mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 16:10:32 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into temp-wildcard
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Compile
FROM rust:alpine3.16 AS compiler
RUN apk add -q --update-cache --no-cache build-base openssl-dev
WORKDIR /meilisearch
ENV RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=-crt-static"
COPY . .
RUN set -eux; \
apkArch="$(apk --print-arch)"; \
if [ "$apkArch" = "aarch64" ]; then \
fi && \
cargo build --release
# Run
FROM uffizzi/ttyd:alpine
RUN apk update --quiet \
&& apk add -q --no-cache libgcc tini curl
# add meilisearch to the `/bin` so you can run it from anywhere and it's easy
# to find.
COPY --from=compiler /meilisearch/target/release/meilisearch /bin/meilisearch
# To stay compatible with the older version of the container (pre v0.27.0) we're
# going to symlink the meilisearch binary in the path to `/meilisearch`
RUN ln -s /bin/meilisearch /meilisearch
# This directory should hold all the data related to meilisearch so we're going
# to move our PWD in there.
# We don't want to put the meilisearch binary
WORKDIR /meili_data
EXPOSE 7700/tcp
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--"]
CMD ["ttyd", "/bin/zsh"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
version: "3"
service: nginx
port: 8081
restart: unless-stopped
- "7681:7681"
- "7700:7700"
memory: 500M
image: nginx:alpine
restart: unless-stopped
- "8081:8081"
- ./.github/uffizzi/nginx:/etc/nginx
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
events {
worker_connections 4096; ## Default: 1024
http {
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
server {
listen 8081;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:7681;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
location /meilisearch/ {
# rewrite /meilisearch/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://localhost:7700/;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
name: Create issue to upgrade dependencies
# Run the first of the month, every 3 month
- cron: '0 0 1 */3 *'
@ -15,9 +16,13 @@ jobs:
github_token: ${{ secrets.MEILI_BOT_GH_PAT }}
title: Upgrade dependencies
body: |
We need to update the dependencies of the Meilisearch repository, and, if possible, the dependencies of all the engine-team repositories that Meilisearch depends on (charabia, heed...).
This issue is about updating Meilisearch dependencies:
- [ ] Cargo toml dependencies of Meilisearch; but also the main engine-team repositories that Meilisearch depends on (charabia, heed...)
- [ ] If new Rust versions have been released, update the Rust version in the Clippy job of this [GitHub Action file](./.github/workflows/rust.yml)
⚠️ This issue should only be done at the beginning of the sprint!
⚠️ To avoid last minute bugs, this issue should only be done at the beginning of the sprint!
The GitHub action dependencies are managed by [Dependabot](./.github/dependabot.yml)
labels: |
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ jobs:
type=raw,value=latest,enable=${{ steps.check-tag-format.outputs.stable == 'true' && steps.check-tag-format.outputs.latest == 'true' }}
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
push: true
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ jobs:
toolchain: stable
override: true
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
# Disable cache due to disk space issues with Windows workers in CI
# - name: Cache dependencies
# uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
- name: Run cargo check without any default features
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ jobs:
os: [macos-12, windows-2022]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
# - name: Cache dependencies
# uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
- name: Run cargo check without any default features
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
@ -83,8 +84,8 @@ jobs:
toolchain: stable
override: true
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
# - name: Cache dependencies
# uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
- name: Run tests in debug
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
@ -99,16 +100,17 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
profile: minimal
toolchain: stable
toolchain: 1.67.0
override: true
components: clippy
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
# - name: Cache dependencies
# uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
- name: Run cargo clippy
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: clippy
args: --all-targets -- --deny warnings
# allow unlined_format_args https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/10087
args: --all-targets -- --deny warnings --allow clippy::uninlined_format_args
name: Run Rustfmt
@ -121,8 +123,8 @@ jobs:
toolchain: nightly
override: true
components: rustfmt
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
# - name: Cache dependencies
# uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.2.0
- name: Run cargo fmt
# Since we never ran the `build.rs` script in the benchmark directory we are missing one auto-generated import file.
# Since we want to trigger (and fail) this action as fast as possible, instead of building the benchmark crate
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
name: Uffizzi - Build PR Image
types: [opened,synchronize,reopened,closed]
name: Build and push `meilisearch`
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
if: ${{ github.event.action != 'closed' }}
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
- name: Generate UUID image name
id: uuid
run: echo "UUID_TAG=$(uuidgen)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Docker metadata
id: meta
uses: docker/metadata-action@v3
images: registry.uffizzi.com/${{ env.UUID_TAG }}
tags: |
- name: Build Image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
context: ./
file: .github/uffizzi/Dockerfile
tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
push: true
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
name: Render Docker Compose File
# Pass output of this workflow to another triggered by `workflow_run` event.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- build-meilisearch
compose-file-cache-key: ${{ env.COMPOSE_FILE_HASH }}
- name: Checkout git repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Render Compose File
run: |
MEILISEARCH_IMAGE=$(echo ${{ needs.build-meilisearch.outputs.tags }})
# Render simple template from environment variables.
envsubst < .github/uffizzi/docker-compose.uffizzi.yml > docker-compose.rendered.yml
cat docker-compose.rendered.yml
- name: Upload Rendered Compose File as Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: preview-spec
path: docker-compose.rendered.yml
retention-days: 2
- name: Serialize PR Event to File
run: |
cat << EOF > event.json
${{ toJSON(github.event) }}
- name: Upload PR Event as Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: preview-spec
path: event.json
retention-days: 2
name: Call for Preview Deletion
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.action == 'closed' }}
# If this PR is closing, we will not render a compose file nor pass it to the next workflow.
- name: Serialize PR Event to File
run: |
cat << EOF > event.json
${{ toJSON(github.event) }}
- name: Upload PR Event as Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: preview-spec
path: event.json
retention-days: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
name: Uffizzi - Deploy Preview
- "Uffizzi - Build PR Image"
- completed
name: Cache Compose File
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' }}
compose-file-cache-key: ${{ env.COMPOSE_FILE_HASH }}
pr-number: ${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
expected-url: ${{ env.EXPECTED_URL }}
- name: 'Download artifacts'
# Fetch output (zip archive) from the workflow run that triggered this workflow.
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
let allArtifacts = await github.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
run_id: context.payload.workflow_run.id,
let matchArtifact = allArtifacts.data.artifacts.filter((artifact) => {
return artifact.name == "preview-spec"
let download = await github.rest.actions.downloadArtifact({
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
artifact_id: matchArtifact.id,
archive_format: 'zip',
let fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFileSync(`${process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/preview-spec.zip`, Buffer.from(download.data));
- name: 'Unzip artifact'
run: unzip preview-spec.zip
- name: Read Event into ENV
run: |
cat event.json >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Hash Rendered Compose File
id: hash
# If the previous workflow was triggered by a PR close event, we will not have a compose file artifact.
if: ${{ fromJSON(env.EVENT_JSON).action != 'closed' }}
run: echo "COMPOSE_FILE_HASH=$(md5sum docker-compose.rendered.yml | awk '{ print $1 }')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Cache Rendered Compose File
if: ${{ fromJSON(env.EVENT_JSON).action != 'closed' }}
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: docker-compose.rendered.yml
key: ${{ env.COMPOSE_FILE_HASH }}
- name: Read PR Number From Event Object
id: pr
run: echo "PR_NUMBER=${{ fromJSON(env.EVENT_JSON).number }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: DEBUG - Print Job Outputs
if: ${{ runner.debug }}
run: |
echo "PR number: ${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}"
echo "Compose file hash: ${{ env.COMPOSE_FILE_HASH }}"
cat event.json
- name: Add expected URL env var
if: ${{ runner.debug }}
run: |
REPO=$(echo ${{ github.repository }} | sed 's/\./+/g')
echo "EXPECTED_URL=${{ inputs.server }}/github.com/$REPO/pull/${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
name: Use Remote Workflow to Preview on Uffizzi
- cache-compose-file
uses: UffizziCloud/preview-action/.github/workflows/reusable.yaml@desc
# If this workflow was triggered by a PR close event, cache-key will be an empty string
# and this reusable workflow will delete the preview deployment.
compose-file-cache-key: ${{ needs.cache-compose-file.outputs.compose-file-cache-key }}
compose-file-cache-path: docker-compose.rendered.yml
server: https://app.uffizzi.com
pr-number: ${{ needs.cache-compose-file.outputs.pr-number }}
description: |
The meilisearch preview environment contains a web terminal from where you can run the
`meilisearch` command. You should be able to access this instance of meilisearch running in
the preview from the link Meilisearch Endpoint link given below.
Web Terminal Endpoint : ${{ needs.cache-compose-file.outputs.expected-url }}
Meilisearch Endpoint : ${{ needs.cache-compose-file.outputs.expected-url }}/meilisearch
contents: read
pull-requests: write
id-token: write
@ -52,6 +52,23 @@ cargo test
This command will be triggered to each PR as a requirement for merging it.
#### Snapshot-based tests
We are using [insta](https://insta.rs) to perform snapshot-based testing.
We recommend using the insta tooling (such as `cargo-insta`) to update the snapshots if they change following a PR.
New tests should use insta where possible rather than manual `assert` statements.
Furthermore, we provide some macros on top of insta, notably a way to use snapshot hashes instead of inline snapshots, saving a lot of space in the repository.
To effectively debug snapshot-based hashes, we recommend you export the `MEILI_TEST_FULL_SNAPS` environment variable so that snapshot are fully created locally:
export MEILI_TEST_FULL_SNAPS=true # add this to your .bashrc, .zshrc, ...
#### Test troubleshooting
If you get a "Too many open files" error you might want to increase the open file limit using this command:
@ -99,6 +116,30 @@ _[Read more about this](https://github.com/meilisearch/integration-guides/blob/m
The full Meilisearch release process is described in [this guide](https://github.com/meilisearch/engine-team/blob/main/resources/meilisearch-release.md). Please follow it carefully before doing any release.
### How to publish a prototype
Depending on the developed feature, you might need to provide a prototyped version of Meilisearch to make it easier to test by the users.
The prototype name must follow this convention: `prototype-X-Y` where
- `X` is the feature name formatted in `kebab-case`
- `Y` is the version of the prototype, starting from `0`.
Example: `prototype-auto-resize-0`.
Steps to create a prototype:
1. In your terminal, go to the last commit of your branch (the one you want to provide as a prototype).
2. Create a tag following the convention: `git tag prototype-X-Y`
3. Push the tag: `git push origin prototype-X-Y`
4. Check the [Docker CI](https://github.com/meilisearch/meilisearch/actions/workflows/publish-docker-images.yml) is now running.
🐳 Once the CI has finished to run (~1h30), a Docker image named `prototype-X-Y` will be available on [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/getmeili/meilisearch/general). People can use it with the following command: `docker run -p 7700:7700 -v $(pwd)/meili_data:/meili_data getmeili/meilisearch:prototype-X-Y`. <br>
More information about [how to run Meilisearch with Docker](https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/cookbooks/docker.html#download-meilisearch-with-docker).
⚙️ However, no binaries will be created. If the users do not use Docker, they can go to the `prototype-X-Y` tag in the Meilisearch repository and compile from the source code.
⚠️ When sharing a prototype with users, prevent them from using it in production. Prototypes are only for test purposes.
### Release assets
For each release, the following assets are created:
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "465a6172cf69b960917811022d8f29bc0b7fa1398bc4f78b3c466673db1213b6"
dependencies = [
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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checksum = "1fa9362663c8643d67b2d5eafba49e4cb2c8a053a29ed00a0bea121f17c76b13"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ version = "0.3.3"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "10f203db73a71dfa2fb6dd22763990fa26f3d2625a6da2da900d23b87d26be27"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
@ -341,9 +341,9 @@ version = "0.1.61"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "705339e0e4a9690e2908d2b3d049d85682cf19fbd5782494498fbf7003a6a282"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
@ -448,15 +448,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "bit-set"
version = "0.5.3"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "0700ddab506f33b20a03b13996eccd309a48e5ff77d0d95926aa0210fb4e95f1"
dependencies = [
name = "bit-vec"
version = "0.6.3"
@ -566,9 +557,9 @@ version = "1.3.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "5fe233b960f12f8007e3db2d136e3cb1c291bfd7396e384ee76025fc1a3932b4"
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"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
@ -761,9 +752,9 @@ checksum = "ea0c8bce528c4be4da13ea6fead8965e95b6073585a2f05204bd8f4119f82a65"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
@ -774,9 +765,9 @@ checksum = "0177313f9f02afc995627906bbd8967e2be069f5261954222dac78290c2b9014"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
@ -803,9 +794,9 @@ version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "1df715824eb382e34b7afb7463b0247bf41538aeba731fba05241ecdb5dc3747"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
@ -1056,10 +1047,10 @@ checksum = "a784d2ccaf7c98501746bf0be29b2022ba41fd62a2e622af997a03e9f972859f"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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checksum = "1f91d4cfa921f1c05904dc3c57b4a32c38aed3340cce209f3a6fd1478babafc4"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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checksum = "8f0314b72bed045f3a68671b3c86328386762c93f82d98c65c3cb5e5f573dd68"
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"syn 1.0.107",
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checksum = "4fb810d30a7c1953f91334de7244731fc3f3c10d7fe163338a35b9f640960321"
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"convert_case 0.4.0",
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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version = "0.3.0"
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checksum = "86290491a2b5c21a1a5083da8dae831006761258fabd5617309c3eebc5f89468"
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@ -1130,14 +1121,14 @@ dependencies = [
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checksum = "860928cd8af78d223a3d70dd581f21d7c3de8aa2eecd938e0c0a399ded7c1451"
dependencies = [
"convert_case 0.5.0",
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
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"syn 1.0.107",
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"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
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"syn 1.0.107",
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"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
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"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
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"syn 1.0.107",
@ -1747,8 +1738,8 @@ checksum = "2540771e65fc8cb83cd6e8a237f70c319bd5c29f78ed1084ba5d50eeac86f7f9"
name = "heed"
version = "0.12.4"
source = "git+https://github.com/meilisearch/heed?tag=v0.12.4#7a4542bc72dd60ef0f508c89900ea292218223fb"
version = "0.12.5"
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source = "git+https://github.com/meilisearch/heed?tag=v0.12.5#4158a6c484752afaaf9e2530a6ee0e7ab0f24ee8"
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version = "0.7.2"
source = "git+https://github.com/meilisearch/heed?tag=v0.12.4#7a4542bc72dd60ef0f508c89900ea292218223fb"
source = "git+https://github.com/meilisearch/heed?tag=v0.12.5#4158a6c484752afaaf9e2530a6ee0e7ab0f24ee8"
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"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
@ -2455,6 +2446,7 @@ dependencies = [
"bstr 1.1.0",
@ -2503,7 +2495,6 @@ dependencies = [
@ -2515,6 +2506,7 @@ dependencies = [
@ -2565,10 +2557,9 @@ dependencies = [
@ -2992,9 +2983,9 @@ checksum = "46b53634d8c8196302953c74d5352f33d0c512a9499bd2ce468fc9f4128fa27c"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
"quote 1.0.23",
"syn 1.0.107",
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checksum = "da25490ff9892aab3fcf7c36f08cfb902dd3e71ca0f9f9517bea02a73a5ce38c"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.49",
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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Install one of our SDKs in your project for seamless integration between Meilise
Take a look at the complete [Meilisearch integration list](https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/what_is_meilisearch/sdks.html).

## ⚙️ Advanced usage
@ -101,6 +101,14 @@ Meilisearch is a search engine created by [Meili](https://www.welcometothejungle
Thank you for your support!
## 📦 Internal crates and their versioning
## 👩💻 Contributing
The crates in this repository are not currently available on crates.io and do not follow [semver conventions](https://semver.org). However, the Meilisearch search engine is well versioned, and releases follow the semver conventions.
Meilisearch is, and will always be, open-source! If you want to contribute to the project, please take a look at [our contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).
## 📦 Versioning
Meilisearch releases and their associated binaries are available [in this GitHub page](https://github.com/meilisearch/meilisearch/releases).
The binaries are versioned following [SemVer conventions](https://semver.org/). To know more, read our [versioning policy](https://github.com/meilisearch/engine-team/blob/main/resources/versioning-policy.md).
Differently from the binaries, crates in this repository are not currently available on [crates.io](https://crates.io/) and do not follow [SemVer conventions](https://semver.org).
