mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 22:51:34 +01:00
push back the removed files
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
mod v1_10;
mod v1_11;
mod v1_9;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use anyhow::{bail, Context};
use meilisearch_types::versioning::create_version_file;
use v1_10::v1_9_to_v1_10;
use crate::upgrade::v1_11::v1_10_to_v1_11;
pub struct OfflineUpgrade {
pub db_path: PathBuf,
pub current_version: (String, String, String),
pub target_version: (String, String, String),
impl OfflineUpgrade {
pub fn upgrade(self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let upgrade_list = [
(v1_9_to_v1_10 as fn(&Path) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>, "1", "10", "0"),
(v1_10_to_v1_11, "1", "11", "0"),
let (current_major, current_minor, current_patch) = &self.current_version;
let start_at = match (
) {
("1", "9", _) => 0,
("1", "10", _) => 1,
_ => {
bail!("Unsupported current version {current_major}.{current_minor}.{current_patch}. Can only upgrade from v1.9")
let (target_major, target_minor, target_patch) = &self.target_version;
let ends_at = match (target_major.as_str(), target_minor.as_str(), target_patch.as_str()) {
("1", "10", _) => 0,
("1", "11", _) => 1,
(major, _, _) if major.starts_with('v') => {
bail!("Target version must not starts with a `v`. Instead of writing `v1.9.0` write `1.9.0` for example.")
_ => {
bail!("Unsupported target version {target_major}.{target_minor}.{target_patch}. Can only upgrade to v1.11")
println!("Starting the upgrade from {current_major}.{current_minor}.{current_patch} to {target_major}.{target_minor}.{target_patch}");
for index in start_at..=ends_at {
let (func, major, minor, patch) = upgrade_list[index];
// We're writing the version file just in case an issue arise _while_ upgrading.
// We don't want the DB to fail in an unknown state.
println!("Writing VERSION file");
create_version_file(&self.db_path, major, minor, patch)
.context("while writing VERSION file after the upgrade")?;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
use anyhow::bail;
use std::path::Path;
use anyhow::Context;
use meilisearch_types::{
types::{SerdeJson, Str},
Database, Env, EnvOpenOptions, RoTxn, RwTxn, Unspecified,
milli::index::{db_name, main_key},
use crate::{try_opening_database, try_opening_poly_database, uuid_codec::UuidCodec};
use super::v1_9;
pub type FieldDistribution = std::collections::BTreeMap<String, u64>;
/// The statistics that can be computed from an `Index` object.
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct IndexStats {
/// Number of documents in the index.
pub number_of_documents: u64,
/// Size taken up by the index' DB, in bytes.
/// This includes the size taken by both the used and free pages of the DB, and as the free pages
/// are not returned to the disk after a deletion, this number is typically larger than
/// `used_database_size` that only includes the size of the used pages.
pub database_size: u64,
/// Size taken by the used pages of the index' DB, in bytes.
/// As the DB backend does not return to the disk the pages that are not currently used by the DB,
/// this value is typically smaller than `database_size`.
pub used_database_size: u64,
/// Association of every field name with the number of times it occurs in the documents.
pub field_distribution: FieldDistribution,
/// Creation date of the index.
#[serde(with = "time::serde::rfc3339")]
pub created_at: time::OffsetDateTime,
/// Date of the last update of the index.
#[serde(with = "time::serde::rfc3339")]
pub updated_at: time::OffsetDateTime,
impl From<v1_9::IndexStats> for IndexStats {
fn from(
v1_9::IndexStats {
}: v1_9::IndexStats,
) -> Self {
IndexStats {
created_at: created_at.0,
updated_at: updated_at.0,
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct OffsetDateTime(#[serde(with = "time::serde::rfc3339")] pub time::OffsetDateTime);
fn update_index_stats(
index_stats: Database<UuidCodec, Unspecified>,
index_uid: &str,
index_uuid: uuid::Uuid,
sched_wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let ctx = || format!("while updating index stats for index `{index_uid}`");
let stats: Option<&str> = index_stats
.get(sched_wtxn, &index_uuid)
.with_context(|| "While reading value")?;
let stats: Option<v1_9::IndexStats> = index_stats
.get(sched_wtxn, &index_uuid)
.with_context(|| "While reading value")?;
if let Some(stats) = stats {
let stats: self::IndexStats = stats.into();
.put(sched_wtxn, &index_uuid, &stats)
.with_context(|| "While writing value")?;
fn update_date_format(
index_uid: &str,
index_env: &Env,
index_wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let main = try_opening_poly_database(index_env, index_wtxn, db_name::MAIN)
.with_context(|| format!("while updating date format for index `{index_uid}`"))?;
date_round_trip(index_wtxn, index_uid, main, main_key::CREATED_AT_KEY)?;
date_round_trip(index_wtxn, index_uid, main, main_key::UPDATED_AT_KEY)?;
fn find_rest_embedders(
index_uid: &str,
index_env: &Env,
index_txn: &RoTxn,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<String>> {
let main = try_opening_poly_database(index_env, index_txn, db_name::MAIN)
.with_context(|| format!("while checking REST embedders for index `{index_uid}`"))?;
let mut rest_embedders = vec![];
for config in main
.remap_types::<Str, SerdeJson<Vec<v1_9::IndexEmbeddingConfig>>>()
.get(index_txn, main_key::EMBEDDING_CONFIGS)?
