletion {
deletion_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
includes_by_filter: bool,
ClearAndSettings {
other: Vec<TaskId>,
allow_index_creation: bool,
settings_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
Settings {
allow_index_creation: bool,
settings_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
IndexDeletion {
ids: Vec<TaskId>,
IndexCreation {
id: TaskId,
IndexUpdate {
id: TaskId,
IndexSwap {
id: TaskId,
impl BatchKind {
fn allow_index_creation(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match self {
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { allow_index_creation, .. }
| BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { allow_index_creation, .. }
| BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, .. } => Some(*allow_index_creation),
_ => None,
fn primary_key(&self) -> Option<Option<&str>> {
match self {
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { primary_key, .. } => Some(primary_key.as_deref()),
_ => None,
impl BatchKind {
/// Returns a `ControlFlow::Break` if you must stop right now.
/// The boolean tell you if an index has been created by the batched task.
/// To ease the writing of the code. `true` can be returned when you don't need to create an index
/// but false can't be returned if you needs to create an index.
// TODO use an AutoBatchKind as input
pub fn new(
task_id: TaskId,
kind: KindWithContent,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> (ControlFlow<BatchKind, BatchKind>, bool) {
use AutobatchKind as K;
match AutobatchKind::from(kind) {
K::IndexCreation => (Break(BatchKind::IndexCreation { id: task_id }), true),
K::IndexDeletion => (Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids: vec![task_id] }), false),
K::IndexUpdate => (Break(BatchKind::IndexUpdate { id: task_id }), false),
K::IndexSwap => (Break(BatchKind::IndexSwap { id: task_id }), false),
K::DocumentClear => (Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: vec![task_id] }), false),
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key: pk }
if primary_key.is_none() || pk.is_none() || primary_key == pk.as_deref() =>
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
primary_key: pk,
operation_ids: vec![task_id],
// if the primary key set in the task was different than ours we should stop and make this batch fail asap.
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key } => (
Break(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
operation_ids: vec![task_id],
K::DocumentEdition => (Break(BatchKind::DocumentEdition { id: task_id }), false),
K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: includes_by_filter } => (
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion {
deletion_ids: vec![task_id],
K::Settings { allow_index_creation } => (
Continue(BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, settings_ids: vec![task_id] }),
/// Returns a `ControlFlow::Break` if you must stop right now.
/// The boolean tell you if an index has been created by the batched task.
/// To ease the writing of the code. `true` can be returned when you don't need to create an index
/// but false can't be returned if you needs to create an index.
fn accumulate(self, id: TaskId, kind: AutobatchKind, index_already_exists: bool, primary_key: Option<&str>) -> ControlFlow<BatchKind, BatchKind> {
use AutobatchKind as K;
match (self, kind) {
// We don't batch any of these operations
(this, K::IndexCreation | K::IndexUpdate | K::IndexSwap | K::DocumentEdition) => Break(this),
// We must not batch tasks that don't have the same index creation rights if the index doesn't already exists.
(this, kind) if !index_already_exists && this.allow_index_creation() == Some(false) && kind.allow_index_creation() == Some(true) => {
// NOTE: We need to negate the whole condition since we're checking if we need to break instead of continue.
// I wrote it this way because it's easier to understand than the other way around.
(this, kind) if !(
// 1. If both task don't interact with primary key -> we can continue
(this.primary_key().is_none() && kind.primary_key().is_none()) ||
// 2. Else ->
// 2.1 If we already have a primary-key ->
primary_key.is_some() &&
// 2.1.1 If the task we're trying to accumulate have a pk it must be equal to our primary key
// 2.1.2 If the task don't have a primary-key -> we can continue
kind.primary_key().map_or(true, |pk| pk == primary_key)
) ||
// 2.2 If we don't have a primary-key ->
// 2.2.1 If both the batch and the task have a primary key they should be equal
// 2.2.2 If the batch is set to Some(None), the task should be too
// 2.2.3 If the batch is set to None -> we can continue
this.primary_key().zip(kind.primary_key()).map_or(true, |(this, kind)| this == kind)
) // closing the negation
=> {
// The index deletion can batch with everything but must stop after
BatchKind::DocumentClear { mut ids }
| BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: mut ids, includes_by_filter: _ }
| BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, primary_key: _, operation_ids: mut ids }
| BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation: _, settings_ids: mut ids },
) => {
Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids })
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { settings_ids: mut ids, allow_index_creation: _, mut other },
) => {
ids.append(&mut other);
Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids })
BatchKind::DocumentClear { mut ids },
K::DocumentClear | K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: _ },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids })
this @ BatchKind::DocumentClear { .. },
K::DocumentImport { .. } | K::Settings { .. },
) => Break(this),
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, primary_key: _, mut operation_ids },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: operation_ids })
// we can autobatch the same kind of document additions / updates
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _, mut operation_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, primary_key: pk, .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
method: ReplaceDocuments,
primary_key: pk,
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _, mut operation_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, primary_key: pk, .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
method: UpdateDocuments,
primary_key: pk,
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key, mut operation_ids },
K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: false },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
// We can't batch a document operation with a delete by filter
this @ BatchKind::DocumentOperation { .. },
K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: true },
) => {
// but we can't autobatch documents if it's not the same kind
// this match branch MUST be AFTER the previous one
this @ BatchKind::DocumentOperation { .. },
K::DocumentImport { .. },
) => Break(this),
this @ BatchKind::DocumentOperation { .. },
K::Settings { .. },
) => Break(this),
(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: _ }, K::DocumentClear) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: deletion_ids })
// we can't autobatch the deletion and import if the document deletion contained a filter
this @ BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: _, includes_by_filter: true },
K::DocumentImport { .. }
) => Break(this),
// we can autobatch the deletion and import if the index already exists
BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: false },
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key }
) if index_already_exists => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
operation_ids: deletion_ids,
// we can autobatch the deletion and import if both can't create an index
BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: false },
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key }
) if !allow_index_creation => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
operation_ids: deletion_ids,
// we can't autobatch a deletion and an import if the index does not exists but would be created by an addition
this @ BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { .. },
K::DocumentImport { .. }
) => {
(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids, includes_by_filter }, K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter }) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: includes_by_filter | by_filter })
(this @ BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { .. }, K::Settings { .. }) => Break(this),
BatchKind::Settings { settings_ids, allow_index_creation },
) => Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
other: vec![id],
this @ BatchKind::Settings { .. },
K::DocumentImport { .. } | K::DocumentDeletion { .. },
) => Break(this),
BatchKind::Settings { mut settings_ids, allow_index_creation },
K::Settings { .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::Settings {
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { mut other, settings_ids, allow_index_creation },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
(this @ BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { .. }, K::DocumentImport { .. }) => Break(this),
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
mut other,
K::DocumentDeletion { .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { mut settings_ids, other, allow_index_creation },
K::Settings { .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
BatchKind::IndexCreation { .. }
| BatchKind::IndexDeletion { .. }
| BatchKind::IndexUpdate { .. }
| BatchKind::IndexSwap { .. }
| BatchKind::DocumentEdition { .. },
) => {
/// Create a batch from an ordered list of tasks.
/// ## Preconditions
/// 1. The tasks must be enqueued and given in the order in which they were enqueued
/// 2. The tasks must not be prioritised tasks (e.g. task cancellation, dump, snapshot, task deletion)
/// 3. The tasks must all be related to the same index
/// ## Return
/// `None` if the list of tasks is empty. Otherwise, an [`AutoBatch`] that represents
/// a subset of the given tasks.
pub fn autobatch(
enqueued: Vec<(TaskId, KindWithContent)>,
index_already_exists: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> Option<(BatchKind, bool)> {
let mut enqueued = enqueued.into_iter();
let (id, kind) = enqueued.next()?;
// index_exist will keep track of if the index should exist at this point after the tasks we batched.
let mut index_exist = index_already_exists;
let (mut acc, must_create_index) = match BatchKind::new(id, kind, primary_key) {
(Continue(acc), create) => (acc, create),
(Break(acc), create) => return Some((acc, create)),
// if an index has been created in the previous step we can consider it as existing.
index_exist |= must_create_index;
for (id, kind) in enqueued {
acc = match acc.accumulate(id, kind.into(), index_exist, primary_key) {
Continue(acc) => acc,
Break(acc) => return Some((acc, must_create_index)),
Some((acc, must_create_index))
mod tests {
use meilisearch_types::tasks::IndexSwap;
use uuid::Uuid;
use super::*;
use crate::debug_snapshot;
fn autobatch_from(
index_already_exists: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
input: impl IntoIterator<Item = KindWithContent>,
) -> Option<(BatchKind, bool)> {
input.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(id, kind)| (id as TaskId, kind)).collect(),
fn doc_imp(
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
primary_key: primary_key.map(|pk| pk.to_string()),
content_file: Uuid::new_v4(),
documents_count: 0,
fn doc_del() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
documents_ids: Vec::new(),
fn doc_del_fil() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletionByFilter {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
filter_expr: serde_json::json!("cuteness > 100"),
fn doc_clr() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentClear { index_uid: String::from("doggo") }
fn settings(allow_index_creation: bool) -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::SettingsUpdate {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
new_settings: Default::default(),
is_deletion: false,
fn idx_create() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), primary_key: None }
fn idx_update() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::IndexUpdate { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), primary_key: None }
fn idx_del() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::IndexDeletion { index_uid: String::from("doggo") }
fn idx_swap() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::IndexSwap {
swaps: vec![IndexSwap { indexes: (String::from("doggo"), String::from("catto")) }],
fn autobatch_simple_operation_together() {
// we can autobatch one or multiple `ReplaceDocuments` together.
// if the index exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, false , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false , None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// if it doesn't exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple `UpdateDocuments` together.
// if the index exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// if it doesn't exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple DocumentDeletion together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple DocumentDeletionByFilter together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_del_fil(), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_del_fil(), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple Settings together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false), settings(false), settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false), settings(false), settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// We can autobatch document addition with document deletion
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
// And the other way around
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
// But we can't autobatch document addition with document deletion by filter
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, false))"###);
// And the other way around
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
fn simple_document_operation_dont_autobatch_with_other() {
// addition, updates and deletion by filter can't batch together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
fn document_addition_doesnt_batch_with_settings() {
// simple case
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
// multiple settings and doc addition
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
// addition and setting unordered
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
// Doesn't batch with other forbidden operations
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
fn clear_and_additions() {
// these two doesn't need to batch
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
// Basic use case
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
// This batch kind doesn't mix with other document addition
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
// But you can batch multiple clear together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, true))");
fn clear_and_additions_and_settings() {
// A clear don't need to autobatch the settings that happens AFTER there is no documents
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some((ClearAndSettings { other: [1], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
fn anything_and_index_deletion() {
// The `IndexDeletion` doesn't batch with anything that happens AFTER.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), settings(false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), settings(false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
// The index deletion can accept almost any type of `BatchKind` and transform it to an `IndexDeletion`.
// First, the basic cases
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
fn allowed_and_disallowed_index_creation() {
// `DocumentImport` can't be mixed with those disallowed to do so except if the index already exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
// batch deletion and addition
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
fn autobatch_primary_key() {
// ==> If I have a pk
// With a single update
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// With a multiple updates
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// ==> If I don't have a pk
// With a single update
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// With a multiple updates
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use dump::{KindDump, TaskDump, UpdateFile};
use meilisearch_types::heed::RwTxn;
use meilisearch_types::milli::documents::DocumentsBatchBuilder;
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Kind, KindWithContent, Status, Task};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::{utils, Error, IndexScheduler, Result};
pub struct Dump<'a> {
index_scheduler: &'a IndexScheduler,
wtxn: RwTxn<'a>,
indexes: HashMap<String, RoaringBitmap>,
statuses: HashMap<Status, RoaringBitmap>,
kinds: HashMap<Kind, RoaringBitmap>,
impl<'a> Dump<'a> {
pub(crate) fn new(index_scheduler: &'a mut IndexScheduler) -> Result<Self> {
// While loading a dump no one should be able to access the scheduler thus I can block everything.
let wtxn = index_scheduler.env.write_txn()?;
Ok(Dump {
indexes: HashMap::new(),
statuses: HashMap::new(),
kinds: HashMap::new(),
/// Register a new task coming from a dump in the scheduler.
/// By taking a mutable ref we're pretty sure no one will ever import a dump while actix is running.
pub fn register_dumped_task(
&mut self,
task: TaskDump,
content_file: Option<Box<UpdateFile>>,
) -> Result<Task> {
let content_uuid = match content_file {
Some(content_file) if task.status == Status::Enqueued => {
let (uuid, mut file) = self.index_scheduler.queue.create_update_file(false)?;
let mut builder = DocumentsBatchBuilder::new(&mut file);
for doc in content_file {
// If the task isn't `Enqueued` then just generate a recognisable `Uuid`
// in case we try to open it later.
_ if task.status != Status::Enqueued => Some(Uuid::nil()),
_ => None,
let task = Task {
uid: task.uid,
batch_uid: task.batch_uid,
enqueued_at: task.enqueued_at,
started_at: task.started_at,
finished_at: task.finished_at,
error: task.error,
canceled_by: task.canceled_by,
details: task.details,
status: task.status,
kind: match task.kind {
KindDump::DocumentImport {
} => KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
content_file: content_uuid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
KindDump::DocumentDeletion { documents_ids } => KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion {
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
KindDump::DocumentDeletionByFilter { filter } => {
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletionByFilter {
filter_expr: filter,
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
KindDump::DocumentEdition { filter, context, function } => {
KindWithContent::DocumentEdition {
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
filter_expr: filter,
KindDump::DocumentClear => KindWithContent::DocumentClear {
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
KindDump::Settings { settings, is_deletion, allow_index_creation } => {
KindWithContent::SettingsUpdate {
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
new_settings: settings,
KindDump::IndexDeletion => KindWithContent::IndexDeletion {
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
KindDump::IndexCreation { primary_key } => KindWithContent::IndexCreation {
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
KindDump::IndexUpdate { primary_key } => KindWithContent::IndexUpdate {
index_uid: task.index_uid.ok_or(Error::CorruptedDump)?,
KindDump::IndexSwap { swaps } => KindWithContent::IndexSwap { swaps },
KindDump::TaskCancelation { query, tasks } => {
KindWithContent::TaskCancelation { query, tasks }
KindDump::TasksDeletion { query, tasks } => {
KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { query, tasks }
KindDump::DumpCreation { keys, instance_uid } => {
KindWithContent::DumpCreation { keys, instance_uid }
KindDump::SnapshotCreation => KindWithContent::SnapshotCreation,
self.index_scheduler.queue.tasks.all_tasks.put(&mut self.wtxn, &task.uid, &task)?;
for index in task.indexes() {
match self.indexes.get_mut(index) {
Some(bitmap) => {
None => {
let mut bitmap = RoaringBitmap::new();
self.indexes.insert(index.to_string(), bitmap);
&mut self.wtxn,
// we can't override the started_at & finished_at, so we must only set it if the tasks is finished and won't change
if matches!(task.status, Status::Succeeded | Status::Failed | Status::Canceled) {
if let Some(started_at) = task.started_at {
&mut self.wtxn,
if let Some(finished_at) = task.finished_at {
&mut self.wtxn,
/// Commit all the changes and exit the importing dump state
pub fn finish(mut self) -> Result<()> {
for (index, bitmap) in self.indexes {
self.index_scheduler.queue.tasks.index_tasks.put(&mut self.wtxn, &index, &bitmap)?;
for (status, bitmap) in self.statuses {
self.index_scheduler.queue.tasks.put_status(&mut self.wtxn, status, &bitmap)?;
for (kind, bitmap) in self.kinds {
self.index_scheduler.queue.tasks.put_kind(&mut self.wtxn, kind, &bitmap)?;
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ mod tests {
use uuid::Uuid;
use super::super::IndexMapper;
use crate::tests::IndexSchedulerHandle;
use crate::test_utils::IndexSchedulerHandle;
use crate::utils::clamp_to_page_size;
use crate::IndexScheduler;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use uuid::Uuid;
use self::index_map::IndexMap;
use self::IndexStatus::{Available, BeingDeleted, Closing, Missing};
use crate::uuid_codec::UuidCodec;
use crate::{Error, Result};
use crate::{Error, IndexBudget, IndexSchedulerOptions, Result};
mod index_map;
@ -140,27 +140,19 @@ impl IndexStats {
impl IndexMapper {
pub fn new(
env: &Env,
base_path: PathBuf,
index_base_map_size: usize,
index_growth_amount: usize,
index_count: usize,
enable_mdb_writemap: bool,
indexer_config: IndexerConfig,
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
options: &IndexSchedulerOptions,
budget: IndexBudget,
) -> Result<Self> {
let mut wtxn = env.write_txn()?;
let index_mapping = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(INDEX_MAPPING))?;
let index_stats = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(INDEX_STATS))?;
Ok(Self {
index_map: Arc::new(RwLock::new(IndexMap::new(index_count))),
indexer_config: Arc::new(indexer_config),
index_map: Arc::new(RwLock::new(IndexMap::new(budget.index_count))),
index_mapping: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(INDEX_MAPPING))?,
index_stats: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(INDEX_STATS))?,
base_path: options.indexes_path.clone(),
index_base_map_size: budget.map_size,
index_growth_amount: options.index_growth_amount,
enable_mdb_writemap: options.enable_mdb_writemap,
indexer_config: options.indexer_config.clone(),
currently_updating_index: Default::default(),
@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ use meilisearch_types::batches::Batch;
use meilisearch_types::heed::types::{SerdeBincode, SerdeJson, Str};
use meilisearch_types::heed::{Database, RoTxn};
use meilisearch_types::milli::{CboRoaringBitmapCodec, RoaringBitmapCodec, BEU32};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Details, Task};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Details, Kind, Status, Task};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::index_mapper::IndexMapper;
use crate::{IndexScheduler, Kind, Status, BEI128};
use crate::{IndexScheduler, BEI128};
pub fn snapshot_index_scheduler(scheduler: &IndexScheduler) -> String {
// Since we'll snapshot the index right afterward, we don't need to ensure it's internally consistent for every run.