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ log_level = "INFO"
dump_dir = "dumps/"
# Sets the directory where Meilisearch will create dump files.
# https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/configuration/instance_options.html#dumps-destination
# https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/configuration/instance_options.html#dump-directory
# import_dump = "./path/to/my/file.dump"
# Imports the dump file located at the specified path. Path must point to a .dump file.
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ impl From<KindWithContent> for KindDump {
pub(crate) mod test {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::io::Seek;
use std::str::FromStr;
use big_s::S;
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
// create the dump
let mut file = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
dump.persist_to(&mut file).unwrap();
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ expression: products.settings().unwrap()
"filterableAttributes": [],
"sortableAttributes": [],
"rankingRules": [
@ -13,13 +13,17 @@ expression: movies.settings().unwrap()
"sortableAttributes": [
"rankingRules": [
"stopWords": [],
"synonyms": {},
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ expression: spells.settings().unwrap()
"filterableAttributes": [],
"sortableAttributes": [],
"rankingRules": [
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::str::FromStr;
use super::v2_to_v3::CompatV2ToV3;
@ -102,14 +101,15 @@ impl CompatIndexV1ToV2 {
impl From<v1::settings::Settings> for v2::Settings<v2::Unchecked> {
fn from(source: v1::settings::Settings) -> Self {
let displayed_attributes = source
.map(|opt| opt.map(|displayed_attributes| displayed_attributes.into_iter().collect()));
let attributes_for_faceting = source.attributes_for_faceting.map(|opt| {
opt.map(|attributes_for_faceting| attributes_for_faceting.into_iter().collect())
let ranking_rules = source.ranking_rules.map(|opt| {
opt.map(|ranking_rules| {
Self {
displayed_attributes: option_to_setting(source.displayed_attributes)
.map(|displayed| displayed.into_iter().collect()),
searchable_attributes: option_to_setting(source.searchable_attributes),
filterable_attributes: option_to_setting(source.attributes_for_faceting.clone())
.map(|filterable| filterable.into_iter().collect()),
sortable_attributes: option_to_setting(source.attributes_for_faceting)
.map(|sortable| sortable.into_iter().collect()),
ranking_rules: option_to_setting(source.ranking_rules).map(|ranking_rules| {
.filter_map(|ranking_rule| {
@ -119,26 +119,33 @@ impl From<v1::settings::Settings> for v2::Settings<v2::Unchecked> {
Err(()) => Some(ranking_rule),
Err(()) => {
"Could not import the following ranking rule: `{}`.",
Self {
searchable_attributes: source.searchable_attributes,
filterable_attributes: attributes_for_faceting,
stop_words: source.stop_words,
synonyms: source.synonyms,
distinct_attribute: source.distinct_attribute,
stop_words: option_to_setting(source.stop_words),
synonyms: option_to_setting(source.synonyms),
distinct_attribute: option_to_setting(source.distinct_attribute),
_kind: std::marker::PhantomData,
fn option_to_setting<T>(opt: Option<Option<T>>) -> v2::Setting<T> {
match opt {
Some(Some(t)) => v2::Setting::Set(t),
None => v2::Setting::NotSet,
Some(None) => v2::Setting::Reset,
impl From<v1::update::UpdateStatus> for Option<v2::updates::UpdateStatus> {
fn from(source: v1::update::UpdateStatus) -> Self {
use v1::update::UpdateStatus as UpdateStatusV1;
@ -251,38 +258,27 @@ impl From<v1::update::UpdateType> for Option<v2::updates::UpdateMeta> {
impl From<v1::settings::SettingsUpdate> for v2::Settings<v2::Unchecked> {
fn from(source: v1::settings::SettingsUpdate) -> Self {
let displayed_attributes: Option<Option<BTreeSet<String>>> =
let attributes_for_faceting: Option<Option<Vec<String>>> =
let ranking_rules: Option<Option<Vec<v1::settings::RankingRule>>> =
let ranking_rules = v2::Setting::from(source.ranking_rules);
// go from the concrete types of v1 (RankingRule) to the concrete type of v2 (Criterion),
// and then back to string as this is what the settings manipulate
let ranking_rules = ranking_rules.map(|opt| {
opt.map(|ranking_rules| {
// filter out the WordsPosition ranking rule that exists in v1 but not v2
.filter_map(|ranking_rule| {
.map(|criterion| criterion.to_string())
let ranking_rules = ranking_rules.map(|ranking_rules| {
// filter out the WordsPosition ranking rule that exists in v1 but not v2
.map(|criterion| criterion.to_string())
Self {
displayed_attributes: displayed_attributes.map(|opt| {
opt.map(|displayed_attributes| displayed_attributes.into_iter().collect())
displayed_attributes: v2::Setting::from(source.displayed_attributes)
.map(|displayed_attributes| displayed_attributes.into_iter().collect()),
searchable_attributes: source.searchable_attributes.into(),
filterable_attributes: attributes_for_faceting.map(|opt| {
opt.map(|attributes_for_faceting| attributes_for_faceting.into_iter().collect())
filterable_attributes: v2::Setting::from(source.attributes_for_faceting.clone())
.map(|attributes_for_faceting| attributes_for_faceting.into_iter().collect()),
sortable_attributes: v2::Setting::from(source.attributes_for_faceting)
.map(|attributes_for_faceting| attributes_for_faceting.into_iter().collect()),
stop_words: source.stop_words.into(),
synonyms: source.synonyms.into(),
@ -314,12 +310,12 @@ impl From<v1::settings::RankingRule> for Option<v2::settings::Criterion> {
impl<T> From<v1::settings::UpdateState<T>> for Option<Option<T>> {
impl<T> From<v1::settings::UpdateState<T>> for v2::Setting<T> {
fn from(source: v1::settings::UpdateState<T>) -> Self {
match source {
v1::settings::UpdateState::Update(new_value) => Some(Some(new_value)),
v1::settings::UpdateState::Clear => Some(None),
v1::settings::UpdateState::Nothing => None,
v1::settings::UpdateState::Update(new_value) => v2::Setting::Set(new_value),
v1::settings::UpdateState::Clear => v2::Setting::Reset,
v1::settings::UpdateState::Nothing => v2::Setting::NotSet,
@ -352,7 +348,7 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"ad6245d98d1a8e30535f3339a9a8d223");
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"2298010973ee98cf4670787314176a3a");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 9);
assert!(update_files[..].iter().all(|u| u.is_none())); // no update file in dumps v1
@ -361,28 +361,29 @@ impl From<String> for v3::Code {
fn option_to_setting<T>(opt: Option<Option<T>>) -> v3::Setting<T> {
match opt {
Some(Some(t)) => v3::Setting::Set(t),
None => v3::Setting::NotSet,
Some(None) => v3::Setting::Reset,
impl<A> From<v2::Setting<A>> for v3::Setting<A> {
fn from(setting: v2::Setting<A>) -> Self {
match setting {
v2::settings::Setting::Set(a) => v3::settings::Setting::Set(a),
v2::settings::Setting::Reset => v3::settings::Setting::Reset,
v2::settings::Setting::NotSet => v3::settings::Setting::NotSet,
impl<T> From<v2::Settings<T>> for v3::Settings<v3::Unchecked> {
fn from(settings: v2::Settings<T>) -> Self {
v3::Settings {
displayed_attributes: option_to_setting(settings.displayed_attributes),
searchable_attributes: option_to_setting(settings.searchable_attributes),
filterable_attributes: option_to_setting(settings.filterable_attributes)
.map(|f| f.into_iter().collect()),
sortable_attributes: v3::Setting::NotSet,
ranking_rules: option_to_setting(settings.ranking_rules).map(|criteria| {
displayed_attributes: settings.displayed_attributes.into(),
searchable_attributes: settings.searchable_attributes.into(),
filterable_attributes: settings.filterable_attributes.into(),
sortable_attributes: settings.sortable_attributes.into(),
ranking_rules: v3::Setting::from(settings.ranking_rules).map(|criteria| {
criteria.into_iter().map(|criterion| patch_ranking_rules(&criterion)).collect()
stop_words: option_to_setting(settings.stop_words),
synonyms: option_to_setting(settings.synonyms),
distinct_attribute: option_to_setting(settings.distinct_attribute),
stop_words: settings.stop_words.into(),
synonyms: settings.synonyms.into(),
distinct_attribute: settings.distinct_attribute.into(),
_kind: std::marker::PhantomData,
@ -394,6 +395,7 @@ fn patch_ranking_rules(ranking_rule: &str) -> String {
Ok(v2::settings::Criterion::Typo) => String::from("typo"),
Ok(v2::settings::Criterion::Proximity) => String::from("proximity"),
Ok(v2::settings::Criterion::Attribute) => String::from("attribute"),
Ok(v2::settings::Criterion::Sort) => String::from("sort"),
Ok(v2::settings::Criterion::Exactness) => String::from("exactness"),
Ok(v2::settings::Criterion::Asc(name)) => format!("{name}:asc"),
Ok(v2::settings::Criterion::Desc(name)) => format!("{name}:desc"),
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ impl From<v5::ResponseError> for v6::ResponseError {
"index_already_exists" => v6::Code::IndexAlreadyExists,
"index_not_found" => v6::Code::IndexNotFound,
"invalid_index_uid" => v6::Code::InvalidIndexUid,
"invalid_min_word_length_for_typo" => v6::Code::InvalidMinWordLengthForTypo,
"invalid_min_word_length_for_typo" => v6::Code::InvalidSettingsTypoTolerance,
"invalid_state" => v6::Code::InvalidState,
"primary_key_inference_failed" => v6::Code::IndexPrimaryKeyNoCandidateFound,
"index_primary_key_already_exists" => v6::Code::IndexPrimaryKeyAlreadyExists,
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"10c673c97f053830aa659876d7aa0b53");
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"41f91d3a94911b2735ec41b07540df5c");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 22);
assert!(update_files[0].is_none()); // the dump creation
assert!(update_files[1].is_some()); // the enqueued document addition
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"10c673c97f053830aa659876d7aa0b53");
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"41f91d3a94911b2735ec41b07540df5c");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 22);
assert!(update_files[0].is_none()); // the dump creation
assert!(update_files[1].is_some()); // the enqueued document addition
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"12eca43d5d1e1f334200eb4df653b0c9");
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"c2445ddd1785528b80f2ba534d3bd00c");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 10);
assert!(update_files[0].is_some()); // the enqueued document addition
assert!(update_files[1..].iter().all(|u| u.is_none())); // everything already processed
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"2f51c6345fabccf47b18c82bad618ffe");
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"cd12efd308fe3ed226356a727ab42ed3");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 10);
assert!(update_files[0].is_some()); // the enqueued document addition
assert!(update_files[1..].iter().all(|u| u.is_none())); // everything already processed
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"b27292d0bb86d4b4dd1b375a46b33890");
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"bc616290adfe7d09a624cf6065ca9069");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 9);
assert!(update_files[0].is_some()); // the enqueued document addition
assert!(update_files[1..].iter().all(|u| u.is_none())); // everything already processed
@ -530,6 +530,82 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(format!("{:#?}", documents), @"235016433dd04262c7f2da01d1e808ce");
fn import_dump_v2_from_meilisearch_v0_22_0_issue_3435() {
let dump = File::open("tests/assets/v2-v0.22.0.dump").unwrap();
let mut dump = DumpReader::open(dump).unwrap();
// top level infos
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(dump.date().unwrap(), @"2023-01-30 16:26:09.247261 +00:00:00");
assert_eq!(dump.instance_uid().unwrap(), None);
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"2db37756d8af1fb7623436b76e8956a6");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 8);
assert!(update_files[0..].iter().all(|u| u.is_none())); // everything already processed
// keys
let keys = dump.keys().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(keys), @"d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce");
// indexes
let mut indexes = dump.indexes().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
// the index are not ordered in any way by default
indexes.sort_by_key(|index| index.metadata().uid.to_string());
let mut products = indexes.pop().unwrap();
let mut movies = indexes.pop().unwrap();
let mut spells = indexes.pop().unwrap();
// products
insta::assert_json_snapshot!(products.metadata(), { ".createdAt" => "[now]", ".updatedAt" => "[now]" }, @r###"
"uid": "products",
"primaryKey": "sku",
"createdAt": "[now]",
"updatedAt": "[now]"
let documents = products.documents().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents.len(), 10);
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(format!("{:#?}", documents), @"548284a84de510f71e88e6cdea495cf5");
// movies
insta::assert_json_snapshot!(movies.metadata(), { ".createdAt" => "[now]", ".updatedAt" => "[now]" }, @r###"
"uid": "movies",
"primaryKey": "id",
"createdAt": "[now]",
"updatedAt": "[now]"
let documents = movies.documents().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents.len(), 10);
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(format!("{:#?}", documents), @"0227598af846e574139ee0b80e03a720");
// spells
insta::assert_json_snapshot!(spells.metadata(), { ".createdAt" => "[now]", ".updatedAt" => "[now]" }, @r###"
"uid": "dnd_spells",
"primaryKey": "index",
"createdAt": "[now]",
"updatedAt": "[now]"
let documents = spells.documents().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents.len(), 10);
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(format!("{:#?}", documents), @"235016433dd04262c7f2da01d1e808ce");
fn import_dump_v1() {
let dump = File::open("tests/assets/v1.dump").unwrap();
@ -542,7 +618,7 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"9725ccfceea3f8d5846c44006c9e1e7b");
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"8df6eab075a44b3c1af6b726f9fd9a43");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 9);
assert!(update_files[..].iter().all(|u| u.is_none())); // no update file in dump v1
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ expression: spells.settings().unwrap()
"filterableAttributes": [],
"sortableAttributes": [],
"rankingRules": [
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ expression: products.settings().unwrap()
"filterableAttributes": [],
"sortableAttributes": [],
"rankingRules": [
@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ expression: movies.settings().unwrap()
"sortableAttributes": [
"rankingRules": [
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
source: dump/src/reader/mod.rs
expression: spells.settings().unwrap()
"displayedAttributes": [
"searchableAttributes": [
"filterableAttributes": [],
"sortableAttributes": [],
"rankingRules": [
"stopWords": [],
"synonyms": {},
"distinctAttribute": null
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
source: dump/src/reader/mod.rs
expression: products.settings().unwrap()
"displayedAttributes": [
"searchableAttributes": [
"filterableAttributes": [],
"sortableAttributes": [],
"rankingRules": [
"stopWords": [],
"synonyms": {
"android": [
"iphone": [
"phone": [
"distinctAttribute": null
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
source: dump/src/reader/mod.rs
expression: movies.settings().unwrap()
"displayedAttributes": [
"searchableAttributes": [
"filterableAttributes": [
"sortableAttributes": [
"rankingRules": [
"stopWords": [],
"synonyms": {},
"distinctAttribute": null
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ use super::Document;
use crate::{IndexMetadata, Result, Version};
pub type Settings<T> = settings::Settings<T>;
pub type Setting<T> = settings::Setting<T>;
pub type Checked = settings::Checked;
pub type Unchecked = settings::Unchecked;
@ -306,4 +307,81 @@ pub(crate) mod test {
assert_eq!(documents.len(), 10);
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(format!("{:#?}", documents), @"235016433dd04262c7f2da01d1e808ce");
fn read_dump_v2_from_meilisearch_v0_22_0_issue_3435() {
let dump = File::open("tests/assets/v2-v0.22.0.dump").unwrap();
let dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut dump = BufReader::new(dump);
let gz = GzDecoder::new(&mut dump);
let mut archive = tar::Archive::new(gz);
let mut dump = V2Reader::open(dir).unwrap();
// top level infos
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(dump.date().unwrap(), @"2023-01-30 16:26:09.247261 +00:00:00");
// tasks
let tasks = dump.tasks().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
let (tasks, update_files): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tasks.into_iter().unzip();
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(meili_snap::json_string!(tasks), @"aca8ba13046272664eb3ea2da3031633");
assert_eq!(update_files.len(), 8);
assert!(update_files[0..].iter().all(|u| u.is_none())); // everything has already been processed
// indexes
let mut indexes = dump.indexes().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
// the index are not ordered in any way by default
indexes.sort_by_key(|index| index.metadata().uid.to_string());
let mut products = indexes.pop().unwrap();
let mut movies = indexes.pop().unwrap();
let mut spells = indexes.pop().unwrap();
// products
insta::assert_json_snapshot!(products.metadata(), { ".createdAt" => "[now]", ".updatedAt" => "[now]" }, @r###"
"uid": "products",
"primaryKey": "sku",
"createdAt": "[now]",
"updatedAt": "[now]"
let documents = products.documents().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents.len(), 10);
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(format!("{:#?}", documents), @"548284a84de510f71e88e6cdea495cf5");
// movies
insta::assert_json_snapshot!(movies.metadata(), { ".createdAt" => "[now]", ".updatedAt" => "[now]" }, @r###"
"uid": "movies",
"primaryKey": "id",
"createdAt": "[now]",
"updatedAt": "[now]"
let documents = movies.documents().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents.len(), 10);
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(format!("{:#?}", documents), @"0227598af846e574139ee0b80e03a720");
// spells
insta::assert_json_snapshot!(spells.metadata(), { ".createdAt" => "[now]", ".updatedAt" => "[now]" }, @r###"
"uid": "dnd_spells",
"primaryKey": "index",
"createdAt": "[now]",
"updatedAt": "[now]"
let documents = spells.documents().unwrap().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents.len(), 10);
meili_snap::snapshot_hash!(format!("{:#?}", documents), @"235016433dd04262c7f2da01d1e808ce");
@ -1,35 +1,33 @@
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::str::FromStr;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer};
fn serialize_with_wildcard<S>(
field: &Option<Option<Vec<String>>>,
field: &Setting<Vec<String>>,
s: S,
) -> std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: serde::Serializer,
let wildcard = vec!["*".to_string()];
s.serialize_some(&field.as_ref().map(|o| o.as_ref().unwrap_or(&wildcard)))
use serde::Serialize;
fn deserialize_some<'de, T, D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result<Option<T>, D::Error>
T: Deserialize<'de>,
D: Deserializer<'de>,
let wildcard = vec!["*".to_string()];
match field {
Setting::Set(value) => Some(value),
Setting::Reset => Some(&wildcard),
Setting::NotSet => None,
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub struct Checked;
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug, Deserialize)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub struct Unchecked;
@ -42,75 +40,54 @@ pub struct Unchecked;
pub struct Settings<T> {
deserialize_with = "deserialize_some",
serialize_with = "serialize_with_wildcard",
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"
skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set"
pub displayed_attributes: Option<Option<Vec<String>>>,
pub displayed_attributes: Setting<Vec<String>>,
deserialize_with = "deserialize_some",
serialize_with = "serialize_with_wildcard",
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"
skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set"
pub searchable_attributes: Option<Option<Vec<String>>>,
pub searchable_attributes: Setting<Vec<String>>,
deserialize_with = "deserialize_some",
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"
pub filterable_attributes: Option<Option<BTreeSet<String>>>,
deserialize_with = "deserialize_some",
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"
pub ranking_rules: Option<Option<Vec<String>>>,
deserialize_with = "deserialize_some",
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"
pub stop_words: Option<Option<BTreeSet<String>>>,
deserialize_with = "deserialize_some",
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"
pub synonyms: Option<Option<BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>>>,
deserialize_with = "deserialize_some",
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none"
pub distinct_attribute: Option<Option<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub filterable_attributes: Setting<BTreeSet<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub sortable_attributes: Setting<BTreeSet<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub ranking_rules: Setting<Vec<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub stop_words: Setting<BTreeSet<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub synonyms: Setting<BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub distinct_attribute: Setting<String>,
pub _kind: PhantomData<T>,
impl Settings<Unchecked> {
pub fn check(mut self) -> Settings<Checked> {
let displayed_attributes = match self.displayed_attributes.take() {
Some(Some(fields)) => {
pub fn check(self) -> Settings<Checked> {
let displayed_attributes = match self.displayed_attributes {
Setting::Set(fields) => {
if fields.iter().any(|f| f == "*") {
} else {
otherwise => otherwise,
let searchable_attributes = match self.searchable_attributes.take() {
Some(Some(fields)) => {
let searchable_attributes = match self.searchable_attributes {
Setting::Set(fields) => {
if fields.iter().any(|f| f == "*") {
} else {
otherwise => otherwise,
@ -120,6 +97,7 @@ impl Settings<Unchecked> {
filterable_attributes: self.filterable_attributes,
sortable_attributes: self.sortable_attributes,
ranking_rules: self.ranking_rules,
stop_words: self.stop_words,
synonyms: self.synonyms,
@ -129,10 +107,61 @@ impl Settings<Unchecked> {
static ASC_DESC_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> =
Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r#"(asc|desc)\(([\w_-]+)\)"#).unwrap());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Setting<T> {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
impl<T> Default for Setting<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<T> Setting<T> {
pub const fn is_not_set(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::NotSet)
pub fn map<A>(self, f: fn(T) -> A) -> Setting<A> {
match self {
Setting::Set(a) => Setting::Set(f(a)),
Setting::Reset => Setting::Reset,
Setting::NotSet => Setting::NotSet,
impl<T: serde::Serialize> serde::Serialize for Setting<T> {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: serde::Serializer,
match self {
Self::Set(value) => Some(value),
// Usually not_set isn't serialized by setting skip_serializing_if field attribute
Self::NotSet | Self::Reset => None,
impl<'de, T: Deserialize<'de>> Deserialize<'de> for Setting<T> {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer).map(|x| match x {
Some(x) => Self::Set(x),
None => Self::Reset, // Reset is forced by sending null value
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Criterion {
/// Sorted by decreasing number of matched query terms.
