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synced 2025-03-26 01:20:31 +01:00
Introduce a query tree context struct
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ use crate::raw_document::RawDocument;
use crate::{database::MainT, reordered_attrs::ReorderedAttrs};
use crate::{store, Document, DocumentId, MResult};
use crate::query_tree::{create_query_tree, traverse_query_tree, QueryResult};
use crate::query_tree::Context as QTContext;
pub fn bucket_sort<'c, FI>(
reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
@ -47,22 +48,23 @@ pub fn bucket_sort<'c, FI>(
FI: Fn(DocumentId) -> bool,
let operation = create_query_tree(reader, postings_lists_store, synonyms_store, query).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", operation);
let words = match unsafe { main_store.static_words_fst(reader)? } {
let words_set = match unsafe { main_store.static_words_fst(reader)? } {
Some(words) => words,
None => return Ok(Vec::new()),
let QueryResult { docids, queries } =
let context = QTContext {
synonyms: synonyms_store,
postings_lists: postings_lists_store,
prefix_postings_lists: prefix_postings_lists_cache_store,
let operation = create_query_tree(reader, &context, query).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", operation);
let QueryResult { docids, queries } = traverse_query_tree(reader, &context, &operation).unwrap();
println!("found {} documents", docids.len());
println!("number of postings {:?}", queries.len());
@ -93,26 +93,22 @@ pub struct PostingsList {
matches: SetBuf<DocIndex>,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Context {
pub synonyms: HashMap<Vec<String>, Vec<Vec<String>>>,
pub postings: HashMap<String, PostingsList>,
pub words_set: fst::Set,
pub synonyms: store::Synonyms,
pub postings_lists: store::PostingsLists,
pub prefix_postings_lists: store::PrefixPostingsListsCache,
fn split_best_frequency<'a>(
reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
postings_lists: store::PostingsLists,
word: &'a str,
) -> MResult<Option<(&'a str, &'a str)>>
fn split_best_frequency<'a>(reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>, ctx: &Context, word: &'a str) -> MResult<Option<(&'a str, &'a str)>> {
let chars = word.char_indices().skip(1);
let mut best = None;
for (i, _) in chars {
let (left, right) = word.split_at(i);
let left_freq = postings_lists.postings_list(reader, left.as_bytes())?.map(|pl| pl.len()).unwrap_or(0);
let right_freq = postings_lists.postings_list(reader, right.as_bytes())?.map(|pl| pl.len()).unwrap_or(0);
let left_freq = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, left.as_bytes())?.map(|pl| pl.len()).unwrap_or(0);
let right_freq = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, right.as_bytes())?.map(|pl| pl.len()).unwrap_or(0);
let min_freq = cmp::min(left_freq, right_freq);
if min_freq != 0 && best.map_or(true, |(old, _, _)| min_freq > old) {
@ -123,12 +119,7 @@ fn split_best_frequency<'a>(
Ok(best.map(|(_, l, r)| (l, r)))
fn fetch_synonyms(
reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
synonyms: store::Synonyms,
words: &[&str],
) -> MResult<Vec<Vec<String>>>
fn fetch_synonyms(reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>, ctx: &Context, words: &[&str]) -> MResult<Vec<Vec<String>>> {
let words = words.join(" "); // TODO ugly
// synonyms.synonyms(reader, words.as_bytes()).cloned().unwrap_or_default()
@ -154,13 +145,7 @@ where I: IntoIterator<Item=Operation>,
const MAX_NGRAM: usize = 3;
pub fn create_query_tree(
reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
postings_lists: store::PostingsLists,
synonyms: store::Synonyms,
query: &str,
) -> MResult<Operation>
pub fn create_query_tree(reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>, ctx: &Context, query: &str) -> MResult<Operation> {
let query = query.to_lowercase();
let words = query.linear_group_by_key(char::is_whitespace).map(ToOwned::to_owned);
@ -182,11 +167,11 @@ pub fn create_query_tree(
let mut alts = Vec::new();
match words {
[(id, word)] => {
let phrase = split_best_frequency(reader, postings_lists, word)?
let phrase = split_best_frequency(reader, ctx, word)?
