mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:31:32 +01:00
start a new rewrite of the filter parser
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
members = ["milli", "http-ui", "benchmarks", "infos", "helpers", "cli"]
members = ["milli", "filter_parser", "http-ui", "benchmarks", "infos", "helpers", "cli"]
default-members = ["milli"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name = "filter_parser"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
nom = "7.0.0"
nom_locate = "4.0.0"
big_s = "1.0.2"
maplit = "1.0.2"
rand = "0.8.3"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
//! BNF grammar:
//! ```text
//! expression = or
//! or = and (~ "OR" ~ and)
//! and = not (~ "AND" not)*
//! not = ("NOT" | "!") not | primary
//! primary = (WS* ~ "(" expression ")" ~ WS*) | condition | to | geoRadius
//! to = value value TO value
//! condition = value ("==" | ">" ...) value
//! value = WS* ~ ( word | singleQuoted | doubleQuoted) ~ WS*
//! singleQuoted = "'" .* all but quotes "'"
//! doubleQuoted = "\"" (word | spaces)* "\""
//! word = (alphanumeric | _ | - | .)+
//! geoRadius = WS* ~ "_geoRadius(float ~ "," ~ float ~ "," float)
//! ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FilterCondition<'a> {
Operator { fid: Token<'a>, op: Operator<'a> },
Or(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
And(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
GeoLowerThan { point: [Token<'a>; 2], radius: Token<'a> },
GeoGreaterThan { point: [Token<'a>; 2], radius: Token<'a> },
impl<'a> FilterCondition<'a> {
pub fn negate(self) -> FilterCondition<'a> {
use FilterCondition::*;
match self {
Operator { fid, op } => match op.negate() {
(op, None) => Operator { fid, op },
(a, Some(b)) => {
Or(Operator { fid: fid.clone(), op: a }.into(), Operator { fid, op: b }.into())
Or(a, b) => And(a.negate().into(), b.negate().into()),
And(a, b) => Or(a.negate().into(), b.negate().into()),
Empty => Empty,
GeoLowerThan { point, radius } => GeoGreaterThan { point, radius },
GeoGreaterThan { point, radius } => GeoLowerThan { point, radius },
pub fn parse(input: &'a str) -> IResult<Span, Self> {
let span = Span::new(input);
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::{tag, take_till, take_while1};
use nom::character::complete::{char, multispace0};
use nom::combinator::map;
use nom::error::{ContextError, ErrorKind, ParseError, VerboseError};
use nom::multi::{many0, separated_list1};
use nom::number::complete::recognize_float;
use nom::sequence::{delimited, preceded, tuple};
use nom::IResult;
use nom_locate::LocatedSpan;
use self::Operator::*;
pub enum FilterError {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Token<'a> {
pub position: Span<'a>,
pub inner: &'a str,
impl<'a> Token<'a> {
pub fn new(position: Span<'a>) -> Self {
Self { position, inner: &position }
impl<'a> From<Span<'a>> for Token<'a> {
fn from(span: Span<'a>) -> Self {
Self { inner: &span, position: span }
type Span<'a> = LocatedSpan<&'a str>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Operator<'a> {
Between { from: Token<'a>, to: Token<'a> },
impl<'a> Operator<'a> {
/// This method can return two operations in case it must express
/// an OR operation for the between case (i.e. `TO`).
pub fn negate(self) -> (Self, Option<Self>) {
match self {
GreaterThan(n) => (LowerThanOrEqual(n), None),
GreaterThanOrEqual(n) => (LowerThan(n), None),
Equal(s) => (NotEqual(s), None),
NotEqual(s) => (Equal(s), None),
LowerThan(n) => (GreaterThanOrEqual(n), None),
LowerThanOrEqual(n) => (GreaterThan(n), None),
Between { from, to } => (LowerThan(from), Some(GreaterThan(to))),
pub trait FilterParserError<'a>:
nom::error::ParseError<&'a str> + ContextError<&'a str> + std::fmt::Debug
impl<'a> FilterParserError<'a> for VerboseError<&'a str> {}
/// and = not (~ "AND" not)*
fn parse_or(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, FilterCondition> {
let (input, lhs) = parse_and(input)?;
let (input, ors) = many0(preceded(ws(tag("OR")), |c| parse_and(c)))(input)?;
let expr = ors
.fold(lhs, |acc, branch| FilterCondition::Or(Box::new(acc), Box::new(branch)));
Ok((input, expr))
fn parse_and(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, FilterCondition> {
let (input, lhs) = parse_not(input)?;
let (input, ors) = many0(preceded(ws(tag("AND")), |c| parse_not(c)))(input)?;
let expr = ors
.fold(lhs, |acc, branch| FilterCondition::And(Box::new(acc), Box::new(branch)));
Ok((input, expr))
/// not = ("NOT" | "!") not | primary
fn parse_not(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, FilterCondition> {
alt((map(preceded(alt((tag("!"), tag("NOT"))), |c| parse_not(c)), |e| e.negate()), |c| {
fn ws<'a, O>(
inner: impl FnMut(Span<'a>) -> IResult<Span, O>,
) -> impl FnMut(Span<'a>) -> IResult<Span, O> {
delimited(multispace0, inner, multispace0)
/// condition = value ("==" | ">" ...) value
fn parse_condition(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, FilterCondition> {
let operator = alt((tag("<="), tag(">="), tag("!="), tag("<"), tag(">"), tag("=")));
let (input, (key, op, value)) =
tuple((|c| parse_value(c), operator, |c| parse_value(c)))(input)?;
let fid = key.into();
match *op.fragment() {
"=" => {
let k = FilterCondition::Operator { fid, op: Equal(value.into()) };
Ok((input, k))
"!=" => {
let k = FilterCondition::Operator { fid, op: NotEqual(value.into()) };
Ok((input, k))
">" | "<" | "<=" | ">=" => {
let k = match *op.fragment() {