/// Query words at the front of an attribute is considered better than if it was at the back.
@ -142,8 +171,11 @@ pub enum Criterion {
/// Sorted by increasing distance between matched query terms.
/// Documents with quey words contained in more important
/// attributes are considred better.
/// attributes are considered better.
/// Dynamically sort at query time the documents. None, one or multiple Asc/Desc sortable
/// attributes can be used in place of this criterion at query time.
/// Sorted by the similarity of the matched words with the query words.
/// Sorted by the increasing value of the field specified.
@ -152,40 +184,86 @@ pub enum Criterion {
impl Criterion {
/// Returns the field name parameter of this criterion.
pub fn field_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
match self {
Criterion::Asc(name) | Criterion::Desc(name) => Some(name),
_otherwise => None,
impl FromStr for Criterion {
// since we're not going to show the custom error message we can override the
// error type.
type Err = ();
fn from_str(txt: &str) -> Result<Criterion, Self::Err> {
match txt {
fn from_str(text: &str) -> Result<Criterion, Self::Err> {
match text {
"words" => Ok(Criterion::Words),
"typo" => Ok(Criterion::Typo),
"proximity" => Ok(Criterion::Proximity),
"attribute" => Ok(Criterion::Attribute),
"sort" => Ok(Criterion::Sort),
"exactness" => Ok(Criterion::Exactness),
text => {
let caps = ASC_DESC_REGEX.captures(text).ok_or(())?;
let order = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str();
let field_name = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str();
match order {
"asc" => Ok(Criterion::Asc(field_name.to_string())),
"desc" => Ok(Criterion::Desc(field_name.to_string())),
_text => Err(()),
text => match AscDesc::from_str(text) {
Ok(AscDesc::Asc(field)) => Ok(Criterion::Asc(field)),
Ok(AscDesc::Desc(field)) => Ok(Criterion::Desc(field)),
Err(_) => Err(()),
impl Display for Criterion {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Criterion::Words => write!(f, "words"),
Criterion::Typo => write!(f, "typo"),
Criterion::Proximity => write!(f, "proximity"),
Criterion::Attribute => write!(f, "attribute"),
Criterion::Exactness => write!(f, "exactness"),
Criterion::Asc(field_name) => write!(f, "asc({})", field_name),
Criterion::Desc(field_name) => write!(f, "desc({})", field_name),
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AscDesc {
impl FromStr for AscDesc {
type Err = ();
// since we don't know if this comes from the old or new syntax we need to check
// for both syntax.
// WARN: this code doesn't come from the original meilisearch v0.22.0 but was
// written specifically to be able to import the dump of meilisearch v0.21.0 AND
// meilisearch v0.22.0.
fn from_str(text: &str) -> Result<AscDesc, Self::Err> {
if let Some((field_name, asc_desc)) = text.rsplit_once(':') {
match asc_desc {
"asc" => Ok(AscDesc::Asc(field_name.to_string())),
"desc" => Ok(AscDesc::Desc(field_name.to_string())),
_ => Err(()),
} else if text.starts_with("asc(") && text.ends_with(')') {
} else if text.starts_with("desc(") && text.ends_with(')') {
} else {
impl fmt::Display for Criterion {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use Criterion::*;
match self {
Words => f.write_str("words"),
Typo => f.write_str("typo"),
Proximity => f.write_str("proximity"),
Attribute => f.write_str("attribute"),
Sort => f.write_str("sort"),
Exactness => f.write_str("exactness"),
Asc(attr) => write!(f, "{}:asc", attr),
Desc(attr) => write!(f, "{}:desc", attr),
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
source: dump/src/reader/v2/mod.rs
expression: spells.settings().unwrap()
"displayedAttributes": [
"searchableAttributes": [
"filterableAttributes": [],
"sortableAttributes": [],
"rankingRules": [
"stopWords": [],
"synonyms": {},
"distinctAttribute": null
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
source: dump/src/reader/v2/mod.rs
expression: products.settings().unwrap()
"displayedAttributes": [
"searchableAttributes": [
"filterableAttributes": [],
"sortableAttributes": [],
"rankingRules": [
"stopWords": [],
"synonyms": {
"android": [
"iphone": [
"phone": [
"distinctAttribute": null
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
source: dump/src/reader/v2/mod.rs
expression: movies.settings().unwrap()
"displayedAttributes": [
"searchableAttributes": [
"filterableAttributes": [
"sortableAttributes": [
"rankingRules": [
"stopWords": [],
"synonyms": {},
"distinctAttribute": null
@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test-traits", derive(proptest_derive::Arbitrary))]
pub struct ResponseError {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test-traits", proptest(strategy = "strategy::status_code_strategy()"))]
pub code: StatusCode,
pub message: String,
#[serde(rename = "code")]
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ use serde::Deserialize;
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test-traits", derive(proptest_derive::Arbitrary))]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub struct ResponseError {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, ErrorKind, Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, ErrorKind, Seek};
use std::path::Path;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ impl V5Reader {
pub fn keys(&mut self) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<Key>> + '_>> {
(&mut self.keys).lines().map(|line| -> Result<_> { Ok(serde_json::from_str(&line?)?) }),
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::fs::File as StdFile;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
@ -11,10 +10,14 @@ const UPDATE_FILES_PATH: &str = "updates/updates_files";
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Could not parse file name as utf-8")]
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
PersistError(#[from] tempfile::PersistError),
UuidError(#[from] uuid::Error),
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
@ -33,13 +36,11 @@ impl DerefMut for File {
#[cfg_attr(test, faux::create)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FileStore {
path: PathBuf,
impl FileStore {
pub fn new(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<FileStore> {
let path = path.as_ref().to_path_buf();
@ -48,7 +49,6 @@ impl FileStore {
#[cfg_attr(test, faux::methods)]
impl FileStore {
/// Creates a new temporary update file.
/// A call to `persist` is needed to persist the file in the database.
@ -94,7 +94,17 @@ impl FileStore {
pub fn get_size(&self, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<u64> {
/// Compute the size of all the updates contained in the file store.
pub fn compute_total_size(&self) -> Result<u64> {
let mut total = 0;
for uuid in self.all_uuids()? {
total += self.compute_size(uuid?).unwrap_or_default();
/// Compute the size of one update
pub fn compute_size(&self, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<u64> {
@ -105,17 +115,12 @@ impl FileStore {
/// List the Uuids of the files in the FileStore
/// This function is meant to be used by tests only.
pub fn __all_uuids(&self) -> BTreeSet<Uuid> {
let mut uuids = BTreeSet::new();
for entry in self.path.read_dir().unwrap() {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
let uuid = Uuid::from_str(entry.file_name().to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
pub fn all_uuids(&self) -> Result<impl Iterator<Item = Result<Uuid>>> {
Ok(self.path.read_dir()?.map(|entry| {
@ -57,8 +57,10 @@ pub enum ExpectedValueKind {
pub enum ErrorKind<'a> {
ReservedGeo(&'a str),
@ -142,23 +144,29 @@ impl<'a> Display for Error<'a> {
writeln!(f, "Expression `{}` is missing the following closing delimiter: `{}`.", escaped_input, c)?
ErrorKind::InvalidPrimary if input.trim().is_empty() => {
writeln!(f, "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` but instead got nothing.")?
writeln!(f, "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, `_geoRadius`, or `_geoBoundingBox` but instead got nothing.")?
ErrorKind::InvalidPrimary => {
writeln!(f, "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `{}`.", escaped_input)?
writeln!(f, "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, `_geoRadius`, or `_geoBoundingBox` at `{}`.", escaped_input)?
ErrorKind::ExpectedEof => {
writeln!(f, "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `{}`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule.", escaped_input)?
ErrorKind::Geo => {
ErrorKind::GeoRadius => {
writeln!(f, "The `_geoRadius` filter expects three arguments: `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, radius)`.")?
ErrorKind::ReservedGeo(name) => {
writeln!(f, "`{}` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance) built-in rule to filter on `_geo` coordinates.", name.escape_debug())?
ErrorKind::GeoBoundingBox => {
writeln!(f, "The `_geoBoundingBox` filter expects two pairs of arguments: `_geoBoundingBox([latitude, longitude], [latitude, longitude])`.")?
ErrorKind::MisusedGeo => {
ErrorKind::ReservedGeo(name) => {
writeln!(f, "`{}` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance), or _geoBoundingBox([latitude, longitude], [latitude, longitude]) built-in rules to filter on `_geo` coordinates.", name.escape_debug())?
ErrorKind::MisusedGeoRadius => {
writeln!(f, "The `_geoRadius` filter is an operation and can't be used as a value.")?
ErrorKind::MisusedGeoBoundingBox => {
writeln!(f, "The `_geoBoundingBox` filter is an operation and can't be used as a value.")?
ErrorKind::ReservedKeyword(word) => {
writeln!(f, "`{word}` is a reserved keyword and thus cannot be used as a field name unless it is put inside quotes. Use \"{word}\" or \'{word}\' instead.")?
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
//! doubleQuoted = "\"" .* all but double quotes "\""
//! word = (alphanumeric | _ | - | .)+
//! geoRadius = "_geoRadius(" WS* float WS* "," WS* float WS* "," float WS* ")"
//! geoBoundingBox = "_geoBoundingBox([" WS * float WS* "," WS* float WS* "], [" WS* float WS* "," WS* float WS* "]")
//! ```
//! Other BNF grammar used to handle some specific errors:
@ -87,10 +88,15 @@ impl<'a> Token<'a> {
Self { span, value }
/// Returns the string contained in the span of the `Token`.
/// This is only useful in the tests. You should always use
/// the value.
pub fn lexeme(&self) -> &str {
/// Return the string contained in the token.
pub fn value(&self) -> &str {
self.value.as_ref().map_or(&self.span, |value| value)
@ -99,8 +105,13 @@ impl<'a> Token<'a> {
Error::new_from_external(self.span, error)
/// Returns a copy of the span this token was created with.
pub fn original_span(&self) -> Span<'a> {
pub fn parse_finite_float(&self) -> Result<f64, Error> {
let value: f64 = self.span.parse().map_err(|e| self.as_external_error(e))?;
let value: f64 = self.value().parse().map_err(|e| self.as_external_error(e))?;
if value.is_finite() {
} else {
@ -130,6 +141,7 @@ pub enum FilterCondition<'a> {
GeoLowerThan { point: [Token<'a>; 2], radius: Token<'a> },
GeoBoundingBox { top_left_point: [Token<'a>; 2], bottom_right_point: [Token<'a>; 2] },
impl<'a> FilterCondition<'a> {
@ -310,12 +322,12 @@ fn parse_geo_radius(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
// if we were able to parse `_geoRadius` and can't parse the rest of the input we return a failure
cut(delimited(char('('), separated_list1(tag(","), ws(recognize_float)), char(')'))),
.map_err(|e| e.map(|_| Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::Geo)));
.map_err(|e| e.map(|_| Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::GeoRadius)));
let (input, args) = parsed?;
if args.len() != 3 {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::Geo)));
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::GeoRadius)));
let res = FilterCondition::GeoLowerThan {
@ -325,6 +337,37 @@ fn parse_geo_radius(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
Ok((input, res))
/// geoBoundingBox = WS* "_geoBoundingBox([float WS* "," WS* float WS* "], [float WS* "," WS* float WS* "]")
/// If we parse `_geoBoundingBox` we MUST parse the rest of the expression.
fn parse_geo_bounding_box(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
// we want to allow space BEFORE the _geoBoundingBox but not after
let parsed = preceded(
tuple((multispace0, word_exact("_geoBoundingBox"))),
// if we were able to parse `_geoBoundingBox` and can't parse the rest of the input we return a failure
ws(delimited(char('['), separated_list1(tag(","), ws(recognize_float)), char(']'))),
.map_err(|e| e.map(|_| Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::GeoBoundingBox)));
let (input, args) = parsed?;
if args.len() != 2 || args[0].len() != 2 || args[1].len() != 2 {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::GeoBoundingBox)));
let res = FilterCondition::GeoBoundingBox {
top_left_point: [args[0][0].into(), args[0][1].into()],
bottom_right_point: [args[1][0].into(), args[1][1].into()],
Ok((input, res))
/// geoPoint = WS* "_geoPoint(float WS* "," WS* float WS* "," WS* float)
fn parse_geo_point(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
// we want to forbid space BEFORE the _geoPoint but not after
@ -367,6 +410,7 @@ fn parse_primary(input: Span, depth: usize) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
@ -468,6 +512,12 @@ pub mod tests {
// Test geo radius
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("_geoRadius(12, 13, 14)"), @"_geoRadius({12}, {13}, {14})");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("NOT _geoRadius(12, 13, 14)"), @"NOT (_geoRadius({12}, {13}, {14}))");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("_geoRadius(12,13,14)"), @"_geoRadius({12}, {13}, {14})");
// Test geo bounding box
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("_geoBoundingBox([12, 13], [14, 15])"), @"_geoBoundingBox([{12}, {13}], [{14}, {15}])");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("NOT _geoBoundingBox([12, 13], [14, 15])"), @"NOT (_geoBoundingBox([{12}, {13}], [{14}, {15}]))");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("_geoBoundingBox([12,13],[14,15])"), @"_geoBoundingBox([{12}, {13}], [{14}, {15}])");
// Test OR + AND
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain'"), @"AND[{channel} = {ponce}, {dog race} != {bernese mountain}, ]");
@ -512,7 +562,7 @@ pub mod tests {
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("channel = "), @r###"
Was expecting a value but instead got nothing.
14:14 channel =
14:14 channel =
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("channel = 🐻"), @r###"
@ -526,7 +576,7 @@ pub mod tests {
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("'OR'"), @r###"
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `\'OR\'`.
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, `_geoRadius`, or `_geoBoundingBox` at `\'OR\'`.
1:5 'OR'
@ -536,12 +586,12 @@ pub mod tests {
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("channel Ponce"), @r###"
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `channel Ponce`.
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, `_geoRadius`, or `_geoBoundingBox` at `channel Ponce`.
1:14 channel Ponce
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("channel = Ponce OR"), @r###"
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` but instead got nothing.
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, `_geoRadius`, or `_geoBoundingBox` but instead got nothing.
19:19 channel = Ponce OR
@ -555,13 +605,28 @@ pub mod tests {
1:16 _geoRadius = 12
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("_geoBoundingBox"), @r###"
The `_geoBoundingBox` filter expects two pairs of arguments: `_geoBoundingBox([latitude, longitude], [latitude, longitude])`.
1:16 _geoBoundingBox
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("_geoBoundingBox = 12"), @r###"
The `_geoBoundingBox` filter expects two pairs of arguments: `_geoBoundingBox([latitude, longitude], [latitude, longitude])`.
1:21 _geoBoundingBox = 12
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("_geoBoundingBox(1.0, 1.0)"), @r###"
The `_geoBoundingBox` filter expects two pairs of arguments: `_geoBoundingBox([latitude, longitude], [latitude, longitude])`.
1:26 _geoBoundingBox(1.0, 1.0)
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("_geoPoint(12, 13, 14)"), @r###"
`_geoPoint` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance) built-in rule to filter on `_geo` coordinates.
`_geoPoint` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance), or _geoBoundingBox([latitude, longitude], [latitude, longitude]) built-in rules to filter on `_geo` coordinates.
1:22 _geoPoint(12, 13, 14)
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("position <= _geoPoint(12, 13, 14)"), @r###"
`_geoPoint` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance) built-in rule to filter on `_geo` coordinates.
`_geoPoint` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance), or _geoBoundingBox([latitude, longitude], [latitude, longitude]) built-in rules to filter on `_geo` coordinates.
13:34 position <= _geoPoint(12, 13, 14)
@ -591,12 +656,12 @@ pub mod tests {
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("colour NOT EXIST"), @r###"
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `colour NOT EXIST`.
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, `_geoRadius`, or `_geoBoundingBox` at `colour NOT EXIST`.
1:17 colour NOT EXIST
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(p("subscribers 100 TO1000"), @r###"
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `subscribers 100 TO1000`.
Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `IN`, `NOT IN`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, `_geoRadius`, or `_geoBoundingBox` at `subscribers 100 TO1000`.
1:23 subscribers 100 TO1000
@ -715,6 +780,16 @@ impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for FilterCondition<'a> {
FilterCondition::GeoLowerThan { point, radius } => {
write!(f, "_geoRadius({}, {}, {})", point[0], point[1], radius)
FilterCondition::GeoBoundingBox { top_left_point, bottom_right_point } => {
"_geoBoundingBox([{}, {}], [{}, {}])",
@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ use nom::sequence::{delimited, terminated};
use nom::{InputIter, InputLength, InputTake, Slice};
use crate::error::{ExpectedValueKind, NomErrorExt};
use crate::{parse_geo_point, parse_geo_radius, Error, ErrorKind, IResult, Span, Token};
use crate::{
parse_geo_bounding_box, parse_geo_point, parse_geo_radius, Error, ErrorKind, IResult, Span,
/// This function goes through all characters in the [Span] if it finds any escaped character (`\`).