if let v1_9::EmbedderOptions::Rest(_) = config.config.embedder_options {
fn date_round_trip(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
index_uid: &str,
db: Database<Unspecified, Unspecified>,
key: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let datetime =
db.remap_types::<Str, SerdeJson<v1_9::LegacyTime>>().get(wtxn, key).with_context(|| {
format!("could not read `{key}` while updating date format for index `{index_uid}`")
if let Some(datetime) = datetime {
db.remap_types::<Str, SerdeJson<self::OffsetDateTime>>()
.put(wtxn, key, &self::OffsetDateTime(datetime.0))
.with_context(|| {
"could not write `{key}` while updating date format for index `{index_uid}`"
pub fn v1_9_to_v1_10(db_path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
println!("Upgrading from v1.9.0 to v1.10.0");
// 2 changes here
// 1. date format. needs to be done before opening the Index
// 2. REST embedders. We don't support this case right now, so bail
let index_scheduler_path = db_path.join("tasks");
let env = unsafe { EnvOpenOptions::new().max_dbs(100).open(&index_scheduler_path) }
.with_context(|| format!("While trying to open {:?}", index_scheduler_path.display()))?;
let mut sched_wtxn = env.write_txn()?;
let index_mapping: Database<Str, UuidCodec> =
try_opening_database(&env, &sched_wtxn, "index-mapping")?;
let index_stats: Database<UuidCodec, Unspecified> =
try_opening_database(&env, &sched_wtxn, "index-stats").with_context(|| {
format!("While trying to open {:?}", index_scheduler_path.display())
let index_count =
index_mapping.len(&sched_wtxn).context("while reading the number of indexes")?;
// FIXME: not ideal, we have to pre-populate all indexes to prevent double borrow of sched_wtxn
// 1. immutably for the iteration
// 2. mutably for updating index stats
let indexes: Vec<_> = index_mapping
.map(|res| res.map(|(uid, uuid)| (uid.to_owned(), uuid)))
let mut rest_embedders = Vec::new();
let mut unwrapped_indexes = Vec::new();
// check that update can take place
for (index_index, result) in indexes.into_iter().enumerate() {
let (uid, uuid) = result?;
let index_path = db_path.join("indexes").join(uuid.to_string());
"[{}/{index_count}]Checking that update can take place for `{uid}` at `{}`",
index_index + 1,
let index_env = unsafe {
// FIXME: fetch the 25 magic number from the index file
EnvOpenOptions::new().max_dbs(25).open(&index_path).with_context(|| {
format!("while opening index {uid} at '{}'", index_path.display())
let index_txn = index_env.read_txn().with_context(|| {
"while obtaining a write transaction for index {uid} at {}",
println!("\t- Checking for incompatible embedders (REST embedders)");
let rest_embedders_for_index = find_rest_embedders(&uid, &index_env, &index_txn)?;
if rest_embedders_for_index.is_empty() {
unwrapped_indexes.push((uid, uuid));
} else {
// no need to add to unwrapped indexes because we'll exit early
rest_embedders.push((uid, rest_embedders_for_index));
if !rest_embedders.is_empty() {
let rest_embedders = rest_embedders
.flat_map(|(index, embedders)| std::iter::repeat(index.clone()).zip(embedders))
.map(|(index, embedder)| format!("\t- embedder `{embedder}` in index `{index}`"))
bail!("The update cannot take place because there are REST embedder(s). Remove them before proceeding with the update:\n{rest_embedders}\n\n\
The database has not been modified and is still a valid v1.9 database.");
println!("Update can take place, updating");
for (index_index, (uid, uuid)) in unwrapped_indexes.into_iter().enumerate() {
let index_path = db_path.join("indexes").join(uuid.to_string());
"[{}/{index_count}]Updating index `{uid}` at `{}`",
index_index + 1,
let index_env = unsafe {
// FIXME: fetch the 25 magic number from the index file
EnvOpenOptions::new().max_dbs(25).open(&index_path).with_context(|| {
format!("while opening index {uid} at '{}'", index_path.display())
let mut index_wtxn = index_env.write_txn().with_context(|| {
"while obtaining a write transaction for index `{uid}` at `{}`",
println!("\t- Updating index stats");
update_index_stats(index_stats, &uid, uuid, &mut sched_wtxn)?;
println!("\t- Updating date format");
update_date_format(&uid, &index_env, &mut index_wtxn)?;
index_wtxn.commit().with_context(|| {
format!("while committing the write txn for index `{uid}` at {}", index_path.display())
sched_wtxn.commit().context("while committing the write txn for the index-scheduler")?;
println!("Upgrading database succeeded");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
//! The breaking changes that happened between the v1.10 and the v1.11 are:
//! - Arroy went from the v0.4.0 to the v0.5.0, see this release note to get the whole context: https://github.com/meilisearch/arroy/releases/tag/v0.5.0
//! - The `angular` distance has been renamed to `cosine` => We only need to update the string in the metadata.
