mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 16:40:30 +01:00
split the analytics in a module
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use meilisearch_lib::index::SearchQuery;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use platform_dirs::AppDirs;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::routes::indexes::documents::UpdateDocumentsQuery;
use crate::Opt;
/// The MeiliSearch config dir:
/// `~/.config/MeiliSearch` on *NIX or *BSD.
/// `~/Library/ApplicationSupport` on macOS.
/// `%APPDATA` (= `C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming`) on windows.
static MEILISEARCH_CONFIG_PATH: Lazy<Option<PathBuf>> =
Lazy::new(|| AppDirs::new(Some("MeiliSearch"), false).map(|appdir| appdir.config_dir));
fn config_user_id_path(db_path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
.map(|path| {
.replace("/", "-")
.map(|(filename, config_path)| config_path.join(filename.trim_start_matches('-')))
/// Look for the instance-uid in the `data.ms` or in `~/.config/MeiliSearch/path-to-db-instance-uid`
fn find_user_id(db_path: &Path) -> Option<String> {
.or_else(|| fs::read_to_string(&config_user_id_path(db_path)?).ok())
#[cfg(all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "analytics"))]
/// Write the instance-uid in the `data.ms` and in `~/.config/MeiliSearch/path-to-db-instance-uid`. Ignore the errors.
fn write_user_id(db_path: &Path, user_id: &str) {
let _ = fs::write(db_path.join("instance-uid"), user_id.as_bytes());
if let Some((meilisearch_config_path, user_id_path)) = MEILISEARCH_CONFIG_PATH
let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&meilisearch_config_path);
let _ = fs::write(user_id_path, user_id.as_bytes());
// if we are in release mode and the feature analytics was enabled
#[cfg(all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "analytics"))]
mod segment {
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use actix_web::http::header::USER_AGENT;
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use http::header::CONTENT_TYPE;
use meilisearch_lib::index::SearchQuery;
use meilisearch_lib::index_controller::Stats;
use meilisearch_lib::MeiliSearch;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;
use segment::message::{Identify, Track, User};
use segment::{AutoBatcher, Batcher, HttpClient};
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use sysinfo::{DiskExt, System, SystemExt};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::analytics::Analytics;
use crate::routes::indexes::documents::UpdateDocumentsQuery;
use crate::Opt;
const SEGMENT_API_KEY: &str = "vHi89WrNDckHSQssyUJqLvIyp2QFITSC";
pub fn extract_user_agents(request: &HttpRequest) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|header| header.to_str().ok())
pub struct SegmentAnalytics {
user: User,
opt: Opt,
batcher: Mutex<AutoBatcher>,
post_search_batcher: Mutex<SearchBatcher>,
get_search_batcher: Mutex<SearchBatcher>,
add_documents_batcher: Mutex<DocumentsBatcher>,
update_documents_batcher: Mutex<DocumentsBatcher>,
impl SegmentAnalytics {
fn compute_traits(opt: &Opt, stats: Stats) -> Value {
static FIRST_START_TIMESTAMP: Lazy<Instant> = Lazy::new(Instant::now);
const SYSTEM: Lazy<Value> = Lazy::new(|| {
let mut sys = System::new_all();
let kernel_version = sys
.map(|k| k.split_once("-").map(|(k, _)| k.to_string()))
"distribution": sys.name(),
"kernel_version": kernel_version,
"cores": sys.processors().len(),
"ram_size": sys.total_memory(),
"disk_size": sys.disks().iter().map(|disk| disk.available_space()).max(),
"server_provider": std::env::var("MEILI_SERVER_PROVIDER").ok(),
let infos = json!({
"env": opt.env.clone(),
"has_snapshot": opt.schedule_snapshot,
let number_of_documents = stats
.map(|index| index.number_of_documents)
"system": *SYSTEM,
"stats": {
"database_size": stats.database_size,
"indexes_number": stats.indexes.len(),
"documents_number": number_of_documents,
"start_since_days": FIRST_START_TIMESTAMP.elapsed().as_secs() / (60 * 60 * 24), // one day
"infos": infos,
pub async fn new(opt: &Opt, meilisearch: &MeiliSearch) -> &'static Self {
let user_id = super::find_user_id(&opt.db_path);
let first_time_run = user_id.is_none();
let user_id = user_id.unwrap_or_else(|| Uuid::new_v4().to_string());