@ -18,41 +18,14 @@ pub fn snapshot_index_scheduler(scheduler: &IndexScheduler) -> String {
let IndexScheduler {
cleanup_enabled: _,
must_stop_processing: _,
// task reverse index
// batch reverse index
features: _,
max_number_of_tasks: _,
max_number_of_batched_tasks: _,
wake_up: _,
dumps_path: _,
snapshots_path: _,
auth_path: _,
version_file_path: _,
webhook_url: _,
webhook_authorization_header: _,
test_breakpoint_sdr: _,
@ -66,7 +39,7 @@ pub fn snapshot_index_scheduler(scheduler: &IndexScheduler) -> String {
let mut snap = String::new();
let processing = processing_tasks.read().unwrap().clone();
snap.push_str(&format!("### Autobatching Enabled = {autobatching_enabled}\n"));
snap.push_str(&format!("### Autobatching Enabled = {}\n", scheduler.autobatching_enabled));
"### Processing batch {:?}:\n",
processing.batch.as_ref().map(|batch| batch.uid)
@ -79,19 +52,19 @@ pub fn snapshot_index_scheduler(scheduler: &IndexScheduler) -> String {
snap.push_str("### All Tasks:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_all_tasks(&rtxn, *all_tasks));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_all_tasks(&rtxn, queue.tasks.all_tasks));
snap.push_str("### Status:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_status(&rtxn, *status));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_status(&rtxn, queue.tasks.status));
snap.push_str("### Kind:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_kind(&rtxn, *kind));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_kind(&rtxn, queue.tasks.kind));
snap.push_str("### Index Tasks:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_index_tasks(&rtxn, *index_tasks));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_index_tasks(&rtxn, queue.tasks.index_tasks));
snap.push_str("### Index Mapper:\n");
@ -99,55 +72,55 @@ pub fn snapshot_index_scheduler(scheduler: &IndexScheduler) -> String {
snap.push_str("### Canceled By:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_canceled_by(&rtxn, *canceled_by));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_canceled_by(&rtxn, queue.tasks.canceled_by));
snap.push_str("### Enqueued At:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, *enqueued_at));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, queue.tasks.enqueued_at));
snap.push_str("### Started At:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, *started_at));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, queue.tasks.started_at));
snap.push_str("### Finished At:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, *finished_at));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, queue.tasks.finished_at));
snap.push_str("### All Batches:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_all_batches(&rtxn, *all_batches));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_all_batches(&rtxn, queue.batches.all_batches));
snap.push_str("### Batch to tasks mapping:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_batches_to_tasks_mappings(&rtxn, *batch_to_tasks_mapping));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_batches_to_tasks_mappings(&rtxn, queue.batch_to_tasks_mapping));
snap.push_str("### Batches Status:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_status(&rtxn, *batch_status));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_status(&rtxn, queue.batches.status));
snap.push_str("### Batches Kind:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_kind(&rtxn, *batch_kind));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_kind(&rtxn, queue.batches.kind));
snap.push_str("### Batches Index Tasks:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_index_tasks(&rtxn, *batch_index_tasks));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_index_tasks(&rtxn, queue.batches.index_tasks));
snap.push_str("### Batches Enqueued At:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, *batch_enqueued_at));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, queue.batches.enqueued_at));
snap.push_str("### Batches Started At:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, *batch_started_at));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, queue.batches.started_at));
snap.push_str("### Batches Finished At:\n");
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, *batch_finished_at));
snap.push_str(&snapshot_date_db(&rtxn, queue.batches.finished_at));
snap.push_str("### File Store:\n");
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::utils::ProcessingBatch;
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct ProcessingTasks {
pub batch: Option<Arc<ProcessingBatch>>,
/// The list of tasks ids that are currently running.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ pub struct ProcessingTasks {
impl ProcessingTasks {
/// Creates an empty `ProcessingAt` struct.
pub fn new() -> ProcessingTasks {
ProcessingTasks { batch: None, processing: Arc::new(RoaringBitmap::new()), progress: None }
pub fn get_progress_view(&self) -> Option<ProgressView> {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds};
use meilisearch_types::batches::{Batch, BatchId};
use meilisearch_types::heed::types::{DecodeIgnore, SerdeBincode, SerdeJson, Str};
use meilisearch_types::heed::{Database, Env, RoTxn, RwTxn};
use meilisearch_types::milli::{CboRoaringBitmapCodec, RoaringBitmapCodec, BEU32};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Kind, Status};
use roaring::{MultiOps, RoaringBitmap};
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use super::{Query, Queue};
use crate::processing::ProcessingTasks;
use crate::utils::{insert_task_datetime, keep_ids_within_datetimes, map_bound, ProcessingBatch};
use crate::{Error, Result, BEI128};
/// Database const names for the `IndexScheduler`.
mod db_name {
pub const ALL_BATCHES: &str = "all-batches";
pub const BATCH_STATUS: &str = "batch-status";
pub const BATCH_KIND: &str = "batch-kind";
pub const BATCH_INDEX_TASKS: &str = "batch-index-tasks";
pub const BATCH_ENQUEUED_AT: &str = "batch-enqueued-at";
pub const BATCH_STARTED_AT: &str = "batch-started-at";
pub const BATCH_FINISHED_AT: &str = "batch-finished-at";
pub struct BatchQueue {
/// Contains all the batches accessible by their Id.
pub(crate) all_batches: Database<BEU32, SerdeJson<Batch>>,
/// All the batches containing a task matching the selected status.
pub(crate) status: Database<SerdeBincode<Status>, RoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// All the batches ids grouped by the kind of their task.
pub(crate) kind: Database<SerdeBincode<Kind>, RoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the batches associated to an index.
pub(crate) index_tasks: Database<Str, RoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the batches containing tasks which were enqueued at a specific date
pub(crate) enqueued_at: Database<BEI128, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the batches containing finished tasks started at a specific date
pub(crate) started_at: Database<BEI128, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the batches containing tasks finished at a specific date
pub(crate) finished_at: Database<BEI128, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
impl BatchQueue {
pub(crate) fn private_clone(&self) -> BatchQueue {
BatchQueue {
all_batches: self.all_batches,
status: self.status,
kind: self.kind,
index_tasks: self.index_tasks,
enqueued_at: self.enqueued_at,
started_at: self.started_at,
finished_at: self.finished_at,
pub(super) fn new(env: &Env, wtxn: &mut RwTxn) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
all_batches: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::ALL_BATCHES))?,
status: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::BATCH_STATUS))?,
kind: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::BATCH_KIND))?,
index_tasks: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::BATCH_INDEX_TASKS))?,
enqueued_at: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::BATCH_ENQUEUED_AT))?,
started_at: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::BATCH_STARTED_AT))?,
finished_at: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::BATCH_FINISHED_AT))?,
pub(crate) fn all_batch_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
enum_iterator::all().map(|s| self.get_status(rtxn, s)).union()
pub(crate) fn next_batch_id(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> Result<BatchId> {
.map(|(k, _)| k + 1)
pub(crate) fn get_batch(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, batch_id: BatchId) -> Result<Option<Batch>> {
Ok(self.all_batches.get(rtxn, &batch_id)?)
/// Returns the whole set of batches that belongs to this index.
pub(crate) fn index_batches(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, index: &str) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.index_tasks.get(rtxn, index)?.unwrap_or_default())
pub(crate) fn update_index(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
index: &str,
f: impl Fn(&mut RoaringBitmap),
) -> Result<()> {
let mut batches = self.index_batches(wtxn, index)?;
f(&mut batches);
if batches.is_empty() {
self.index_tasks.delete(wtxn, index)?;
} else {
self.index_tasks.put(wtxn, index, &batches)?;
pub(crate) fn get_status(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, status: Status) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.status.get(rtxn, &status)?.unwrap_or_default())
pub(crate) fn put_status(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
status: Status,
bitmap: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<()> {
Ok(self.status.put(wtxn, &status, bitmap)?)
pub(crate) fn update_status(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
status: Status,
f: impl Fn(&mut RoaringBitmap),
) -> Result<()> {
let mut tasks = self.get_status(wtxn, status)?;
f(&mut tasks);
self.put_status(wtxn, status, &tasks)?;
pub(crate) fn get_kind(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, kind: Kind) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.kind.get(rtxn, &kind)?.unwrap_or_default())
pub(crate) fn put_kind(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
kind: Kind,
bitmap: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<()> {
Ok(self.kind.put(wtxn, &kind, bitmap)?)
pub(crate) fn update_kind(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
kind: Kind,
f: impl Fn(&mut RoaringBitmap),
) -> Result<()> {
let mut tasks = self.get_kind(wtxn, kind)?;
f(&mut tasks);
self.put_kind(wtxn, kind, &tasks)?;
pub(crate) fn write_batch(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, batch: ProcessingBatch) -> Result<()> {
&Batch {
uid: batch.uid,
progress: None,
details: batch.details,
stats: batch.stats,
started_at: batch.started_at,
finished_at: batch.finished_at,
for status in batch.statuses {
self.update_status(wtxn, status, |bitmap| {
for kind in batch.kinds {
self.update_kind(wtxn, kind, |bitmap| {
for index in batch.indexes {
self.update_index(wtxn, &index, |bitmap| {
if let Some(enqueued_at) = batch.oldest_enqueued_at {
insert_task_datetime(wtxn, self.enqueued_at, enqueued_at, batch.uid)?;
if let Some(enqueued_at) = batch.earliest_enqueued_at {
insert_task_datetime(wtxn, self.enqueued_at, enqueued_at, batch.uid)?;
insert_task_datetime(wtxn, self.started_at, batch.started_at, batch.uid)?;
insert_task_datetime(wtxn, self.finished_at, batch.finished_at.unwrap(), batch.uid)?;
/// Convert an iterator to a `Vec` of batches. The batches MUST exist or a
/// `CorruptedTaskQueue` error will be thrown.
pub(crate) fn get_existing_batches(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
tasks: impl IntoIterator<Item = BatchId>,
processing: &ProcessingTasks,
) -> Result<Vec<Batch>> {
.map(|batch_id| {
if Some(batch_id) == processing.batch.as_ref().map(|batch| batch.uid) {
let mut batch = processing.batch.as_ref().unwrap().to_batch();
batch.progress = processing.get_progress_view();
} else {
self.get_batch(rtxn, batch_id)
.and_then(|task| task.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue))
impl Queue {
/// Return the batch ids matched by the given query from the index scheduler's point of view.
pub(crate) fn get_batch_ids(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
query: &Query,
processing: &ProcessingTasks,
) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
let Query {
} = query;
let mut batches = self.batches.all_batch_ids(rtxn)?;
if let Some(batch_id) = processing.batch.as_ref().map(|batch| batch.uid) {
if let Some(from) = from {
let range = if reverse.unwrap_or_default() {
} else {
if let Some(batch_uids) = &batch_uids {
let batches_uids = RoaringBitmap::from_iter(batch_uids);
batches &= batches_uids;
if let Some(status) = &statuses {
let mut status_batches = RoaringBitmap::new();
for status in status {
match status {
// special case for Processing batches
Status::Processing => {
if let Some(batch_id) = processing.batch.as_ref().map(|batch| batch.uid) {
// Enqueued tasks are not stored in batches
Status::Enqueued => (),
status => status_batches |= &self.batches.get_status(rtxn, *status)?,
if !status.contains(&Status::Processing) {
if let Some(ref batch) = processing.batch {
batches &= status_batches;
if let Some(task_uids) = &uids {
let mut batches_by_task_uids = RoaringBitmap::new();
for task_uid in task_uids {
if let Some(task) = self.tasks.get_task(rtxn, *task_uid)? {
if let Some(batch_uid) = task.batch_uid {
batches &= batches_by_task_uids;
// There is no database for this query, we must retrieve the task queried by the client and ensure it's valid
if let Some(canceled_by) = &canceled_by {
let mut all_canceled_batches = RoaringBitmap::new();
for cancel_uid in canceled_by {
if let Some(task) = self.tasks.get_task(rtxn, *cancel_uid)? {
if task.kind.as_kind() == Kind::TaskCancelation
&& task.status == Status::Succeeded
if let Some(batch_uid) = task.batch_uid {
// if the canceled_by has been specified but no batch
// matches then we prefer matching zero than all batches.
if all_canceled_batches.is_empty() {
return Ok(RoaringBitmap::new());
} else {
batches &= all_canceled_batches;
if let Some(kind) = &types {
let mut kind_batches = RoaringBitmap::new();
for kind in kind {
kind_batches |= self.batches.get_kind(rtxn, *kind)?;
if let Some(uid) = processing
.and_then(|batch| batch.kinds.contains(kind).then_some(batch.uid))
batches &= &kind_batches;
if let Some(index) = &index_uids {
let mut index_batches = RoaringBitmap::new();
for index in index {
index_batches |= self.batches.index_batches(rtxn, index)?;
if let Some(uid) = processing
.and_then(|batch| batch.indexes.contains(index).then_some(batch.uid))
batches &= &index_batches;
// For the started_at filter, we need to treat the part of the batches that are processing from the part of the
// batches that are not processing. The non-processing ones are filtered normally while the processing ones
// are entirely removed unless the in-memory startedAt variable falls within the date filter.
// Once we have filtered the two subsets, we put them back together and assign it back to `batches`.
batches = {
let (mut filtered_non_processing_batches, mut filtered_processing_batches) =
(&batches - &*processing.processing, &batches & &*processing.processing);
// special case for Processing batches
// A closure that clears the filtered_processing_batches if their started_at date falls outside the given bounds
let mut clear_filtered_processing_batches =
|start: Bound<OffsetDateTime>, end: Bound<OffsetDateTime>| {
let start = map_bound(start, |b| b.unix_timestamp_nanos());
let end = map_bound(end, |b| b.unix_timestamp_nanos());
let is_within_dates = RangeBounds::contains(
&(start, end),
.map_or_else(OffsetDateTime::now_utc, |batch| batch.started_at)
if !is_within_dates {
match (after_started_at, before_started_at) {
(None, None) => (),
(None, Some(before)) => {
clear_filtered_processing_batches(Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Excluded(*before))
(Some(after), None) => {
clear_filtered_processing_batches(Bound::Excluded(*after), Bound::Unbounded)
(Some(after), Some(before)) => clear_filtered_processing_batches(
&mut filtered_non_processing_batches,
filtered_non_processing_batches | filtered_processing_batches
&mut batches,
&mut batches,
if let Some(limit) = limit {
batches = if query.reverse.unwrap_or_default() {
batches.into_iter().take(*limit as usize).collect()
} else {
batches.into_iter().rev().take(*limit as usize).collect()
/// Return the batch ids matching the query along with the total number of batches
/// by ignoring the from and limit parameters from the user's point of view.
/// There are two differences between an internal query and a query executed by
/// the user.
/// 1. IndexSwap tasks are not publicly associated with any index, but they are associated
/// with many indexes internally.
/// 2. The user may not have the rights to access the tasks (internally) associated with all indexes.
pub(crate) fn get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
query: &Query,
filters: &meilisearch_auth::AuthFilter,
processing: &ProcessingTasks,
) -> Result<(RoaringBitmap, u64)> {
// compute all batches matching the filter by ignoring the limits, to find the number of batches matching
// the filter.
// As this causes us to compute the filter twice it is slightly inefficient, but doing it this way spares
// us from modifying the underlying implementation, and the performance remains sufficient.
// Should this change, we would modify `get_batch_ids` to directly return the number of matching batches.
let total_batches =
self.get_batch_ids(rtxn, &query.clone().without_limits(), processing)?;
let mut batches = self.get_batch_ids(rtxn, query, processing)?;
// If the query contains a list of index uid or there is a finite list of authorized indexes,
// then we must exclude all the batches that only contains tasks associated to multiple indexes.
// This works because we don't autobatch tasks associated to multiple indexes with tasks associated
// to a single index. e.g: IndexSwap cannot be batched with IndexCreation.
if query.index_uids.is_some() || !filters.all_indexes_authorized() {
for kind in enum_iterator::all::<Kind>().filter(|kind| !kind.related_to_one_index()) {
batches -= self.tasks.get_kind(rtxn, kind)?;
if let Some(batch) = processing.batch.as_ref() {
if batch.kinds.contains(&kind) {
// Any batch that is internally associated with at least one authorized index
// must be returned.
if !filters.all_indexes_authorized() {
let mut valid_indexes = RoaringBitmap::new();
let mut forbidden_indexes = RoaringBitmap::new();
let all_indexes_iter = self.batches.index_tasks.iter(rtxn)?;
for result in all_indexes_iter {
let (index, index_tasks) = result?;
if filters.is_index_authorized(index) {
valid_indexes |= index_tasks;
} else {
forbidden_indexes |= index_tasks;
if let Some(batch) = processing.batch.as_ref() {
for index in &batch.indexes {
if filters.is_index_authorized(index) {
} else {
// If a batch had ONE valid task then it should be returned
let invalid_batches = forbidden_indexes - valid_indexes;
batches -= invalid_batches;
Ok((batches, total_batches.len()))
pub(crate) fn get_batches_from_authorized_indexes(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
query: &Query,
filters: &meilisearch_auth::AuthFilter,
processing: &ProcessingTasks,
) -> Result<(Vec<Batch>, u64)> {
let (batches, total) =
self.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(rtxn, query, filters, processing)?;
let batches = if query.reverse.unwrap_or_default() {
Box::new(batches.into_iter()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u32>>
} else {
Box::new(batches.into_iter().rev()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u32>>
let batches = self.batches.get_existing_batches(
batches.take(query.limit.unwrap_or(u32::MAX) as usize),
Ok((batches, total))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
use meili_snap::snapshot;
use meilisearch_auth::AuthFilter;
use meilisearch_types::index_uid_pattern::IndexUidPattern;
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{IndexSwap, KindWithContent, Status};
use time::{Duration, OffsetDateTime};
use crate::insta_snapshot::{snapshot_bitmap, snapshot_index_scheduler};
use crate::test_utils::Breakpoint::*;
use crate::test_utils::{index_creation_task, FailureLocation};
use crate::{IndexScheduler, Query};
fn query_batches_from_and_limit() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "bone");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "registered_the_first_task");
let kind = index_creation_task("whalo", "plankton");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "registered_the_second_task");
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "his_own_vomit");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "registered_the_third_task");
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "processed_all_tasks");
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap().clone();
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let query = Query { limit: Some(0), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[]");
let query = Query { limit: Some(1), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[2,]");
let query = Query { limit: Some(2), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[1,2,]");
let query = Query { from: Some(1), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,1,]");
let query = Query { from: Some(2), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,1,2,]");
let query = Query { from: Some(1), limit: Some(1), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[1,]");
let query = Query { from: Some(1), limit: Some(2), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,1,]");
fn query_batches_simple() {
let start_time = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) =
IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![(3, FailureLocation::InsideProcessBatch)]);
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "mouse");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "sheep");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("whalo", "fish");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "start");
handle.advance_till([Start, BatchCreated]);
let query = Query { statuses: Some(vec![Status::Processing]), ..Default::default() };
let (mut batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batches_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
assert_eq!(batches.len(), 1);
batches[0].started_at = OffsetDateTime::UNIX_EPOCH;
// Insta cannot snapshot our batches because the batch stats contains an enum as key: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/insta/issues/689
let batch = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&batches[0]).unwrap();
snapshot!(batch, @r#"
"uid": 0,
"details": {
"primaryKey": "mouse"
"stats": {
"totalNbTasks": 1,
"status": {
"processing": 1
"types": {
"indexCreation": 1
"indexUids": {
"catto": 1
"startedAt": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"finishedAt": null
let query = Query { statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued]), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[]"); // The batches don't contains any enqueued tasks
let query =
Query { statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,]"); // both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test, which should excludes the enqueued tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
before_started_at: Some(start_time),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes before the start of the test, which should excludes all of them
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
before_started_at: Some(start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test and before one minute after the start of the test,
// which should exclude the enqueued tasks and include the only processing task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,]");
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "after-advancing-a-bit");
let second_start_time = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
before_started_at: Some(start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test and before one minute after the start of the test,
// which should include all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,1,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
before_started_at: Some(start_time),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes before the start of the test, which should exclude all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the second part of the test and before one minute after the
// second start of the test, which should exclude all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[]");
// now we make one more batch, the started_at field of the new tasks will be past `second_start_time`
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// we run the same query to verify that, and indeed find that the last task is matched
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// enqueued, succeeded, or processing tasks started after the second part of the test, should
// again only return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[2,]");
handle.advance_till([ProcessBatchFailed, AfterProcessing]);
// now the last task should have failed
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "end");
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// so running the last query should return nothing
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// but the same query on failed tasks should return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// but the same query on failed tasks should return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
uids: Some(vec![1]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// same query but with an invalid uid
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
uids: Some(vec![2]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// same query but with a valid uid
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[2,]");
fn query_batches_special_rules() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) =
IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![(3, FailureLocation::InsideProcessBatch)]);
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "mouse");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "sheep");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexSwap {
swaps: vec![IndexSwap { indexes: ("catto".to_owned(), "doggo".to_owned()) }],
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexSwap {
swaps: vec![IndexSwap { indexes: ("catto".to_owned(), "whalo".to_owned()) }],
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "start");
handle.advance_till([Start, BatchCreated]);
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap().clone();
let query = Query { index_uids: Some(vec!["catto".to_owned()]), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
// only the first task associated with catto is returned, the indexSwap tasks are excluded!