/// It generates a new string with all `\` removed from the [Span].
@ -91,11 +94,31 @@ pub fn parse_value(input: Span) -> IResult<Token> {
match parse_geo_radius(input) {
Ok(_) => return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::MisusedGeo))),
Ok(_) => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::MisusedGeoRadius)))
// if we encountered a failure it means the user badly wrote a _geoRadius filter.
// But instead of showing him how to fix his syntax we are going to tell him he should not use this filter as a value.
// But instead of showing them how to fix his syntax we are going to tell them they should not use this filter as a value.
Err(e) if e.is_failure() => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::MisusedGeo)))
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::MisusedGeoRadius)))
_ => (),
match parse_geo_bounding_box(input) {
Ok(_) => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(
// if we encountered a failure it means the user badly wrote a _geoBoundingBox filter.
// But instead of showing them how to fix his syntax we are going to tell them they should not use this filter as a value.
Err(e) if e.is_failure() => {
return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(
_ => (),
@ -155,7 +178,7 @@ fn is_syntax_component(c: char) -> bool {
fn is_keyword(s: &str) -> bool {
matches!(s, "AND" | "OR" | "IN" | "NOT" | "TO" | "EXISTS" | "_geoRadius")
matches!(s, "AND" | "OR" | "IN" | "NOT" | "TO" | "EXISTS" | "_geoRadius" | "_geoBoundingBox")
@ -19,10 +19,16 @@ use crate::KindWithContent;
/// Only the non-prioritised tasks that can be grouped in a batch have a corresponding [`AutobatchKind`]
enum AutobatchKind {
DocumentImport { method: IndexDocumentsMethod, allow_index_creation: bool },
DocumentImport {
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<String>,
Settings { allow_index_creation: bool },
Settings {
allow_index_creation: bool,
@ -38,14 +44,24 @@ impl AutobatchKind {
_ => None,
fn primary_key(&self) -> Option<Option<&str>> {
match self {
AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { primary_key, .. } => Some(primary_key.as_deref()),
_ => None,
impl From<KindWithContent> for AutobatchKind {
fn from(kind: KindWithContent) -> Self {
match kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { method, allow_index_creation, .. } => {
AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation }
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
} => AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key },
KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentDeletion,
KindWithContent::DocumentClear { .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentClear,
KindWithContent::SettingsUpdate { allow_index_creation, is_deletion, .. } => {
@ -75,6 +91,7 @@ pub enum BatchKind {
DocumentImport {
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<String>,
import_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
DocumentDeletion {
@ -89,6 +106,7 @@ pub enum BatchKind {
settings_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<String>,
import_ids: Vec<TaskId>,
Settings {
@ -120,6 +138,16 @@ impl BatchKind {
_ => None,
fn primary_key(&self) -> Option<Option<&str>> {
match self {
BatchKind::DocumentImport { primary_key, .. }
| BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { primary_key, .. } => {
_ => None,
impl BatchKind {
@ -131,6 +159,7 @@ impl BatchKind {
pub fn new(
task_id: TaskId,
kind: KindWithContent,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> (ControlFlow<BatchKind, BatchKind>, bool) {
use AutobatchKind as K;
@ -140,10 +169,25 @@ impl BatchKind {
K::IndexUpdate => (Break(BatchKind::IndexUpdate { id: task_id }), false),
K::IndexSwap => (Break(BatchKind::IndexSwap { id: task_id }), false),
K::DocumentClear => (Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: vec![task_id] }), false),
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation } => (
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentImport {
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key: pk }
if primary_key.is_none() || pk.is_none() || primary_key == pk.as_deref() =>
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentImport {
primary_key: pk,
import_ids: vec![task_id],
// if the primary key set in the task was different than ours we should stop and make this batch fail asap.
K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key } => (
Break(BatchKind::DocumentImport {
import_ids: vec![task_id],
@ -163,7 +207,7 @@ impl BatchKind {
/// To ease the writting of the code. `true` can be returned when you don't need to create an index
/// but false can't be returned if you needs to create an index.
fn accumulate(self, id: TaskId, kind: AutobatchKind, index_already_exists: bool) -> ControlFlow<BatchKind, BatchKind> {
fn accumulate(self, id: TaskId, kind: AutobatchKind, index_already_exists: bool, primary_key: Option<&str>) -> ControlFlow<BatchKind, BatchKind> {
use AutobatchKind as K;
match (self, kind) {
@ -173,11 +217,39 @@ impl BatchKind {
(this, kind) if !index_already_exists && this.allow_index_creation() == Some(false) && kind.allow_index_creation() == Some(true) => {
// NOTE: We need to negate the whole condition since we're checking if we need to break instead of continue.
// I wrote it this way because it's easier to understand than the other way around.
(this, kind) if !(
// 1. If both task don't interact with primary key -> we can continue
(this.primary_key().is_none() && kind.primary_key().is_none()) ||
// 2. Else ->
// 2.1 If we already have a primary-key ->
primary_key.is_some() &&
// 2.1.1 If the task we're trying to accumulate have a pk it must be equal to our primary key
// 2.1.2 If the task don't have a primary-key -> we can continue
kind.primary_key().map_or(true, |pk| pk == primary_key)
) ||
// 2.2 If we don't have a primary-key ->
// 2.2.1 If both the batch and the task have a primary key they should be equal
// 2.2.2 If the batch is set to Some(None), the task should be too
// 2.2.3 If the batch is set to None -> we can continue
this.primary_key().zip(kind.primary_key()).map_or(true, |(this, kind)| this == kind)
) // closing the negation
=> {
// The index deletion can batch with everything but must stop after
BatchKind::DocumentClear { mut ids }
| BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: mut ids }
| BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, import_ids: mut ids }
| BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, primary_key: _, import_ids: mut ids }
| BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation: _, settings_ids: mut ids },
) => {
@ -186,7 +258,7 @@ impl BatchKind {
BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { settings_ids: mut ids, allow_index_creation: _, mut other }
| BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { import_ids: mut ids, method: _, allow_index_creation: _, settings_ids: mut other },
| BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { import_ids: mut ids, method: _, allow_index_creation: _, primary_key: _, settings_ids: mut other },
) => {
@ -206,7 +278,7 @@ impl BatchKind {
K::DocumentImport { .. } | K::Settings { .. },
) => Break(this),
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, import_ids: mut ids },
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, primary_key: _, import_ids: mut ids },
) => {
@ -215,24 +287,27 @@ impl BatchKind {
// we can autobatch the same kind of document additions / updates
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation, mut import_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, .. },
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _, mut import_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, primary_key: pk, .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentImport {
method: ReplaceDocuments,
primary_key: pk,
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, mut import_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, .. },
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _, mut import_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, primary_key: pk, .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::DocumentImport {
method: UpdateDocuments,
primary_key: pk,
@ -245,12 +320,13 @@ impl BatchKind {
) => Break(this),
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, import_ids },
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, primary_key, import_ids },
K::Settings { .. },
) => Continue(BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport {
settings_ids: vec![id],
@ -327,7 +403,7 @@ impl BatchKind {
BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: _, import_ids: mut other, allow_index_creation },
BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: _, import_ids: mut other, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _ },
) => {
@ -339,26 +415,28 @@ impl BatchKind {
BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: ReplaceDocuments, mut import_ids, allow_index_creation },
K::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, .. },
BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: ReplaceDocuments, mut import_ids, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _},
K::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, primary_key: pk2, .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport {
method: ReplaceDocuments,
primary_key: pk2,
BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, mut import_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, .. },
BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, primary_key: _, mut import_ids },
K::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, primary_key: pk2, .. },
) => {
Continue(BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport {
method: UpdateDocuments,
primary_key: pk2,
@ -369,7 +447,7 @@ impl BatchKind {
K::DocumentDeletion | K::DocumentImport { .. },
) => Break(this),
BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { mut settings_ids, method, allow_index_creation, import_ids },
BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { mut settings_ids, method, allow_index_creation,primary_key, import_ids },
K::Settings { .. },
) => {
@ -377,6 +455,7 @@ impl BatchKind {
@ -406,6 +485,7 @@ impl BatchKind {
pub fn autobatch(
enqueued: Vec<(TaskId, KindWithContent)>,
index_already_exists: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> Option<(BatchKind, bool)> {
let mut enqueued = enqueued.into_iter();
let (id, kind) = enqueued.next()?;
@ -413,7 +493,7 @@ pub fn autobatch(
// index_exist will keep track of if the index should exist at this point after the tasks we batched.
let mut index_exist = index_already_exists;
let (mut acc, must_create_index) = match BatchKind::new(id, kind) {
let (mut acc, must_create_index) = match BatchKind::new(id, kind, primary_key) {
(Continue(acc), create) => (acc, create),
(Break(acc), create) => return Some((acc, create)),
@ -422,7 +502,7 @@ pub fn autobatch(
index_exist |= must_create_index;
for (id, kind) in enqueued {
acc = match acc.accumulate(id, kind.into(), index_exist) {
acc = match acc.accumulate(id, kind.into(), index_exist, primary_key) {
Continue(acc) => acc,
Break(acc) => return Some((acc, must_create_index)),
@ -441,18 +521,24 @@ mod tests {
fn autobatch_from(
index_already_exists: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
input: impl IntoIterator<Item = KindWithContent>,
) -> Option<(BatchKind, bool)> {
input.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(id, kind)| (id as TaskId, kind)).collect(),
fn doc_imp(method: IndexDocumentsMethod, allow_index_creation: bool) -> KindWithContent {
fn doc_imp(
method: IndexDocumentsMethod,
allow_index_creation: bool,
primary_key: Option<&str>,
) -> KindWithContent {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: String::from("doggo"),
primary_key: None,
primary_key: primary_key.map(|pk| pk.to_string()),
content_file: Uuid::new_v4(),
documents_count: 0,
@ -502,226 +588,268 @@ mod tests {
fn autobatch_simple_operation_together() {
// we can autobatch one or multiple `ReplaceDocuments` together.
// if the index exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true ), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true )]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, false ), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false )]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, false , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false , None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// if it doesn't exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true ), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true )]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true ), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true )]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true , None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true , None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple `UpdateDocuments` together.
// if the index exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// if it doesn't exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple DocumentDeletion together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
// we can autobatch one or multiple Settings together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [settings(false), settings(false), settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false), settings(false), settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [settings(false), settings(false), settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false), settings(false), settings(false)]), @"Some((Settings { allow_index_creation: false, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] }, false))");
fn simple_document_operation_dont_autobatch_with_other() {
// addition, updates and deletion can't batch together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_del(), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_create()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_del(), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_update()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_del(), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_swap()]), @"Some((DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] }, false))");
fn document_addition_batch_with_settings() {
// simple case
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
// multiple settings and doc addition
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [2, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [2, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [2, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [2, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
// addition and setting unordered
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1, 3], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1, 3], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 2] }, true))");
// We ensure this kind of batch doesn't batch with forbidden operations
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
fn clear_and_additions() {
// these two doesn't need to batch
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
// Basic use case
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
// This batch kind doesn't mix with other document addition
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] }, true))");
// But you can batch multiple clear together
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }, true))");
fn clear_and_additions_and_settings() {
// A clear don't need to autobatch the settings that happens AFTER there is no documents
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentClear { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [settings(true), doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some((ClearAndSettings { other: [1], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((ClearAndSettings { other: [0, 2], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((ClearAndSettings { other: [0, 2], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some((ClearAndSettings { other: [1], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((ClearAndSettings { other: [0, 2], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some((ClearAndSettings { other: [0, 2], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [1] }, true))");
fn anything_and_index_deletion() {
// The `IndexDeletion` doesn't batch with anything that happens AFTER.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [idx_del(), settings(false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [idx_del(), settings(false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [idx_del(), settings(false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [idx_del(), settings(false)]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0] }, false))");
// The index deletion can accept almost any type of `BatchKind` and transform it to an `IndexDeletion`.
// First, the basic cases
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
// Then the mixed cases.
// The index already exists, whatever is the right of the tasks it shouldn't change the result.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,true), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,true), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false, None), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false, None), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false, None), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false, None), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,true, None), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,true, None), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
// When the index doesn't exists yet it's more complicated.
// Either the first task we encounter create it, in which case we can create a big batch with everything.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
// The right of the tasks following isn't really important.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,true), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,true), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,true, None), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,true, None), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true, None), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, true))");
// Or, the second case; the first task doesn't create the index and thus we wants to batch it with only tasks that can't create an index.
// that can be a second task that don't have the right to create an index. Or anything that can't create an index like an index deletion, document deletion, document clear, etc.
// All theses tasks are going to throw an error `Index doesn't exist` once the batch is processed.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false, None), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), settings(false), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false, None), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), settings(false), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] }, false))");
// The third and final case is when the first task doesn't create an index but is directly followed by a task creating an index. In this case we can't batch whith what
// follows because we first need to process the erronous batch.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false, None), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments,false, None), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, false, None), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
fn allowed_and_disallowed_index_creation() {
// `DocumentImport` can't be mixed with those disallowed to do so except if the index already exists.
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, false))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(false,None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false, None), settings(true)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, false))");
fn autobatch_primary_key() {
// ==> If I have a pk
// With a single update
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// With a multiple updates
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, Some("id"), [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// ==> If I don't have a pk
// With a single update
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("other"))]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("other"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
// With a multiple updates
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0, 1] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id"))]), @"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: None, import_ids: [0] }, true))");
debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from(true, None, [doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, Some("id")), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true, None)]), @r###"Some((DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, primary_key: Some("id"), import_ids: [0] }, true))"###);
@ -217,7 +217,8 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
let mut documents_counts = Vec::new();
let mut content_files = Vec::new();
for task in &tasks {
for task in tasks.iter() {
match task.kind {
KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
@ -325,6 +326,7 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
} => {
let settings = self.create_next_batch_index(
@ -337,7 +339,12 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
let document_import = self.create_next_batch_index(
BatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, import_ids },
BatchKind::DocumentImport {
@ -467,6 +474,12 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
let index_already_exists = self.index_mapper.exists(rtxn, index_name)?;
let mut primary_key = None;
if index_already_exists {
let index = self.index_mapper.index(rtxn, index_name)?;
let rtxn = index.read_txn()?;
primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn)?.map(|pk| pk.to_string());
let index_tasks = self.index_tasks(rtxn, index_name)? & enqueued;
@ -484,7 +497,7 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
if let Some((batchkind, create_index)) =
autobatcher::autobatch(enqueued, index_already_exists)
autobatcher::autobatch(enqueued, index_already_exists, primary_key.as_deref())
return self.create_next_batch_index(
@ -947,9 +960,9 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
/// ## Return
/// The list of processed tasks.
fn apply_index_operation<'txn, 'i>(
fn apply_index_operation<'i>(
index_wtxn: &'txn mut RwTxn<'i, '_>,
index_wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'i, '_>,
index: &'i Index,
operation: IndexOperation,
) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
@ -985,17 +998,31 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
let mut primary_key_has_been_set = false;
let must_stop_processing = self.must_stop_processing.clone();
let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config();
// TODO use the code from the IndexCreate operation
if let Some(primary_key) = primary_key {
if index.primary_key(index_wtxn)?.is_none() {
let mut builder =
milli::update::Settings::new(index_wtxn, index, indexer_config);
|indexing_step| debug!("update: {:?}", indexing_step),
|| must_stop_processing.clone().get(),
primary_key_has_been_set = true;
match index.primary_key(index_wtxn)? {
// if a primary key was set AND had already been defined in the index
// but to a different value, we can make the whole batch fail.
Some(pk) => {
if primary_key != pk {
return Err(milli::Error::from(
// if the primary key was set and there was no primary key set for this index
// we set it to the received value before starting the indexing process.
None => {
let mut builder =
milli::update::Settings::new(index_wtxn, index, indexer_config);
|indexing_step| debug!("update: {:?}", indexing_step),
|| must_stop_processing.clone().get(),
primary_key_has_been_set = true;
@ -1059,7 +1086,8 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
task.status = Status::Failed;
task.details = Some(Details::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
received_documents: count,
indexed_documents: Some(count),
// if there was an error we indexed 0 documents.
indexed_documents: Some(0),
task.error = Some(error.into())
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ pub enum Error {
InvalidIndexUid { index_uid: String },
#[error("Task `{0}` not found.")]
#[error("Query parameters to filter the tasks to delete are missing. Available query parameters are: `uids`, `indexUids`, `statuses`, `types`, `beforeEnqueuedAt`, `afterEnqueuedAt`, `beforeStartedAt`, `afterStartedAt`, `beforeFinishedAt`, `afterFinishedAt`.")]
#[error("Query parameters to filter the tasks to delete are missing. Available query parameters are: `uids`, `indexUids`, `statuses`, `types`, `canceledBy`, `beforeEnqueuedAt`, `afterEnqueuedAt`, `beforeStartedAt`, `afterStartedAt`, `beforeFinishedAt`, `afterFinishedAt`.")]
#[error("Query parameters to filter the tasks to cancel are missing. Available query parameters are: `uids`, `indexUids`, `statuses`, `types`, `beforeEnqueuedAt`, `afterEnqueuedAt`, `beforeStartedAt`, `afterStartedAt`, `beforeFinishedAt`, `afterFinishedAt`.")]
#[error("Query parameters to filter the tasks to cancel are missing. Available query parameters are: `uids`, `indexUids`, `statuses`, `types`, `canceledBy`, `beforeEnqueuedAt`, `afterEnqueuedAt`, `beforeStartedAt`, `afterStartedAt`, `beforeFinishedAt`, `afterFinishedAt`.")]
