Introduce a structure to implement ranking rules with graph algorithms

This commit is contained in:
Loïc Lecrenier 2023-02-21 09:46:00 +01:00
parent 46249ea901
commit c9bf6bb2fa
2 changed files with 250 additions and 0 deletions

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use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use heed::RoTxn;
use super::{Edge, RankingRuleGraph, RankingRuleGraphTrait};
use crate::new::db_cache::DatabaseCache;
use crate::new::QueryGraph;
use crate::{Index, Result};
impl<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> RankingRuleGraph<G> {
pub fn build<'db_cache, 'transaction: 'db_cache>(
index: &Index,
txn: &'transaction RoTxn,
db_cache: &mut DatabaseCache<'transaction>,
query_graph: QueryGraph,
) -> Result<Self> {
let mut ranking_rule_graph = Self { query_graph, all_edges: vec![], node_edges: vec![] };
for (node_idx, node) in ranking_rule_graph.query_graph.nodes.iter().enumerate() {
let new_edges = ranking_rule_graph.node_edges.last_mut().unwrap();
let Some(from_node_data) = G::build_visit_from_node(index, txn, db_cache, node)? else { continue };
for &successor_idx in ranking_rule_graph.query_graph.edges[node_idx].outgoing.iter() {
let to_node = &ranking_rule_graph.query_graph.nodes[successor_idx];
let Some(edges) = G::build_visit_to_node(index, txn, db_cache, to_node, &from_node_data)? else { continue };
for (cost, details) in edges {
ranking_rule_graph.all_edges.push(Some(Edge {
from_node: node_idx,
to_node: successor_idx,
new_edges.insert(ranking_rule_graph.all_edges.len() - 1);

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pub mod build;
pub mod cheapest_paths;
pub mod edge_docids_cache;
pub mod empty_paths_cache;
pub mod paths_map;
pub mod proximity;
pub mod resolve_paths;
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
use heed::RoTxn;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use super::db_cache::DatabaseCache;
use super::{QueryGraph, QueryNode};
use crate::{Index, Result};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum EdgeDetails<E> {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Edge<E> {
from_node: usize,
to_node: usize,
cost: u8,
details: EdgeDetails<E>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct EdgePointer<'graph, E> {
pub index: EdgeIndex,
pub edge: &'graph Edge<E>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct EdgeIndex(pub usize);
// {
// // TODO: they could all be u16 instead
// // There may be a way to store all the edge indices in a u32 as well,
// // if the edges are in a vector
// // then we can store sets of edges in a bitmap efficiently
// pub from: usize,
// pub to: usize,
// pub edge_idx: usize,
// }
pub trait RankingRuleGraphTrait {
type EdgeDetails: Sized;
type BuildVisitedFromNode;
fn edge_details_dot_label(edge: &Self::EdgeDetails) -> String;
fn compute_docids<'transaction>(
index: &Index,
txn: &'transaction RoTxn,
db_cache: &mut DatabaseCache<'transaction>,
edge_details: &Self::EdgeDetails,
) -> Result<RoaringBitmap>;
fn build_visit_from_node<'transaction>(
index: &Index,
txn: &'transaction RoTxn,
db_cache: &mut DatabaseCache<'transaction>,
from_node: &QueryNode,
) -> Result<Option<Self::BuildVisitedFromNode>>;
fn build_visit_to_node<'from_data, 'transaction: 'from_data>(
index: &Index,
txn: &'transaction RoTxn,
db_cache: &mut DatabaseCache<'transaction>,
to_node: &QueryNode,
from_node_data: &'from_data Self::BuildVisitedFromNode,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<(u8, EdgeDetails<Self::EdgeDetails>)>>>;
pub struct RankingRuleGraph<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> {
pub query_graph: QueryGraph,
// pub edges: Vec<HashMap<usize, Vec<Edge<G::EdgeDetails>>>>,
pub all_edges: Vec<Option<Edge<G::EdgeDetails>>>,
pub node_edges: Vec<BTreeSet<usize>>,
// pub removed_edges: HashSet<EdgeIndex>,
// pub tmp_removed_edges: HashSet<EdgeIndex>,
impl<G: RankingRuleGraphTrait> RankingRuleGraph<G> {
// NOTE: returns the edge even if it was removed
pub fn get_edge(&self, edge_index: EdgeIndex) -> &Option<Edge<G::EdgeDetails>> {
pub fn visit_edges<'graph, O>(
&'graph self,
from: usize,
to: usize,
mut visit: impl FnMut(EdgeIndex, &'graph Edge<G::EdgeDetails>) -> ControlFlow<O>,
) -> Option<O> {
let from_edges = &self.node_edges[from];
for &edge_idx in from_edges {
let edge = self.all_edges[edge_idx].as_ref().unwrap();
if edge.to_node == to {
let cf = visit(EdgeIndex(edge_idx), edge);
match cf {
ControlFlow::Continue(_) => continue,
ControlFlow::Break(o) => return Some(o),
fn remove_edge(&mut self, edge_index: EdgeIndex) {
let edge_opt = &mut self.all_edges[edge_index.0];
let Some(Edge { from_node, to_node, cost, details }) = &edge_opt else { return };
let node_edges = &mut self.node_edges[*from_node];
*edge_opt = None;
pub fn remove_nodes(&mut self, nodes: &[usize]) {
for &node in nodes {
let edge_indices = &mut self.node_edges[node];
for edge_index in edge_indices.iter() {
self.all_edges[*edge_index] = None;
let preds = &self.query_graph.edges[node].incoming;
for pred in preds {
let edge_indices = &mut self.node_edges[*pred];
for edge_index in edge_indices.iter() {
let edge_opt = &mut self.all_edges[*edge_index];
let Some(edge) = edge_opt else { continue; };
if edge.to_node == node {
*edge_opt = None;
panic!("remove nodes is incorrect at the moment");
pub fn simplify(&mut self) {
loop {
let mut nodes_to_remove = vec![];
for (node_idx, node) in self.query_graph.nodes.iter().enumerate() {
if !matches!(node, QueryNode::End | QueryNode::Deleted)
&& self.node_edges[node_idx].is_empty()
if nodes_to_remove.is_empty() {
} else {
// fn is_removed_edge(&self, edge: EdgeIndex) -> bool {
// self.removed_edges.contains(&edge) || self.tmp_removed_edges.contains(&edge)
// }
pub fn graphviz(&self) -> String {
let mut desc = String::new();
desc.push_str("digraph G {\nrankdir = LR;\nnode [shape = \"record\"]\n");
for (node_idx, node) in self.query_graph.nodes.iter().enumerate() {
if matches!(node, QueryNode::Deleted) {
desc.push_str(&format!("{node_idx} [label = {:?}]", node));
if node_idx == self.query_graph.root_node {
desc.push_str("[color = blue]");
} else if node_idx == self.query_graph.end_node {
desc.push_str("[color = red]");
for edge in self.all_edges.iter().flatten() {
let Edge { from_node, to_node, cost, details } = edge;
match &details {
EdgeDetails::Unconditional => {
"{from_node} -> {to_node} [label = \"always cost {cost}\"];\n",
cost = edge.cost,
EdgeDetails::Data(details) => {
"{from_node} -> {to_node} [label = \"cost {cost} {edge_label}\"];\n",
cost = edge.cost,
edge_label = G::edge_details_dot_label(details)