super::write_user_id(&opt.db_path, &user_id);
let client = HttpClient::default();
let user = User::UserId {
user_id: user_id.clone(),
let batcher = Mutex::new(AutoBatcher::new(
let segment = Box::new(Self {
opt: opt.clone(),
post_search_batcher: Mutex::new(SearchBatcher::default()),
get_search_batcher: Mutex::new(SearchBatcher::default()),
add_documents_batcher: Mutex::new(DocumentsBatcher::default()),
update_documents_batcher: Mutex::new(DocumentsBatcher::default()),
let segment = Box::leak(segment);
// batch the launched for the first time track event
if first_time_run {
segment.publish("Launched".to_string(), json!({}), None);
fn tick(&'static self, meilisearch: MeiliSearch) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
if let Ok(stats) = meilisearch.get_all_stats().await {
let _ = self
.push(Identify {
context: Some(json!({
"app": {
"version": env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string(),
user: self.user.clone(),
traits: Self::compute_traits(&self.opt, stats),
let get_search = std::mem::take(&mut *self.get_search_batcher.lock().await)
.into_event(&self.user, "Document Searched GET");
let post_search = std::mem::take(&mut *self.post_search_batcher.lock().await)
.into_event(&self.user, "Document Searched POST");
let add_documents =
std::mem::take(&mut *self.add_documents_batcher.lock().await)
.into_event(&self.user, "Documents Added");
let update_documents =
std::mem::take(&mut *self.update_documents_batcher.lock().await)
.into_event(&self.user, "Documents Updated");
// keep the lock on the batcher just for these five operations
let mut batcher = self.batcher.lock().await;
if let Some(get_search) = get_search {
let _ = batcher.push(get_search).await;
if let Some(post_search) = post_search {
let _ = batcher.push(post_search).await;
if let Some(add_documents) = add_documents {
let _ = batcher.push(add_documents).await;
if let Some(update_documents) = update_documents {
let _ = batcher.push(update_documents).await;
let _ = batcher.flush().await;
const INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60 * 60); // one hour
fn start_search(
&'static self,
batcher: &'static Mutex<SearchBatcher>,
query: &SearchQuery,
request: &HttpRequest,
) {
let user_agent = extract_user_agents(request);
let sorted = query.sort.is_some() as usize;
let sort_with_geo_point = query
.map_or(false, |s| s.iter().any(|s| s.contains("_geoPoint(")));
let sort_criteria_terms = query.sort.as_ref().map_or(0, |s| s.len());
// since there is quite a bit of computation made on the filter we are going to do that in the async task
let filter = query.filter.clone();
let queried = query.q.is_some();
let nb_terms = query.q.as_ref().map_or(0, |s| s.split_whitespace().count());
let max_limit = query.limit;
let max_offset = query.offset.unwrap_or_default();
// to avoid blocking the search we are going to do the heavier computation and take the
// batcher's mutex in an async task
tokio::spawn(async move {
const RE: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("AND | OR").unwrap());
let filtered = filter.is_some() as usize;
let syntax = match filter.as_ref() {
Some(Value::String(_)) => "string".to_string(),
Some(Value::Array(values)) => {
if values
.map(|v| v.to_string())
.any(|s| RE.is_match(&s))
} else {
_ => "none".to_string(),
let stringified_filters = filter.map_or(String::new(), |v| v.to_string());
let filter_with_geo_radius = stringified_filters.contains("_geoRadius(");
let filter_number_of_criteria = RE.split(&stringified_filters).count();
let mut search_batcher = batcher.lock().await;
user_agent.into_iter().for_each(|ua| {
search_batcher.total_received += 1;
// sort
search_batcher.sort_with_geo_point |= sort_with_geo_point;
search_batcher.sort_sum_of_criteria_terms += sort_criteria_terms;
search_batcher.sort_total_number_of_criteria += sorted;
// filter
search_batcher.filter_with_geo_radius |= filter_with_geo_radius;
search_batcher.filter_sum_of_criteria_terms += filter_number_of_criteria;
search_batcher.filter_total_number_of_criteria += filtered as usize;
*search_batcher.used_syntax.entry(syntax).or_insert(0) += 1;
// q
search_batcher.sum_of_terms_count += nb_terms;
search_batcher.total_number_of_q += queried as usize;
// pagination
