mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 23:21:47 +01:00
fix tests, restore behavior
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use structopt::StructOpt;
use termcolor::{Color, ColorChoice, ColorSpec, StandardStream, WriteColor};
use meilisearch_core::{Database, DatabaseOptions, Highlight, ProcessedUpdateResult};
use meilisearch_core::{Database, DatabaseOptions, Highlight, ProcessedUpdateResult, Error as MError};
use meilisearch_core::settings::Settings;
use meilisearch_schema::FieldId;
@ -126,9 +126,10 @@ fn index_command(command: IndexCommand, database: Database) -> Result<(), Box<dy
let mut update_writer = db.update_write_txn().unwrap();
index.settings_update(&mut update_writer, settings)?;
db.update_write::<_, _, MError>(|writer| {
index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
let mut rdr = if command.csv_data_path.as_os_str() == "-" {
csv::Reader::from_reader(Box::new(io::stdin()) as Box<dyn Read>)
@ -175,10 +176,12 @@ fn index_command(command: IndexCommand, database: Database) -> Result<(), Box<dy
let mut update_writer = db.update_write_txn().unwrap();
let update_id = db.update_write::<_, _, MError>(|writer| {
let update_id = additions.finalize(writer)?;
println!("committing update...");
let update_id = additions.finalize(&mut update_writer)?;
max_update_id = max_update_id.max(update_id);
println!("committed update {}", update_id);
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ impl Database {
pub fn update_write_txn(&self) -> MResult<heed::RwTxn<UpdateT>> {
pub(crate) fn update_write_txn(&self) -> MResult<heed::RwTxn<UpdateT>> {
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pub enum Error {
impl ErrorCode for Error {
fn error_code(&self) -> Code {
//TODO populate codes
@ -71,43 +71,42 @@ impl Main {
Ok(self.main.get::<_, Str, SerdeDatetime>(reader, UPDATED_AT_KEY)?)
<<<<<<< HEAD
pub fn put_internal_docids(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, ids: &sdset::Set<DocumentId>) -> ZResult<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, DocumentsIds>(writer, INTERNAL_DOCIDS_KEY, ids)
pub fn put_internal_docids(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, ids: &sdset::Set<DocumentId>) -> MResult<()> {
Ok(self.main.put::<_, Str, DocumentsIds>(writer, INTERNAL_DOCIDS_KEY, ids)?)
pub fn internal_docids<'txn>(self, reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> ZResult<Cow<'txn, sdset::Set<DocumentId>>> {
pub fn internal_docids<'txn>(self, reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<Cow<'txn, sdset::Set<DocumentId>>> {
match self.main.get::<_, Str, DocumentsIds>(reader, INTERNAL_DOCIDS_KEY)? {
Some(ids) => Ok(ids),
None => Ok(Cow::default()),
pub fn merge_internal_docids(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, new_ids: &sdset::Set<DocumentId>) -> ZResult<()> {
pub fn merge_internal_docids(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, new_ids: &sdset::Set<DocumentId>) -> MResult<()> {
use sdset::SetOperation;
// We do an union of the old and new internal ids.
let internal_docids = self.internal_docids(writer)?;
let internal_docids = sdset::duo::Union::new(&internal_docids, new_ids).into_set_buf();
self.put_internal_docids(writer, &internal_docids)
Ok(self.put_internal_docids(writer, &internal_docids)?)
pub fn remove_internal_docids(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, ids: &sdset::Set<DocumentId>) -> ZResult<()> {
pub fn remove_internal_docids(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, ids: &sdset::Set<DocumentId>) -> MResult<()> {
use sdset::SetOperation;
// We do a difference of the old and new internal ids.
let internal_docids = self.internal_docids(writer)?;
let internal_docids = sdset::duo::Difference::new(&internal_docids, ids).into_set_buf();
self.put_internal_docids(writer, &internal_docids)
Ok(self.put_internal_docids(writer, &internal_docids)?)