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,]");
let query = Query { index_uids: Some(vec!["catto".to_owned()]), ..Default::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
// we have asked for only the tasks associated with catto, but are only authorized to retrieve the tasks
// associated with doggo -> empty result
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[]");
// We're going to advance and process all the batches for the next query to actually hit the db
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "after-processing-everything");
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let query = Query::default();
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
// we asked for all the tasks, but we are only authorized to retrieve the doggo tasks
// -> only the index creation of doggo should be returned
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[1,]");
let query = Query::default();
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
// we asked for all the tasks, but we are only authorized to retrieve the doggo and catto tasks
// -> all tasks except the swap of catto with whalo are returned
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,1,]");
let query = Query::default();
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
// we asked for all the tasks with all index authorized -> all tasks returned
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[0,1,2,3,]");
fn query_batches_canceled_by() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) =
IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![(3, FailureLocation::InsideProcessBatch)]);
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "mouse");
let _ = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "sheep");
let _ = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexSwap {
swaps: vec![IndexSwap { indexes: ("catto".to_owned(), "doggo".to_owned()) }],
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = KindWithContent::TaskCancelation {
query: "test_query".to_string(),
tasks: [0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect(),
let task_cancelation = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "start");
let query = Query { canceled_by: Some(vec![task_cancelation.uid]), ..Query::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
.get_batch_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// The batch zero was the index creation task, the 1 is the task cancellation
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[1,]");
let query = Query { canceled_by: Some(vec![task_cancelation.uid]), ..Query::default() };
let (batches, _) = index_scheduler
// Return only 1 because the user is not authorized to see task 2
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&batches), @"[1,]");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
mod batches;
mod batches_test;
mod tasks;
mod tasks_test;
mod test;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::time::Duration;
use file_store::FileStore;
use meilisearch_types::batches::BatchId;
use meilisearch_types::heed::{Database, Env, RoTxn, RwTxn};
use meilisearch_types::milli::{CboRoaringBitmapCodec, BEU32};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Kind, KindWithContent, Status, Task};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339;
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use uuid::Uuid;
use self::batches::BatchQueue;
use self::tasks::TaskQueue;
use crate::processing::ProcessingTasks;
use crate::utils::{
check_index_swap_validity, filter_out_references_to_newer_tasks, ProcessingBatch,
use crate::{Error, IndexSchedulerOptions, Result, TaskId};
/// Database const names for the `IndexScheduler`.
mod db_name {
pub const BATCH_TO_TASKS_MAPPING: &str = "batch-to-tasks-mapping";
/// Defines a subset of tasks to be retrieved from the [`IndexScheduler`].
/// An empty/default query (where each field is set to `None`) matches all tasks.
/// Each non-null field restricts the set of tasks further.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Query {
/// The maximum number of tasks to be matched
pub limit: Option<u32>,
/// The minimum [task id](`meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::uid`) to be matched
pub from: Option<u32>,
/// The order used to return the tasks. By default the newest tasks are returned first and the boolean is `false`.
pub reverse: Option<bool>,
/// The [task ids](`meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::uid`) to be matched
pub uids: Option<Vec<TaskId>>,
/// The [batch ids](`meilisearch_types::batches::Batch::uid`) to be matched
pub batch_uids: Option<Vec<BatchId>>,
/// The allowed [statuses](`meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::status`) of the matched tasls
pub statuses: Option<Vec<Status>>,
/// The allowed [kinds](meilisearch_types::tasks::Kind) of the matched tasks.
/// The kind of a task is given by:
/// ```
/// # use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Task, Kind};
/// # fn doc_func(task: Task) -> Kind {
/// task.kind.as_kind()
/// # }
/// ```
pub types: Option<Vec<Kind>>,
/// The allowed [index ids](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::index_uid) of the matched tasks
pub index_uids: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// The [task ids](`meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::uid`) of the [`TaskCancelation`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::Kind::TaskCancelation) tasks
/// that canceled the matched tasks.
pub canceled_by: Option<Vec<TaskId>>,
/// Exclusive upper bound of the matched tasks' [`enqueued_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::enqueued_at) field.
pub before_enqueued_at: Option<OffsetDateTime>,
/// Exclusive lower bound of the matched tasks' [`enqueued_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::enqueued_at) field.
pub after_enqueued_at: Option<OffsetDateTime>,
/// Exclusive upper bound of the matched tasks' [`started_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::started_at) field.
pub before_started_at: Option<OffsetDateTime>,
/// Exclusive lower bound of the matched tasks' [`started_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::started_at) field.
pub after_started_at: Option<OffsetDateTime>,
/// Exclusive upper bound of the matched tasks' [`finished_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::finished_at) field.
pub before_finished_at: Option<OffsetDateTime>,
/// Exclusive lower bound of the matched tasks' [`finished_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::finished_at) field.
pub after_finished_at: Option<OffsetDateTime>,
impl Query {
/// Return `true` if every field of the query is set to `None`, such that the query
/// matches all tasks.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
Query {
limit: None,
from: None,
reverse: None,
uids: None,
batch_uids: None,
statuses: None,
types: None,
index_uids: None,
canceled_by: None,
before_enqueued_at: None,
after_enqueued_at: None,
before_started_at: None,
after_started_at: None,
before_finished_at: None,
after_finished_at: None,
/// Add an [index id](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::index_uid) to the list of permitted indexes.
pub fn with_index(self, index_uid: String) -> Self {
let mut index_vec = self.index_uids.unwrap_or_default();
Self { index_uids: Some(index_vec), ..self }
// Removes the `from` and `limit` restrictions from the query.
// Useful to get the total number of tasks matching a filter.
pub fn without_limits(self) -> Self {
Query { limit: None, from: None, ..self }
/// Structure which holds meilisearch's indexes and schedules the tasks
/// to be performed on them.
pub struct Queue {
pub(crate) tasks: tasks::TaskQueue,
pub(crate) batches: batches::BatchQueue,
/// Matches a batch id with the associated task ids.
pub(crate) batch_to_tasks_mapping: Database<BEU32, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// The list of files referenced by the tasks.
pub(crate) file_store: FileStore,
/// The max number of tasks allowed before the scheduler starts to delete
/// the finished tasks automatically.
pub(crate) max_number_of_tasks: usize,
impl Queue {
pub(crate) fn private_clone(&self) -> Queue {
Queue {
tasks: self.tasks.private_clone(),
batches: self.batches.private_clone(),
batch_to_tasks_mapping: self.batch_to_tasks_mapping,
file_store: self.file_store.clone(),
max_number_of_tasks: self.max_number_of_tasks,
/// Create an index scheduler and start its run loop.
pub(crate) fn new(
env: &Env,
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
options: &IndexSchedulerOptions,
) -> Result<Self> {
// allow unreachable_code to get rids of the warning in the case of a test build.
Ok(Self {
file_store: FileStore::new(&options.update_file_path)?,
batch_to_tasks_mapping: env
.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::BATCH_TO_TASKS_MAPPING))?,
tasks: TaskQueue::new(env, wtxn)?,
batches: BatchQueue::new(env, wtxn)?,
max_number_of_tasks: options.max_number_of_tasks,
/// Returns the whole set of tasks that belongs to this batch.
pub(crate) fn tasks_in_batch(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, batch_id: BatchId) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.batch_to_tasks_mapping.get(rtxn, &batch_id)?.unwrap_or_default())
/// Convert an iterator to a `Vec` of tasks and edit the `ProcessingBatch` to add the given tasks.
/// The tasks MUST exist, or a `CorruptedTaskQueue` error will be thrown.
pub(crate) fn get_existing_tasks_for_processing_batch(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
processing_batch: &mut ProcessingBatch,
tasks: impl IntoIterator<Item = TaskId>,
) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
.map(|task_id| {
let mut task = self
.get_task(rtxn, task_id)
.and_then(|task| task.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue));
processing_batch.processing(&mut task);
pub(crate) fn write_batch(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
batch: ProcessingBatch,
tasks: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<()> {
self.batch_to_tasks_mapping.put(wtxn, &batch.uid, tasks)?;
self.batches.write_batch(wtxn, batch)?;
pub(crate) fn delete_persisted_task_data(&self, task: &Task) -> Result<()> {
match task.content_uuid() {
Some(content_file) => self.delete_update_file(content_file),
None => Ok(()),
/// Delete a file from the index scheduler.
/// Counterpart to the [`create_update_file`](IndexScheduler::create_update_file) method.
pub fn delete_update_file(&self, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<()> {
/// Create a file and register it in the index scheduler.
/// The returned file and uuid can be used to associate
/// some data to a task. The file will be kept until
/// the task has been fully processed.
pub fn create_update_file(&self, dry_run: bool) -> Result<(Uuid, file_store::File)> {
if dry_run {
Ok((Uuid::nil(), file_store::File::dry_file()?))
} else {
pub fn create_update_file_with_uuid(&self, uuid: u128) -> Result<(Uuid, file_store::File)> {
/// The size on disk taken by all the updates files contained in the `IndexScheduler`, in bytes.
pub fn compute_update_file_size(&self) -> Result<u64> {
pub fn register(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
kind: &KindWithContent,
task_id: Option<TaskId>,
dry_run: bool,
) -> Result<Task> {
let next_task_id = self.tasks.next_task_id(wtxn)?;
if let Some(uid) = task_id {
if uid < next_task_id {
return Err(Error::BadTaskId { received: uid, expected: next_task_id });
let mut task = Task {
uid: task_id.unwrap_or(next_task_id),
// The batch is defined once we starts processing the task
batch_uid: None,
enqueued_at: OffsetDateTime::now_utc(),
started_at: None,
finished_at: None,
error: None,
canceled_by: None,
details: kind.default_details(),
status: Status::Enqueued,
kind: kind.clone(),
// For deletion and cancelation tasks, we want to make extra sure that they
// don't attempt to delete/cancel tasks that are newer than themselves.
filter_out_references_to_newer_tasks(&mut task);
// If the register task is an index swap task, verify that it is well-formed
// (that it does not contain duplicate indexes).
// At this point the task is going to be registered and no further checks will be done
if dry_run {
return Ok(task);
// Get rid of the mutability.
let task = task;
self.tasks.register(wtxn, &task)?;
/// Register a task to cleanup the task queue if needed
pub fn cleanup_task_queue(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn) -> Result<()> {
let nb_tasks = self.tasks.all_task_ids(wtxn)?.len();
// if we have less than 1M tasks everything is fine
if nb_tasks < self.max_number_of_tasks as u64 {
return Ok(());
let finished = self.tasks.status.get(wtxn, &Status::Succeeded)?.unwrap_or_default()
| self.tasks.status.get(wtxn, &Status::Failed)?.unwrap_or_default()
| self.tasks.status.get(wtxn, &Status::Canceled)?.unwrap_or_default();
let to_delete = RoaringBitmap::from_iter(finished.into_iter().rev().take(100_000));
// /!\ the len must be at least 2 or else we might enter an infinite loop where we only delete
// the deletion tasks we enqueued ourselves.
if to_delete.len() < 2 {
tracing::warn!("The task queue is almost full, but no task can be deleted yet.");
// the only thing we can do is hope that the user tasks are going to finish
return Ok(());
"The task queue is almost full. Deleting the oldest {} finished tasks.",
// it's safe to unwrap here because we checked the len above
let newest_task_id = to_delete.iter().last().unwrap();
let last_task_to_delete =
self.tasks.get_task(wtxn, newest_task_id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
// increase time by one nanosecond so that the enqueuedAt of the last task to delete is also lower than that date.
let delete_before = last_task_to_delete.enqueued_at + Duration::from_nanos(1);
&KindWithContent::TaskDeletion {
query: format!(
delete_before.format(&Rfc3339).map_err(|_| Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?,
tasks: to_delete,
pub fn get_stats(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
processing: &ProcessingTasks,
) -> Result<BTreeMap<String, BTreeMap<String, u64>>> {
let mut res = BTreeMap::new();
let processing_tasks = processing.processing.len();
.map(|s| {
let tasks = self.tasks.get_status(rtxn, s)?.len();
match s {
Status::Enqueued => Ok((s.to_string(), tasks - processing_tasks)),
Status::Processing => Ok((s.to_string(), processing_tasks)),
s => Ok((s.to_string(), tasks)),
.collect::<Result<BTreeMap<String, u64>>>()?,
.map(|s| Ok((s.to_string(), self.tasks.get_kind(rtxn, s)?.len())))
.collect::<Result<BTreeMap<String, u64>>>()?,
.map(|res| Ok(res.map(|(name, bitmap)| (name.to_string(), bitmap.len()))?))
.collect::<Result<BTreeMap<String, u64>>>()?,
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/batches_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/tasks_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/tasks_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/tasks_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/tasks_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/tasks_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/tasks_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/tasks_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/tasks_test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/queue/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds};
use meilisearch_types::heed::types::{DecodeIgnore, SerdeBincode, SerdeJson, Str};
use meilisearch_types::heed::{Database, Env, RoTxn, RwTxn};
use meilisearch_types::milli::{CboRoaringBitmapCodec, RoaringBitmapCodec, BEU32};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Kind, Status, Task};
use roaring::{MultiOps, RoaringBitmap};
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use super::{Query, Queue};
use crate::processing::ProcessingTasks;
use crate::utils::{self, insert_task_datetime, keep_ids_within_datetimes, map_bound};
use crate::{Error, Result, TaskId, BEI128};
/// Database const names for the `IndexScheduler`.
mod db_name {
pub const ALL_TASKS: &str = "all-tasks";
pub const STATUS: &str = "status";
pub const KIND: &str = "kind";
pub const INDEX_TASKS: &str = "index-tasks";
pub const CANCELED_BY: &str = "canceled_by";
pub const ENQUEUED_AT: &str = "enqueued-at";
pub const STARTED_AT: &str = "started-at";
pub const FINISHED_AT: &str = "finished-at";
pub struct TaskQueue {
/// The main database, it contains all the tasks accessible by their Id.
pub(crate) all_tasks: Database<BEU32, SerdeJson<Task>>,
/// All the tasks ids grouped by their status.