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ impl ErrorCode for Error {
Error::IndexAlreadyExists(_) => Code::IndexAlreadyExists,
Error::SwapDuplicateIndexesFound(_) => Code::InvalidSwapDuplicateIndexFound,
Error::SwapDuplicateIndexFound(_) => Code::InvalidSwapDuplicateIndexFound,
Error::SwapIndexNotFound(_) => Code::InvalidSwapIndexes,
Error::SwapIndexesNotFound(_) => Code::InvalidSwapIndexes,
Error::SwapIndexNotFound(_) => Code::IndexNotFound,
Error::SwapIndexesNotFound(_) => Code::IndexNotFound,
Error::InvalidTaskDate { field, .. } => (*field).into(),
Error::InvalidTaskUids { .. } => Code::InvalidTaskUids,
Error::InvalidTaskStatuses { .. } => Code::InvalidTaskStatuses,
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::fmt::Write;
use meilisearch_types::heed::types::{OwnedType, SerdeBincode, SerdeJson, Str};
@ -92,7 +93,9 @@ pub fn snapshot_index_scheduler(scheduler: &IndexScheduler) -> String {
pub fn snapshot_file_store(file_store: &file_store::FileStore) -> String {
let mut snap = String::new();
for uuid in file_store.__all_uuids() {
// we store the uuid in a `BTreeSet` to keep them ordered.
let all_uuids = file_store.all_uuids().unwrap().collect::<Result<BTreeSet<_>, _>>().unwrap();
for uuid in all_uuids {
@ -453,6 +453,10 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
pub fn size(&self) -> Result<u64> {
/// Return the index corresponding to the name.
/// * If the index wasn't opened before, the index will be opened.
@ -503,13 +507,22 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
if let Some(canceled_by) = &query.canceled_by {
let mut all_canceled_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for cancel_task_uid in canceled_by {
if let Some(canceled_by_uid) =
self.canceled_by.get(rtxn, &BEU32::new(*cancel_task_uid))?
tasks &= canceled_by_uid;
all_canceled_tasks |= canceled_by_uid;
// if the canceled_by has been specified but no task
// matches then we prefer matching zero than all tasks.
if all_canceled_tasks.is_empty() {
return Ok(RoaringBitmap::new());
} else {
tasks &= all_canceled_tasks;
if let Some(kind) = &query.types {
@ -890,6 +903,11 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
/// The size on disk taken by all the updates files contained in the `IndexScheduler`, in bytes.
pub fn compute_update_file_size(&self) -> Result<u64> {
/// Delete a file from the index scheduler.
/// Counterpart to the [`create_update_file`](IndexScheduler::create_update_file) method.
@ -1992,7 +2010,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -2039,7 +2057,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -2091,7 +2109,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -2142,7 +2160,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -2193,7 +2211,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -2847,7 +2865,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -2910,7 +2928,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -2970,7 +2988,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -3027,7 +3045,361 @@ mod tests {
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
fn test_document_addition_with_multiple_primary_key() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
for (id, primary_key) in ["id", "bork", "bloup"].iter().enumerate() {
let content = format!(
"id": {id},
"doggo": "jean bob"
let (uuid, mut file) =
index_scheduler.create_update_file_with_uuid(id as u128).unwrap();
let documents_count = read_json(content.as_bytes(), file.as_file_mut()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents_count, 1);
.register(KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: S("doggos"),
primary_key: Some(S(primary_key)),
method: ReplaceDocuments,
content_file: uuid,
allow_index_creation: true,
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "after_registering_the_3_tasks");
// A first batch should be processed with only the first documentAddition.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "only_first_task_succeed");
// The second batch should fail.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "second_task_fails");
// The second batch should fail.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "third_task_fails");
// Is the primary key still what we expect?
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key, @"id");
// Is the document still the one we expect?.
let field_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap();
let field_ids = field_ids_map.ids().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let documents = index
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
fn test_document_addition_with_multiple_primary_key_batch_wrong_key() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
for (id, primary_key) in ["id", "bork", "bork"].iter().enumerate() {
let content = format!(
"id": {id},
"doggo": "jean bob"
let (uuid, mut file) =
index_scheduler.create_update_file_with_uuid(id as u128).unwrap();
let documents_count = read_json(content.as_bytes(), file.as_file_mut()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents_count, 1);
.register(KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: S("doggos"),
primary_key: Some(S(primary_key)),
method: ReplaceDocuments,
content_file: uuid,
allow_index_creation: true,
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "after_registering_the_3_tasks");
// A first batch should be processed with only the first documentAddition.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "only_first_task_succeed");
// The second batch should fail and contains two tasks.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "second_and_third_tasks_fails");
// Is the primary key still what we expect?
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key, @"id");
// Is the document still the one we expect?.
let field_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap();
let field_ids = field_ids_map.ids().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let documents = index
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
fn test_document_addition_with_bad_primary_key() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
for (id, primary_key) in ["bork", "bork", "id", "bork", "id"].iter().enumerate() {
let content = format!(
"id": {id},
"doggo": "jean bob"
let (uuid, mut file) =
index_scheduler.create_update_file_with_uuid(id as u128).unwrap();
let documents_count = read_json(content.as_bytes(), file.as_file_mut()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents_count, 1);
.register(KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: S("doggos"),
primary_key: Some(S(primary_key)),
method: ReplaceDocuments,
content_file: uuid,
allow_index_creation: true,
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "after_registering_the_5_tasks");
// A first batch should be processed with only the first two documentAddition.
// it should fails because the documents don't contains any `bork` field.
// NOTE: it's marked as successful because the batch didn't fails, it's the individual tasks that failed.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "first_and_second_task_fails");
// The primary key should be set to none since we failed the batch.
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key.is_none(), @"true");
// The second batch should succeed and only contains one task.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "third_task_succeeds");
// The primary key should be set to `id` since this batch succeeded.
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key, @"id");
// We're trying to `bork` again, but now there is already a primary key set for this index.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "fourth_task_fails");
// Finally the last task should succeed since its primary key is the same as the valid one.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "fifth_task_succeeds");
// Is the primary key still what we expect?
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key, @"id");
// Is the document still the one we expect?.
let field_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap();
let field_ids = field_ids_map.ids().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let documents = index
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
fn test_document_addition_with_set_and_null_primary_key() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
for (id, primary_key) in
[None, Some("bork"), Some("paw"), None, None, Some("paw")].into_iter().enumerate()
let content = format!(
"paw": {id},
"doggo": "jean bob"
let (uuid, mut file) =
index_scheduler.create_update_file_with_uuid(id as u128).unwrap();
let documents_count = read_json(content.as_bytes(), file.as_file_mut()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents_count, 1);
.register(KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: S("doggos"),
primary_key: primary_key.map(|pk| pk.to_string()),
method: ReplaceDocuments,
content_file: uuid,
allow_index_creation: true,
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "after_registering_the_6_tasks");
// A first batch should contains only one task that fails because we can't infer the primary key.
// NOTE: it's marked as successful because the batch didn't fails, it's the individual tasks that failed.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "first_task_fails");
// The second batch should contains only one task that fails because we bork is not a valid primary key.
// NOTE: it's marked as successful because the batch didn't fails, it's the individual tasks that failed.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "second_task_fails");
// No primary key should be set at this point.
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key.is_none(), @"true");
// The third batch should succeed and only contains one task.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "third_task_succeeds");
// The primary key should be set to `id` since this batch succeeded.
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key, @"paw");
// We should be able to batch together the next two tasks that don't specify any primary key
// + the last task that matches the current primary-key. Everything should succeed.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "all_other_tasks_succeeds");
// Is the primary key still what we expect?
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key, @"paw");
// Is the document still the one we expect?.
let field_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap();
let field_ids = field_ids_map.ids().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let documents = index
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
fn test_document_addition_with_set_and_null_primary_key_inference_works() {
let (index_scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]);
for (id, primary_key) in [None, Some("bork"), Some("doggoid"), None, None, Some("doggoid")]
let content = format!(
"doggoid": {id},
"doggo": "jean bob"
let (uuid, mut file) =
index_scheduler.create_update_file_with_uuid(id as u128).unwrap();
let documents_count = read_json(content.as_bytes(), file.as_file_mut()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(documents_count, 1);
.register(KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate {
index_uid: S("doggos"),
primary_key: primary_key.map(|pk| pk.to_string()),
method: ReplaceDocuments,
content_file: uuid,
allow_index_creation: true,
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "after_registering_the_6_tasks");
// A first batch should contains only one task that succeed and sets the primary key to `doggoid`.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "first_task_succeed");
// Checking the primary key.
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key.is_none(), @"false");
// The second batch should contains only one task that fails because it tries to update the primary key to `bork`.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "second_task_fails");
// The third batch should succeed and only contains one task.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "third_task_succeeds");
// We should be able to batch together the next two tasks that don't specify any primary key
// + the last task that matches the current primary-key. Everything should succeed.
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "all_other_tasks_succeeds");
// Is the primary key still what we expect?
let index = index_scheduler.index("doggos").unwrap();
let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap();
let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap();
snapshot!(primary_key, @"doggoid");
// Is the document still the one we expect?.
let field_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap();
let field_ids = field_ids_map.ids().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let documents = index
.map(|ret| obkv_to_json(&field_ids, &field_ids_map, ret.unwrap().1).unwrap())
snapshot!(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&documents).unwrap(), name: "documents");
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
1 {uid: 1, status: succeeded, details: { primary_key: Some("id") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "b", primary_key: Some("id") }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { primary_key: Some("id") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "c", primary_key: Some("id") }}
3 {uid: 3, status: succeeded, details: { primary_key: Some("id") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "d", primary_key: Some("id") }}
4 {uid: 4, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Indexes `e`, `f` not found.", error_code: "invalid_swap_indexes", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#invalid-swap-indexes" }, details: { swaps: [IndexSwap { indexes: ("a", "b") }, IndexSwap { indexes: ("c", "e") }, IndexSwap { indexes: ("d", "f") }] }, kind: IndexSwap { swaps: [IndexSwap { indexes: ("a", "b") }, IndexSwap { indexes: ("c", "e") }, IndexSwap { indexes: ("d", "f") }] }}
4 {uid: 4, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Indexes `e`, `f` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { swaps: [IndexSwap { indexes: ("a", "b") }, IndexSwap { indexes: ("c", "e") }, IndexSwap { indexes: ("d", "f") }] }, kind: IndexSwap { swaps: [IndexSwap { indexes: ("a", "b") }, IndexSwap { indexes: ("c", "e") }, IndexSwap { indexes: ("d", "f") }] }}
### Status:
enqueued []
@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
2 {uid: 2, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
3 {uid: 3, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
4 {uid: 4, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
5 {uid: 5, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
6 {uid: 6, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
7 {uid: 7, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
8 {uid: 8, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
9 {uid: 9, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
2 {uid: 2, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
3 {uid: 3, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
4 {uid: 4, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
5 {uid: 5, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
6 {uid: 6, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
7 {uid: 7, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
8 {uid: 8, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
9 {uid: 9, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
### Status:
enqueued []
@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
2 {uid: 2, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
3 {uid: 3, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
4 {uid: 4, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
5 {uid: 5, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
6 {uid: 6, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
7 {uid: 7, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
8 {uid: 8, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
9 {uid: 9, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
2 {uid: 2, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
3 {uid: 3, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
4 {uid: 4, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
5 {uid: 5, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
6 {uid: 6, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
7 {uid: 7, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
8 {uid: 8, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
9 {uid: 9, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
### Status:
enqueued []
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
2 {uid: 2, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
3 {uid: 3, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
4 {uid: 4, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
2 {uid: 2, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
3 {uid: 3, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
4 {uid: 4, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
6 {uid: 6, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
7 {uid: 7, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
1 {uid: 1, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
3 {uid: 3, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index-not-found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index `doggos` not found.", error_code: "index_not_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_not_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: false }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
### Started At:
### Finished At:
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
"id": 2,
"doggo": "jean bob"
"id": 4,
"doggo": "jean bob"
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"id\":0,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"id\":1,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `id`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued []
succeeded [2,4,]
failed [0,1,3,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"id\":0,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"id\":1,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [2,3,4,]
failed [0,1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,1,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,1,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"id\":0,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"id\":1,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `id`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [4,]
succeeded [2,]
failed [0,1,3,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"id\":0,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"id\":1,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [3,4,]
succeeded [2,]
failed [0,1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bloup"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [0,1,2,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
### Finished At:
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
"id": 0,
"doggo": "jean bob"
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bloup"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [1,2,]
succeeded [0,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `id`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bloup"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [2,]
succeeded [0,]
failed [1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `id`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `id`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bloup"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued []
succeeded [0,]
failed [1,2,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [0,1,2,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
### Finished At:
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
"id": 0,
"doggo": "jean bob"
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [1,2,]
succeeded [0,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("id"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `id`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [2,]
succeeded [0,]
failed [1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
### Finished At:
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "The primary key inference failed as the engine did not find any field ending with `id` in its name. Please specify the primary key manually using the `primaryKey` query parameter.", error_code: "index_primary_key_no_candidate_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_no_candidate_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"paw\":1,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued []
succeeded [2,3,4,5,]
failed [0,1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,4,5,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,4,5,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
"paw": 2,
"doggo": "jean bob"
"paw": 3,
"doggo": "jean bob"
"paw": 4,
"doggo": "jean bob"
"paw": 5,
"doggo": "jean bob"
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "The primary key inference failed as the engine did not find any field ending with `id` in its name. Please specify the primary key manually using the `primaryKey` query parameter.", error_code: "index_primary_key_no_candidate_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_no_candidate_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [1,2,3,4,5,]
failed [0,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "The primary key inference failed as the engine did not find any field ending with `id` in its name. Please specify the primary key manually using the `primaryKey` query parameter.", error_code: "index_primary_key_no_candidate_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_no_candidate_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"paw\":1,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [2,3,4,5,]
failed [0,1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "The primary key inference failed as the engine did not find any field ending with `id` in its name. Please specify the primary key manually using the `primaryKey` query parameter.", error_code: "index_primary_key_no_candidate_found", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_no_candidate_found" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Document doesn't have a `bork` attribute: `{\"paw\":1,\"doggo\":\"jean bob\"}`.", error_code: "missing_document_id", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_document_id" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("paw"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [3,4,5,]
succeeded [2,]
failed [0,1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
### Finished At:
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `doggoid`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued []
succeeded [0,2,3,4,5,]
failed [1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,4,5,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,4,5,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
"doggoid": 0,
"doggo": "jean bob"
"doggoid": 2,
"doggo": "jean bob"
"doggoid": 3,
"doggo": "jean bob"
"doggoid": 4,
"doggo": "jean bob"
"doggoid": 5,
"doggo": "jean bob"
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [1,2,3,4,5,]
succeeded [0,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `doggoid`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [2,3,4,5,]
succeeded [0,]
failed [1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
1 {uid: 1, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Index already has a primary key: `doggoid`.", error_code: "index_primary_key_already_exists", error_type: "invalid_request", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#index_primary_key_already_exists" }, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(0) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("bork"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
2 {uid: 2, status: succeeded, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: Some(1) }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
3 {uid: 3, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
4 {uid: 4, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: None, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
5 {uid: 5, status: enqueued, details: { received_documents: 1, indexed_documents: None }, kind: DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: "doggos", primary_key: Some("doggoid"), method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, documents_count: 1, allow_index_creation: true }}
### Status:
enqueued [3,4,5,]
succeeded [0,2,]
failed [1,]
### Kind:
"documentAdditionOrUpdate" [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Tasks:
doggos [0,1,2,3,4,5,]
### Index Mapper:
### Canceled By:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
[timestamp] [3,]
[timestamp] [4,]
[timestamp] [5,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### File Store:
@ -404,15 +404,19 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
Details::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { received_documents, indexed_documents } => {
assert_eq!(kind.as_kind(), Kind::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate);
match indexed_documents {
Some(0) => assert_ne!(status, Status::Enqueued),
Some(indexed_documents) => {
assert_eq!(status, Status::Succeeded);
assert!(indexed_documents <= received_documents);
Status::Succeeded | Status::Failed | Status::Canceled
match status {
Status::Succeeded => assert!(indexed_documents <= received_documents),
Status::Failed | Status::Canceled => assert_eq!(indexed_documents, 0),
status => panic!("DocumentAddition can't have an indexed_document set if it's {}", status),
None => {
assert_ne!(status, Status::Succeeded);
assert_ne!(status, Status::Canceled);
assert_ne!(status, Status::Failed);
assert!(matches!(status, Status::Enqueued | Status::Processing))
@ -504,10 +508,21 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
if let KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { content_file, .. } = kind {
match status {
Status::Enqueued | Status::Processing => {
.any(|uuid| uuid.as_ref().unwrap() == &content_file),
"Could not find uuid `{content_file}` in the file_store. Available uuids are {:?}.",
self.file_store.all_uuids().unwrap().collect::<std::result::Result<Vec<_>, file_store::Error>>().unwrap(),
Status::Succeeded | Status::Failed | Status::Canceled => {
.all(|uuid| uuid.as_ref().unwrap() != &content_file));
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use error::{AuthControllerError, Result};
use maplit::hashset;
use meilisearch_types::index_uid_pattern::IndexUidPattern;
use meilisearch_types::keys::{Action, CreateApiKey, Key, PatchApiKey};
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::Setting;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub use store::open_auth_store_env;
use store::{generate_key_as_hexa, HeedAuthStore};
@ -33,6 +34,11 @@ impl AuthController {
Ok(Self { store: Arc::new(store), master_key: master_key.clone() })
/// Return the size of the `AuthController` database in bytes.
pub fn size(&self) -> Result<u64> {
pub fn create_key(&self, create_key: CreateApiKey) -> Result<Key> {
match self.store.get_api_key(create_key.uid)? {
Some(_) => Err(AuthControllerError::ApiKeyAlreadyExists(create_key.uid.to_string())),
@ -42,8 +48,14 @@ impl AuthController {
pub fn update_key(&self, uid: Uuid, patch: PatchApiKey) -> Result<Key> {
let mut key = self.get_key(uid)?;
key.description = patch.description;
key.name = patch.name;
match patch.description {
Setting::NotSet => (),
description => key.description = description.set(),
match patch.name {
Setting::NotSet => (),
name => key.name = name.set(),
key.updated_at = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ use std::cmp::Reverse;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::fs::create_dir_all;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str;
use std::sync::Arc;
@ -61,6 +60,11 @@ impl HeedAuthStore {
Ok(Self { env, keys, action_keyid_index_expiration, should_close_on_drop: true })
/// Return the size in bytes of database
pub fn size(&self) -> Result<u64> {
pub fn set_drop_on_close(&mut self, v: bool) {
self.should_close_on_drop = v;
@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ impl HeedAuthStore {
for index in key.indexes.iter() {
&mut wtxn,
&(&uid, &action, Some(index.deref().as_bytes())),
&(&uid, &action, Some(index.to_string().as_bytes())),
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ actix-web = { version = "4.2.1", default-features = false }
anyhow = "1.0.65"
convert_case = "0.6.0"
csv = "1.1.6"
deserr = "0.1.4"
deserr = "0.3.0"
either = { version = "1.6.1", features = ["serde"] }
enum-iterator = "1.1.3"
file-store = { path = "../file-store" }
@ -17,23 +17,20 @@ flate2 = "1.0.24"
fst = "0.4.7"
memmap2 = "0.5.7"
milli = { path = "../milli", default-features = false }
proptest = { version = "1.0.0", optional = true }
proptest-derive = { version = "0.3.0", optional = true }
roaring = { version = "0.10.0", features = ["serde"] }
serde = { version = "1.0.145", features = ["derive"] }
serde-cs = "0.2.4"
serde_json = "1.0.85"
tar = "0.4.38"
tempfile = "3.3.0"
thiserror = "1.0.30"
time = { version = "0.3.7", features = ["serde-well-known", "formatting", "parsing", "macros"] }
tokio = "1.0"
tokio = "1.24"
uuid = { version = "1.1.2", features = ["serde", "v4"] }
insta = "1.19.1"
meili-snap = { path = "../meili-snap" }
proptest = "1.0.0"
proptest-derive = "0.3.0"
# all specialized tokenizations
@ -47,4 +44,3 @@ hebrew = ["milli/hebrew"]
japanese = ["milli/japanese"]
# thai specialized tokenization
thai = ["milli/thai"]
test-traits = ["proptest", "proptest-derive"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
This module implements the error messages of deserialization errors.