pub fn put_external_docids<A>(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, ids: &fst::Map<A>) -> ZResult<()>
pub fn put_external_docids<A>(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, ids: &fst::Map<A>) -> MResult<()>
where A: AsRef<[u8]>,
self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(writer, EXTERNAL_DOCIDS_KEY, ids.as_fst().as_bytes())
Ok(self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(writer, EXTERNAL_DOCIDS_KEY, ids.as_fst().as_bytes())?)
pub fn merge_external_docids<A>(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, new_docids: &fst::Map<A>) -> ZResult<()>
pub fn merge_external_docids<A>(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, new_docids: &fst::Map<A>) -> MResult<()>
where A: AsRef<[u8]>,
use fst::{Streamer, IntoStreamer};
@ -118,29 +117,14 @@ impl Main {
let mut build = fst::MapBuilder::memory();
while let Some((docid, values)) = op.next() {
build.insert(docid, values[0].value).unwrap();
pub fn put_words_fst(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, fst: &fst::Set) -> MResult<()> {
let bytes = fst.as_fst().as_bytes();
Ok(self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(writer, WORDS_KEY, bytes)?)
pub unsafe fn static_words_fst(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<Option<fst::Set>> {
match self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(reader, WORDS_KEY)? {
Some(bytes) => {
let bytes: &'static [u8] = std::mem::transmute(bytes);
let set = fst::Set::from_static_slice(bytes).unwrap();
None => Ok(None),
>>>>>>> 5c760d3... refactor errors / isolate core/http errors
let external_docids = build.into_map();
self.put_external_docids(writer, &external_docids)
Ok(self.put_external_docids(writer, &external_docids)?)
pub fn remove_external_docids<A>(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, ids: &fst::Map<A>) -> ZResult<()>
pub fn remove_external_docids<A>(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, ids: &fst::Map<A>) -> MResult<()>
where A: AsRef<[u8]>,
use fst::{Streamer, IntoStreamer};
@ -158,29 +142,29 @@ impl Main {
self.put_external_docids(writer, &external_docids)
pub fn external_docids(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> ZResult<FstMapCow> {
pub fn external_docids(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<FstMapCow> {
match self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(reader, EXTERNAL_DOCIDS_KEY)? {
Some(bytes) => Ok(fst::Map::new(bytes).unwrap().map_data(Cow::Borrowed).unwrap()),
None => Ok(fst::Map::default().map_data(Cow::Owned).unwrap()),
pub fn external_to_internal_docid(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>, external_docid: &str) -> ZResult<Option<DocumentId>> {
pub fn external_to_internal_docid(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>, external_docid: &str) -> MResult<Option<DocumentId>> {
let external_ids = self.external_docids(reader)?;
Ok(external_ids.get(external_docid).map(|id| DocumentId(id as u32)))
pub fn put_words_fst<A: AsRef<[u8]>>(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, fst: &fst::Set<A>) -> ZResult<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(writer, WORDS_KEY, fst.as_fst().as_bytes())
pub fn words_fst(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<Option<fst::Set>> {
pub fn words_fst(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<FstSetCow> {
match self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(reader, WORDS_KEY)? {
Some(bytes) => Ok(fst::Set::new(bytes).unwrap().map_data(Cow::Borrowed).unwrap()),
None => Ok(fst::Set::default().map_data(Cow::Owned).unwrap()),
pub fn put_words_fst<A: AsRef<[u8]>>(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, fst: &fst::Set<A>) -> MResult<()> {
Ok(self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(writer, WORDS_KEY, fst.as_fst().as_bytes())?)
pub fn put_schema(self, writer: &mut heed::RwTxn<MainT>, schema: &Schema) -> MResult<()> {
Ok(self.main.put::<_, Str, SerdeBincode<Schema>>(writer, SCHEMA_KEY, schema)?)