// TODO we should not be able to serialize a `Status::Processing` in this database.
pub(crate) status: Database<SerdeBincode<Status>, RoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// All the tasks ids grouped by their kind.
pub(crate) kind: Database<SerdeBincode<Kind>, RoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the tasks associated to an index.
pub(crate) index_tasks: Database<Str, RoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the tasks that were canceled by a task uid
pub(crate) canceled_by: Database<BEU32, RoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the task ids of tasks which were enqueued at a specific date
pub(crate) enqueued_at: Database<BEI128, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the task ids of finished tasks which started being processed at a specific date
pub(crate) started_at: Database<BEI128, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Store the task ids of tasks which finished at a specific date
pub(crate) finished_at: Database<BEI128, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
impl TaskQueue {
pub(crate) fn private_clone(&self) -> TaskQueue {
TaskQueue {
all_tasks: self.all_tasks,
status: self.status,
kind: self.kind,
index_tasks: self.index_tasks,
canceled_by: self.canceled_by,
enqueued_at: self.enqueued_at,
started_at: self.started_at,
finished_at: self.finished_at,
pub(super) fn new(env: &Env, wtxn: &mut RwTxn) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
all_tasks: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::ALL_TASKS))?,
status: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::STATUS))?,
kind: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::KIND))?,
index_tasks: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::INDEX_TASKS))?,
canceled_by: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::CANCELED_BY))?,
enqueued_at: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::ENQUEUED_AT))?,
started_at: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::STARTED_AT))?,
finished_at: env.create_database(wtxn, Some(db_name::FINISHED_AT))?,
pub(crate) fn last_task_id(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> Result<Option<TaskId>> {
Ok(self.all_tasks.remap_data_type::<DecodeIgnore>().last(rtxn)?.map(|(k, _)| k + 1))
pub(crate) fn next_task_id(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> Result<TaskId> {
pub(crate) fn all_task_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
enum_iterator::all().map(|s| self.get_status(rtxn, s)).union()
pub(crate) fn get_task(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, task_id: TaskId) -> Result<Option<Task>> {
Ok(self.all_tasks.get(rtxn, &task_id)?)
pub(crate) fn update_task(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, task: &Task) -> Result<()> {
let old_task = self.get_task(wtxn, task.uid)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
debug_assert!(old_task != *task);
debug_assert_eq!(old_task.uid, task.uid);
debug_assert!(old_task.batch_uid.is_none() && task.batch_uid.is_some());
if old_task.status != task.status {
self.update_status(wtxn, old_task.status, |bitmap| {
self.update_status(wtxn, task.status, |bitmap| {
if old_task.kind.as_kind() != task.kind.as_kind() {
self.update_kind(wtxn, old_task.kind.as_kind(), |bitmap| {
self.update_kind(wtxn, task.kind.as_kind(), |bitmap| {
old_task.enqueued_at, task.enqueued_at,
"Cannot update a task's enqueued_at time"
if old_task.started_at != task.started_at {
assert!(old_task.started_at.is_none(), "Cannot update a task's started_at time");
if let Some(started_at) = task.started_at {
insert_task_datetime(wtxn, self.started_at, started_at, task.uid)?;
if old_task.finished_at != task.finished_at {
assert!(old_task.finished_at.is_none(), "Cannot update a task's finished_at time");
if let Some(finished_at) = task.finished_at {
insert_task_datetime(wtxn, self.finished_at, finished_at, task.uid)?;
self.all_tasks.put(wtxn, &task.uid, task)?;
/// Returns the whole set of tasks that belongs to this index.
pub(crate) fn index_tasks(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, index: &str) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.index_tasks.get(rtxn, index)?.unwrap_or_default())
pub(crate) fn update_index(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
index: &str,
f: impl Fn(&mut RoaringBitmap),
) -> Result<()> {
let mut tasks = self.index_tasks(wtxn, index)?;
f(&mut tasks);
if tasks.is_empty() {
self.index_tasks.delete(wtxn, index)?;
} else {
self.index_tasks.put(wtxn, index, &tasks)?;
pub(crate) fn get_status(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, status: Status) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.status.get(rtxn, &status)?.unwrap_or_default())
pub(crate) fn put_status(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
status: Status,
bitmap: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<()> {
Ok(self.status.put(wtxn, &status, bitmap)?)
pub(crate) fn update_status(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
status: Status,
f: impl Fn(&mut RoaringBitmap),
) -> Result<()> {
let mut tasks = self.get_status(wtxn, status)?;
f(&mut tasks);
self.put_status(wtxn, status, &tasks)?;
pub(crate) fn get_kind(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, kind: Kind) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.kind.get(rtxn, &kind)?.unwrap_or_default())
pub(crate) fn put_kind(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
kind: Kind,
bitmap: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> Result<()> {
Ok(self.kind.put(wtxn, &kind, bitmap)?)
pub(crate) fn update_kind(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
kind: Kind,
f: impl Fn(&mut RoaringBitmap),
) -> Result<()> {
let mut tasks = self.get_kind(wtxn, kind)?;
f(&mut tasks);
self.put_kind(wtxn, kind, &tasks)?;
/// Convert an iterator to a `Vec` of tasks. The tasks MUST exist or a
/// `CorruptedTaskQueue` error will be thrown.
pub(crate) fn get_existing_tasks(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
tasks: impl IntoIterator<Item = TaskId>,
) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
.map(|task_id| {
self.get_task(rtxn, task_id).and_then(|task| task.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue))
pub(crate) fn register(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, task: &Task) -> Result<()> {
self.all_tasks.put(wtxn, &task.uid, task)?;
for index in task.indexes() {
self.update_index(wtxn, index, |bitmap| {
self.update_status(wtxn, Status::Enqueued, |bitmap| {
self.update_kind(wtxn, task.kind.as_kind(), |bitmap| {
utils::insert_task_datetime(wtxn, self.enqueued_at, task.enqueued_at, task.uid)?;
impl Queue {
/// Return the task ids matched by the given query from the index scheduler's point of view.
pub(crate) fn get_task_ids(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
query: &Query,
processing_tasks: &ProcessingTasks,
) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
let ProcessingTasks { batch: processing_batch, processing: processing_tasks, progress: _ } =
let Query {
} = query;
let mut tasks = self.tasks.all_task_ids(rtxn)?;
if let Some(from) = from {
let range = if reverse.unwrap_or_default() {
} else {
if let Some(batch_uids) = batch_uids {
let mut batch_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for batch_uid in batch_uids {
if processing_batch.as_ref().map_or(false, |batch| batch.uid == *batch_uid) {
batch_tasks |= &**processing_tasks;
} else {
batch_tasks |= self.tasks_in_batch(rtxn, *batch_uid)?;
tasks &= batch_tasks;
if let Some(status) = statuses {
let mut status_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for status in status {
match status {
// special case for Processing tasks
Status::Processing => {
status_tasks |= &**processing_tasks;
status => status_tasks |= &self.tasks.get_status(rtxn, *status)?,
if !status.contains(&Status::Processing) {
tasks -= &**processing_tasks;
tasks &= status_tasks;
if let Some(uids) = uids {
let uids = RoaringBitmap::from_iter(uids);
tasks &= &uids;
if let Some(canceled_by) = canceled_by {
let mut all_canceled_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for cancel_task_uid in canceled_by {
if let Some(canceled_by_uid) = self.tasks.canceled_by.get(rtxn, cancel_task_uid)? {
all_canceled_tasks |= canceled_by_uid;
// if the canceled_by has been specified but no task
// matches then we prefer matching zero than all tasks.
if all_canceled_tasks.is_empty() {
return Ok(RoaringBitmap::new());
} else {
tasks &= all_canceled_tasks;
if let Some(kind) = types {
let mut kind_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for kind in kind {
kind_tasks |= self.tasks.get_kind(rtxn, *kind)?;
tasks &= &kind_tasks;
if let Some(index) = index_uids {
let mut index_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for index in index {
index_tasks |= self.tasks.index_tasks(rtxn, index)?;
tasks &= &index_tasks;
// For the started_at filter, we need to treat the part of the tasks that are processing from the part of the
// tasks that are not processing. The non-processing ones are filtered normally while the processing ones
// are entirely removed unless the in-memory startedAt variable falls within the date filter.
// Once we have filtered the two subsets, we put them back together and assign it back to `tasks`.
tasks = {
let (mut filtered_non_processing_tasks, mut filtered_processing_tasks) =
(&tasks - &**processing_tasks, &tasks & &**processing_tasks);
// special case for Processing tasks
// A closure that clears the filtered_processing_tasks if their started_at date falls outside the given bounds
let mut clear_filtered_processing_tasks =
|start: Bound<OffsetDateTime>, end: Bound<OffsetDateTime>| {
let start = map_bound(start, |b| b.unix_timestamp_nanos());
let end = map_bound(end, |b| b.unix_timestamp_nanos());
let is_within_dates = RangeBounds::contains(
&(start, end),
.map_or_else(OffsetDateTime::now_utc, |batch| batch.started_at)
if !is_within_dates {
match (after_started_at, before_started_at) {
(None, None) => (),
(None, Some(before)) => {
clear_filtered_processing_tasks(Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Excluded(*before))
(Some(after), None) => {
clear_filtered_processing_tasks(Bound::Excluded(*after), Bound::Unbounded)
(Some(after), Some(before)) => clear_filtered_processing_tasks(
&mut filtered_non_processing_tasks,
filtered_non_processing_tasks | filtered_processing_tasks
&mut tasks,
&mut tasks,
if let Some(limit) = limit {
tasks = if query.reverse.unwrap_or_default() {
tasks.into_iter().take(*limit as usize).collect()
} else {
tasks.into_iter().rev().take(*limit as usize).collect()
pub(crate) fn get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
query: &Query,
filters: &meilisearch_auth::AuthFilter,
processing_tasks: &ProcessingTasks,
) -> Result<(RoaringBitmap, u64)> {
// compute all tasks matching the filter by ignoring the limits, to find the number of tasks matching
// the filter.
// As this causes us to compute the filter twice it is slightly inefficient, but doing it this way spares
// us from modifying the underlying implementation, and the performance remains sufficient.
// Should this change, we would modify `get_task_ids` to directly return the number of matching tasks.
let total_tasks =
self.get_task_ids(rtxn, &query.clone().without_limits(), processing_tasks)?;
let mut tasks = self.get_task_ids(rtxn, query, processing_tasks)?;
// If the query contains a list of index uid or there is a finite list of authorized indexes,
// then we must exclude all the kinds that aren't associated to one and only one index.
if query.index_uids.is_some() || !filters.all_indexes_authorized() {
for kind in enum_iterator::all::<Kind>().filter(|kind| !kind.related_to_one_index()) {
tasks -= self.tasks.get_kind(rtxn, kind)?;
// Any task that is internally associated with a non-authorized index
// must be discarded.
if !filters.all_indexes_authorized() {
let all_indexes_iter = self.tasks.index_tasks.iter(rtxn)?;
for result in all_indexes_iter {
let (index, index_tasks) = result?;
if !filters.is_index_authorized(index) {
tasks -= index_tasks;
Ok((tasks, total_tasks.len()))
pub(crate) fn get_tasks_from_authorized_indexes(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
query: &Query,
filters: &meilisearch_auth::AuthFilter,
processing_tasks: &ProcessingTasks,
) -> Result<(Vec<Task>, u64)> {
let (tasks, total) =
self.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(rtxn, query, filters, processing_tasks)?;
let tasks = if query.reverse.unwrap_or_default() {
Box::new(tasks.into_iter()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u32>>
} else {
Box::new(tasks.into_iter().rev()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u32>>
let tasks = self
.get_existing_tasks(rtxn, tasks.take(query.limit.unwrap_or(u32::MAX) as usize))?;
let ProcessingTasks { batch, processing, progress: _ } = processing_tasks;
let ret = tasks.into_iter();
if processing.is_empty() || batch.is_none() {
Ok((ret.collect(), total))
} else {
// Safe because we ensured there was a batch in the previous branch
let batch = batch.as_ref().unwrap();
ret.map(|task| {
if processing.contains(task.uid) {
Task {
status: Status::Processing,
batch_uid: Some(batch.uid),
started_at: Some(batch.started_at),
} else {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
use meili_snap::snapshot;
use meilisearch_auth::AuthFilter;
use meilisearch_types::index_uid_pattern::IndexUidPattern;
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{IndexSwap, KindWithContent, Status};
use time::{Duration, OffsetDateTime};
use crate::insta_snapshot::{snapshot_bitmap, snapshot_index_scheduler};
use crate::test_utils::Breakpoint::*;
use crate::test_utils::{index_creation_task, FailureLocation};
use crate::{IndexScheduler, Query};
fn query_tasks_from_and_limit() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "bone");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "registered_the_first_task");
let kind = index_creation_task("whalo", "plankton");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "registered_the_second_task");
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "his_own_vomit");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "registered_the_third_task");
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "processed_all_tasks");
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let processing = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let query = Query { limit: Some(0), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &processing)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query { limit: Some(1), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &processing)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
let query = Query { limit: Some(2), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &processing)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[1,2,]");
let query = Query { from: Some(1), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &processing)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,]");
let query = Query { from: Some(2), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &processing)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,2,]");
let query = Query { from: Some(1), limit: Some(1), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &processing)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[1,]");
let query = Query { from: Some(1), limit: Some(2), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &processing)
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,]");
fn query_tasks_simple() {
let start_time = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) =
IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![(3, FailureLocation::InsideProcessBatch)]);
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "mouse");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "sheep");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("whalo", "fish");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "start");
handle.advance_till([Start, BatchCreated]);
let query = Query { statuses: Some(vec![Status::Processing]), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,]"); // only the processing tasks in the first tick
let query = Query { statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued]), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[1,2,]"); // only the enqueued tasks in the first tick
let query =
Query { statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,2,]"); // both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test, which should excludes the enqueued tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
before_started_at: Some(start_time),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes before the start of the test, which should excludes all of them
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
before_started_at: Some(start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test and before one minute after the start of the test,
// which should exclude the enqueued tasks and include the only processing task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,]");
let second_start_time = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
before_started_at: Some(start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test and before one minute after the start of the test,
// which should include all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
before_started_at: Some(start_time),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes before the start of the test, which should exclude all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the second part of the test and before one minute after the
// second start of the test, which should exclude all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
// now we make one more batch, the started_at field of the new tasks will be past `second_start_time`
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// we run the same query to verify that, and indeed find that the last task is matched
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// enqueued, succeeded, or processing tasks started after the second part of the test, should
// again only return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
handle.advance_till([ProcessBatchFailed, AfterProcessing]);
// now the last task should have failed
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "end");
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// so running the last query should return nothing
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// but the same query on failed tasks should return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// but the same query on failed tasks should return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
uids: Some(vec![1]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// same query but with an invalid uid
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query {
statuses: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
uids: Some(vec![2]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&query, &AuthFilter::default())
// same query but with a valid uid
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
fn query_tasks_special_rules() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) =
IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![(3, FailureLocation::InsideProcessBatch)]);
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "mouse");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "sheep");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexSwap {
swaps: vec![IndexSwap { indexes: ("catto".to_owned(), "doggo".to_owned()) }],
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexSwap {
swaps: vec![IndexSwap { indexes: ("catto".to_owned(), "whalo".to_owned()) }],
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "start");
handle.advance_till([Start, BatchCreated]);
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let query = Query { index_uids: Some(vec!["catto".to_owned()]), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
// only the first task associated with catto is returned, the indexSwap tasks are excluded!
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,]");
let query = Query { index_uids: Some(vec!["catto".to_owned()]), ..Default::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
// we have asked for only the tasks associated with catto, but are only authorized to retrieve the tasks
// associated with doggo -> empty result
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query::default();
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
// we asked for all the tasks, but we are only authorized to retrieve the doggo tasks
// -> only the index creation of doggo should be returned
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[1,]");
let query = Query::default();
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
// we asked for all the tasks, but we are only authorized to retrieve the doggo and catto tasks
// -> all tasks except the swap of catto with whalo are returned
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,]");
let query = Query::default();
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
// we asked for all the tasks with all index authorized -> all tasks returned
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,2,3,]");
fn query_tasks_canceled_by() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) =
IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![(3, FailureLocation::InsideProcessBatch)]);
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "mouse");
let _ = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "sheep");
let _ = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexSwap {
swaps: vec![IndexSwap { indexes: ("catto".to_owned(), "doggo".to_owned()) }],
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
let kind = KindWithContent::TaskCancelation {
query: "test_query".to_string(),
tasks: [0, 1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect(),
let task_cancelation = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "start");
let rtxn = index_scheduler.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let query = Query { canceled_by: Some(vec![task_cancelation.uid]), ..Query::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
.get_task_ids_from_authorized_indexes(&rtxn, &query, &AuthFilter::default(), &proc)
// 0 is not returned because it was not canceled, 3 is not returned because it is the uid of the
// taskCancelation itself
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[1,2,]");
let query = Query { canceled_by: Some(vec![task_cancelation.uid]), ..Query::default() };
let (tasks, _) = index_scheduler
// Return only 1 because the user is not authorized to see task 2
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[1,]");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
use big_s::S;
use meili_snap::{json_string, snapshot};
use meilisearch_types::error::ErrorCode;
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{KindWithContent, Status};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::insta_snapshot::snapshot_index_scheduler;
use crate::test_utils::Breakpoint::*;
use crate::test_utils::{index_creation_task, replace_document_import_task};
use crate::{IndexScheduler, Query};
fn register() {
// In this test, the handle doesn't make any progress, we only check that the tasks are registered
let (index_scheduler, mut _handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
let kinds = [
index_creation_task("catto", "mouse"),
replace_document_import_task("catto", None, 0, 12),
replace_document_import_task("catto", None, 1, 50),
replace_document_import_task("doggo", Some("bone"), 2, 5000),
let (_, file) = index_scheduler.queue.create_update_file_with_uuid(0).unwrap();
let (_, file) = index_scheduler.queue.create_update_file_with_uuid(1).unwrap();
let (_, file) = index_scheduler.queue.create_update_file_with_uuid(2).unwrap();
for (idx, kind) in kinds.into_iter().enumerate() {
let k = kind.as_kind();
let task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
assert_eq!(task.uid, idx as u32);
assert_eq!(task.status, Status::Enqueued);
assert_eq!(task.kind.as_kind(), k);
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "everything_is_successfully_registered");
fn dry_run() {
let (index_scheduler, _handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None };
let task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, true).unwrap();
snapshot!(task.uid, @"0");
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), @r"
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing batch None:
### All Tasks:
### Status:
### Kind:
### Index Tasks:
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
### Started At:
### Finished At:
### All Batches:
### Batch to tasks mapping:
### Batches Status:
### Batches Kind:
### Batches Index Tasks:
### Batches Enqueued At:
### Batches Started At:
### Batches Finished At:
### File Store:
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None };
let task = index_scheduler.register(kind, Some(12), true).unwrap();
snapshot!(task.uid, @"12");
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), @r"
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing batch None:
### All Tasks:
### Status:
### Kind:
### Index Tasks:
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
### Started At:
### Finished At:
### All Batches:
### Batch to tasks mapping:
### Batches Status:
### Batches Kind:
### Batches Index Tasks:
### Batches Enqueued At:
### Batches Started At:
### Batches Finished At:
### File Store:
fn basic_set_taskid() {
let (index_scheduler, _handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None };
let task = index_scheduler.register(kind, None, false).unwrap();
snapshot!(task.uid, @"0");
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None };
let task = index_scheduler.register(kind, Some(12), false).unwrap();
snapshot!(task.uid, @"12");
let kind = KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None };
let error = index_scheduler.register(kind, Some(5), false).unwrap_err();
snapshot!(error, @"Received bad task id: 5 should be >= to 13.");
fn test_disable_auto_deletion_of_tasks() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test_with_custom_config(vec![], |config| {
config.cleanup_enabled = false;
config.max_number_of_tasks = 2;
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
// at this point the max number of tasks is reached
// we can still enqueue multiple tasks
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let tasks =
index_scheduler.queue.get_task_ids(&rtxn, &Query { ..Default::default() }, &proc).unwrap();
let tasks = index_scheduler.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(&rtxn, tasks).unwrap();
snapshot!(json_string!(tasks, { "[].enqueuedAt" => "[date]", "[].startedAt" => "[date]", "[].finishedAt" => "[date]" }), name: "task_queue_is_full");
// now we're above the max number of tasks
// and if we try to advance in the tick function no new task deletion should be enqueued
handle.advance_till([Start, BatchCreated]);
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let tasks =
index_scheduler.queue.get_task_ids(&rtxn, &Query { ..Default::default() }, &proc).unwrap();
let tasks = index_scheduler.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(&rtxn, tasks).unwrap();
snapshot!(json_string!(tasks, { "[].enqueuedAt" => "[date]", "[].startedAt" => "[date]", "[].finishedAt" => "[date]", ".**.original_filter" => "[filter]", ".**.query" => "[query]" }), name: "task_deletion_have_not_been_enqueued");
fn test_auto_deletion_of_tasks() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test_with_custom_config(vec![], |config| {
config.max_number_of_tasks = 2;
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
// at this point the max number of tasks is reached
// we can still enqueue multiple tasks
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let tasks =
index_scheduler.queue.get_task_ids(&rtxn, &Query { ..Default::default() }, &proc).unwrap();
let tasks = index_scheduler.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(&rtxn, tasks).unwrap();
snapshot!(json_string!(tasks, { "[].enqueuedAt" => "[date]", "[].startedAt" => "[date]", "[].finishedAt" => "[date]" }), name: "task_queue_is_full");
// now we're above the max number of tasks
// and if we try to advance in the tick function a new task deletion should be enqueued
handle.advance_till([Start, BatchCreated]);
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let tasks =
index_scheduler.queue.get_task_ids(&rtxn, &Query { ..Default::default() }, &proc).unwrap();
let tasks = index_scheduler.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(&rtxn, tasks).unwrap();
snapshot!(json_string!(tasks, { "[].enqueuedAt" => "[date]", "[].startedAt" => "[date]", "[].finishedAt" => "[date]", ".**.original_filter" => "[filter]", ".**.query" => "[query]" }), name: "task_deletion_have_been_enqueued");
handle.advance_till([InsideProcessBatch, ProcessBatchSucceeded, AfterProcessing]);
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let tasks =
index_scheduler.queue.get_task_ids(&rtxn, &Query { ..Default::default() }, &proc).unwrap();
let tasks = index_scheduler.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(&rtxn, tasks).unwrap();
snapshot!(json_string!(tasks, { "[].enqueuedAt" => "[date]", "[].startedAt" => "[date]", "[].finishedAt" => "[date]", ".**.original_filter" => "[filter]", ".**.query" => "[query]" }), name: "task_deletion_have_been_processed");
// a new task deletion has been enqueued
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let tasks =
index_scheduler.queue.get_task_ids(&rtxn, &Query { ..Default::default() }, &proc).unwrap();
let tasks = index_scheduler.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(&rtxn, tasks).unwrap();
snapshot!(json_string!(tasks, { "[].enqueuedAt" => "[date]", "[].startedAt" => "[date]", "[].finishedAt" => "[date]", ".**.original_filter" => "[filter]", ".**.query" => "[query]" }), name: "after_the_second_task_deletion");
let rtxn = index_scheduler.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let proc = index_scheduler.processing_tasks.read().unwrap();
let tasks =
index_scheduler.queue.get_task_ids(&rtxn, &Query { ..Default::default() }, &proc).unwrap();
let tasks = index_scheduler.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(&rtxn, tasks).unwrap();
snapshot!(json_string!(tasks, { "[].enqueuedAt" => "[date]", "[].startedAt" => "[date]", "[].finishedAt" => "[date]", ".**.original_filter" => "[filter]", ".**.query" => "[query]" }), name: "everything_has_been_processed");
fn test_task_queue_is_full() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test_with_custom_config(vec![], |config| {
// that's the minimum map size possible
config.task_db_size = 1048576;
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
// on average this task takes ~600 bytes
loop {
let result = index_scheduler.register(
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
if result.is_err() {
// at this point the task DB shoud have reached its limit and we should not be able to register new tasks
let result = index_scheduler
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
snapshot!(result, @"Meilisearch cannot receive write operations because the limit of the task database has been reached. Please delete tasks to continue performing write operations.");
// we won't be able to test this error in an integration test thus as a best effort test I still ensure the error return the expected error code
snapshot!(format!("{:?}", result.error_code()), @"NoSpaceLeftOnDevice");
// Even the task deletion that doesn't delete anything shouldn't be accepted
let result = index_scheduler
KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { query: S("test"), tasks: RoaringBitmap::new() },
snapshot!(result, @"Meilisearch cannot receive write operations because the limit of the task database has been reached. Please delete tasks to continue performing write operations.");
// we won't be able to test this error in an integration test thus as a best effort test I still ensure the error return the expected error code
snapshot!(format!("{:?}", result.error_code()), @"NoSpaceLeftOnDevice");
// But a task deletion that delete something should works
KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { query: S("test"), tasks: (0..100).collect() },
// Now we should be able to enqueue a few tasks again
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S("doggo"), primary_key: None },
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
The autobatcher is responsible for combining the next enqueued
tasks affecting a single index into a [batch](crate::batch::Batch).