">" => FilterCondition::Operator { fid, op: GreaterThan(value.into()) },
"<" => FilterCondition::Operator { fid, op: LowerThan(value.into()) },
"<=" => FilterCondition::Operator { fid, op: LowerThanOrEqual(value.into()) },
">=" => FilterCondition::Operator { fid, op: GreaterThanOrEqual(value.into()) },
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok((input, k))
_ => unreachable!(),
/// to = value value TO value
fn parse_to(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, FilterCondition> {
let (input, (key, from, _, to)) =
tuple((ws(|c| parse_value(c)), ws(|c| parse_value(c)), tag("TO"), ws(|c| parse_value(c))))(
FilterCondition::Operator {
fid: key.into(),
op: Between { from: from.into(), to: to.into() },
/// geoRadius = WS* ~ "_geoRadius(float ~ "," ~ float ~ "," float)
fn parse_geo_radius(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, FilterCondition> {
let err_msg_args_incomplete = "_geoRadius. The `_geoRadius` filter expect three arguments: `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, radius)`";
let err_msg_latitude_invalid =
"_geoRadius. Latitude must be contained between -90 and 90 degrees.";
let err_msg_longitude_invalid =
"_geoRadius. Longitude must be contained between -180 and 180 degrees.";
let parsed = preceded::<_, _, _, _, _, _>(
// TODO: forbid spaces between _geoRadius and parenthesis
delimited(char('('), separated_list1(tag(","), ws(|c| recognize_float(c))), char(')')),
let (input, args): (Span, Vec<Span>) = match parsed {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(_e) => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(nom::error::Error::add_context(
nom::error::Error::from_char(input, '('),
if args.len() != 3 {
let e = nom::error::Error::from_char(input, '(');
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(nom::error::Error::add_context(
let res = FilterCondition::GeoLowerThan {
point: [args[0].into(), args[1].into()],
radius: args[2].into(),
Ok((input, res))
/// primary = (WS* ~ "(" expression ")" ~ WS*) | condition | to | geoRadius
fn parse_primary(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, FilterCondition> {
delimited(ws(char('(')), |c| parse_expression(c), ws(char(')'))),
|c| parse_condition(c),
|c| parse_to(c),
|c| parse_geo_radius(c),
/// value = WS* ~ ( word | singleQuoted | doubleQuoted) ~ WS*
fn parse_value(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, Span> {
// singleQuoted = "'" .* all but quotes "'"
let simple_quoted_key = |input| take_till(|c: char| c == '\'')(input);
// doubleQuoted = "\"" (word | spaces)* "\""
let quoted_key = |input| take_till(|c: char| c == '"')(input);
// word = (alphanumeric | _ | - | .)+
let word = |input| take_while1(is_key_component)(input);
ws(delimited(char('\''), simple_quoted_key, char('\''))),
ws(delimited(char('"'), quoted_key, char('"'))),
fn is_key_component(c: char) -> bool {
c.is_alphanumeric() || ['_', '-', '.'].contains(&c)
/// expression = or
pub fn parse_expression(input: Span) -> IResult<Span, FilterCondition> {
mod tests {
use big_s::S;
use maplit::hashset;
use super::*;
/// Create a raw [Token]. You must specify the string that appear BEFORE your element followed by your element
fn rtok<'a>(before: &'a str, value: &'a str) -> Token<'a> {
// if the string is empty we still need to return 1 for the line number
let lines = before.is_empty().then(|| 1).unwrap_or_else(|| before.lines().count());
let offset = before.chars().count();
unsafe { Span::new_from_raw_offset(offset, lines as u32, value, ()) }.into()
fn parse() {
use FilterCondition as Fc;
// new_from_raw_offset is unsafe
let test_case = [
// simple test
"channel = Ponce",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "channel"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "Ponce")),
"subscribers = 12",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("subscribers = ", "12")),
// test all the quotes and simple quotes
"channel = 'Mister Mv'",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "channel"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("channel = '", "Mister Mv")),
"channel = \"Mister Mv\"",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "channel"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("channel = \"", "Mister Mv")),
"'dog race' = Borzoi",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("'", "dog race"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("'dog race' = ", "Borzoi")),
"\"dog race\" = Chusky",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("\"", "dog race"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("\"dog race\" = ", "Chusky")),
"\"dog race\" = \"Bernese Mountain\"",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("\"", "dog race"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("\"dog race\" = \"", "Bernese Mountain")),
"'dog race' = 'Bernese Mountain'",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("'", "dog race"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("'dog race' = '", "Bernese Mountain")),
"\"dog race\" = 'Bernese Mountain'",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("\"", "dog race"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("\"dog race\" = \"", "Bernese Mountain")),
// test all the operators
"channel != ponce",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "channel"),
op: Operator::NotEqual(rtok("channel != ", "ponce")),
"NOT channel = ponce",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("NOT ", "channel"),