@ -206,7 +190,7 @@ impl Main {
Ok(self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(writer, SYNONYMS_KEY, bytes)?)
pub(crate) fn synonyms_fst(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<Option<fst::Set>> {
pub(crate) fn synonyms_fst(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<FstSetCow> {
match self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(reader, SYNONYMS_KEY)? {
Some(bytes) => Ok(fst::Set::new(bytes).unwrap().map_data(Cow::Borrowed).unwrap()),
None => Ok(fst::Set::default().map_data(Cow::Owned).unwrap()),
@ -216,7 +200,6 @@ impl Main {
pub fn synonyms_list(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<Vec<String>> {
let synonyms = self
@ -237,7 +220,6 @@ impl Main {
pub fn stop_words_list(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>) -> MResult<Vec<String>> {
let stop_word_list = self
@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ impl Synonyms {
pub fn synonyms(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>, word: &[u8]) -> MResult<Option<Vec<String>>> {
pub fn synonyms(self, reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>, word: &[u8]) -> MResult<Vec<String>> {
let synonyms = self
.synonyms_fst(&reader, word)?
.map(|list| list.stream().into_strs())
@ -12,9 +12,80 @@ enum ErrorCategory {
pub enum Code {
impl Code {
/// ascociate a `Code` variant to the actual ErrCode
fn err_code(&self) -> ErrCode {
use Code::*;
match self {
| BadRequest
| CreateIndex
| InvalidIndexUid
| OpenIndex
| RetrieveDocument
| SearchDocuments => ErrCode::bad_request(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
| IndexNotFound
| NotFound => ErrCode::not_found(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
| MissingHeader => ErrCode::unauthorized(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
MissingAuthorizationHeader => ErrCode::forbidden(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
Internal => ErrCode::internal(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
Maintenance => ErrCode::service_unavailable(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
PayloadTooLarge => ErrCode::payload_too_large(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
UnsupportedMediaType => ErrCode::unsupported_media_type(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
_ => ErrCode::not_found(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
/// return the HTTP status code ascociated with the `Code`
pub fn http(&self) -> StatusCode {
/// returns internal error code, in the form:
/// `EPFCNN`
/// - E: plain letter "E", to mark an error code, future main introduce W for warning
/// - P: scope of the error, 0 for private, 1 for public. Private are error that make no sense
/// reporting to the user, they are internal errors, and there is nothing the user can do about
/// them. they are nonetheless returned, without a message, for assistance purpose.
/// - F: 0 or 1, report if the error is fatal.
/// - C: error category, number in 0-9, the category of the error. Categories are still to be determined, input is required.
/// - NN: The error number, two digits, within C.
pub fn internal(&self) -> String {
let ErrCode { public, fatal, category, code, .. } = self.err_code();
public as u16,
fatal as u16,
category as u16,
impl fmt::Display for Code {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
@ -56,6 +127,42 @@ impl ErrCode {
ErrCode::new(public, fatal, StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, category, code)
pub fn bad_request(
public: bool,
fatal: bool,
category: ErrorCategory,
code: u16
) -> ErrCode {
ErrCode::new(public, fatal, StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, category, code)
pub fn unsupported_media_type(
public: bool,
fatal: bool,
category: ErrorCategory,
code: u16
) -> ErrCode {
ErrCode::new(public, fatal, StatusCode::UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, category, code)
pub fn payload_too_large(
public: bool,
fatal: bool,
category: ErrorCategory,
code: u16
) -> ErrCode {
ErrCode::new(public, fatal, StatusCode::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE, category, code)
pub fn service_unavailable(
public: bool,
fatal: bool,
category: ErrorCategory,
code: u16
) -> ErrCode {
ErrCode::new(public, fatal, StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, category, code)
pub fn forbidden(
public: bool,
fatal: bool,
@ -83,40 +190,3 @@ impl ErrCode {
ErrCode::new(public, fatal, StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, category, code)
impl Code {
/// ascociate a `Code` variant to the actual ErrCode
fn err_code(&self) -> ErrCode {
use Code::*;
match self {
Other => ErrCode::not_found(false, false, ErrorCategory::None, 0),
/// return the HTTP status code ascociated with the `Code`
pub fn http(&self) -> StatusCode {
/// returns internal error code, in the form:
/// `EPFCNN`
/// - E: plain letter "E", to mark an error code, future main introduce W for warning
/// - P: scope of the error, 0 for private, 1 for public. Private are error that make no sense
/// reporting to the user, they are internal errors, and there is nothing the user can do about
/// them. they are nonetheless returned, without a message, for assistance purpose.