The main function of the autobatcher is [`next_autobatch`].
use std::ops::ControlFlow::{self, Break, Continue};
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexDocumentsMethod::{
self, ReplaceDocuments, UpdateDocuments,
use meilisearch_types::tasks::TaskId;
use crate::KindWithContent;
/// Succinctly describes a task's [`Kind`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Kind)
/// for the purpose of simplifying the implementation of the autobatcher.
/// Only the non-prioritised tasks that can be grouped in a batch have a corresponding [`AutobatchKind`]
enum AutobatchKind {
DocumentImport {
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<String>,
DocumentDeletion {
by_filter: bool,
Settings {
allow_index_creation: bool,
impl AutobatchKind {
fn allow_index_creation(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match self {
AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { allow_index_creation, .. }
| AutobatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, .. } => Some(*allow_index_creation),
_ => None,
fn primary_key(&self) -> Option<Option<&str>> {
match self {
AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { primary_key, .. } => Some(primary_key.as_deref()),
_ => None,
impl From<KindWithContent> for AutobatchKind {
fn from(kind: KindWithContent) -> Self {
match kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
} => AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key },
KindWithContent::DocumentEdition { .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentEdition,
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { .. } => {
AutobatchKind::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: false }
KindWithContent::DocumentClear { .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentClear,
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletionByFilter { .. } => {
AutobatchKind::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: true }
KindWithContent::SettingsUpdate { allow_index_creation, is_deletion, .. } => {
AutobatchKind::Settings {
allow_index_creation: allow_index_creation && !is_deletion,
KindWithContent::IndexDeletion { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexDeletion,
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexCreation,
KindWithContent::IndexUpdate { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexUpdate,
KindWithContent::IndexSwap { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexSwap,
KindWithContent::TaskCancelation { .. }
| KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { .. }
| KindWithContent::DumpCreation { .. }
| KindWithContent::SnapshotCreation => {
panic!("The autobatcher should never be called with tasks that don't apply to an index.")
pub enum BatchKind {
DocumentClear {
ids: Vec<TaskId>,
DocumentOperation {
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<String>,
operation_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
DocumentEdition {
id: TaskId,
DocumentDeletion {
deletion_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
includes_by_filter: bool,
ClearAndSettings {
other: Vec<TaskId>,
allow_index_creation: bool,
settings_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
Settings {
allow_index_creation: bool,
settings_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
IndexDeletion {
ids: Vec<TaskId>,
IndexCreation {
id: TaskId,
IndexUpdate {
id: TaskId,
IndexSwap {
id: TaskId,
impl BatchKind {
fn allow_index_creation(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match self {
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { allow_index_creation, .. }
| BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { allow_index_creation, .. }
| BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, .. } => Some(*allow_index_creation),
_ => None,
fn primary_key(&self) -> Option<Option<&str>> {
match self {
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { primary_key, .. } => Some(primary_key.as_deref()),
_ => None,
impl BatchKind {
/// Returns a `ControlFlow::Break` if you must stop right now.
/// The boolean tell you if an index has been created by the batched task.
/// To ease the writing of the code. `true` can be returned when you don't need to create an index
/// but false can't be returned if you needs to create an index.
// TODO use an AutoBatchKind as input
pub fn new(
task_id: TaskId,
kind: KindWithContent,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> (ControlFlow<BatchKind, BatchKind>, bool) {
use AutobatchKind as K;
match AutobatchKind::from(kind) {
K::IndexCreation => (Break(BatchKind::IndexCreation { id: task_id }), true),
K::IndexDeletion => (Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids: vec![task_id] }), false),
K::IndexUpdate => (Break(BatchKind::IndexUpdate { id: task_id }), false),
K::IndexSwap => (Break(BatchKind::IndexSwap { id: task_id }), false),
K::DocumentClear => (Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: vec![task_id] }), false),
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key: pk }
if primary_key.is_none() || pk.is_none() || primary_key == pk.as_deref() =>
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
primary_key: pk,
operation_ids: vec![task_id],
// if the primary key set in the task was different than ours we should stop and make this batch fail asap.
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key } => (
Break(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
operation_ids: vec![task_id],
K::DocumentEdition => (Break(BatchKind::DocumentEdition { id: task_id }), false),
K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: includes_by_filter } => (
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion {
deletion_ids: vec![task_id],
K::Settings { allow_index_creation } => (
Continue(BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, settings_ids: vec![task_id] }),
/// Returns a `ControlFlow::Break` if you must stop right now.
/// The boolean tell you if an index has been created by the batched task.
/// To ease the writing of the code. `true` can be returned when you don't need to create an index
/// but false can't be returned if you needs to create an index.
fn accumulate(self, id: TaskId, kind: AutobatchKind, index_already_exists: bool, primary_key: Option<&str>) -> ControlFlow<BatchKind, BatchKind> {
use AutobatchKind as K;
match (self, kind) {
// We don't batch any of these operations
(this, K::IndexCreation | K::IndexUpdate | K::IndexSwap | K::DocumentEdition) => Break(this),
// We must not batch tasks that don't have the same index creation rights if the index doesn't already exists.
(this, kind) if !index_already_exists && this.allow_index_creation() == Some(false) && kind.allow_index_creation() == Some(true) => {
// NOTE: We need to negate the whole condition since we're checking if we need to break instead of continue.
// I wrote it this way because it's easier to understand than the other way around.
(this, kind) if !(
// 1. If both task don't interact with primary key -> we can continue
(this.primary_key().is_none() && kind.primary_key().is_none()) ||
// 2. Else ->
// 2.1 If we already have a primary-key ->
primary_key.is_some() &&
// 2.1.1 If the task we're trying to accumulate have a pk it must be equal to our primary key
// 2.1.2 If the task don't have a primary-key -> we can continue
kind.primary_key().map_or(true, |pk| pk == primary_key)
) ||
// 2.2 If we don't have a primary-key ->
// 2.2.1 If both the batch and the task have a primary key they should be equal
// 2.2.2 If the batch is set to Some(None), the task should be too
// 2.2.3 If the batch is set to None -> we can continue
this.primary_key().zip(kind.primary_key()).map_or(true, |(this, kind)| this == kind)
) // closing the negation
=> {
// The index deletion can batch with everything but must stop after
BatchKind::DocumentClear { mut ids }
| BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: mut ids, includes_by_filter: _ }
| BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, primary_key: _, operation_ids: mut ids }
| BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation: _, settings_ids: mut ids },
) => {
Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids })
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { settings_ids: mut ids, allow_index_creation: _, mut other },
) => {
ids.append(&mut other);
Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids })
BatchKind::DocumentClear { mut ids },
K::DocumentClear | K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: _ },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids })
this @ BatchKind::DocumentClear { .. },
K::DocumentImport { .. } | K::Settings { .. },
) => Break(this),
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, primary_key: _, mut operation_ids },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: operation_ids })
// we can autobatch the same kind of document additions / updates
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _, mut operation_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, primary_key: pk, .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
method: ReplaceDocuments,
primary_key: pk,
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _, mut operation_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, primary_key: pk, .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
method: UpdateDocuments,
primary_key: pk,
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key, mut operation_ids },
K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: false },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
// We can't batch a document operation with a delete by filter
this @ BatchKind::DocumentOperation { .. },
K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter: true },
) => {
// but we can't autobatch documents if it's not the same kind
// this match branch MUST be AFTER the previous one
this @ BatchKind::DocumentOperation { .. },
K::DocumentImport { .. },
) => Break(this),
this @ BatchKind::DocumentOperation { .. },
K::Settings { .. },
) => Break(this),
(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: _ }, K::DocumentClear) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: deletion_ids })
// we can't autobatch the deletion and import if the document deletion contained a filter
this @ BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: _, includes_by_filter: true },
K::DocumentImport { .. }
) => Break(this),
// we can autobatch the deletion and import if the index already exists
BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: false },
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key }
) if index_already_exists => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
operation_ids: deletion_ids,
// we can autobatch the deletion and import if both can't create an index
BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: false },
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key }
) if !allow_index_creation => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentOperation {
operation_ids: deletion_ids,
// we can't autobatch a deletion and an import if the index does not exists but would be created by an addition
this @ BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { .. },
K::DocumentImport { .. }
) => {
(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids, includes_by_filter }, K::DocumentDeletion { by_filter }) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: includes_by_filter | by_filter })
(this @ BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { .. }, K::Settings { .. }) => Break(this),
BatchKind::Settings { settings_ids, allow_index_creation },
) => Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
other: vec![id],
this @ BatchKind::Settings { .. },
K::DocumentImport { .. } | K::DocumentDeletion { .. },
) => Break(this),
BatchKind::Settings { mut settings_ids, allow_index_creation },
K::Settings { .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::Settings {
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { mut other, settings_ids, allow_index_creation },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
(this @ BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { .. }, K::DocumentImport { .. }) => Break(this),
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
mut other,
K::DocumentDeletion { .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { mut settings_ids, other, allow_index_creation },
K::Settings { .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings {
BatchKind::IndexCreation { .. }
| BatchKind::IndexDeletion { .. }
| BatchKind::IndexUpdate { .. }
| BatchKind::IndexSwap { .. }
| BatchKind::DocumentEdition { .. },
) => {
/// Create a batch from an ordered list of tasks.
/// ## Preconditions
/// 1. The tasks must be enqueued and given in the order in which they were enqueued
/// 2. The tasks must not be prioritised tasks (e.g. task cancellation, dump, snapshot, task deletion)
/// 3. The tasks must all be related to the same index
/// ## Return
/// `None` if the list of tasks is empty. Otherwise, an [`AutoBatch`] that represents
/// a subset of the given tasks.
pub fn autobatch(
enqueued: Vec<(TaskId, KindWithContent)>,
index_already_exists: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> Option<(BatchKind, bool)> {
let mut enqueued = enqueued.into_iter();
let (id, kind) = enqueued.next()?;
// index_exist will keep track of if the index should exist at this point after the tasks we batched.
let mut index_exist = index_already_exists;
let (mut acc, must_create_index) = match BatchKind::new(id, kind, primary_key) {
(Continue(acc), create) => (acc, create),
(Break(acc), create) => return Some((acc, create)),
// if an index has been created in the previous step we can consider it as existing.
index_exist |= must_create_index;
for (id, kind) in enqueued {
acc = match acc.accumulate(id, kind.into(), index_exist, primary_key) {
Continue(acc) => acc,
Break(acc) => return Some((acc, must_create_index)),
Some((acc, must_create_index))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexDocumentsMethod::{
self, ReplaceDocuments, UpdateDocuments,
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{IndexSwap, KindWithContent};
use uuid::Uuid;
use self::autobatcher::{autobatch, BatchKind};
use super::*;
use crate::TaskId;
macro_rules! debug_snapshot {
($value:expr, @$snapshot:literal) => {{
let value = format!("{:?}", $value);
meili_snap::snapshot!(value, @$snapshot);
fn autobatch_from(
index_already_exists: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
input: impl IntoIterator<Item = KindWithContent>,
) -> Option<(BatchKind, bool)> {
input.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(id, kind)| (id as TaskId, kind)).collect(),
fn doc_imp(
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
primary_key: primary_key.map(|pk| pk.to_string()),
content_file: Uuid::new_v4(),
documents_count: 0,
fn doc_del() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
documents_ids: Vec::new(),
fn doc_del_fil() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletionByFilter {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
filter_expr: serde_json::json!("cuteness > 100"),
fn doc_clr() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentClear { index_uid: String::from("doggo") }
fn settings(allow_index_creation: bool) -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::SettingsUpdate {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
new_settings: Default::default(),
is_deletion: false,
fn idx_create() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), primary_key: None }
fn idx_update() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::IndexUpdate { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), primary_key: None }
fn idx_del() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::IndexDeletion { index_uid: String::from("doggo") }
fn idx_swap() -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::IndexSwap {
swaps: vec![IndexSwap { indexes: (String::from("doggo"), String::from("catto")) }],
fn autobatch_simple_operation_together() {
// we can autobatch one or multiple `ReplaceDocuments` together.
// if the index exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, false , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false , None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// if it doesn't exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple `UpdateDocuments` together.
// if the index exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// if it doesn't exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple DocumentDeletion together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple DocumentDeletionByFilter together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_del_fil(), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_del_fil(), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple Settings together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false), settings(false), settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false), settings(false), settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// We can autobatch document addition with document deletion
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
// And the other way around
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))"###);
// But we can't autobatch document addition with document deletion by filter
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, false))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto")), doc_del_fil()]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: Some("catto"), operation_ids: [0] }, false))"###);
// And the other way around
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
fn simple_document_operation_dont_autobatch_with_other() {
// addition, updates and deletion by filter can't batch together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: true }, false))");
fn document_addition_doesnt_batch_with_settings() {
// simple case
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
// multiple settings and doc addition
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
// addition and setting unordered
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
// Doesn't batch with other forbidden operations
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
fn clear_and_additions() {
// these two doesn't need to batch
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
// Basic use case
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
// This batch kind doesn't mix with other document addition
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
// But you can batch multiple clear together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, true))");
fn clear_and_additions_and_settings() {
// A clear don't need to autobatch the settings that happens AFTER there is no documents
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some((ClearAndSettings { other: [1], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
fn anything_and_index_deletion() {
// The `IndexDeletion` doesn't batch with anything that happens AFTER.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), settings(false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_del_fil()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), settings(false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
// The index deletion can accept almost any type of `BatchKind` and transform it to an `IndexDeletion`.
// First, the basic cases
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del_fil(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
fn allowed_and_disallowed_index_creation() {
// `DocumentImport` can't be mixed with those disallowed to do so except if the index already exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, false))");
// batch deletion and addition
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, Some("catto"))]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0], includes_by_filter: false }, false))");
fn autobatch_primary_key() {
// ==> If I have a pk
// With a single update
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// With a multiple updates
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// ==> If I don't have a pk
// With a single update
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// With a multiple updates
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, operation_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentOperation { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), operation_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
use std::fmt;
use meilisearch_types::heed::RoTxn;
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexDocumentsMethod;
use meilisearch_types::settings::{Settings, Unchecked};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Kind, KindWithContent, Status, Task};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use uuid::Uuid;
use super::autobatcher::{self, BatchKind};
use crate::utils::ProcessingBatch;
use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, Result};
/// Represents a combination of tasks that can all be processed at the same time.
