tweak error handling

This commit is contained in:
刘瀚骋 2021-10-10 14:50:59 +08:00
parent 7a90a101ee
commit 469d92c569
3 changed files with 74 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -210,6 +210,8 @@ impl fmt::Display for UserError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::InvalidFilterAttributeNom => write!(f, "parser error "),
Self::InvalidFilterValue => write!(f, "parser error "),
Self::InvalidFilterNom { input } => write!(f, "parser error {}", input),
Self::AttributeLimitReached => f.write_str("maximum number of attributes reached"),
Self::CriterionError(error) => write!(f, "{}", error),
@ -228,10 +230,6 @@ impl fmt::Display for UserError {
"the document with the id: {} contains an invalid _geo field: {}",
document_id, object
Self::InvalidAscDescSyntax { name } => {
write!(f, "invalid asc/desc syntax for {}", name)
Self::InvalidCriterionName { name } => write!(f, "invalid criterion {}", name),
Self::InvalidDocumentId { document_id } => {
let json = serde_json::to_string(document_id).unwrap();

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use std::ops::Bound::{self, Excluded, Included};
use either::Either;
use heed::types::DecodeIgnore;
use log::debug;
use nom::error::VerboseError;
use nom::error::{convert_error, VerboseError};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use self::FilterCondition::*;
@ -87,7 +87,15 @@ impl FilterCondition {
ParseContext { fields_ids_map: &fields_ids_map, filterable_fields: &filterable_fields };
match ctx.parse_expression::<VerboseError<&str>>(expression) {
Ok((_, fc)) => Ok(fc),
Err(e) => Err(Error::UserError(UserError::InvalidFilterNom { input: e.to_string() })),
Err(e) => {
match e {
nom::Err::Error(x) => {
println!("verbose err:\n{}", convert_error(expression, x))
_ => unreachable!(),
Err(Error::UserError(UserError::InvalidFilterNom { input: "whatever".to_string() }))
pub fn negate(self) -> FilterCondition {
@ -101,67 +109,6 @@ impl FilterCondition {
Empty => Empty,
fn geo_radius(
fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap,
filterable_fields: &HashSet<String>,
item: Pair<Rule>,
) -> Result<FilterCondition> {
if !filterable_fields.contains("_geo") {
return Err(UserError::InvalidFilterAttribute(PestError::new_from_span(
ErrorVariant::CustomError {
message: format!(
"attribute `_geo` is not filterable, available filterable attributes are: {}",
filterable_fields.iter().join(", "),
let mut items = item.into_inner();
let fid = match"_geo") {
Some(fid) => fid,
None => return Ok(Empty),
let parameters_item =;
// We don't need more than 3 parameters, but to handle errors correctly we are still going
// to extract the first 4 parameters
let param_span = parameters_item.as_span();
let parameters = parameters_item
.map(|param| (param.clone(), param.as_span()))
.map(|(param, span)| pest_parse(param)|arg| (arg, span)))
.collect::<StdResult<Vec<(f64, _)>, _>>()
if parameters.len() != 3 {
return Err(UserError::InvalidFilter(PestError::new_from_span(
ErrorVariant::CustomError {
message: format!("The `_geoRadius` filter expect three arguments: `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, radius)`"),
// we want to point to the last parameters and if there was no parameters we
// point to the parenthesis
parameters.last().map(|param| param.1.clone()).unwrap_or(param_span),
let (lat, lng, distance) = (&parameters[0], &parameters[1], parameters[2].0);
if !(-90.0..=90.0).contains(&lat.0) {
return Err(UserError::InvalidFilter(PestError::new_from_span(
ErrorVariant::CustomError {
message: format!("Latitude must be contained between -90 and 90 degrees."),
} else if !(-180.0..=180.0).contains(&lng.0) {
return Err(UserError::InvalidFilter(PestError::new_from_span(
ErrorVariant::CustomError {
message: format!("Longitude must be contained between -180 and 180 degrees."),
Ok(Operator(fid, Operator::GeoLowerThan([lat.0, lng.0], distance)))
impl FilterCondition {
@ -348,7 +295,7 @@ impl FilterCondition {
&GeoLowerThan(point.clone(), *distance),
&Operator::GeoLowerThan(point.clone(), *distance),
let geo_faceted_doc_ids = index.geo_faceted_documents_ids(rtxn)?;
return Ok(geo_faceted_doc_ids - result);