search_batcher.max_limit = search_batcher.max_limit.max(max_limit);
search_batcher.max_offset = search_batcher.max_offset.max(max_offset);
fn batch_documents(
&'static self,
batcher: &'static Mutex<DocumentsBatcher>,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
) {
let user_agents = extract_user_agents(request);
let primary_key = documents_query.primary_key.clone();
let content_type = request
.map(|s| s.to_str().unwrap_or("unkown"))
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut lock = batcher.lock().await;
for user_agent in user_agents {
if let Some(primary_key) = primary_key {
lock.index_creation |= index_creation;
lock.updated = true;
// drop the lock here
impl super::Analytics for SegmentAnalytics {
fn publish(&'static self, event_name: String, send: Value, request: Option<&HttpRequest>) {
let content_type = request
.map(|req| req.headers().get(USER_AGENT))
.map(|header| header.to_str().unwrap_or("unknown").to_string());
tokio::spawn(async move {
let _ = self
.push(Track {
user: self.user.clone(),
event: event_name.clone(),
context: content_type.map(|user_agent| json!({ "user-agent": user_agent.split(";").map(str::trim).collect::<Vec<&str>>() })),
properties: send,
fn start_get_search(&'static self, query: &SearchQuery, request: &HttpRequest) {
self.start_search(&self.get_search_batcher, query, request)
fn end_get_search(&'static self, process_time: usize) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut search_batcher = self.get_search_batcher.lock().await;
search_batcher.total_succeeded += 1;
fn start_post_search(&'static self, query: &SearchQuery, request: &HttpRequest) {
self.start_search(&self.post_search_batcher, query, request)
fn end_post_search(&'static self, process_time: usize) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut search_batcher = self.post_search_batcher.lock().await;
search_batcher.total_succeeded += 1;
fn add_documents(
&'static self,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
) {
fn update_documents(
&'static self,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
) {
impl Display for SegmentAnalytics {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.user)
pub struct SearchBatcher {
// context
user_agents: HashSet<String>,
// requests
total_received: usize,
total_succeeded: usize,
time_spent: Vec<usize>,
// sort
sort_with_geo_point: bool,
// everytime a request has a filter, this field must be incremented by the number of terms it contains
sort_sum_of_criteria_terms: usize,
// everytime a request has a filter, this field must be incremented by one
sort_total_number_of_criteria: usize,
// filter
filter_with_geo_radius: bool,
// everytime a request has a filter, this field must be incremented by the number of terms it contains
filter_sum_of_criteria_terms: usize,
// everytime a request has a filter, this field must be incremented by one
filter_total_number_of_criteria: usize,
used_syntax: HashMap<String, usize>,
// q
// everytime a request has a q field, this field must be incremented by the number of terms
sum_of_terms_count: usize,
// everytime a request has a q field, this field must be incremented by one
total_number_of_q: usize,
// pagination
max_limit: usize,
max_offset: usize,
impl SearchBatcher {
pub fn into_event(mut self, user: &User, event_name: &str) -> Option<Track> {
if self.total_received == 0 {
} else {
let context = Some(json!({ "user-agent": self.user_agents}));
let percentile_99th = 0.99 * (self.total_succeeded as f64 - 1.) + 1.;
self.time_spent.drain(percentile_99th as usize..);
let properties = json!({
"requests": {
"99th_response_time": format!("{:.2}", self.time_spent.iter().sum::<usize>() as f64 / self.time_spent.len() as f64),
"total_succeeded": self.total_succeeded,
"total_failed": self.total_received.saturating_sub(self.total_succeeded), // just to be sure we never panics
"total_received": self.total_received,
"sort": {
"with_geoPoint": self.sort_with_geo_point,
"avg_criteria_number": format!("{:.2}", self.sort_sum_of_criteria_terms as f64 / self.sort_total_number_of_criteria as f64),
"filter": {
"with_geoRadius": self.filter_with_geo_radius,
"avg_criteria_number": format!("{:.2}", self.filter_sum_of_criteria_terms as f64 / self.filter_total_number_of_criteria as f64),