/// - F: 0 or 1, report if the error is fatal.
/// - C: error category, number in 0-9, the category of the error. Categories are still to be determined, input is required.
/// - NN: The error number, two digits, within C.
pub fn internal(&self) -> String {
let ErrCode { public, fatal, category, code, .. } = self.err_code();
public as u16,
fatal as u16,
category as u16,
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ pub enum Error {
RetrieveDocument(u32, String),
@ -52,8 +51,26 @@ impl error::Error for Error {}
impl ErrorCode for Error {
fn error_code(&self) -> Code {
//TODO populate with right error codes
use Error::*;
match self {
BadParameter(_, _) => Code::BadParameter,
BadRequest(_) => Code::BadRequest,
CreateIndex(_) => Code::CreateIndex,
DocumentNotFound(_) => Code::DocumentNotFound,
IndexNotFound(_) => Code::IndexNotFound,
Internal(_) => Code::Internal,
InvalidIndexUid => Code::InvalidIndexUid,
InvalidToken(_) => Code::InvalidToken,
Maintenance => Code::Maintenance,
MissingAuthorizationHeader => Code::MissingAuthorizationHeader,
MissingHeader(_) => Code::MissingHeader,
NotFound(_) => Code::NotFound,
OpenIndex(_) => Code::OpenIndex,
RetrieveDocument(_, _) => Code::RetrieveDocument,
SearchDocuments(_) => Code::SearchDocuments,
PayloadTooLarge => Code::PayloadTooLarge,
UnsupportedMediaType => Code::UnsupportedMediaType,
@ -69,7 +86,7 @@ impl error::Error for FacetCountError {}
impl ErrorCode for FacetCountError {
fn error_code(&self) -> Code {
@ -152,7 +169,7 @@ impl Error {
pub fn retrieve_document(doc_id: u64, err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error {
pub fn retrieve_document(doc_id: u32, err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error {
Error::RetrieveDocument(doc_id, err.to_string())
@ -44,10 +44,15 @@ async fn get_document(
let reader = data.db.main_read_txn()?;
let internal_id = index.main
.external_to_internal_docid(&reader, &path.document_id)?
let document: Document = index
.document(&reader, None, internal_id)?
@ -64,12 +69,13 @@ async fn delete_document(
let document_id = meilisearch_core::serde::compute_document_id(&path.document_id);
let mut documents_deletion = index.documents_deletion();
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| Ok(documents_deletion.finalize(writer)?))?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = documents_deletion.finalize(writer)?;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ struct HealthBody {
#[put("/health", wrap = "Authentication::Private")]
async fn change_healthyness(
data: web::Data<Data>,
body: web::Json<HealtBody>,
body: web::Json<HealthBody>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, ResponseError> {
if body.health {
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ async fn search_with_url_query(
let field_ids = prepare_facet_list(&facets, &schema, attrs)?;
None => todo!() /* return Err(FacetCountError::NoFacetSet.into()) */
None => return Err(FacetCountError::NoFacetSet.into()),
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ async fn update_all(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let settings = body
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -74,10 +74,8 @@ async fn get_all(
let mut synonyms = BTreeMap::new();
let index_synonyms = &index.synonyms;
for synonym in synonyms_list {
let alternative_list = index_synonyms.synonyms(&reader, synonym.as_bytes())?;
if let Some(list) = alternative_list {
synonyms.insert(synonym, list);
let list = index_synonyms.synonyms(&reader, synonym.as_bytes())?;
synonyms.insert(synonym, list);
let ranking_rules = index
@ -209,8 +207,8 @@ async fn update_rules(
let settings = settings.into_update().map_err(Error::bad_request)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -235,8 +233,8 @@ async fn delete_rules(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -282,8 +280,8 @@ async fn update_distinct(
let settings = settings.into_update().map_err(Error::bad_request)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -308,8 +306,8 @@ async fn delete_distinct(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -357,8 +355,8 @@ async fn update_searchable(
let settings = settings.into_update().map_err(Error::bad_request)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -383,8 +381,8 @@ async fn delete_searchable(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -434,8 +432,8 @@ async fn update_displayed(