/// A batch contains the set of tasks that it represents (accessible through
/// [`self.ids()`](Batch::ids)), as well as additional information on how to
/// be processed.
pub(crate) enum Batch {
TaskCancelation {
/// The task cancelation itself.
task: Task,
IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation,
must_create_index: bool,
IndexCreation {
index_uid: String,
primary_key: Option<String>,
task: Task,
IndexUpdate {
index_uid: String,
primary_key: Option<String>,
task: Task,
IndexDeletion {
index_uid: String,
tasks: Vec<Task>,
index_has_been_created: bool,
IndexSwap {
task: Task,
pub(crate) enum DocumentOperation {
/// A [batch](Batch) that combines multiple tasks operating on an index.
pub(crate) enum IndexOperation {
DocumentOperation {
index_uid: String,
primary_key: Option<String>,
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
operations: Vec<DocumentOperation>,
tasks: Vec<Task>,
DocumentEdition {
index_uid: String,
task: Task,
DocumentDeletion {
index_uid: String,
tasks: Vec<Task>,
DocumentClear {
index_uid: String,
tasks: Vec<Task>,
Settings {
index_uid: String,
// The boolean indicates if it's a settings deletion or creation.
settings: Vec<(bool, Settings<Unchecked>)>,
tasks: Vec<Task>,
DocumentClearAndSetting {
index_uid: String,
cleared_tasks: Vec<Task>,
// The boolean indicates if it's a settings deletion or creation.
settings: Vec<(bool, Settings<Unchecked>)>,
settings_tasks: Vec<Task>,
impl Batch {
/// Return the task ids associated with this batch.
pub fn ids(&self) -> RoaringBitmap {
match self {
Batch::TaskCancelation { task, .. }
| Batch::Dump(task)
| Batch::IndexCreation { task, .. }
| Batch::IndexUpdate { task, .. } => {
| Batch::TaskDeletions(tasks)
| Batch::IndexDeletion { tasks, .. } => {
RoaringBitmap::from_iter(tasks.iter().map(|task| task.uid))
Batch::IndexOperation { op, .. } => match op {
IndexOperation::DocumentOperation { tasks, .. }
| IndexOperation::Settings { tasks, .. }
| IndexOperation::DocumentDeletion { tasks, .. }
| IndexOperation::DocumentClear { tasks, .. } => {
RoaringBitmap::from_iter(tasks.iter().map(|task| task.uid))
IndexOperation::DocumentEdition { task, .. } => {
IndexOperation::DocumentClearAndSetting {
cleared_tasks: tasks,
settings_tasks: other,
} => RoaringBitmap::from_iter(tasks.iter().chain(other).map(|task| task.uid)),
Batch::IndexSwap { task } => {
/// Return the index UID associated with this batch
pub fn index_uid(&self) -> Option<&str> {
use Batch::*;
match self {
TaskCancelation { .. }
| TaskDeletions(_)
| SnapshotCreation(_)
| Dump(_)
| IndexSwap { .. } => None,
IndexOperation { op, .. } => Some(op.index_uid()),
IndexCreation { index_uid, .. }
| IndexUpdate { index_uid, .. }
| IndexDeletion { index_uid, .. } => Some(index_uid),
impl fmt::Display for Batch {
/// A text used when we debug the profiling reports.
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let index_uid = self.index_uid();
let tasks = self.ids();
match self {
Batch::TaskCancelation { .. } => f.write_str("TaskCancelation")?,
Batch::TaskDeletions(_) => f.write_str("TaskDeletion")?,
Batch::SnapshotCreation(_) => f.write_str("SnapshotCreation")?,
Batch::Dump(_) => f.write_str("Dump")?,
Batch::IndexOperation { op, .. } => write!(f, "{op}")?,
Batch::IndexCreation { .. } => f.write_str("IndexCreation")?,
Batch::IndexUpdate { .. } => f.write_str("IndexUpdate")?,
Batch::IndexDeletion { .. } => f.write_str("IndexDeletion")?,
Batch::IndexSwap { .. } => f.write_str("IndexSwap")?,
match index_uid {
Some(name) => f.write_fmt(format_args!(" on {name:?} from tasks: {tasks:?}")),
None => f.write_fmt(format_args!(" from tasks: {tasks:?}")),
impl IndexOperation {
pub fn index_uid(&self) -> &str {
match self {
IndexOperation::DocumentOperation { index_uid, .. }
| IndexOperation::DocumentEdition { index_uid, .. }
| IndexOperation::DocumentDeletion { index_uid, .. }
| IndexOperation::DocumentClear { index_uid, .. }
| IndexOperation::Settings { index_uid, .. }
| IndexOperation::DocumentClearAndSetting { index_uid, .. } => index_uid,
impl fmt::Display for IndexOperation {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
IndexOperation::DocumentOperation { .. } => {
IndexOperation::DocumentEdition { .. } => {
IndexOperation::DocumentDeletion { .. } => {
IndexOperation::DocumentClear { .. } => f.write_str("IndexOperation::DocumentClear"),
IndexOperation::Settings { .. } => f.write_str("IndexOperation::Settings"),
IndexOperation::DocumentClearAndSetting { .. } => {
impl IndexScheduler {
/// Convert an [`BatchKind`](crate::autobatcher::BatchKind) into a [`Batch`].
/// ## Arguments
/// - `rtxn`: read transaction
/// - `index_uid`: name of the index affected by the operations of the autobatch
/// - `batch`: the result of the autobatcher
pub(crate) fn create_next_batch_index(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
index_uid: String,
batch: BatchKind,
current_batch: &mut ProcessingBatch,
must_create_index: bool,
) -> Result<Option<Batch>> {
match batch {
BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids } => Ok(Some(Batch::IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation::DocumentClear {
tasks: self.queue.get_existing_tasks_for_processing_batch(
BatchKind::DocumentEdition { id } => {
let mut task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(rtxn, id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
current_batch.processing(Some(&mut task));
match &task.kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentEdition { index_uid, .. } => {
Ok(Some(Batch::IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation::DocumentEdition {
index_uid: index_uid.clone(),
must_create_index: false,
_ => unreachable!(),
BatchKind::DocumentOperation { method, operation_ids, .. } => {
let tasks = self.queue.get_existing_tasks_for_processing_batch(
let primary_key = tasks
.find_map(|task| match task.kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { ref primary_key, .. } => {
// we want to stop on the first document addition
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { .. } => None,
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut operations = Vec::new();
for task in tasks.iter() {
match task.kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { content_file, .. } => {
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { ref documents_ids, .. } => {
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok(Some(Batch::IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation::DocumentOperation {
BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids, includes_by_filter: _ } => {
let tasks = self.queue.get_existing_tasks_for_processing_batch(
Ok(Some(Batch::IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation::DocumentDeletion { index_uid, tasks },
BatchKind::Settings { settings_ids, .. } => {
let tasks = self.queue.get_existing_tasks_for_processing_batch(
let mut settings = Vec::new();
for task in &tasks {
match task.kind {
KindWithContent::SettingsUpdate {
ref new_settings, is_deletion, ..
} => settings.push((is_deletion, *new_settings.clone())),
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok(Some(Batch::IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation::Settings { index_uid, settings, tasks },
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { other, settings_ids, allow_index_creation } => {
let (index_uid, settings, settings_tasks) = match self
BatchKind::Settings { settings_ids, allow_index_creation },
Batch::IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation::Settings { index_uid, settings, tasks, .. },
} => (index_uid, settings, tasks),
_ => unreachable!(),
let (index_uid, cleared_tasks) = match self
BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: other },
Batch::IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation::DocumentClear { index_uid, tasks },
} => (index_uid, tasks),
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok(Some(Batch::IndexOperation {
op: IndexOperation::DocumentClearAndSetting {
BatchKind::IndexCreation { id } => {
let mut task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(rtxn, id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
current_batch.processing(Some(&mut task));
let (index_uid, primary_key) = match &task.kind {
KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid, primary_key } => {
(index_uid.clone(), primary_key.clone())
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok(Some(Batch::IndexCreation { index_uid, primary_key, task }))
BatchKind::IndexUpdate { id } => {
let mut task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(rtxn, id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
current_batch.processing(Some(&mut task));
let primary_key = match &task.kind {
KindWithContent::IndexUpdate { primary_key, .. } => primary_key.clone(),
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok(Some(Batch::IndexUpdate { index_uid, primary_key, task }))
BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids } => Ok(Some(Batch::IndexDeletion {
index_has_been_created: must_create_index,
tasks: self.queue.get_existing_tasks_for_processing_batch(
BatchKind::IndexSwap { id } => {
let mut task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(rtxn, id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
current_batch.processing(Some(&mut task));
Ok(Some(Batch::IndexSwap { task }))
/// Create the next batch to be processed;
/// 1. We get the *last* task to cancel.
/// 2. We get the *next* task to delete.
/// 3. We get the *next* snapshot to process.
/// 4. We get the *next* dump to process.
/// 5. We get the *next* tasks to process for a specific index.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, rtxn), target = "indexing::scheduler")]
pub(crate) fn create_next_batch(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
) -> Result<Option<(Batch, ProcessingBatch)>> {
let batch_id = self.queue.batches.next_batch_id(rtxn)?;
let mut current_batch = ProcessingBatch::new(batch_id);
let enqueued = &self.queue.tasks.get_status(rtxn, Status::Enqueued)?;
let to_cancel = self.queue.tasks.get_kind(rtxn, Kind::TaskCancelation)? & enqueued;
// 1. we get the last task to cancel.
if let Some(task_id) = to_cancel.max() {
let mut task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(rtxn, task_id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
current_batch.processing(Some(&mut task));
return Ok(Some((Batch::TaskCancelation { task }, current_batch)));
// 2. we get the next task to delete
let to_delete = self.queue.tasks.get_kind(rtxn, Kind::TaskDeletion)? & enqueued;
if !to_delete.is_empty() {
let mut tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(rtxn, to_delete)?;
current_batch.processing(&mut tasks);
return Ok(Some((Batch::TaskDeletions(tasks), current_batch)));
// 3. we batch the snapshot.
let to_snapshot = self.queue.tasks.get_kind(rtxn, Kind::SnapshotCreation)? & enqueued;
if !to_snapshot.is_empty() {
let mut tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(rtxn, to_snapshot)?;
current_batch.processing(&mut tasks);
return Ok(Some((Batch::SnapshotCreation(tasks), current_batch)));
// 4. we batch the dumps.
let to_dump = self.queue.tasks.get_kind(rtxn, Kind::DumpCreation)? & enqueued;
if let Some(to_dump) = to_dump.min() {
let mut task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(rtxn, to_dump)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
current_batch.processing(Some(&mut task));
return Ok(Some((Batch::Dump(task), current_batch)));
// 5. We make a batch from the unprioritised tasks. Start by taking the next enqueued task.
let task_id = if let Some(task_id) = enqueued.min() { task_id } else { return Ok(None) };
let mut task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(rtxn, task_id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
// If the task is not associated with any index, verify that it is an index swap and
// create the batch directly. Otherwise, get the index name associated with the task
// and use the autobatcher to batch the enqueued tasks associated with it
let index_name = if let Some(&index_name) = task.indexes().first() {
} else {
assert!(matches!(&task.kind, KindWithContent::IndexSwap { swaps } if swaps.is_empty()));
current_batch.processing(Some(&mut task));
return Ok(Some((Batch::IndexSwap { task }, current_batch)));
let index_already_exists = self.index_mapper.exists(rtxn, index_name)?;
let mut primary_key = None;
if index_already_exists {
let index = self.index_mapper.index(rtxn, index_name)?;
let rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn)?.map(|pk| pk.to_string());
let index_tasks = self.queue.tasks.index_tasks(rtxn, index_name)? & enqueued;
// If autobatching is disabled we only take one task at a time.
// Otherwise, we take only a maximum of tasks to create batches.
let tasks_limit = if self.scheduler.autobatching_enabled {
} else {
let enqueued = index_tasks
.map(|task_id| {
.get_task(rtxn, task_id)
.and_then(|task| task.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue))
.map(|task| (task.uid, task.kind))
if let Some((batchkind, create_index)) =
autobatcher::autobatch(enqueued, index_already_exists, primary_key.as_deref())
return Ok(self
&mut current_batch,
.map(|batch| (batch, current_batch)));
// If we found no tasks then we were notified for something that got autobatched
// somehow and there is nothing to do.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
mod autobatcher;
mod autobatcher_test;
mod create_batch;
mod process_batch;
mod process_dump_creation;
mod process_index_operation;
mod process_snapshot_creation;
mod test;
mod test_document_addition;
mod test_embedders;
mod test_failure;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use meilisearch_types::error::ResponseError;
use meilisearch_types::milli;
use meilisearch_types::tasks::Status;
use rayon::current_num_threads;
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use synchronoise::SignalEvent;
use crate::processing::{AtomicTaskStep, BatchProgress};
use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, IndexSchedulerOptions, Result, TickOutcome};
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MustStopProcessing(Arc<AtomicBool>);
impl MustStopProcessing {
pub fn get(&self) -> bool {
pub fn must_stop(&self) {
self.0.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
pub fn reset(&self) {
self.0.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed);
pub struct Scheduler {
/// A boolean that can be set to true to stop the currently processing tasks.
pub must_stop_processing: MustStopProcessing,
/// Get a signal when a batch needs to be processed.
pub(crate) wake_up: Arc<SignalEvent>,
/// Whether auto-batching is enabled or not.
pub(crate) autobatching_enabled: bool,
/// The maximum number of tasks that will be batched together.
pub(crate) max_number_of_batched_tasks: usize,
/// The path used to create the dumps.
pub(crate) dumps_path: PathBuf,
/// The path used to create the snapshots.
pub(crate) snapshots_path: PathBuf,
/// The path to the folder containing the auth LMDB env.
pub(crate) auth_path: PathBuf,
/// The path to the version file of Meilisearch.
pub(crate) version_file_path: PathBuf,
impl Scheduler {
pub(crate) fn private_clone(&self) -> Scheduler {
Scheduler {
must_stop_processing: self.must_stop_processing.clone(),
wake_up: self.wake_up.clone(),
autobatching_enabled: self.autobatching_enabled,
max_number_of_batched_tasks: self.max_number_of_batched_tasks,
dumps_path: self.dumps_path.clone(),
snapshots_path: self.snapshots_path.clone(),
auth_path: self.auth_path.clone(),
version_file_path: self.version_file_path.clone(),
pub fn new(options: &IndexSchedulerOptions) -> Scheduler {
Scheduler {
must_stop_processing: MustStopProcessing::default(),
// we want to start the loop right away in case meilisearch was ctrl+Ced while processing things
wake_up: Arc::new(SignalEvent::auto(true)),
autobatching_enabled: options.autobatching_enabled,
max_number_of_batched_tasks: options.max_number_of_batched_tasks,
dumps_path: options.dumps_path.clone(),
snapshots_path: options.snapshots_path.clone(),
auth_path: options.auth_path.clone(),
version_file_path: options.version_file_path.clone(),
impl IndexScheduler {
/// Perform one iteration of the run loop.
/// 1. See if we need to cleanup the task queue
/// 2. Find the next batch of tasks to be processed.
/// 3. Update the information of these tasks following the start of their processing.
/// 4. Update the in-memory list of processed tasks accordingly.
/// 5. Process the batch:
/// - perform the actions of each batched task
/// - update the information of each batched task following the end
/// of their processing.
/// 6. Reset the in-memory list of processed tasks.
/// Returns the number of processed tasks.
pub(crate) fn tick(&self) -> Result<TickOutcome> {
*self.run_loop_iteration.write().unwrap() += 1;
if self.cleanup_enabled {
let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
self.queue.cleanup_task_queue(&mut wtxn)?;
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn().map_err(Error::HeedTransaction)?;
let (batch, mut processing_batch) =
match self.create_next_batch(&rtxn).map_err(|e| Error::CreateBatch(Box::new(e)))? {
Some(batch) => batch,
None => return Ok(TickOutcome::WaitForSignal),
let index_uid = batch.index_uid().map(ToOwned::to_owned);
// 1. store the starting date with the bitmap of processing tasks.
let mut ids = batch.ids();
let processed_tasks = ids.len();
// We reset the must_stop flag to be sure that we don't stop processing tasks
let progress = self
// We can clone the processing batch here because we don't want its modification to affect the view of the processing batches
.start_processing(processing_batch.clone(), ids.clone());
// 2. Process the tasks
let res = {
let cloned_index_scheduler = self.private_clone();
let processing_batch = &mut processing_batch;
let progress = progress.clone();
std::thread::scope(|s| {
let handle = std::thread::Builder::new()
.spawn_scoped(s, move || {
cloned_index_scheduler.process_batch(batch, processing_batch, progress)
// Reset the currently updating index to relinquish the index handle
let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn().map_err(Error::HeedTransaction)?;
let mut canceled = RoaringBitmap::new();
match res {
Ok(tasks) => {
let (task_progress, task_progress_obj) = AtomicTaskStep::new(tasks.len() as u32);
let mut success = 0;
let mut failure = 0;
let mut canceled_by = None;
for (i, mut task) in tasks.into_iter().enumerate() {
task_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
processing_batch.update(&mut task);
if task.status == Status::Canceled {
canceled_by = task.canceled_by;
crate::test_utils::FailureLocation::UpdatingTaskAfterProcessBatchSuccess {
task_uid: i as u32,
match task.error {
Some(_) => failure += 1,
None => success += 1,
.update_task(&mut wtxn, &task)
.map_err(|e| Error::TaskDatabaseUpdate(Box::new(e)))?;
if let Some(canceled_by) = canceled_by {
self.queue.tasks.canceled_by.put(&mut wtxn, &canceled_by, &canceled)?;
tracing::info!("A batch of tasks was successfully completed with {success} successful tasks and {failure} failed tasks.");
// If we have an abortion error we must stop the tick here and re-schedule tasks.
Err(Error::Milli {
error: milli::Error::InternalError(milli::InternalError::AbortedIndexation),
| Err(Error::AbortedTask) => {
tracing::info!("A batch of tasks was aborted.");
// We make sure that we don't call `stop_processing` on the `processing_tasks`,
// this is because we want to let the next tick call `create_next_batch` and keep
// the `started_at` date times and `processings` of the current processing tasks.