"most_used_syntax": self.used_syntax.iter().max_by_key(|(_, v)| *v).map(|(k, _)| json!(k)).unwrap_or_else(|| json!(null)),
"q": {
"avg_terms_number": format!("{:.2}", self.sum_of_terms_count as f64 / self.total_number_of_q as f64),
"pagination": {
"max_limit": self.max_limit,
"max_offset": self.max_offset,
Some(Track {
user: user.clone(),
event: event_name.to_string(),
pub struct DocumentsBatcher {
// set to true when at least one request was received
updated: bool,
// context
user_agents: HashSet<String>,
content_types: HashSet<String>,
primary_keys: HashSet<String>,
index_creation: bool,
impl DocumentsBatcher {
pub fn into_event(self, user: &User, event_name: &str) -> Option<Track> {
if !self.updated {
} else {
let context = Some(json!({ "user-agent": self.user_agents}));
let properties = json!({
"payload_type": self.content_types,
"primary_key": self.primary_keys,
"index_creation": self.index_creation,
Some(Track {
user: user.clone(),
event: event_name.to_string(),
// if we are in debug mode OR the analytics feature is disabled
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, not(feature = "analytics")))]
pub type SegmentAnalytics = MockAnalytics;
#[cfg(all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "analytics"))]
pub type SegmentAnalytics = segment::SegmentAnalytics;
pub struct MockAnalytics {
user: String,
impl MockAnalytics {
pub fn new(opt: &Opt) -> &'static Self {
let user = find_user_id(&opt.db_path).unwrap_or_default();
let analytics = Box::new(Self { user });
impl Analytics for MockAnalytics {
// These methods are noop and should be optimized out
fn publish(&'static self, _event_name: String, _send: Value, _request: Option<&HttpRequest>) {}
fn start_get_search(&'static self, _query: &SearchQuery, _request: &HttpRequest) {}
fn end_get_search(&'static self, _process_time: usize) {}
fn start_post_search(&'static self, _query: &SearchQuery, _request: &HttpRequest) {}
fn end_post_search(&'static self, _process_time: usize) {}
fn add_documents(
&'static self,
_documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
_index_creation: bool,
_request: &HttpRequest,
) {
fn update_documents(
&'static self,
_documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
_index_creation: bool,
_request: &HttpRequest,
) {
impl Display for MockAnalytics {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.user)
pub trait Analytics: Display + Sync + Send {
/// The method used to publish most analytics that do not need to be batched every hours
fn publish(&'static self, event_name: String, send: Value, request: Option<&HttpRequest>);
/// This method should be called to batch a get search request
fn start_get_search(&'static self, query: &SearchQuery, request: &HttpRequest);
/// This method should be called once a get search request has succeeded
fn end_get_search(&'static self, process_time: usize);
/// This method should be called to batch a get search request
fn start_post_search(&'static self, query: &SearchQuery, request: &HttpRequest);
/// This method should be called once a post search request has succeeded
fn end_post_search(&'static self, process_time: usize);
// this method should be called to batch a add documents request
fn add_documents(
&'static self,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
// this method should be called to batch a update documents request
fn update_documents(
&'static self,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use std::fmt::Display;
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use meilisearch_lib::index::SearchQuery;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{routes::indexes::documents::UpdateDocumentsQuery, Opt};
use super::{find_user_id, Analytics};
pub struct MockAnalytics {
user: String,
impl MockAnalytics {
pub fn new(opt: &Opt) -> &'static Self {
let user = find_user_id(&opt.db_path).unwrap_or_default();
let analytics = Box::new(Self { user });
impl Analytics for MockAnalytics {
// These methods are noop and should be optimized out
fn publish(&'static self, _event_name: String, _send: Value, _request: Option<&HttpRequest>) {}
fn start_get_search(&'static self, _query: &SearchQuery, _request: &HttpRequest) {}
fn end_get_search(&'static self, _process_time: usize) {}
