Clean up the update_awaiter function

This commit is contained in:
Clément Renault 2019-11-04 11:11:58 +01:00
parent 2a50e08bb8
commit c2cc0704d7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 92ADA4E935E71FA4

View File

@ -21,74 +21,64 @@ pub struct Database {
indexes: RwLock<HashMap<String, (Index, Arc<ArcSwapFn>, thread::JoinHandle<()>)>>,
macro_rules! r#break_try {
($expr:expr, $msg:tt) => {
match $expr {
core::result::Result::Ok(val) => val,
core::result::Result::Err(err) => {
log::error!(concat!($msg, ": {}"), err);
fn update_awaiter(receiver: Receiver<()>, env: heed::Env, update_fn: Arc<ArcSwapFn>, index: Index) {
for () in receiver {
// consume all updates in order (oldest first)
loop {
let mut writer = match env.write_txn() {
Ok(writer) => writer,
Err(e) => {
error!("LMDB write transaction begin failed: {}", e);
// instantiate a main/parent transaction
let mut writer = break_try!(env.write_txn(), "LMDB write transaction begin failed");
let (update_id, update) = match index.updates.pop_front(&mut writer) {
Ok(Some(value)) => value,
Ok(None) => {
// retrieve the update that needs to be processed
let result = index.updates.pop_front(&mut writer);
let (update_id, update) = match break_try!(result, "pop front update failed") {
Some(value) => value,
None => {
debug!("no more updates");
Err(e) => {
error!("pop front update failed: {}", e);
let mut nested_writer = match env.nested_write_txn(&mut writer) {
Ok(writer) => writer,
Err(e) => {
error!("LMDB nested write transaction begin failed: {}", e);
// instantiate a nested transaction
let result = env.nested_write_txn(&mut writer);
let mut nested_writer = break_try!(result, "LMDB nested write transaction failed");
match update::update_task(&mut nested_writer, index.clone(), update_id, update) {
Ok(status) => {
match &status.result {
Ok(_) => {
if let Err(e) = nested_writer.commit() {
error!("update nested transaction failed: {}", e);
Err(_) => nested_writer.abort(),
// try to apply the update to the database using the nested transaction
let result = update::update_task(&mut nested_writer, index.clone(), update_id, update);
let status = break_try!(result, "update task failed");
// commit the nested transaction if the update was successful, abort it otherwise
if status.result.is_ok() {
break_try!(nested_writer.commit(), "commit nested transaction failed");
} else {
let result =
.put_update_result(&mut writer, update_id, &status);
// write the result of the update in the updates-results store
let updates_results = index.updates_results;
let result = updates_results.put_update_result(&mut writer, update_id, &status);
if let Err(e) = result {
error!("update result store commit failed: {}", e);
if let Err(e) = writer.commit() {
error!("update parent transaction failed: {}", e);
// always commit the main/parent transaction, even if the update was unsuccessful
break_try!(result, "update result store commit failed");
break_try!(writer.commit(), "update parent transaction failed");
// call the user callback when the update and the result are written consistently
if let Some(ref callback) = *update_fn.load() {
Err(e) => {
error!("update task failed: {}", e);