let settings = settings.into_update().map_err(Error::bad_request)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -460,8 +458,8 @@ async fn delete_displayed(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -510,8 +508,8 @@ async fn update_accept_new_fields(
let settings = settings.into_update().map_err(Error::bad_request)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ async fn update(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ async fn delete(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -34,10 +34,8 @@ async fn get(
let mut synonyms = IndexMap::new();
let index_synonyms = &index.synonyms;
for synonym in synonyms_list {
let alternative_list = index_synonyms.synonyms(&reader, synonym.as_bytes())?;
if let Some(list) = alternative_list {
synonyms.insert(synonym, list);
let list = index_synonyms.synonyms(&reader, synonym.as_bytes())?;
synonyms.insert(synonym, list);
@ -62,8 +60,8 @@ async fn update(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -88,8 +86,8 @@ async fn delete(
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|mut writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(&mut writer, settings)?;
let update_id = data.db.update_write::<_, _, ResponseError>(|writer| {
let update_id = index.settings_update(writer, settings)?;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ async fn delete() {
assert_eq!(status_code, 404);
// Resolve teh issue https://github.com/meilisearch/MeiliSearch/issues/493
// Resolve the issue https://github.com/meilisearch/MeiliSearch/issues/493
async fn delete_batch() {
let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("movies");
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ async fn create_index_failed() {
assert_eq!(status_code, 400);
let message = res_value["message"].as_str().unwrap();
assert_eq!(res_value.as_object().unwrap().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(res_value.as_object().unwrap().len(), 4);
assert_eq!(message, "Index creation must have an uid");
// 3 - Create a index with extra data
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ async fn create_index_with_invalid_uid() {
assert_eq!(status_code, 400);
let message = response["message"].as_str().unwrap();
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 4);
assert_eq!(message, "Index must have a valid uid; Index uid can be of type integer or string only composed of alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).");
// 2 - Create the index with invalid uid
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ async fn create_index_with_invalid_uid() {
assert_eq!(status_code, 400);
let message = response["message"].as_str().unwrap();
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 4);
assert_eq!(message, "Index must have a valid uid; Index uid can be of type integer or string only composed of alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).");
// 3 - Create the index with invalid uid
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ async fn create_index_with_invalid_uid() {
assert_eq!(status_code, 400);
let message = response["message"].as_str().unwrap();
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 4);
assert_eq!(message, "Index must have a valid uid; Index uid can be of type integer or string only composed of alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).");
// 4 - Create the index with invalid uid
@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ async fn create_index_with_invalid_uid() {
assert_eq!(status_code, 400);
let message = response["message"].as_str().unwrap();
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 4);
assert_eq!(message, "Index must have a valid uid; Index uid can be of type integer or string only composed of alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).");
@ -645,12 +645,10 @@ async fn check_add_documents_without_primary_key() {
let (response, status_code) = server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents_sync(body).await;
let expected = json!({
"message": "Could not infer a primary key"
let message = response["message"].as_str().unwrap();
assert_eq!(response.as_object().unwrap().len(), 4);
assert_eq!(message, "Could not infer a primary key");
assert_eq!(status_code, 400);
assert_json_eq!(response, expected, ordered: false);
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ impl error::Error for Error {}
impl ErrorCode for Error {
fn error_code(&self) -> Code {
// TODO populate with correct error codes
Reference in New Issue
Block a user