We try to:
1. Give a human-readable description of where the error originated.
2. Use the correct terms depending on the format of the request (json/query param)
3. Categorise the type of the error (e.g. missing field, wrong value type, unexpected error, etc.)
use deserr::{ErrorKind, IntoValue, ValueKind, ValuePointerRef};
use super::{DeserrJsonError, DeserrQueryParamError};
use crate::error::{Code, ErrorCode};
/// Return a description of the given location in a Json, preceded by the given article.
/// e.g. `at .key1[8].key2`. If the location is the origin, the given article will not be
/// included in the description.
pub fn location_json_description(location: ValuePointerRef, article: &str) -> String {
fn rec(location: ValuePointerRef) -> String {
match location {
ValuePointerRef::Origin => String::new(),
ValuePointerRef::Key { key, prev } => rec(*prev) + "." + key,
ValuePointerRef::Index { index, prev } => format!("{}[{index}]", rec(*prev)),
match location {
ValuePointerRef::Origin => String::new(),
_ => {
format!("{article} `{}`", rec(location))
/// Return a description of the list of value kinds for a Json payload.
fn value_kinds_description_json(kinds: &[ValueKind]) -> String {
// Rank each value kind so that they can be sorted (and deduplicated)
// Having a predictable order helps with pattern matching
fn order(kind: &ValueKind) -> u8 {
match kind {
ValueKind::Null => 0,
ValueKind::Boolean => 1,
ValueKind::Integer => 2,
ValueKind::NegativeInteger => 3,
ValueKind::Float => 4,
ValueKind::String => 5,
ValueKind::Sequence => 6,
ValueKind::Map => 7,
// Return a description of a single value kind, preceded by an article
fn single_description(kind: &ValueKind) -> &'static str {
match kind {
ValueKind::Null => "null",
ValueKind::Boolean => "a boolean",
ValueKind::Integer => "a positive integer",
ValueKind::NegativeInteger => "a negative integer",
ValueKind::Float => "a number",
ValueKind::String => "a string",
ValueKind::Sequence => "an array",
ValueKind::Map => "an object",
fn description_rec(kinds: &[ValueKind], count_items: &mut usize, message: &mut String) {
let (msg_part, rest): (_, &[ValueKind]) = match kinds {
[] => (String::new(), &[]),
[ValueKind::Integer | ValueKind::NegativeInteger, ValueKind::Float, rest @ ..] => {
("a number".to_owned(), rest)
[ValueKind::Integer, ValueKind::NegativeInteger, ValueKind::Float, rest @ ..] => {
("a number".to_owned(), rest)
[ValueKind::Integer, ValueKind::NegativeInteger, rest @ ..] => {
("an integer".to_owned(), rest)
[a] => (single_description(a).to_owned(), &[]),
[a, rest @ ..] => (single_description(a).to_owned(), rest),
if rest.is_empty() {
if *count_items == 0 {
} else if *count_items == 1 {
message.push_str(&format!(" or {msg_part}"));
} else {
message.push_str(&format!(", or {msg_part}"));
} else {
if *count_items == 0 {
} else {
message.push_str(&format!(", {msg_part}"));
*count_items += 1;
description_rec(rest, count_items, message);
let mut kinds = kinds.to_owned();
if kinds.is_empty() {
// Should not happen ideally
"a different value".to_owned()
} else {
let mut message = String::new();
description_rec(kinds.as_slice(), &mut 0, &mut message);
/// Return the JSON string of the value preceded by a description of its kind
fn value_description_with_kind_json(v: &serde_json::Value) -> String {
match v.kind() {
ValueKind::Null => "null".to_owned(),
kind => {
"{}: `{}`",
impl<C: Default + ErrorCode> deserr::DeserializeError for DeserrJsonError<C> {
fn error<V: IntoValue>(
_self_: Option<Self>,
error: deserr::ErrorKind<V>,
location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, Self> {
let mut message = String::new();
message.push_str(&match error {
ErrorKind::IncorrectValueKind { actual, accepted } => {
let expected = value_kinds_description_json(accepted);
let received = value_description_with_kind_json(&serde_json::Value::from(actual));
let location = location_json_description(location, " at");
format!("Invalid value type{location}: expected {expected}, but found {received}")
ErrorKind::MissingField { field } => {
let location = location_json_description(location, " inside");
format!("Missing field `{field}`{location}")
ErrorKind::UnknownKey { key, accepted } => {
let location = location_json_description(location, " inside");
"Unknown field `{}`{location}: expected one of {}",
.map(|accepted| format!("`{}`", accepted))
.join(", ")
ErrorKind::UnknownValue { value, accepted } => {
let location = location_json_description(location, " at");
"Unknown value `{}`{location}: expected one of {}",
.map(|accepted| format!("`{}`", accepted))
.join(", "),
ErrorKind::Unexpected { msg } => {
let location = location_json_description(location, " at");
format!("Invalid value{location}: {msg}")
Err(DeserrJsonError::new(message, C::default().error_code()))
pub fn immutable_field_error(field: &str, accepted: &[&str], code: Code) -> DeserrJsonError {
let msg = format!(
"Immutable field `{field}`: expected one of {}",
.map(|accepted| format!("`{}`", accepted))
.join(", ")
DeserrJsonError::new(msg, code)
/// Return a description of the given location in query parameters, preceded by the
/// given article. e.g. `at key5[2]`. If the location is the origin, the given article
/// will not be included in the description.
pub fn location_query_param_description(location: ValuePointerRef, article: &str) -> String {
fn rec(location: ValuePointerRef) -> String {
match location {
ValuePointerRef::Origin => String::new(),
ValuePointerRef::Key { key, prev } => {
if matches!(prev, ValuePointerRef::Origin) {
} else {
rec(*prev) + "." + key
ValuePointerRef::Index { index, prev } => format!("{}[{index}]", rec(*prev)),
match location {
ValuePointerRef::Origin => String::new(),
_ => {
format!("{article} `{}`", rec(location))
impl<C: Default + ErrorCode> deserr::DeserializeError for DeserrQueryParamError<C> {
fn error<V: IntoValue>(
_self_: Option<Self>,
error: deserr::ErrorKind<V>,
location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, Self> {
let mut message = String::new();
message.push_str(&match error {
ErrorKind::IncorrectValueKind { actual, accepted } => {
let expected = value_kinds_description_query_param(accepted);
let received = value_description_with_kind_query_param(actual);
let location = location_query_param_description(location, " for parameter");
format!("Invalid value type{location}: expected {expected}, but found {received}")
ErrorKind::MissingField { field } => {
let location = location_query_param_description(location, " inside");
format!("Missing parameter `{field}`{location}")
ErrorKind::UnknownKey { key, accepted } => {
let location = location_query_param_description(location, " inside");
"Unknown parameter `{}`{location}: expected one of {}",
.map(|accepted| format!("`{}`", accepted))
.join(", ")
ErrorKind::UnknownValue { value, accepted } => {
let location = location_query_param_description(location, " for parameter");
"Unknown value `{}`{location}: expected one of {}",
.map(|accepted| format!("`{}`", accepted))
.join(", "),
ErrorKind::Unexpected { msg } => {
let location = location_query_param_description(location, " in parameter");
format!("Invalid value{location}: {msg}")
Err(DeserrQueryParamError::new(message, C::default().error_code()))
/// Return a description of the list of value kinds for query parameters
/// Since query parameters are always treated as strings, we always return
/// "a string" for now.
fn value_kinds_description_query_param(_accepted: &[ValueKind]) -> String {
"a string".to_owned()
fn value_description_with_kind_query_param<V: IntoValue>(actual: deserr::Value<V>) -> String {
match actual {
deserr::Value::Null => "null".to_owned(),
deserr::Value::Boolean(x) => format!("a boolean: `{x}`"),
deserr::Value::Integer(x) => format!("an integer: `{x}`"),
deserr::Value::NegativeInteger(x) => {
format!("an integer: `{x}`")
deserr::Value::Float(x) => {
format!("a number: `{x}`")
deserr::Value::String(x) => {
format!("a string: `{x}`")
deserr::Value::Sequence(_) => "multiple values".to_owned(),
deserr::Value::Map(_) => "multiple parameters".to_owned(),
mod tests {
use deserr::ValueKind;
use crate::deserr::error_messages::value_kinds_description_json;
fn test_value_kinds_description_json() {
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[]), @"a different value");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Boolean]), @"a boolean");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Integer]), @"a positive integer");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::NegativeInteger]), @"a negative integer");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Integer]), @"a positive integer");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::String]), @"a string");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Sequence]), @"an array");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Map]), @"an object");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Integer, ValueKind::Boolean]), @"a boolean or a positive integer");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Null, ValueKind::Integer]), @"null or a positive integer");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Sequence, ValueKind::NegativeInteger]), @"a negative integer or an array");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Integer, ValueKind::Float]), @"a number");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Integer, ValueKind::Float, ValueKind::NegativeInteger]), @"a number");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Integer, ValueKind::Float, ValueKind::NegativeInteger, ValueKind::Null]), @"null or a number");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Boolean, ValueKind::Integer, ValueKind::Float, ValueKind::NegativeInteger, ValueKind::Null]), @"null, a boolean, or a number");
insta::assert_display_snapshot!(value_kinds_description_json(&[ValueKind::Null, ValueKind::Boolean, ValueKind::Integer, ValueKind::Float, ValueKind::NegativeInteger, ValueKind::Null]), @"null, a boolean, or a number");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use deserr::{DeserializeError, MergeWithError, ValuePointerRef};
use crate::error::deserr_codes::{self, *};
use crate::error::{
unwrap_any, Code, DeserrParseBoolError, DeserrParseIntError, ErrorCode, InvalidTaskDateError,
use crate::index_uid::IndexUidFormatError;
use crate::tasks::{ParseTaskKindError, ParseTaskStatusError};
pub mod error_messages;
pub mod query_params;
/// Marker type for the Json format
pub struct DeserrJson;
/// Marker type for the Query Parameter format
pub struct DeserrQueryParam;
pub type DeserrJsonError<C = deserr_codes::BadRequest> = DeserrError<DeserrJson, C>;
pub type DeserrQueryParamError<C = deserr_codes::BadRequest> = DeserrError<DeserrQueryParam, C>;
/// A request deserialization error.
/// The first generic paramater is a marker type describing the format of the request: either json (e.g. [`DeserrJson`] or [`DeserrQueryParam`]).
/// The second generic parameter is the default error code for the deserialization error, in case it is not given.
pub struct DeserrError<Format, C: Default + ErrorCode> {
pub msg: String,
pub code: Code,
_phantom: PhantomData<(Format, C)>,
impl<Format, C: Default + ErrorCode> DeserrError<Format, C> {
pub fn new(msg: String, code: Code) -> Self {
Self { msg, code, _phantom: PhantomData }
impl<Format, C: Default + ErrorCode> std::fmt::Debug for DeserrError<Format, C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("DeserrError").field("msg", &self.msg).field("code", &self.code).finish()
impl<Format, C: Default + ErrorCode> std::fmt::Display for DeserrError<Format, C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.msg)
impl<Format, C: Default + ErrorCode> std::error::Error for DeserrError<Format, C> {}
impl<Format, C: Default + ErrorCode> ErrorCode for DeserrError<Format, C> {
fn error_code(&self) -> Code {
// For now, we don't accumulate errors. Only one deserialisation error is ever returned at a time.
impl<Format, C1: Default + ErrorCode, C2: Default + ErrorCode>
MergeWithError<DeserrError<Format, C2>> for DeserrError<Format, C1>
fn merge(
_self_: Option<Self>,
other: DeserrError<Format, C2>,
_merge_location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, Self> {
Err(DeserrError { msg: other.msg, code: other.code, _phantom: PhantomData })
impl<Format, C: Default + ErrorCode> MergeWithError<Infallible> for DeserrError<Format, C> {
fn merge(
_self_: Option<Self>,
_other: Infallible,
_merge_location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, Self> {
// Implement a convenience function to build a `missing_field` error
macro_rules! make_missing_field_convenience_builder {
($err_code:ident, $fn_name:ident) => {
impl DeserrJsonError<$err_code> {
pub fn $fn_name(field: &str, location: ValuePointerRef) -> Self {
let x = unwrap_any(Self::error::<Infallible>(
deserr::ErrorKind::MissingField { field },
Self { msg: x.msg, code: $err_code.error_code(), _phantom: PhantomData }
make_missing_field_convenience_builder!(MissingIndexUid, missing_index_uid);
make_missing_field_convenience_builder!(MissingApiKeyActions, missing_api_key_actions);
make_missing_field_convenience_builder!(MissingApiKeyExpiresAt, missing_api_key_expires_at);
make_missing_field_convenience_builder!(MissingApiKeyIndexes, missing_api_key_indexes);
make_missing_field_convenience_builder!(MissingSwapIndexes, missing_swap_indexes);
// Integrate a sub-error into a [`DeserrError`] by taking its error message but using
// the default error code (C) from `Self`
macro_rules! merge_with_error_impl_take_error_message {
($err_type:ty) => {
impl<Format, C: Default + ErrorCode> MergeWithError<$err_type> for DeserrError<Format, C>
DeserrError<Format, C>: deserr::DeserializeError,
fn merge(
_self_: Option<Self>,
other: $err_type,
merge_location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, Self> {
DeserrError::<Format, C>::error::<Infallible>(
deserr::ErrorKind::Unexpected { msg: other.to_string() },
// All these errors can be merged into a `DeserrError`
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
This module provides helper traits, types, and functions to deserialize query parameters.
The source of the problem is that query parameters only give us a string to work with.
This means `deserr` is never given a sequence or numbers, and thus the default deserialization
code for common types such as `usize` or `Vec<T>` does not work. To work around it, we create a
wrapper type called `Param<T>`, which is deserialised using the `from_query_param` method of the trait
We also use other helper types such as `CS` (i.e. comma-separated) from `serde_cs` as well as
`StarOr`, `OptionStarOr`, and `OptionStarOrList`.
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::str::FromStr;
use deserr::{DeserializeError, DeserializeFromValue, MergeWithError, ValueKind};
use super::{DeserrParseBoolError, DeserrParseIntError};
use crate::error::unwrap_any;
use crate::index_uid::IndexUid;
use crate::tasks::{Kind, Status};
/// A wrapper type indicating that the inner value should be
/// deserialised from a query parameter string.
/// Note that if the field is optional, it is better to use
/// `Option<Param<T>>` instead of `Param<Option<T>>`.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Param<T>(pub T);
impl<T> Deref for Param<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<T, E> DeserializeFromValue<E> for Param<T>
E: DeserializeError + MergeWithError<T::Err>,
T: FromQueryParameter,
fn deserialize_from_value<V: deserr::IntoValue>(
value: deserr::Value<V>,
location: deserr::ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, E> {
match value {
deserr::Value::String(s) => match T::from_query_param(&s) {
Ok(x) => Ok(Param(x)),
Err(e) => Err(unwrap_any(E::merge(None, e, location))),
_ => Err(unwrap_any(E::error(
deserr::ErrorKind::IncorrectValueKind {
actual: value,
accepted: &[ValueKind::String],
/// Parse a value from a query parameter string.
/// This trait is functionally equivalent to `FromStr`.