.map(|ws| Query::phrase2(*id, is_last, ws))
let synonyms = fetch_synonyms(reader, synonyms, &[word])?.into_iter().map(|alts| {
let synonyms = fetch_synonyms(reader, ctx, &[word])?.into_iter().map(|alts| {
let iter = alts.into_iter().map(|w| Query::exact(*id, false, &w)).map(Operation::Query);
create_operation(iter, Operation::And)
@ -200,7 +185,7 @@ pub fn create_query_tree(
let id = words[0].0;
let words: Vec<_> = words.iter().map(|(_, s)| s.as_str()).collect();
for synonym in fetch_synonyms(reader, synonyms, &words)? {
for synonym in fetch_synonyms(reader, ctx, &words)? {
let synonym = synonym.into_iter().map(|s| Operation::Query(Query::exact(id, false, &s)));
let synonym = create_operation(synonym, Operation::And);
@ -232,17 +217,13 @@ pub type Cache<'o, 'c> = HashMap<&'o Operation, SetBuf<DocumentId>>;
pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
words_set: &fst::Set,
postings_lists: store::PostingsLists,
prefix_postings_lists: store::PrefixPostingsListsCache,
ctx: &Context,
tree: &'o Operation,
) -> MResult<QueryResult<'o, 'txn>>
fn execute_and<'o, 'txn>(
reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
words_set: &fst::Set,
pls: store::PostingsLists,
ppls: store::PrefixPostingsListsCache,
ctx: &Context,
cache: &mut Cache<'o, 'txn>,
postings: &mut Postings<'o, 'txn>,
depth: usize,
@ -257,9 +238,9 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
for op in operations {
if cache.get(op).is_none() {
let docids = match op {
Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, words_set, pls, ppls, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?,
Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, words_set, pls, ppls, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?,
Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, words_set, pls, ppls, postings, depth + 1, &query)?,
Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, ctx, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?,
Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, ctx, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?,
Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, ctx, postings, depth + 1, &query)?,
cache.insert(op, docids);
@ -281,9 +262,7 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
fn execute_or<'o, 'txn>(
reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
words_set: &fst::Set,
pls: store::PostingsLists,
ppls: store::PrefixPostingsListsCache,
ctx: &Context,
cache: &mut Cache<'o, 'txn>,
postings: &mut Postings<'o, 'txn>,
depth: usize,
@ -300,9 +279,9 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
Some(docids) => docids,
None => {
let docids = match op {
Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, words_set, pls, ppls, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?,
Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, words_set, pls, ppls, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?,
Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, words_set, pls, ppls, postings, depth + 1, &query)?,
Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, ctx, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?,
Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, ctx, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?,
Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, ctx, postings, depth + 1, &query)?,
@ -320,9 +299,7 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
fn execute_query<'o, 'txn>(
reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
words_set: &fst::Set,
pls: store::PostingsLists,
ppls: store::PrefixPostingsListsCache,
ctx: &Context,
postings: &mut Postings<'o, 'txn>,
depth: usize,
query: &'o Query,
@ -335,7 +312,7 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
QueryKind::Tolerant(word) => {
if *prefix && word.len() == 1 {
let prefix = [word.as_bytes()[0], 0, 0, 0];
let matches = ppls.prefix_postings_list(reader, prefix)?.unwrap_or_default();
let matches = ctx.prefix_postings_lists.prefix_postings_list(reader, prefix)?.unwrap_or_default();
let before = Instant::now();
let mut docids: Vec<_> = matches.into_iter().map(|m| m.document_id).collect();
@ -349,14 +326,14 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
let byte = word.as_bytes()[0];
let mut stream = if byte == u8::max_value() {
} else {
words_set.search(&dfa).ge(&[byte]).lt(&[byte + 1]).into_stream()
ctx.words_set.search(&dfa).ge(&[byte]).lt(&[byte + 1]).into_stream()
let mut docids = Vec::new();
while let Some(input) = stream.next() {
if let Some(matches) = pls.postings_list(reader, input)? {
if let Some(matches) = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, input)? {
docids.extend(matches.iter().map(|d| d.document_id))
@ -374,14 +351,14 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
let byte = word.as_bytes()[0];
let mut stream = if byte == u8::max_value() {
} else {
words_set.search(&dfa).ge(&[byte]).lt(&[byte + 1]).into_stream()
ctx.words_set.search(&dfa).ge(&[byte]).lt(&[byte + 1]).into_stream()
let mut docids = Vec::new();
while let Some(input) = stream.next() {
if let Some(matches) = pls.postings_list(reader, input)? {
if let Some(matches) = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, input)? {
docids.extend(matches.iter().map(|d| d.document_id))
@ -395,8 +372,8 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
QueryKind::Phrase(words) => {
// TODO support prefix and non-prefix exact DFA
if let [first, second] = words.as_slice() {
let first = pls.postings_list(reader, first.as_bytes())?.unwrap_or_default();
let second = pls.postings_list(reader, second.as_bytes())?.unwrap_or_default();
let first = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, first.as_bytes())?.unwrap_or_default();
let second = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, second.as_bytes())?.unwrap_or_default();
let iter = merge_join_by(first.as_slice(), second.as_slice(), |a, b| {
let x = (a.document_id, a.attribute, (a.word_index as u32) + 1);
@ -435,9 +412,9 @@ pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>(
let mut postings = Postings::new();
let docids = match tree {
Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, words_set, postings_lists, prefix_postings_lists, &mut cache, &mut postings, 0, &ops)?,
Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, words_set, postings_lists, prefix_postings_lists, &mut cache, &mut postings, 0, &ops)?,
Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, words_set, postings_lists, prefix_postings_lists, &mut postings, 0, &query)?,
Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, ctx, &mut cache, &mut postings, 0, &ops)?,
Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, ctx, &mut cache, &mut postings, 0, &ops)?,
Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, ctx, &mut postings, 0, &query)?,
Ok(QueryResult { docids, queries: postings })
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