op: Operator::NotEqual(rtok("NOT channel = ", "ponce")),
"subscribers < 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::LowerThan(rtok("subscribers < ", "1000")),
"subscribers > 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::GreaterThan(rtok("subscribers > ", "1000")),
"subscribers <= 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::LowerThanOrEqual(rtok("subscribers <= ", "1000")),
"subscribers >= 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::GreaterThanOrEqual(rtok("subscribers >= ", "1000")),
"NOT subscribers < 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::GreaterThanOrEqual(rtok("NOT subscribers < ", "1000")),
"NOT subscribers > 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::LowerThanOrEqual(rtok("NOT subscribers > ", "1000")),
"NOT subscribers <= 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::GreaterThan(rtok("NOT subscribers <= ", "1000")),
"NOT subscribers >= 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::LowerThan(rtok("NOT subscribers >= ", "1000")),
"subscribers 100 TO 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::Between {
from: rtok("subscribers ", "100"),
to: rtok("subscribers 100 TO ", "1000"),
"NOT subscribers 100 TO 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::LowerThan(rtok("NOT subscribers ", "100")),
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"),
op: Operator::GreaterThan(rtok("NOT subscribers 100 TO ", "1000")),
"_geoRadius(12, 13, 14)",
Fc::GeoLowerThan {
point: [rtok("_geoRadius(", "12"), rtok("_geoRadius(12, ", "13")],
radius: rtok("_geoRadius(12, 13, ", "14"),
"NOT _geoRadius(12, 13, 14)",
Fc::GeoGreaterThan {
point: [rtok("NOT _geoRadius(", "12"), rtok("NOT _geoRadius(12, ", "13")],
radius: rtok("NOT _geoRadius(12, 13, ", "14"),
// test simple `or` and `and`
"channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain'",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "channel"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "ponce")),
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("channel = ponce AND '", "dog race"),
op: Operator::NotEqual(rtok(
"channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != '",
"bernese mountain",
"channel = ponce OR 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain'",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "channel"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "ponce")),
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("channel = ponce OR '", "dog race"),
op: Operator::NotEqual(rtok(
"channel = ponce OR 'dog race' != '",
"bernese mountain",
"channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "channel"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "ponce")),
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("channel = ponce AND '", "dog race"),
op: Operator::NotEqual(rtok(
"channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != '",
"bernese mountain",
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok(
"channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR ",
op: Operator::GreaterThan(rtok(
"channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > ",
// test parenthesis
"channel = ponce AND ( 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000 )",
Fc::Operator { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Operator::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "ponce")) }.into(),
Fc::Operator { fid: rtok("channel = ponce AND ( '", "dog race"), op: Operator::NotEqual(rtok("channel = ponce AND ( 'dog race' != '", "bernese mountain"))}.into(),
Fc::Operator { fid: rtok("channel = ponce AND ( 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR ", "subscribers"), op: Operator::GreaterThan(rtok("channel = ponce AND ( 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > ", "1000")) }.into(),
"(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(12, 13, 14)",
Fc::Operator { fid: rtok("(", "channel"), op: Operator::Equal(rtok("(channel = ", "ponce")) }.into(),
Fc::Operator { fid: rtok("(channel = ponce AND '", "dog race"), op: Operator::NotEqual(rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != '", "bernese mountain")) }.into(),
Fc::Operator { fid: rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR ", "subscribers"), op: Operator::GreaterThan(rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > ", "1000")) }.into(),
Fc::GeoLowerThan { point: [rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(", "12"), rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(12, ", "13")], radius: rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(12, 13, ", "14") }.into()
for (input, expected) in test_case {
let result = Fc::parse(input);
"Filter `{:?}` was supposed to be parsed but failed with the following error: `{}`",
let filter = result.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!(filter, expected, "Filter `{}` failed.", input);
fn name() {
use FilterCondition as Fc;
// new_from_raw_offset is unsafe
let test_case = [
// simple test
Fc::Operator {
fid: rtok("", "channel"),
op: Operator::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "Ponce")),
for (input, expected) in test_case {
let result = Fc::parse(input);
"Filter `{:?}` was supposed to be parsed but failed with the following error: `{}`",
let filter = result.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!(filter, expected, "Filter `{}` failed.", input);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user