/// Having a separate trait trait allows us to return better
/// deserializatio error messages.
pub trait FromQueryParameter: Sized {
type Err;
fn from_query_param(p: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>;
/// Implement `FromQueryParameter` for the given type using its `FromStr`
/// trait implementation.
macro_rules! impl_from_query_param_from_str {
($type:ty) => {
impl FromQueryParameter for $type {
type Err = <$type as FromStr>::Err;
fn from_query_param(p: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
/// Implement `FromQueryParameter` for the given type using its `FromStr`
/// trait implementation, replacing the returned error with a struct
/// that wraps the original query parameter.
macro_rules! impl_from_query_param_wrap_original_value_in_error {
($type:ty, $err_type:path) => {
impl FromQueryParameter for $type {
type Err = $err_type;
fn from_query_param(p: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
p.parse().map_err(|_| $err_type(p.to_owned()))
impl_from_query_param_wrap_original_value_in_error!(usize, DeserrParseIntError);
impl_from_query_param_wrap_original_value_in_error!(u32, DeserrParseIntError);
impl_from_query_param_wrap_original_value_in_error!(bool, DeserrParseBoolError);
impl FromQueryParameter for String {
type Err = Infallible;
fn from_query_param(p: &str) -> Result<Self, Infallible> {
@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::{fmt, io};
use actix_web::http::StatusCode;
use actix_web::{self as aweb, HttpResponseBuilder};
use aweb::rt::task::JoinError;
use convert_case::Casing;
use deserr::{DeserializeError, IntoValue, MergeWithError, ValuePointerRef};
use milli::heed::{Error as HeedError, MdbError};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use self::deserr_codes::MissingIndexUid;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test-traits", derive(proptest_derive::Arbitrary))]
pub struct ResponseError {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test-traits", proptest(strategy = "strategy::status_code_strategy()"))]
code: StatusCode,
message: String,
#[serde(rename = "code")]
@ -36,7 +29,7 @@ impl ResponseError {
Self {
code: code.http(),
error_code: code.err_code().error_name,
error_code: code.name(),
error_type: code.type_(),
error_link: code.url(),
@ -97,9 +90,9 @@ pub trait ErrorCode {
enum ErrorType {
@ -108,14 +101,24 @@ impl fmt::Display for ErrorType {
use ErrorType::*;
match self {
InternalError => write!(f, "internal"),
InvalidRequestError => write!(f, "invalid_request"),
AuthenticationError => write!(f, "auth"),
Internal => write!(f, "internal"),
InvalidRequest => write!(f, "invalid_request"),
Auth => write!(f, "auth"),
System => write!(f, "system"),
/// Implement all the error codes.
/// 1. Make an enum `Code` where each error code is a variant
/// 2. Implement the `http`, `name`, and `type_` method on the enum
/// 3. Make a unit type for each error code in the module `deserr_codes`.
/// The unit type's purpose is to be used as a marker type parameter, e.g.
/// `DeserrJsonError<MyErrorCode>`. It implements `Default` and `ErrorCode`,
/// so we can get a value of the `Code` enum with the correct variant by calling
/// `MyErrorCode::default().error_code()`.
macro_rules! make_error_codes {
($($code_ident:ident, $err_type:ident, $status:ident);*) => {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
@ -123,37 +126,36 @@ macro_rules! make_error_codes {
impl Code {
/// associate a `Code` variant to the actual ErrCode
fn err_code(&self) -> ErrCode {
match self {
Code::$code_ident => {
ErrCode::$err_type( stringify!($code_ident).to_case(convert_case::Case::Snake), StatusCode::$status)
/// return the HTTP status code associated with the `Code`
fn http(&self) -> StatusCode {
match self {
Code::$code_ident => StatusCode::$status
/// return error name, used as error code
fn name(&self) -> String {
match self {
Code::$code_ident => stringify!($code_ident).to_case(convert_case::Case::Snake)
/// return the error type
fn type_(&self) -> String {
match self {
Code::$code_ident => ErrorType::$err_type.to_string()
/// return the doc url associated with the error
fn url(&self) -> String {
format!("https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#{}", self.name())
pub mod deserr_codes {
@ -170,146 +172,120 @@ macro_rules! make_error_codes {
// An exhaustive list of all the error codes used by meilisearch.
make_error_codes! {
ApiKeyAlreadyExists , invalid , CONFLICT ;
ApiKeyNotFound , invalid , NOT_FOUND ;
BadParameter , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
BadRequest , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
DatabaseSizeLimitReached , internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
DocumentNotFound , invalid , NOT_FOUND;
DumpAlreadyProcessing , invalid , CONFLICT;
DumpNotFound , invalid , NOT_FOUND;
DumpProcessFailed , internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
DuplicateIndexFound , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyUid , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyKey , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyActions , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyIndexes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyExpiresAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyCreatedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyUpdatedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableIndexUid , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableIndexCreatedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableIndexUpdatedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
IndexAlreadyExists , invalid , CONFLICT ;
IndexCreationFailed , internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
IndexNotFound , invalid , NOT_FOUND;
IndexPrimaryKeyAlreadyExists , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
IndexPrimaryKeyNoCandidateFound , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
IndexPrimaryKeyMultipleCandidatesFound, invalid , BAD_REQUEST;
Internal , internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ;
InvalidApiKeyActions , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyDescription , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyExpiresAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyIndexes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyLimit , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyName , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyOffset , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyUid , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKey , authentication, FORBIDDEN ;
InvalidContentType , invalid , UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE ;
InvalidDocumentFields , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidDocumentGeoField , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidDocumentId , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidDocumentLimit , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidDocumentOffset , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidIndexLimit , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidIndexOffset , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidIndexPrimaryKey , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidIndexUid , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidMinWordLengthForTypo , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchAttributesToCrop , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchAttributesToHighlight , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchAttributesToRetrieve , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchCropLength , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchCropMarker , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchFacets , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchFilter , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchHighlightPostTag , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchHighlightPreTag , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchHitsPerPage , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchLimit , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchMatchingStrategy , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchOffset , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchPage , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchQ , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchShowMatchesPosition , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchSort , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsDisplayedAttributes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsDistinctAttribute , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsFaceting , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsFilterableAttributes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsPagination , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsRankingRules , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsSearchableAttributes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsSortableAttributes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsStopWords , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsSynonyms , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsTypoTolerance , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidState , internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ;
InvalidStoreFile , internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ;
InvalidSwapDuplicateIndexFound , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSwapIndexes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskAfterEnqueuedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskAfterFinishedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskAfterStartedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskBeforeEnqueuedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskBeforeFinishedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskBeforeStartedAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskCanceledBy , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskFrom , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskLimit , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskStatuses , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskTypes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskUids , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MalformedPayload , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MaxFieldsLimitExceeded , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingApiKeyActions , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingApiKeyExpiresAt , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingApiKeyIndexes , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingAuthorizationHeader , authentication, UNAUTHORIZED ;
MissingContentType , invalid , UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE ;
MissingDocumentId , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingIndexUid , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingMasterKey , authentication, UNAUTHORIZED ;
MissingPayload , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingTaskFilters , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
NoSpaceLeftOnDevice , system , UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY;
PayloadTooLarge , invalid , PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE ;
TaskNotFound , invalid , NOT_FOUND ;
TooManyOpenFiles , system , UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY ;
UnretrievableDocument , internal , BAD_REQUEST ;
UnretrievableErrorCode , invalid , BAD_REQUEST ;
UnsupportedMediaType , invalid , UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE
/// Internal structure providing a convenient way to create error codes
struct ErrCode {
status_code: StatusCode,
error_type: ErrorType,
error_name: String,
impl ErrCode {
fn authentication(error_name: String, status_code: StatusCode) -> ErrCode {
ErrCode { status_code, error_name, error_type: ErrorType::AuthenticationError }
fn internal(error_name: String, status_code: StatusCode) -> ErrCode {
ErrCode { status_code, error_name, error_type: ErrorType::InternalError }
fn invalid(error_name: String, status_code: StatusCode) -> ErrCode {
ErrCode { status_code, error_name, error_type: ErrorType::InvalidRequestError }
fn system(error_name: String, status_code: StatusCode) -> ErrCode {
ErrCode { status_code, error_name, error_type: ErrorType::System }
ApiKeyAlreadyExists , InvalidRequest , CONFLICT ;
ApiKeyNotFound , InvalidRequest , NOT_FOUND ;
BadParameter , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
BadRequest , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
DatabaseSizeLimitReached , Internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
DocumentNotFound , InvalidRequest , NOT_FOUND;
DumpAlreadyProcessing , InvalidRequest , CONFLICT;
DumpNotFound , InvalidRequest , NOT_FOUND;
DumpProcessFailed , Internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
DuplicateIndexFound , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyActions , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyCreatedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyExpiresAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyIndexes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyKey , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyUid , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableApiKeyUpdatedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableIndexCreatedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableIndexUid , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
ImmutableIndexUpdatedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
IndexAlreadyExists , InvalidRequest , CONFLICT ;
IndexCreationFailed , Internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
IndexNotFound , InvalidRequest , NOT_FOUND;
IndexPrimaryKeyAlreadyExists , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
IndexPrimaryKeyMultipleCandidatesFound, InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST;
IndexPrimaryKeyNoCandidateFound , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
Internal , Internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ;
InvalidApiKey , Auth , FORBIDDEN ;
InvalidApiKeyActions , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyDescription , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyExpiresAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyIndexes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyLimit , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyName , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyOffset , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidApiKeyUid , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidContentType , InvalidRequest , UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE ;
InvalidDocumentFields , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidDocumentGeoField , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidDocumentId , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidDocumentLimit , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidDocumentOffset , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidIndexLimit , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidIndexOffset , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidIndexPrimaryKey , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidIndexUid , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchAttributesToCrop , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchAttributesToHighlight , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchAttributesToRetrieve , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchCropLength , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchCropMarker , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchFacets , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchFilter , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchHighlightPostTag , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchHighlightPreTag , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchHitsPerPage , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchLimit , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchMatchingStrategy , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchOffset , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchPage , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchQ , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchShowMatchesPosition , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSearchSort , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsDisplayedAttributes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsDistinctAttribute , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsFaceting , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsFilterableAttributes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsPagination , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsRankingRules , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsSearchableAttributes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsSortableAttributes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsStopWords , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsSynonyms , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSettingsTypoTolerance , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidState , Internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ;
InvalidStoreFile , Internal , INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ;
InvalidSwapDuplicateIndexFound , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidSwapIndexes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskAfterEnqueuedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskAfterFinishedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskAfterStartedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskBeforeEnqueuedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskBeforeFinishedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskBeforeStartedAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskCanceledBy , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskFrom , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskLimit , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskStatuses , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskTypes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
InvalidTaskUids , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MalformedPayload , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MaxFieldsLimitExceeded , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingApiKeyActions , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingApiKeyExpiresAt , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingApiKeyIndexes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingAuthorizationHeader , Auth , UNAUTHORIZED ;
MissingContentType , InvalidRequest , UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE ;
MissingDocumentId , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingIndexUid , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingMasterKey , Auth , UNAUTHORIZED ;
MissingPayload , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingSwapIndexes , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
MissingTaskFilters , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
NoSpaceLeftOnDevice , System , UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY;
PayloadTooLarge , InvalidRequest , PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE ;
TaskNotFound , InvalidRequest , NOT_FOUND ;
TooManyOpenFiles , System , UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY ;
UnretrievableDocument , Internal , BAD_REQUEST ;
UnretrievableErrorCode , InvalidRequest , BAD_REQUEST ;
UnsupportedMediaType , InvalidRequest , UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE
impl ErrorCode for JoinError {
@ -348,13 +324,13 @@ impl ErrorCode for milli::Error {
UserError::PrimaryKeyCannotBeChanged(_) => Code::IndexPrimaryKeyAlreadyExists,
UserError::SortRankingRuleMissing => Code::InvalidSearchSort,
UserError::InvalidFacetsDistribution { .. } => Code::BadRequest,
UserError::InvalidFacetsDistribution { .. } => Code::InvalidSearchFacets,
UserError::InvalidSortableAttribute { .. } => Code::InvalidSearchSort,
UserError::CriterionError(_) => Code::InvalidSettingsRankingRules,
UserError::InvalidGeoField { .. } => Code::InvalidDocumentGeoField,
UserError::SortError(_) => Code::InvalidSearchSort,
UserError::InvalidMinTypoWordLenSetting(_, _) => {
@ -367,6 +343,7 @@ impl ErrorCode for file_store::Error {
match self {
Self::IoError(e) => e.error_code(),
Self::PersistError(e) => e.error_code(),
Self::CouldNotParseFileNameAsUtf8 | Self::UuidError(_) => Code::Internal,
@ -404,6 +381,7 @@ impl ErrorCode for io::Error {
/// Unwrap a result, either its Ok or Err value.
pub fn unwrap_any<T>(any: Result<T, T>) -> T {
match any {
Ok(any) => any,
@ -411,90 +389,41 @@ pub fn unwrap_any<T>(any: Result<T, T>) -> T {
#[cfg(feature = "test-traits")]
mod strategy {
use proptest::strategy::Strategy;
use super::*;
pub(super) fn status_code_strategy() -> impl Strategy<Value = StatusCode> {
(100..999u16).prop_map(|i| StatusCode::from_u16(i).unwrap())
pub struct DeserrError<C: ErrorCode = deserr_codes::BadRequest> {
pub msg: String,
pub code: Code,
_phantom: PhantomData<C>,
impl<C: ErrorCode> std::fmt::Debug for DeserrError<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("DeserrError").field("msg", &self.msg).field("code", &self.code).finish()
impl<C: ErrorCode> std::fmt::Display for DeserrError<C> {
/// Deserialization when `deserr` cannot parse an API key date.
pub struct ParseOffsetDateTimeError(pub String);
impl fmt::Display for ParseOffsetDateTimeError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.msg)
writeln!(f, "`{original}` is not a valid date. It should follow the RFC 3339 format to represents a date or datetime in the future or specified as a null value. e.g. 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.", original = self.0)
impl<C: ErrorCode> std::error::Error for DeserrError<C> {}
impl<C: ErrorCode> ErrorCode for DeserrError<C> {
fn error_code(&self) -> Code {
/// Deserialization when `deserr` cannot parse a task date.
pub struct InvalidTaskDateError(pub String);
impl std::fmt::Display for InvalidTaskDateError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "`{}` is an invalid date-time. It should follow the YYYY-MM-DD or RFC 3339 date-time format.", self.0)
impl<C1: ErrorCode, C2: ErrorCode> MergeWithError<DeserrError<C2>> for DeserrError<C1> {
fn merge(
_self_: Option<Self>,
other: DeserrError<C2>,
_merge_location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, Self> {
Err(DeserrError { msg: other.msg, code: other.code, _phantom: PhantomData })
/// Deserialization error when `deserr` cannot parse a String
/// into a bool.
pub struct DeserrParseBoolError(pub String);
impl fmt::Display for DeserrParseBoolError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "could not parse `{}` as a boolean, expected either `true` or `false`", self.0)
impl DeserrError<MissingIndexUid> {
pub fn missing_index_uid(field: &str, location: ValuePointerRef) -> Self {
let x = unwrap_any(Self::error::<Infallible>(
deserr::ErrorKind::MissingField { field },
Self { msg: x.msg, code: MissingIndexUid.error_code(), _phantom: PhantomData }
impl<C: Default + ErrorCode> deserr::DeserializeError for DeserrError<C> {
fn error<V: IntoValue>(
_self_: Option<Self>,
error: deserr::ErrorKind<V>,
location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, Self> {
let msg = unwrap_any(deserr::serde_json::JsonError::error(None, error, location)).0;
Err(DeserrError { msg, code: C::default().error_code(), _phantom: PhantomData })
pub struct TakeErrorMessage<T>(pub T);
impl<C: Default + ErrorCode, T> MergeWithError<TakeErrorMessage<T>> for DeserrError<C>
T: std::error::Error,
fn merge(
_self_: Option<Self>,
other: TakeErrorMessage<T>,
merge_location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, Self> {
deserr::ErrorKind::Unexpected { msg: other.0.to_string() },
/// Deserialization error when `deserr` cannot parse a String
/// into an integer.