View File

@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ use nom::{
bytes::complete::{tag, take_while1},
character::complete::{char, multispace0},
error::{ContextError, ErrorKind},
sequence::{delimited, preceded, tuple},
@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ impl Operator {
LowerThan(n) => (GreaterThanOrEqual(n), None),
LowerThanOrEqual(n) => (GreaterThan(n), None),
Between(n, m) => (LowerThan(n), Some(GreaterThan(m))),
GeoLowerThan(point, distance) => (GeoGreaterThan(point, distance), None),
GeoGreaterThan(point, distance) => (GeoLowerThan(point, distance), None),
@ -193,13 +196,52 @@ impl<'a> ParseContext<'a> {
Ok((input, res))
fn parse_geo_radius<E>(&'a self, input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, FilterCondition, E>
E: ParseError<&'a str>,
let (input, args) = preceded(
separated_list1(tag(","),|c| self.parse_value(c))),
if args.len() != 3 {
let e = E::from_char(input, '(');
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(e));
let lat = self.parse_numeric(args[0])?;
let lng = self.parse_numeric(args[1])?;
let dis = self.parse_numeric(args[2])?;
let fid = match"_geo") {
Some(fid) => fid,
None => return Ok((input, FilterCondition::Empty)),
if let Some(span) = (!(-181.0..181.).contains(&lat))
.then(|| &lat)
.or((!(-181.0..181.).contains(&lng)).then(|| &lng))
let e = E::from_char(input, '(');
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(e));
let res = FilterCondition::Operator(fid, GeoLowerThan([lat, lng], dis));
Ok((input, res))
fn parse_condition<E>(&'a self, input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, FilterCondition, E>
E: ParseError<&'a str>,
let l0 = |c| self.parse_geo_radius(c);
let l1 = |c| self.parse_simple_condition(c);
let l2 = |c| self.parse_range_condition(c);
let (input, condition) = alt((l1, l2))(input)?;
let (input, condition) = alt((l0, l1, l2))(input)?;
Ok((input, condition))
@ -220,6 +262,15 @@ impl<'a> ParseContext<'a> {
let key = |input| take_while1(Self::is_key_component)(input);
alt((key, delimited(char('"'), key, char('"'))))(input)
fn parse_value<E>(&'a self, input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str, E>
E: ParseError<&'a str>,
let key = |input| take_while1(Self::is_key_component)(input);
alt((key, delimited(char('"'), key, char('"'))))(input)
fn is_key_component(c: char) -> bool {
c.is_alphanumeric() || ['_', '-', '.'].contains(&c)
@ -431,13 +482,13 @@ mod tests {
// basic test
let condition =
FilterCondition::from_str(&rtxn, &index, "_geoRadius(12, 13.0005, 2000)").unwrap();
let expected = Operator(0, GeoLowerThan([12., 13.0005], 2000.));
let expected = FilterCondition::Operator(0, GeoLowerThan([12., 13.0005], 2000.));
assert_eq!(condition, expected);
// test the negation of the GeoLowerThan
let condition =
FilterCondition::from_str(&rtxn, &index, "NOT _geoRadius(50, 18, 2000.500)").unwrap();
let expected = Operator(0, GeoGreaterThan([50., 18.], 2000.500));
let expected = FilterCondition::Operator(0, GeoGreaterThan([50., 18.], 2000.500));
assert_eq!(condition, expected);
// composition of multiple operations
@ -446,13 +497,13 @@ mod tests {
"(NOT _geoRadius(1, 2, 300) AND _geoRadius(1.001, 2.002, 1000.300)) OR price <= 10",
let expected = Or(
Box::new(Operator(0, GeoGreaterThan([1., 2.], 300.))),
Box::new(Operator(0, GeoLowerThan([1.001, 2.002], 1000.300))),
.unwrap_or_else(|e| FilterCondition::Empty);
let expected = FilterCondition::Or(
Box::new(FilterCondition::Operator(0, GeoGreaterThan([1., 2.], 300.))),
Box::new(FilterCondition::Operator(0, GeoLowerThan([1.001, 2.002], 1000.300))),
Box::new(Operator(1, LowerThanOrEqual(10.))),
Box::new(FilterCondition::Operator(1, LowerThanOrEqual(10.))),
assert_eq!(condition, expected);