//! - Reorganize the `NodeId` to make the appending of vectors work => We'll have to update the keys of almost all items in the DB.
//! - Store the list of updated IDs directly in LMDB instead of a roaring bitmap => This shouldn't be an issue since we are never supposed to commit this roaring bitmap, but it's not forbidden by arroy so ensuring it works is probably better than anything.
use std::path::Path;
use anyhow::Context;
use meilisearch_types::{
heed::{types::Str, Database, EnvOpenOptions},
use crate::{try_opening_database, try_opening_poly_database, uuid_codec::UuidCodec};
pub fn v1_10_to_v1_11(db_path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
println!("Upgrading from v1.10.0 to v1.11.0");
let index_scheduler_path = db_path.join("tasks");
let env = unsafe { EnvOpenOptions::new().max_dbs(100).open(&index_scheduler_path) }
.with_context(|| format!("While trying to open {:?}", index_scheduler_path.display()))?;
let sched_rtxn = env.read_txn()?;
let index_mapping: Database<Str, UuidCodec> =
try_opening_database(&env, &sched_rtxn, "index-mapping")?;
let index_count =
index_mapping.len(&sched_rtxn).context("while reading the number of indexes")?;
let indexes: Vec<_> = index_mapping
.map(|res| res.map(|(uid, uuid)| (uid.to_owned(), uuid)))
// check that update can take place
for (index_index, result) in indexes.into_iter().enumerate() {
let (uid, uuid) = result?;
let index_path = db_path.join("indexes").join(uuid.to_string());
"[{}/{index_count}]Checking that update can take place for `{uid}` at `{}`",
index_index + 1,
let index_env = unsafe {
EnvOpenOptions::new().max_dbs(25).open(&index_path).with_context(|| {
format!("while opening index {uid} at '{}'", index_path.display())
let index_rtxn = index_env.read_txn().with_context(|| {
"while obtaining a read transaction for index {uid} at {}",
let index_read_database =
try_opening_poly_database(&index_env, &index_rtxn, db_name::VECTOR_ARROY)
.with_context(|| format!("while updating date format for index `{uid}`"))?;
let mut index_wtxn = index_env.write_txn().with_context(|| {
"while obtaining a write transaction for index {uid} at {}",
let index_write_database =
try_opening_poly_database(&index_env, &index_wtxn, db_name::VECTOR_ARROY)
.with_context(|| format!("while updating date format for index `{uid}`"))?;
&mut index_wtxn,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use time::OffsetDateTime;
pub type FieldDistribution = std::collections::BTreeMap<String, u64>;
/// The statistics that can be computed from an `Index` object.
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct IndexStats {
/// Number of documents in the index.
pub number_of_documents: u64,
/// Size taken up by the index' DB, in bytes.
/// This includes the size taken by both the used and free pages of the DB, and as the free pages
/// are not returned to the disk after a deletion, this number is typically larger than
/// `used_database_size` that only includes the size of the used pages.
pub database_size: u64,
/// Size taken by the used pages of the index' DB, in bytes.
/// As the DB backend does not return to the disk the pages that are not currently used by the DB,
/// this value is typically smaller than `database_size`.
pub used_database_size: u64,
/// Association of every field name with the number of times it occurs in the documents.
pub field_distribution: FieldDistribution,
/// Creation date of the index.
pub created_at: LegacyTime,
/// Date of the last update of the index.
pub updated_at: LegacyTime,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct IndexEmbeddingConfig {
pub name: String,
pub config: EmbeddingConfig,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct EmbeddingConfig {
/// Options of the embedder, specific to each kind of embedder
pub embedder_options: EmbedderOptions,
/// Options of an embedder, specific to each kind of embedder.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub enum EmbedderOptions {
impl Default for EmbedderOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::OpenAi(openai::EmbedderOptions { api_key: None, dimensions: None })
mod hf {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct EmbedderOptions {
pub model: String,
pub revision: Option<String>,
mod openai {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct EmbedderOptions {
pub api_key: Option<String>,
pub dimensions: Option<usize>,
mod ollama {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct EmbedderOptions {
pub embedding_model: String,
pub url: Option<String>,
pub api_key: Option<String>,
mod manual {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct EmbedderOptions {
pub dimensions: usize,
mod rest {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Hash)]
pub struct EmbedderOptions {
pub api_key: Option<String>,
pub dimensions: Option<usize>,
pub url: String,
pub input_field: Vec<String>,
// path to the array of embeddings
pub path_to_embeddings: Vec<String>,
// shape of a single embedding
pub embedding_object: Vec<String>,
// 2024-11-04 13:32:08.48368 +00:00:00
time::serde::format_description!(legacy_datetime, OffsetDateTime, "[year]-[month]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second].[subsecond] [offset_hour sign:mandatory]:[offset_minute]:[offset_second]");
#[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct LegacyTime(#[serde(with = "legacy_datetime")] pub OffsetDateTime);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user