pub struct DeserrParseIntError(pub String);
impl fmt::Display for DeserrParseIntError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "could not parse `{}` as a positive integer", self.0)
@ -2,17 +2,15 @@ use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use deserr::DeserializeFromValue;
use crate::error::{Code, ErrorCode};
/// An index uid is composed of only ascii alphanumeric characters, - and _, between 1 and 400
/// bytes long
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test-traits", derive(proptest_derive::Arbitrary))]
pub struct IndexUid(
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test-traits", proptest(regex("[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,400}")))] String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, DeserializeFromValue)]
#[deserr(from(String) = IndexUid::try_from -> IndexUidFormatError)]
pub struct IndexUid(String);
impl IndexUid {
pub fn new_unchecked(s: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self {
@ -29,6 +27,12 @@ impl IndexUid {
impl fmt::Display for IndexUid {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl std::ops::Deref for IndexUid {
type Target = str;
@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::str::FromStr;
use deserr::{DeserializeError, DeserializeFromValue, MergeWithError, ValuePointerRef};
use enum_iterator::Sequence;
use milli::update::Setting;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339;
use time::macros::{format_description, time};
use time::{Date, OffsetDateTime, PrimitiveDateTime};
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::deserr::error_messages::immutable_field_error;
use crate::deserr::{DeserrError, DeserrJsonError};
use crate::error::deserr_codes::*;
use crate::error::{unwrap_any, Code, DeserrError, ErrorCode, TakeErrorMessage};
use crate::error::{unwrap_any, Code, ErrorCode, ParseOffsetDateTimeError};
use crate::index_uid_pattern::{IndexUidPattern, IndexUidPatternFormatError};
pub type KeyId = Uuid;
impl<C: Default + ErrorCode> MergeWithError<IndexUidPatternFormatError> for DeserrError<C> {
impl<C: Default + ErrorCode> MergeWithError<IndexUidPatternFormatError> for DeserrJsonError<C> {
fn merge(
_self_: Option<Self>,
other: IndexUidPatternFormatError,
@ -30,24 +33,20 @@ impl<C: Default + ErrorCode> MergeWithError<IndexUidPatternFormatError> for Dese
fn parse_uuid_from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Uuid, TakeErrorMessage<uuid::Error>> {
#[derive(Debug, DeserializeFromValue)]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)]
#[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)]
pub struct CreateApiKey {
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidApiKeyDescription>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidApiKeyDescription>)]
pub description: Option<String>,
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidApiKeyName>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidApiKeyName>)]
pub name: Option<String>,
#[deserr(default = Uuid::new_v4(), error = DeserrError<InvalidApiKeyUid>, from(&String) = parse_uuid_from_str -> TakeErrorMessage<uuid::Error>)]
#[deserr(default = Uuid::new_v4(), error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidApiKeyUid>, from(&String) = Uuid::from_str -> uuid::Error)]
pub uid: KeyId,
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidApiKeyActions>)]
#[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidApiKeyActions>, missing_field_error = DeserrJsonError::missing_api_key_actions)]
pub actions: Vec<Action>,
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidApiKeyIndexes>)]
#[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidApiKeyIndexes>, missing_field_error = DeserrJsonError::missing_api_key_indexes)]
pub indexes: Vec<IndexUidPattern>,
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidApiKeyExpiresAt>, default = None, from(&String) = parse_expiration_date -> TakeErrorMessage<ParseOffsetDateTimeError>)]
#[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidApiKeyExpiresAt>, from(Option<String>) = parse_expiration_date -> ParseOffsetDateTimeError, missing_field_error = DeserrJsonError::missing_api_key_expires_at)]
pub expires_at: Option<OffsetDateTime>,
@ -72,32 +71,29 @@ fn deny_immutable_fields_api_key(
field: &str,
accepted: &[&str],
location: ValuePointerRef,
) -> DeserrError {
let mut error = unwrap_any(DeserrError::<BadRequest>::error::<Infallible>(
deserr::ErrorKind::UnknownKey { key: field, accepted },
error.code = match field {
"uid" => Code::ImmutableApiKeyUid,
"actions" => Code::ImmutableApiKeyActions,
"indexes" => Code::ImmutableApiKeyIndexes,
"expiresAt" => Code::ImmutableApiKeyExpiresAt,
"createdAt" => Code::ImmutableApiKeyCreatedAt,
"updatedAt" => Code::ImmutableApiKeyUpdatedAt,
_ => Code::BadRequest,
) -> DeserrJsonError {
match field {
"uid" => immutable_field_error(field, accepted, Code::ImmutableApiKeyUid),
"actions" => immutable_field_error(field, accepted, Code::ImmutableApiKeyActions),
"indexes" => immutable_field_error(field, accepted, Code::ImmutableApiKeyIndexes),
"expiresAt" => immutable_field_error(field, accepted, Code::ImmutableApiKeyExpiresAt),
"createdAt" => immutable_field_error(field, accepted, Code::ImmutableApiKeyCreatedAt),
"updatedAt" => immutable_field_error(field, accepted, Code::ImmutableApiKeyUpdatedAt),
_ => unwrap_any(DeserrJsonError::<BadRequest>::error::<Infallible>(
deserr::ErrorKind::UnknownKey { key: field, accepted },
#[derive(Debug, DeserializeFromValue)]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields = deny_immutable_fields_api_key)]
#[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields = deny_immutable_fields_api_key)]
pub struct PatchApiKey {
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidApiKeyDescription>)]
pub description: Option<String>,
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidApiKeyName>)]
pub name: Option<String>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidApiKeyDescription>)]
pub description: Setting<String>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidApiKeyName>)]
pub name: Setting<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
@ -149,46 +145,40 @@ impl Key {
pub struct ParseOffsetDateTimeError(String);
impl Display for ParseOffsetDateTimeError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "`{original}` is not a valid date. It should follow the RFC 3339 format to represents a date or datetime in the future or specified as a null value. e.g. 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.", original = self.0)
impl std::error::Error for ParseOffsetDateTimeError {}
fn parse_expiration_date(
string: &str,
) -> std::result::Result<Option<OffsetDateTime>, TakeErrorMessage<ParseOffsetDateTimeError>> {
let datetime = if let Ok(datetime) = OffsetDateTime::parse(string, &Rfc3339) {
string: Option<String>,
) -> std::result::Result<Option<OffsetDateTime>, ParseOffsetDateTimeError> {
let Some(string) = string else {
return Ok(None)
let datetime = if let Ok(datetime) = OffsetDateTime::parse(&string, &Rfc3339) {
} else if let Ok(primitive_datetime) = PrimitiveDateTime::parse(
"[year repr:full base:calendar]-[month repr:numerical]-[day]T[hour]:[minute]:[second]"
) {
} else if let Ok(primitive_datetime) = PrimitiveDateTime::parse(
"[year repr:full base:calendar]-[month repr:numerical]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second]"
) {
} else if let Ok(date) = Date::parse(
format_description!("[year repr:full base:calendar]-[month repr:numerical]-[day]"),
) {
PrimitiveDateTime::new(date, time!(00:00)).assume_utc()
} else {
return Err(TakeErrorMessage(ParseOffsetDateTimeError(string.to_owned())));
return Err(ParseOffsetDateTimeError(string));
if datetime > OffsetDateTime::now_utc() {
} else {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
pub mod compression;
pub mod deserr;
pub mod document_formats;
pub mod error;
pub mod index_uid;
@ -8,11 +9,10 @@ pub mod settings;
pub mod star_or;
pub mod tasks;
pub mod versioning;
pub use milli;
pub use milli::{heed, Index};
use uuid::Uuid;
pub use versioning::VERSION_FILE_NAME;
pub use {milli, serde_cs};
pub type Document = serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>;
pub type InstanceUid = Uuid;
@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ use milli::update::Setting;
use milli::{Criterion, CriterionError, Index, DEFAULT_VALUES_PER_FACET};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize, Serializer};
use crate::deserr::DeserrJsonError;
use crate::error::deserr_codes::*;
use crate::error::{unwrap_any, DeserrError};
use crate::error::unwrap_any;
/// The maximimum number of results that the engine
/// will be able to return in one search call.
@ -66,26 +67,31 @@ fn validate_min_word_size_for_typo_setting<E: DeserializeError>(
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, DeserializeFromValue)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[deserr(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = camelCase, validate = validate_min_word_size_for_typo_setting -> DeserrError<InvalidMinWordLengthForTypo>)]
#[deserr(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = camelCase, validate = validate_min_word_size_for_typo_setting -> DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsTypoTolerance>)]
pub struct MinWordSizeTyposSetting {
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub one_typo: Setting<u8>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub two_typos: Setting<u8>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, DeserializeFromValue)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[deserr(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = camelCase, where_predicate = __Deserr_E: deserr::MergeWithError<DeserrError<InvalidMinWordLengthForTypo>>)]
#[deserr(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = camelCase, where_predicate = __Deserr_E: deserr::MergeWithError<DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsTypoTolerance>>)]
pub struct TypoSettings {
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub enabled: Setting<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidMinWordLengthForTypo>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsTypoTolerance>)]
pub min_word_size_for_typos: Setting<MinWordSizeTyposSetting>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub disable_on_words: Setting<BTreeSet<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub disable_on_attributes: Setting<BTreeSet<String>>,
@ -94,6 +100,7 @@ pub struct TypoSettings {
#[deserr(rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)]
pub struct FacetingSettings {
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub max_values_per_facet: Setting<usize>,
@ -102,10 +109,11 @@ pub struct FacetingSettings {
#[deserr(rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)]
pub struct PaginationSettings {
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
pub max_total_hits: Setting<usize>,
impl MergeWithError<milli::CriterionError> for DeserrError<InvalidSettingsRankingRules> {
impl MergeWithError<milli::CriterionError> for DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsRankingRules> {
fn merge(
_self_: Option<Self>,
other: milli::CriterionError,
@ -128,14 +136,14 @@ impl MergeWithError<milli::CriterionError> for DeserrError<InvalidSettingsRankin
rename_all = "camelCase",
bound(serialize = "T: Serialize", deserialize = "T: Deserialize<'static>")
#[deserr(error = DeserrError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)]
#[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)]
pub struct Settings<T> {
serialize_with = "serialize_with_wildcard",
skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set"
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsDisplayedAttributes>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsDisplayedAttributes>)]
pub displayed_attributes: Setting<Vec<String>>,
@ -143,35 +151,35 @@ pub struct Settings<T> {
serialize_with = "serialize_with_wildcard",
skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set"
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsSearchableAttributes>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsSearchableAttributes>)]
pub searchable_attributes: Setting<Vec<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsFilterableAttributes>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsFilterableAttributes>)]
pub filterable_attributes: Setting<BTreeSet<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsSortableAttributes>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsSortableAttributes>)]
pub sortable_attributes: Setting<BTreeSet<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsRankingRules>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsRankingRules>)]
pub ranking_rules: Setting<Vec<RankingRuleView>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsStopWords>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsStopWords>)]
pub stop_words: Setting<BTreeSet<String>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsSynonyms>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsSynonyms>)]
pub synonyms: Setting<BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsDistinctAttribute>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsDistinctAttribute>)]
pub distinct_attribute: Setting<String>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsTypoTolerance>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsTypoTolerance>)]
pub typo_tolerance: Setting<TypoSettings>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsFaceting>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsFaceting>)]
pub faceting: Setting<FacetingSettings>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Setting::is_not_set")]
#[deserr(error = DeserrError<InvalidSettingsPagination>)]
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError<InvalidSettingsPagination>)]
pub pagination: Setting<PaginationSettings>,
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::str::FromStr;
use deserr::{DeserializeError, DeserializeFromValue, MergeWithError, ValueKind};
use serde::de::Visitor;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
use crate::deserr::query_params::FromQueryParameter;
use crate::error::unwrap_any;
/// A type that tries to match either a star (*) or
@ -17,35 +17,6 @@ pub enum StarOr<T> {
impl<E: DeserializeError, T> DeserializeFromValue<E> for StarOr<T>
T: FromStr,
E: MergeWithError<T::Err>,
fn deserialize_from_value<V: deserr::IntoValue>(
value: deserr::Value<V>,
location: deserr::ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, E> {
match value {
deserr::Value::String(v) => match v.as_str() {
"*" => Ok(StarOr::Star),
v => match FromStr::from_str(v) {
Ok(x) => Ok(StarOr::Other(x)),
Err(e) => Err(unwrap_any(E::merge(None, e, location))),
_ => Err(unwrap_any(E::error::<V>(
deserr::ErrorKind::IncorrectValueKind {
actual: value,
accepted: &[ValueKind::String],
impl<T: FromStr> FromStr for StarOr<T> {
type Err = T::Err;
@ -57,23 +28,11 @@ impl<T: FromStr> FromStr for StarOr<T> {
impl<T: Deref<Target = str>> Deref for StarOr<T> {
type Target = str;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<T: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for StarOr<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Star => "*",
Self::Other(t) => t.deref(),
impl<T: Into<String>> From<StarOr<T>> for String {
fn from(s: StarOr<T>) -> Self {
match s {
StarOr::Star => "*".to_string(),
StarOr::Other(t) => t.into(),
StarOr::Star => write!(f, "*"),
StarOr::Other(x) => fmt::Display::fmt(x, f),
@ -93,7 +52,7 @@ impl<T: PartialEq + Eq> Eq for StarOr<T> {}
impl<'de, T, E> Deserialize<'de> for StarOr<T>
T: FromStr<Err = E>,
E: Display,
E: fmt::Display,
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
@ -109,11 +68,11 @@ where
impl<'de, T, FE> Visitor<'de> for StarOrVisitor<T>
T: FromStr<Err = FE>,
FE: Display,
FE: fmt::Display,
type Value = StarOr<T>;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("a string")
@ -139,7 +98,7 @@ where
impl<T> Serialize for StarOr<T>
T: Deref<Target = str>,
T: ToString,
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
@ -147,7 +106,222 @@ where
match self {
StarOr::Star => serializer.serialize_str("*"),
StarOr::Other(other) => serializer.serialize_str(other.deref()),
StarOr::Other(other) => serializer.serialize_str(&other.to_string()),
impl<T, E> DeserializeFromValue<E> for StarOr<T>
T: FromStr,
E: DeserializeError + MergeWithError<T::Err>,
fn deserialize_from_value<V: deserr::IntoValue>(
value: deserr::Value<V>,
location: deserr::ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, E> {
match value {
deserr::Value::String(v) => {
if v == "*" {
} else {
match T::from_str(&v) {
Ok(parsed) => Ok(StarOr::Other(parsed)),
Err(e) => Err(unwrap_any(E::merge(None, e, location))),
_ => Err(unwrap_any(E::error::<V>(
deserr::ErrorKind::IncorrectValueKind {
actual: value,
accepted: &[ValueKind::String],
/// A type representing the content of a query parameter that can either not exist,
/// be equal to a star (*), or another value
/// It is a convenient alternative to `Option<StarOr<T>>`.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum OptionStarOr<T> {
impl<T> OptionStarOr<T> {
pub fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::None => false,
Self::Star => false,
Self::Other(_) => true,
pub fn merge_star_and_none(self) -> Option<T> {
match self {
Self::None | Self::Star => None,
Self::Other(x) => Some(x),
pub fn try_map<U, E, F: Fn(T) -> Result<U, E>>(self, map_f: F) -> Result<OptionStarOr<U>, E> {
match self {
OptionStarOr::None => Ok(OptionStarOr::None),
OptionStarOr::Star => Ok(OptionStarOr::Star),
OptionStarOr::Other(x) => map_f(x).map(OptionStarOr::Other),
impl<T> FromQueryParameter for OptionStarOr<T>
T: FromQueryParameter,
type Err = T::Err;
fn from_query_param(p: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match p {
"*" => Ok(OptionStarOr::Star),
s => T::from_query_param(s).map(OptionStarOr::Other),
impl<T, E> DeserializeFromValue<E> for OptionStarOr<T>
E: DeserializeError + MergeWithError<T::Err>,
T: FromQueryParameter,
fn deserialize_from_value<V: deserr::IntoValue>(
value: deserr::Value<V>,
location: deserr::ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, E> {
match value {
deserr::Value::String(s) => match s.as_str() {
"*" => Ok(OptionStarOr::Star),
s => match T::from_query_param(s) {
Ok(x) => Ok(OptionStarOr::Other(x)),
Err(e) => Err(unwrap_any(E::merge(None, e, location))),
_ => Err(unwrap_any(E::error::<V>(
deserr::ErrorKind::IncorrectValueKind {
actual: value,
accepted: &[ValueKind::String],
/// A type representing the content of a query parameter that can either not exist, be equal to a star (*), or represent a list of other values
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub enum OptionStarOrList<T> {
impl<T> OptionStarOrList<T> {
pub fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::None => false,
Self::Star => false,
Self::List(_) => true,
pub fn map<U, F: Fn(T) -> U>(self, map_f: F) -> OptionStarOrList<U> {
match self {
Self::None => OptionStarOrList::None,
Self::Star => OptionStarOrList::Star,
Self::List(xs) => OptionStarOrList::List(xs.into_iter().map(map_f).collect()),
pub fn try_map<U, E, F: Fn(T) -> Result<U, E>>(
map_f: F,
) -> Result<OptionStarOrList<U>, E> {
match self {
Self::None => Ok(OptionStarOrList::None),
Self::Star => Ok(OptionStarOrList::Star),
Self::List(xs) => {
xs.into_iter().map(map_f).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().map(OptionStarOrList::List)
pub fn merge_star_and_none(self) -> Option<Vec<T>> {
match self {
Self::None | Self::Star => None,
Self::List(xs) => Some(xs),
pub fn push(&mut self, el: T) {
match self {
Self::None => *self = Self::List(vec![el]),
Self::Star => (),
Self::List(xs) => xs.push(el),
impl<T, E> DeserializeFromValue<E> for OptionStarOrList<T>
E: DeserializeError + MergeWithError<T::Err>,
T: FromQueryParameter,
fn deserialize_from_value<V: deserr::IntoValue>(
value: deserr::Value<V>,
location: deserr::ValuePointerRef,
) -> Result<Self, E> {
match value {
deserr::Value::String(s) => {
let mut error = None;
let mut is_star = false;
// CS::<String>::from_str is infaillible
let cs = serde_cs::vec::CS::<String>::from_str(&s).unwrap();
let len_cs = cs.0.len();
let mut els = vec![];
for (i, el_str) in cs.into_iter().enumerate() {
if el_str == "*" {
is_star = true;
} else {
match T::from_query_param(&el_str) {
Ok(el) => {
Err(e) => {
let location =
if len_cs > 1 { location.push_index(i) } else { location };
error = Some(E::merge(error, e, location)?);
if let Some(error) = error {
return Err(error);
if is_star {
} else {
_ => Err(unwrap_any(E::error::<V>(
deserr::ErrorKind::IncorrectValueKind {
actual: value,
accepted: &[ValueKind::String],
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
use core::fmt;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fmt::{Display, Write};
use std::str::FromStr;
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize, Serializer};
use time::{Duration, OffsetDateTime};
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::error::{Code, ResponseError};
use crate::error::ResponseError;
use crate::keys::Key;
use crate::settings::{Settings, Unchecked};
use crate::InstanceUid;
@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ impl Display for Status {
impl FromStr for Status {
type Err = ResponseError;
type Err = ParseTaskStatusError;
fn from_str(status: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
if status.eq_ignore_ascii_case("enqueued") {
@ -346,21 +347,28 @@ impl FromStr for Status {
} else if status.eq_ignore_ascii_case("canceled") {
} else {
"`{}` is not a status. Available status are {}.",
.map(|s| format!("`{s}`"))
.join(", ")
pub struct ParseTaskStatusError(pub String);
impl fmt::Display for ParseTaskStatusError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"`{}` is not a valid task status. Available statuses are {}.",
.map(|s| format!("`{s}`"))
.join(", ")
impl std::error::Error for ParseTaskStatusError {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Sequence)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub enum Kind {
@ -412,7 +420,7 @@ impl Display for Kind {
impl FromStr for Kind {
type Err = ResponseError;
type Err = ParseTaskKindError;
fn from_str(kind: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
if kind.eq_ignore_ascii_case("indexCreation") {
@ -438,25 +446,32 @@ impl FromStr for Kind {
} else if kind.eq_ignore_ascii_case("snapshotCreation") {
} else {
"`{}` is not a type. Available types are {}.",
.map(|k| format!(
// by default serde is going to insert `"` around the value.
.join(", ")
pub struct ParseTaskKindError(pub String);
impl fmt::Display for ParseTaskKindError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"`{}` is not a valid task type. Available types are {}.",
.map(|k| format!(
// by default serde is going to insert `"` around the value.
.join(", ")
impl std::error::Error for ParseTaskKindError {}
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Details {
DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { received_documents: u64, indexed_documents: Option<u64> },
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