// This date time is used by the task cancelation to store the right `started_at`
// date in the task on disk.
return Ok(TickOutcome::TickAgain(0));
// If an index said it was full, we need to:
// 1. identify which index is full
// 2. close the associated environment
// 3. resize it
// 4. re-schedule tasks
Err(Error::Milli {
error: milli::Error::UserError(milli::UserError::MaxDatabaseSizeReached),
}) if index_uid.is_some() => {
// fixme: add index_uid to match to avoid the unwrap
let index_uid = index_uid.unwrap();
// fixme: handle error more gracefully? not sure when this could happen
self.index_mapper.resize_index(&wtxn, &index_uid)?;
tracing::info!("The max database size was reached. Resizing the index.");
return Ok(TickOutcome::TickAgain(0));
// In case of a failure we must get back and patch all the tasks with the error.
Err(err) => {
let (task_progress, task_progress_obj) = AtomicTaskStep::new(ids.len() as u32);
let error: ResponseError = err.into();
for id in ids.iter() {
task_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let mut task = self
.get_task(&wtxn, id)
.map_err(|e| Error::TaskDatabaseUpdate(Box::new(e)))?
task.status = Status::Failed;
task.error = Some(error.clone());
task.details = task.details.map(|d| d.to_failed());
processing_batch.update(&mut task);
tracing::error!("Batch failed {}", error);
.update_task(&mut wtxn, &task)
.map_err(|e| Error::TaskDatabaseUpdate(Box::new(e)))?;
// We must re-add the canceled task so they're part of the same batch.
ids |= canceled;
self.queue.write_batch(&mut wtxn, processing_batch, &ids)?;
// We should stop processing AFTER everything is processed and written to disk otherwise, a batch (which only lives in RAM) may appear in the processing task
// and then become « not found » for some time until the commit everything is written and the final commit is made.
// Once the tasks are committed, we should delete all the update files associated ASAP to avoid leaking files in case of a restart
tracing::debug!("Deleting the update files");
//We take one read transaction **per thread**. Then, every thread is going to pull out new IDs from the roaring bitmap with the help of an atomic shared index into the bitmap
let idx = AtomicU32::new(0);
(0..current_num_threads()).into_par_iter().try_for_each(|_| -> Result<()> {
let rtxn = self.read_txn()?;
while let Some(id) = ids.select(idx.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)) {
let task = self
.get_task(&rtxn, id)
.map_err(|e| Error::TaskDatabaseUpdate(Box::new(e)))?
if let Err(e) = self.queue.delete_persisted_task_data(&task) {
"Failure to delete the content files associated with task {}. Error: {e}",
// We shouldn't crash the tick function if we can't send data to the webhook.
let _ = self.notify_webhook(&ids);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use meilisearch_types::batches::BatchId;
use meilisearch_types::heed::{RoTxn, RwTxn};
use meilisearch_types::milli::progress::Progress;
use meilisearch_types::milli::{self};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Details, IndexSwap, KindWithContent, Status, Task};
use milli::update::Settings as MilliSettings;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use super::create_batch::Batch;
use crate::processing::{
AtomicBatchStep, AtomicTaskStep, CreateIndexProgress, DeleteIndexProgress,
InnerSwappingTwoIndexes, SwappingTheIndexes, TaskCancelationProgress, TaskDeletionProgress,
UpdateIndexProgress, VariableNameStep,
use crate::utils::{self, swap_index_uid_in_task, ProcessingBatch};
use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, Result, TaskId};
impl IndexScheduler {
/// Apply the operation associated with the given batch.
/// ## Return
/// The list of tasks that were processed. The metadata of each task in the returned
/// list is updated accordingly, with the exception of the its date fields
/// [`finished_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::finished_at) and [`started_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::started_at).
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, batch, progress), target = "indexing::scheduler", fields(batch=batch.to_string()))]
pub(crate) fn process_batch(
batch: Batch,
current_batch: &mut ProcessingBatch,
progress: Progress,
) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
match batch {
Batch::TaskCancelation { mut task } => {
// 1. Retrieve the tasks that matched the query at enqueue-time.
let matched_tasks =
if let KindWithContent::TaskCancelation { tasks, query: _ } = &task.kind {
} else {
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
let mut canceled_tasks = self.cancel_matched_tasks(
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
match &mut task.details {
Some(Details::TaskCancelation {
matched_tasks: _,
canceled_tasks: canceled_tasks_details,
original_filter: _,
}) => {
*canceled_tasks_details = Some(canceled_tasks.len() as u64);
_ => unreachable!(),
Batch::TaskDeletions(mut tasks) => {
// 1. Retrieve the tasks that matched the query at enqueue-time.
let mut matched_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for task in tasks.iter() {
if let KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { tasks, query: _ } = &task.kind {
matched_tasks |= tasks;
} else {
let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
let mut deleted_tasks =
self.delete_matched_tasks(&mut wtxn, &matched_tasks, &progress)?;
for task in tasks.iter_mut() {
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
let KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { tasks, query: _ } = &task.kind else {
let deleted_tasks_count = deleted_tasks.intersection_len(tasks);
deleted_tasks -= tasks;
match &mut task.details {
Some(Details::TaskDeletion {
matched_tasks: _,
original_filter: _,
}) => {
*deleted_tasks = Some(deleted_tasks_count);
_ => unreachable!(),
Batch::SnapshotCreation(tasks) => self.process_snapshot(progress, tasks),
Batch::Dump(task) => self.process_dump_creation(progress, task),
Batch::IndexOperation { op, must_create_index } => {
let index_uid = op.index_uid().to_string();
let index = if must_create_index {
// create the index if it doesn't already exist
let wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
self.index_mapper.create_index(wtxn, &index_uid, None)?
} else {
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
self.index_mapper.index(&rtxn, &index_uid)?
// the index operation can take a long time, so save this handle to make it available to the search for the duration of the tick
.set_currently_updating_index(Some((index_uid.clone(), index.clone())));
let mut index_wtxn = index.write_txn()?;
let tasks = self.apply_index_operation(&mut index_wtxn, &index, op, progress)?;
let span = tracing::trace_span!(target: "indexing::scheduler", "commit");
let _entered = span.enter();
// if the update processed successfully, we're going to store the new
// stats of the index. Since the tasks have already been processed and
// this is a non-critical operation. If it fails, we should not fail
// the entire batch.
let res = || -> Result<()> {
let index_rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
let stats = crate::index_mapper::IndexStats::new(&index, &index_rtxn)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.to_string())))?;
let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
self.index_mapper.store_stats_of(&mut wtxn, &index_uid, &stats)?;
match res {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => tracing::error!(
error = &e as &dyn std::error::Error,
"Could not write the stats of the index"
Batch::IndexCreation { index_uid, primary_key, task } => {
let wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
if self.index_mapper.exists(&wtxn, &index_uid)? {
return Err(Error::IndexAlreadyExists(index_uid));
self.index_mapper.create_index(wtxn, &index_uid, None)?;
Batch::IndexUpdate { index_uid, primary_key, task },
Batch::IndexUpdate { index_uid, primary_key, mut task } => {
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
let index = self.index_mapper.index(&rtxn, &index_uid)?;
if let Some(primary_key) = primary_key.clone() {
let mut index_wtxn = index.write_txn()?;
let mut builder = MilliSettings::new(
&mut index_wtxn,
let must_stop_processing = self.scheduler.must_stop_processing.clone();
|indexing_step| tracing::debug!(update = ?indexing_step),
|| must_stop_processing.get(),
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.to_string())))?;
// drop rtxn before starting a new wtxn on the same db
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
task.details = Some(Details::IndexInfo { primary_key });
// if the update processed successfully, we're going to store the new
// stats of the index. Since the tasks have already been processed and
// this is a non-critical operation. If it fails, we should not fail
// the entire batch.
let res = || -> Result<()> {
let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
let index_rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
let stats = crate::index_mapper::IndexStats::new(&index, &index_rtxn)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
self.index_mapper.store_stats_of(&mut wtxn, &index_uid, &stats)?;
match res {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => tracing::error!(
error = &e as &dyn std::error::Error,
"Could not write the stats of the index"
Batch::IndexDeletion { index_uid, index_has_been_created, mut tasks } => {
let wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
// it's possible that the index doesn't exist
let number_of_documents = || -> Result<u64> {
let index = self.index_mapper.index(&wtxn, &index_uid)?;
let index_rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.to_string())))
// The write transaction is directly owned and committed inside.
match self.index_mapper.delete_index(wtxn, &index_uid) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(Error::IndexNotFound(_)) if index_has_been_created => (),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
// We set all the tasks details to the default value.
for task in &mut tasks {
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
task.details = match &task.kind {
KindWithContent::IndexDeletion { .. } => {
Some(Details::ClearAll { deleted_documents: Some(number_of_documents) })
otherwise => otherwise.default_finished_details(),
Batch::IndexSwap { mut task } => {
let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
let swaps = if let KindWithContent::IndexSwap { swaps } = &task.kind {
} else {
let mut not_found_indexes = BTreeSet::new();
for IndexSwap { indexes: (lhs, rhs) } in swaps {
for index in [lhs, rhs] {
let index_exists = self.index_mapper.index_exists(&wtxn, index)?;
if !index_exists {
if !not_found_indexes.is_empty() {
if not_found_indexes.len() == 1 {
return Err(Error::SwapIndexNotFound(
} else {
return Err(Error::SwapIndexesNotFound(
for (step, swap) in swaps.iter().enumerate() {
format!("swapping index {} and {}", swap.indexes.0, swap.indexes.1),
step as u32,
swaps.len() as u32,
&mut wtxn,
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
/// Swap the index `lhs` with the index `rhs`.
fn apply_index_swap(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
progress: &Progress,
task_id: u32,
lhs: &str,
rhs: &str,
) -> Result<()> {
// 1. Verify that both lhs and rhs are existing indexes
let index_lhs_exists = self.index_mapper.index_exists(wtxn, lhs)?;
if !index_lhs_exists {
return Err(Error::IndexNotFound(lhs.to_owned()));
let index_rhs_exists = self.index_mapper.index_exists(wtxn, rhs)?;
if !index_rhs_exists {
return Err(Error::IndexNotFound(rhs.to_owned()));
// 2. Get the task set for index = name that appeared before the index swap task
let mut index_lhs_task_ids = self.queue.tasks.index_tasks(wtxn, lhs)?;
let mut index_rhs_task_ids = self.queue.tasks.index_tasks(wtxn, rhs)?;
// 3. before_name -> new_name in the task's KindWithContent
let tasks_to_update = &index_lhs_task_ids | &index_rhs_task_ids;
let (atomic, task_progress) = AtomicTaskStep::new(tasks_to_update.len() as u32);
for task_id in tasks_to_update {
let mut task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(wtxn, task_id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
swap_index_uid_in_task(&mut task, (lhs, rhs));
self.queue.tasks.all_tasks.put(wtxn, &task_id, &task)?;
atomic.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
// 4. remove the task from indexuid = before_name
// 5. add the task to indexuid = after_name
self.queue.tasks.update_index(wtxn, lhs, |lhs_tasks| {
*lhs_tasks -= &index_lhs_task_ids;
*lhs_tasks |= &index_rhs_task_ids;
self.queue.tasks.update_index(wtxn, rhs, |rhs_tasks| {
*rhs_tasks -= &index_rhs_task_ids;
*rhs_tasks |= &index_lhs_task_ids;
// 6. Swap in the index mapper
self.index_mapper.swap(wtxn, lhs, rhs)?;
/// Delete each given task from all the databases (if it is deleteable).
/// Return the number of tasks that were actually deleted.
fn delete_matched_tasks(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
matched_tasks: &RoaringBitmap,
progress: &Progress,
) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
// 1. Remove from this list the tasks that we are not allowed to delete
let enqueued_tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_status(wtxn, Status::Enqueued)?;
let processing_tasks = &self.processing_tasks.read().unwrap().processing.clone();
let all_task_ids = self.queue.tasks.all_task_ids(wtxn)?;
let mut to_delete_tasks = all_task_ids & matched_tasks;
to_delete_tasks -= &**processing_tasks;
to_delete_tasks -= &enqueued_tasks;
// 2. We now have a list of tasks to delete, delete them
let mut affected_indexes = HashSet::new();
let mut affected_statuses = HashSet::new();
let mut affected_kinds = HashSet::new();
let mut affected_canceled_by = RoaringBitmap::new();
// The tasks that have been removed *per batches*.
let mut affected_batches: HashMap<BatchId, RoaringBitmap> = HashMap::new();
let (atomic_progress, task_progress) = AtomicTaskStep::new(to_delete_tasks.len() as u32);
for task_id in to_delete_tasks.iter() {
let task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(wtxn, task_id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
affected_indexes.extend(task.indexes().into_iter().map(|x| x.to_owned()));
// Note: don't delete the persisted task data since
// we can only delete succeeded, failed, and canceled tasks.
// In each of those cases, the persisted data is supposed to
// have been deleted already.
if let Some(started_at) = task.started_at {
if let Some(finished_at) = task.finished_at {
if let Some(canceled_by) = task.canceled_by {
if let Some(batch_uid) = task.batch_uid {
atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let (atomic_progress, task_progress) = AtomicTaskStep::new(
(affected_indexes.len() + affected_statuses.len() + affected_kinds.len()) as u32,
for index in affected_indexes.iter() {
self.queue.tasks.update_index(wtxn, index, |bitmap| *bitmap -= &to_delete_tasks)?;
atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
for status in affected_statuses.iter() {
self.queue.tasks.update_status(wtxn, *status, |bitmap| *bitmap -= &to_delete_tasks)?;
atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
for kind in affected_kinds.iter() {
self.queue.tasks.update_kind(wtxn, *kind, |bitmap| *bitmap -= &to_delete_tasks)?;
atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let (atomic_progress, task_progress) = AtomicTaskStep::new(to_delete_tasks.len() as u32);
for task in to_delete_tasks.iter() {
self.queue.tasks.all_tasks.delete(wtxn, &task)?;
atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
for canceled_by in affected_canceled_by {
if let Some(mut tasks) = self.queue.tasks.canceled_by.get(wtxn, &canceled_by)? {
tasks -= &to_delete_tasks;
if tasks.is_empty() {
self.queue.tasks.canceled_by.delete(wtxn, &canceled_by)?;
} else {
self.queue.tasks.canceled_by.put(wtxn, &canceled_by, &tasks)?;
let (atomic_progress, batch_progress) = AtomicBatchStep::new(affected_batches.len() as u32);
for (batch_id, to_delete_tasks) in affected_batches {
if let Some(mut tasks) = self.queue.batch_to_tasks_mapping.get(wtxn, &batch_id)? {
tasks -= &to_delete_tasks;
// We must remove the batch entirely
if tasks.is_empty() {
self.queue.batches.all_batches.delete(wtxn, &batch_id)?;
self.queue.batch_to_tasks_mapping.delete(wtxn, &batch_id)?;
// Anyway, we must remove the batch from all its reverse indexes.
// The only way to do that is to check
for index in affected_indexes.iter() {
let index_tasks = self.queue.tasks.index_tasks(wtxn, index)?;
let remaining_index_tasks = index_tasks & &tasks;
if remaining_index_tasks.is_empty() {
self.queue.batches.update_index(wtxn, index, |bitmap| {
for status in affected_statuses.iter() {
let status_tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_status(wtxn, *status)?;
let remaining_status_tasks = status_tasks & &tasks;
if remaining_status_tasks.is_empty() {
self.queue.batches.update_status(wtxn, *status, |bitmap| {
for kind in affected_kinds.iter() {
let kind_tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_kind(wtxn, *kind)?;
let remaining_kind_tasks = kind_tasks & &tasks;
if remaining_kind_tasks.is_empty() {
self.queue.batches.update_kind(wtxn, *kind, |bitmap| {
atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
/// Cancel each given task from all the databases (if it is cancelable).
/// Returns the list of tasks that matched the filter and must be written in the database.
fn cancel_matched_tasks(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
cancel_task_id: TaskId,
current_batch: &mut ProcessingBatch,
matched_tasks: &RoaringBitmap,
progress: &Progress,
) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
// 1. Remove from this list the tasks that we are not allowed to cancel
// Notice that only the _enqueued_ ones are cancelable and we should
// have already aborted the indexation of the _processing_ ones
let cancelable_tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_status(rtxn, Status::Enqueued)?;
let tasks_to_cancel = cancelable_tasks & matched_tasks;
let (task_progress, progress_obj) = AtomicTaskStep::new(tasks_to_cancel.len() as u32);
// 2. We now have a list of tasks to cancel, cancel them
let mut tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks(
tasks_to_cancel.iter().inspect(|_| {
task_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let (task_progress, progress_obj) = AtomicTaskStep::new(tasks_to_cancel.len() as u32);
for task in tasks.iter_mut() {
task.status = Status::Canceled;
task.canceled_by = Some(cancel_task_id);
task.details = task.details.as_ref().map(|d| d.to_failed());
task_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use dump::IndexMetadata;
use meilisearch_types::milli::constants::RESERVED_VECTORS_FIELD_NAME;
use meilisearch_types::milli::documents::{obkv_to_object, DocumentsBatchReader};
use meilisearch_types::milli::progress::Progress;
use meilisearch_types::milli::vector::parsed_vectors::{ExplicitVectors, VectorOrArrayOfVectors};
use meilisearch_types::milli::{self};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Details, KindWithContent, Status, Task};
use time::macros::format_description;
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use crate::processing::{
AtomicDocumentStep, AtomicTaskStep, DumpCreationProgress, VariableNameStep,
use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, Result};
impl IndexScheduler {
pub(super) fn process_dump_creation(
progress: Progress,
mut task: Task,
) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
let started_at = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let (keys, instance_uid) =
if let KindWithContent::DumpCreation { keys, instance_uid } = &task.kind {
(keys, instance_uid)
} else {
let dump = dump::DumpWriter::new(*instance_uid)?;
// 1. dump the keys
let mut dump_keys = dump.create_keys()?;
for key in keys {
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
// 2. dump the tasks
let mut dump_tasks = dump.create_tasks_queue()?;
let (atomic, update_task_progress) =
AtomicTaskStep::new(self.queue.tasks.all_tasks.len(&rtxn)? as u32);
for ret in self.queue.tasks.all_tasks.iter(&rtxn)? {
if self.scheduler.must_stop_processing.get() {
return Err(Error::AbortedTask);
let (_, mut t) = ret?;
let status = t.status;
let content_file = t.content_uuid();
// In the case we're dumping ourselves we want to be marked as finished
// to not loop over ourselves indefinitely.
if t.uid == task.uid {
let finished_at = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
// We're going to fake the date because we don't know if everything is going to go well.
// But we need to dump the task as finished and successful.
// If something fail everything will be set appropriately in the end.
t.status = Status::Succeeded;
t.started_at = Some(started_at);
t.finished_at = Some(finished_at);
let mut dump_content_file = dump_tasks.push_task(&t.into())?;
// 2.1. Dump the `content_file` associated with the task if there is one and the task is not finished yet.
if let Some(content_file) = content_file {
if self.scheduler.must_stop_processing.get() {
return Err(Error::AbortedTask);
if status == Status::Enqueued {
let content_file = self.queue.file_store.get_update(content_file)?;
let reader = DocumentsBatchReader::from_reader(content_file)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e.into(), None))?;
let (mut cursor, documents_batch_index) = reader.into_cursor_and_fields_index();
while let Some(doc) =
cursor.next_document().map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e.into(), None))?
&obkv_to_object(doc, &documents_batch_index)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, None))?,
atomic.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
// 3. Dump the indexes
let nb_indexes = self.index_mapper.index_mapping.len(&rtxn)? as u32;
let mut count = 0;
self.index_mapper.try_for_each_index(&rtxn, |uid, index| -> Result<()> {
progress.update_progress(VariableNameStep::new(uid.to_string(), count, nb_indexes));
count += 1;
let rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
let metadata = IndexMetadata {
uid: uid.to_owned(),
primary_key: index.primary_key(&rtxn)?.map(String::from),
created_at: index
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?,
updated_at: index
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?,
let mut index_dumper = dump.create_index(uid, &metadata)?;
let fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?;
let all_fields: Vec<_> = fields_ids_map.iter().map(|(id, _)| id).collect();
let embedding_configs = index
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?;
let nb_documents = index
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?
as u32;
let (atomic, update_document_progress) = AtomicDocumentStep::new(nb_documents);
let documents = index
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?;
// 3.1. Dump the documents
for ret in documents {
if self.scheduler.must_stop_processing.get() {
return Err(Error::AbortedTask);
let (id, doc) = ret.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?;
let mut document = milli::obkv_to_json(&all_fields, &fields_ids_map, doc)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?;
'inject_vectors: {
let embeddings = index
.embeddings(&rtxn, id)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?;
if embeddings.is_empty() {
break 'inject_vectors;
let vectors = document
let serde_json::Value::Object(vectors) = vectors else {
let user_err =
milli::Error::UserError(milli::UserError::InvalidVectorsMapType {
document_id: {
if let Ok(Some(Ok(index))) = index
.external_id_of(&rtxn, std::iter::once(id))
.map(|it| it.into_iter().next())
} else {
format!("internal docid={id}")
value: vectors.clone(),
return Err(Error::from_milli(user_err, Some(uid.to_string())));
for (embedder_name, embeddings) in embeddings {
let user_provided = embedding_configs
.find(|conf| conf.name == embedder_name)
.is_some_and(|conf| conf.user_provided.contains(id));
let embeddings = ExplicitVectors {
embeddings: Some(VectorOrArrayOfVectors::from_array_of_vectors(
regenerate: !user_provided,
vectors.insert(embedder_name, serde_json::to_value(embeddings).unwrap());
atomic.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
// 3.2. Dump the settings
let settings = meilisearch_types::settings::settings(
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(uid.to_string())))?;
// 4. Dump experimental feature settings
let features = self.features().runtime_features();
let dump_uid = started_at.format(format_description!(
"[year repr:full][month repr:numerical][day padding:zero]-[hour padding:zero][minute padding:zero][second padding:zero][subsecond digits:3]"
if self.scheduler.must_stop_processing.get() {
return Err(Error::AbortedTask);
let path = self.scheduler.dumps_path.join(format!("{}.dump", dump_uid));
let file = File::create(path)?;
// if we reached this step we can tell the scheduler we succeeded to dump ourselves.
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
task.details = Some(Details::Dump { dump_uid: Some(dump_uid) });
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
use bumpalo::collections::CollectIn;
use bumpalo::Bump;
use meilisearch_types::heed::RwTxn;
use meilisearch_types::milli::documents::PrimaryKey;
use meilisearch_types::milli::progress::Progress;
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::new::indexer::{self, UpdateByFunction};
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::DocumentAdditionResult;
use meilisearch_types::milli::{self, Filter, ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder};
use meilisearch_types::settings::apply_settings_to_builder;
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Details, KindWithContent, Status, Task};
use meilisearch_types::Index;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use super::create_batch::{DocumentOperation, IndexOperation};
use crate::processing::{
DocumentDeletionProgress, DocumentEditionProgress, DocumentOperationProgress, SettingsProgress,
use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, Result};
impl IndexScheduler {
/// Process the index operation on the given index.
/// ## Return
/// The list of processed tasks.
level = "trace",
skip(self, index_wtxn, index, progress),
target = "indexing::scheduler"
pub(crate) fn apply_index_operation<'i>(
index_wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'i>,
index: &'i Index,
operation: IndexOperation,
progress: Progress,
) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
let indexer_alloc = Bump::new();
let started_processing_at = std::time::Instant::now();
let must_stop_processing = self.scheduler.must_stop_processing.clone();
match operation {
IndexOperation::DocumentClear { index_uid, mut tasks } => {
let count = milli::update::ClearDocuments::new(index_wtxn, index)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid)))?;
let mut first_clear_found = false;
for task in &mut tasks {
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
// The first document clear will effectively delete every documents
// in the database but the next ones will clear 0 documents.
task.details = match &task.kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentClear { .. } => {
let count = if first_clear_found { 0 } else { count };
first_clear_found = true;
Some(Details::ClearAll { deleted_documents: Some(count) })
otherwise => otherwise.default_details(),
IndexOperation::DocumentOperation {
mut tasks,
} => {
// TODO: at some point, for better efficiency we might want to reuse the bumpalo for successive batches.
// this is made difficult by the fact we're doing private clones of the index scheduler and sending it
// to a fresh thread.
let mut content_files = Vec::new();
for operation in &operations {
if let DocumentOperation::Add(content_uuid) = operation {
let content_file = self.queue.file_store.get_update(*content_uuid)?;
let mmap = unsafe { memmap2::Mmap::map(&content_file)? };
if !mmap.is_empty() {
let rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
let db_fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?;
let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone();
let mut content_files_iter = content_files.iter();
let mut indexer = indexer::DocumentOperation::new(method);
let embedders = index
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
let embedders = self.embedders(index_uid.clone(), embedders)?;
for operation in operations {
match operation {
DocumentOperation::Add(_content_uuid) => {
let mmap = content_files_iter.next().unwrap();
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
DocumentOperation::Delete(document_ids) => {
let document_ids: bumpalo::collections::vec::Vec<_> = document_ids
.map(|s| &*indexer_alloc.alloc_str(s))
let local_pool;
let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config();
let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool {
Some(pool) => pool,
None => {
local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new()
.thread_name(|i| format!("indexing-thread-{i}"))
let (document_changes, operation_stats, primary_key) = indexer
&mut new_fields_ids_map,
&|| must_stop_processing.get(),
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
let mut candidates_count = 0;
for (stats, task) in operation_stats.into_iter().zip(&mut tasks) {
candidates_count += stats.document_count;
match stats.error {
Some(error) => {
task.status = Status::Failed;
task.error = Some(milli::Error::UserError(error).into());
None => task.status = Status::Succeeded,
task.details = match task.details {
Some(Details::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { received_documents, .. }) => {
Some(Details::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
indexed_documents: Some(stats.document_count),
Some(Details::DocumentDeletion { provided_ids, .. }) => {
Some(Details::DocumentDeletion {
deleted_documents: Some(stats.document_count),
_ => {
// In the case of a `documentAdditionOrUpdate` or `DocumentDeletion`
// the details MUST be set to either addition or deletion
if tasks.iter().any(|res| res.error.is_none()) {
&|| must_stop_processing.get(),
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
let addition = DocumentAdditionResult {
indexed_documents: candidates_count,
number_of_documents: index
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?,
tracing::info!(indexing_result = ?addition, processed_in = ?started_processing_at.elapsed(), "document indexing done");
IndexOperation::DocumentEdition { index_uid, mut task } => {
let (filter, code) = if let KindWithContent::DocumentEdition {
context: _,
} = &task.kind
(filter_expr, function)
} else {
let candidates = match filter.as_ref().map(Filter::from_json) {
Some(Ok(Some(filter))) => filter
.evaluate(index_wtxn, index)
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?,
None | Some(Ok(None)) => index.documents_ids(index_wtxn)?,
Some(Err(e)) => return Err(Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone()))),
let (original_filter, context, function) = if let Some(Details::DocumentEdition {
}) = task.details
(original_filter, context, function)
} else {
// In the case of a `documentEdition` the details MUST be set
if candidates.is_empty() {
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
task.details = Some(Details::DocumentEdition {
deleted_documents: Some(0),
edited_documents: Some(0),
return Ok(vec![task]);
let rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
let db_fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?;
let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone();
// candidates not empty => index not empty => a primary key is set
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn)?.unwrap();
let primary_key =
PrimaryKey::new_or_insert(primary_key, &mut new_fields_ids_map)
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err.into(), Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
let result_count = Ok((candidates.len(), candidates.len())) as Result<_>;
if task.error.is_none() {
let local_pool;
let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config();
let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool {
Some(pool) => pool,
None => {
local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new()
.thread_name(|i| format!("indexing-thread-{i}"))
let candidates_count = candidates.len();
let indexer = UpdateByFunction::new(candidates, context.clone(), code.clone());
let document_changes = pool
.install(|| {
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))
let embedders = index
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
let embedders = self.embedders(index_uid.clone(), embedders)?;
None, // cannot change primary key in DocumentEdition
&|| must_stop_processing.get(),
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
let addition = DocumentAdditionResult {
indexed_documents: candidates_count,
number_of_documents: index
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?,
tracing::info!(indexing_result = ?addition, processed_in = ?started_processing_at.elapsed(), "document indexing done");
match result_count {
Ok((deleted_documents, edited_documents)) => {
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
task.details = Some(Details::DocumentEdition {
deleted_documents: Some(deleted_documents),
edited_documents: Some(edited_documents),
Err(e) => {
task.status = Status::Failed;
task.details = Some(Details::DocumentEdition {
deleted_documents: Some(0),
edited_documents: Some(0),
task.error = Some(e.into());
IndexOperation::DocumentDeletion { mut tasks, index_uid } => {
let mut to_delete = RoaringBitmap::new();
let external_documents_ids = index.external_documents_ids();
for task in tasks.iter_mut() {
let before = to_delete.len();
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
match &task.kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { index_uid: _, documents_ids } => {
for id in documents_ids {
if let Some(id) = external_documents_ids.get(index_wtxn, id)? {
let will_be_removed = to_delete.len() - before;
task.details = Some(Details::DocumentDeletion {
provided_ids: documents_ids.len(),
deleted_documents: Some(will_be_removed),
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletionByFilter { index_uid, filter_expr } => {
let before = to_delete.len();
let filter = match Filter::from_json(filter_expr) {
Ok(filter) => filter,
Err(err) => {
// theorically, this should be catched by deserr before reaching the index-scheduler and cannot happens
task.status = Status::Failed;
task.error = Some(
Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())).into(),
if let Some(filter) = filter {
let candidates = filter
.evaluate(index_wtxn, index)
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())));
match candidates {
Ok(candidates) => to_delete |= candidates,
Err(err) => {
task.status = Status::Failed;
task.error = Some(err.into());
let will_be_removed = to_delete.len() - before;
if let Some(Details::DocumentDeletionByFilter {
original_filter: _,
}) = &mut task.details
*deleted_documents = Some(will_be_removed);
} else {
// In the case of a `documentDeleteByFilter` the details MUST be set
_ => unreachable!(),
if to_delete.is_empty() {
return Ok(tasks);
let rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
let db_fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?;
let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone();
// to_delete not empty => index not empty => primary key set
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn)?.unwrap();
let primary_key =
PrimaryKey::new_or_insert(primary_key, &mut new_fields_ids_map)
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err.into(), Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
if !tasks.iter().all(|res| res.error.is_some()) {
let local_pool;
let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config();
let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool {
Some(pool) => pool,
None => {
local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new()
.thread_name(|i| format!("indexing-thread-{i}"))
let mut indexer = indexer::DocumentDeletion::new();
let candidates_count = to_delete.len();
let document_changes = indexer.into_changes(&indexer_alloc, primary_key);
let embedders = index
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
let embedders = self.embedders(index_uid.clone(), embedders)?;
None, // document deletion never changes primary key
&|| must_stop_processing.get(),
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
let addition = DocumentAdditionResult {
indexed_documents: candidates_count,
number_of_documents: index
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?,
tracing::info!(indexing_result = ?addition, processed_in = ?started_processing_at.elapsed(), "document indexing done");
IndexOperation::Settings { index_uid, settings, mut tasks } => {
let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config();
let mut builder = milli::update::Settings::new(index_wtxn, index, indexer_config);
for (task, (_, settings)) in tasks.iter_mut().zip(settings) {
let checked_settings = settings.clone().check();
task.details = Some(Details::SettingsUpdate { settings: Box::new(settings) });
apply_settings_to_builder(&checked_settings, &mut builder);
// We can apply the status right now and if an update fail later
// the whole batch will be marked as failed.
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
|indexing_step| tracing::debug!(update = ?indexing_step),
|| must_stop_processing.get(),
.map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?;
IndexOperation::DocumentClearAndSetting {
} => {
let mut import_tasks = self.apply_index_operation(
IndexOperation::DocumentClear {
index_uid: index_uid.clone(),
tasks: cleared_tasks,
let settings_tasks = self.apply_index_operation(
IndexOperation::Settings { index_uid, settings, tasks: settings_tasks },
let mut tasks = settings_tasks;
tasks.append(&mut import_tasks);
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use meilisearch_types::heed::CompactionOption;
use meilisearch_types::milli::progress::Progress;
use meilisearch_types::milli::{self};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Status, Task};
use meilisearch_types::{compression, VERSION_FILE_NAME};
use crate::processing::{AtomicUpdateFileStep, SnapshotCreationProgress, VariableNameStep};
use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, Result};
impl IndexScheduler {
pub(super) fn process_snapshot(
progress: Progress,
mut tasks: Vec<Task>,
) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
let temp_snapshot_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
// 1. Snapshot the version file.
let dst = temp_snapshot_dir.path().join(VERSION_FILE_NAME);
fs::copy(&self.scheduler.version_file_path, dst)?;
// 2. Snapshot the index-scheduler LMDB env
// When we call copy_to_file, LMDB opens a read transaction by itself,
// we can't provide our own. It is an issue as we would like to know
// the update files to copy but new ones can be enqueued between the copy
// of the env and the new transaction we open to retrieve the enqueued tasks.
// So we prefer opening a new transaction after copying the env and copy more
// update files than not enough.
// Note that there cannot be any update files deleted between those
// two read operations as the task processing is synchronous.
// 2.1 First copy the LMDB env of the index-scheduler
let dst = temp_snapshot_dir.path().join("tasks");
self.env.copy_to_file(dst.join("data.mdb"), CompactionOption::Enabled)?;
// 2.2 Create a read transaction on the index-scheduler
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
// 2.3 Create the update files directory
let update_files_dir = temp_snapshot_dir.path().join("update_files");
// 2.4 Only copy the update files of the enqueued tasks
let enqueued = self.queue.tasks.get_status(&rtxn, Status::Enqueued)?;
let (atomic, update_file_progress) = AtomicUpdateFileStep::new(enqueued.len() as u32);
for task_id in enqueued {
let task =
self.queue.tasks.get_task(&rtxn, task_id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?;
if let Some(content_uuid) = task.content_uuid() {
let src = self.queue.file_store.get_update_path(content_uuid);
let dst = update_files_dir.join(content_uuid.to_string());
fs::copy(src, dst)?;
atomic.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
// 3. Snapshot every indexes
let index_mapping = self.index_mapper.index_mapping;
let nb_indexes = index_mapping.len(&rtxn)? as u32;
for (i, result) in index_mapping.iter(&rtxn)?.enumerate() {
let (name, uuid) = result?;
progress.update_progress(VariableNameStep::new(name, i as u32, nb_indexes));
let index = self.index_mapper.index(&rtxn, name)?;
let dst = temp_snapshot_dir.path().join("indexes").join(uuid.to_string());
.copy_to_file(dst.join("data.mdb"), CompactionOption::Enabled)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(name.to_string())))?;
// 4. Snapshot the auth LMDB env
let dst = temp_snapshot_dir.path().join("auth");
// TODO We can't use the open_auth_store_env function here but we should
let auth = unsafe {
.map_size(1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 1 GiB
auth.copy_to_file(dst.join("data.mdb"), CompactionOption::Enabled)?;
// 5. Copy and tarball the flat snapshot
// 5.1 Find the original name of the database
// TODO find a better way to get this path
let mut base_path = self.env.path().to_owned();
let db_name = base_path.file_name().and_then(OsStr::to_str).unwrap_or("data.ms");
// 5.2 Tarball the content of the snapshot in a tempfile with a .snapshot extension
let snapshot_path = self.scheduler.snapshots_path.join(format!("{}.snapshot", db_name));
let temp_snapshot_file = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new_in(&self.scheduler.snapshots_path)?;
compression::to_tar_gz(temp_snapshot_dir.path(), temp_snapshot_file.path())?;
let file = temp_snapshot_file.persist(snapshot_path)?;
// 5.3 Change the permission to make the snapshot readonly
let mut permissions = file.metadata()?.permissions();
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
// rwxrwxrwx
for task in &mut tasks {
task.status = Status::Succeeded;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
expression: task.details
snapshot_kind: text
"embedders": {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
expression: config.embedder_options
snapshot_kind: text
"Rest": {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
expression: task.details
snapshot_kind: text
"embedders": {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test_embedders.rs
expression: doc
snapshot_kind: text
"doggo": "Intel",
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test_embedders.rs
expression: task.details
snapshot_kind: text
"embedders": {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test_embedders.rs
expression: doc
snapshot_kind: text
"doggo": "kefir",
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test_embedders.rs
expression: fakerest_config.embedder_options
snapshot_kind: text
"Rest": {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test_embedders.rs
expression: simple_hf_config.embedder_options
snapshot_kind: text
"HuggingFace": {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test_embedders.rs
expression: task.details
snapshot_kind: text
"embedders": {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = true
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = false
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = false
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = false
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = false
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = false
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = false
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = false
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
source: crates/index-scheduler/src/scheduler/test.rs
snapshot_kind: text
### Autobatching Enabled = false
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user