fn start_post_search(&'static self, _query: &SearchQuery, _request: &HttpRequest) {}
fn end_post_search(&'static self, _process_time: usize) {}
fn add_documents(
&'static self,
_documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
_index_creation: bool,
_request: &HttpRequest,
) {
fn update_documents(
&'static self,
_documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
_index_creation: bool,
_request: &HttpRequest,
) {
impl Display for MockAnalytics {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.user)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
mod mock_analytics;
// if we are in release mode and the feature analytics was enabled
#[cfg(all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "analytics"))]
mod segment_analytics;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use meilisearch_lib::index::SearchQuery;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use platform_dirs::AppDirs;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::routes::indexes::documents::UpdateDocumentsQuery;
pub use mock_analytics::MockAnalytics;
// if we are in debug mode OR the analytics feature is disabled
// the `SegmentAnalytics` point to the mock instead of the real analytics
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, not(feature = "analytics")))]
pub type SegmentAnalytics = MockAnalytics;
// if we are in release mode and the feature analytics was enabled
// we use the real analytics
#[cfg(all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "analytics"))]
pub type SegmentAnalytics = segment_analytics::SegmentAnalytics;
/// The MeiliSearch config dir:
/// `~/.config/MeiliSearch` on *NIX or *BSD.
/// `~/Library/ApplicationSupport` on macOS.
/// `%APPDATA` (= `C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming`) on windows.
static MEILISEARCH_CONFIG_PATH: Lazy<Option<PathBuf>> =
Lazy::new(|| AppDirs::new(Some("MeiliSearch"), false).map(|appdir| appdir.config_dir));
fn config_user_id_path(db_path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
.map(|path| {
.replace("/", "-")
.map(|(filename, config_path)| config_path.join(filename.trim_start_matches('-')))
/// Look for the instance-uid in the `data.ms` or in `~/.config/MeiliSearch/path-to-db-instance-uid`
fn find_user_id(db_path: &Path) -> Option<String> {
.or_else(|| fs::read_to_string(&config_user_id_path(db_path)?).ok())
pub trait Analytics: Display + Sync + Send {
/// The method used to publish most analytics that do not need to be batched every hours
fn publish(&'static self, event_name: String, send: Value, request: Option<&HttpRequest>);
/// This method should be called to batch a get search request
fn start_get_search(&'static self, query: &SearchQuery, request: &HttpRequest);
/// This method should be called once a get search request has succeeded
fn end_get_search(&'static self, process_time: usize);
/// This method should be called to batch a get search request
fn start_post_search(&'static self, query: &SearchQuery, request: &HttpRequest);
/// This method should be called once a post search request has succeeded
fn end_post_search(&'static self, process_time: usize);
// this method should be called to batch a add documents request
fn add_documents(
&'static self,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
// this method should be called to batch a update documents request
fn update_documents(
&'static self,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use actix_web::http::header::USER_AGENT;
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use http::header::CONTENT_TYPE;
use meilisearch_lib::index::SearchQuery;
use meilisearch_lib::index_controller::Stats;
use meilisearch_lib::MeiliSearch;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;
use segment::message::{Identify, Track, User};
use segment::{AutoBatcher, Batcher, HttpClient};
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use sysinfo::{DiskExt, System, SystemExt};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::analytics::Analytics;
use crate::routes::indexes::documents::UpdateDocumentsQuery;
use crate::Opt;
use super::{config_user_id_path, MEILISEARCH_CONFIG_PATH};
/// Write the instance-uid in the `data.ms` and in `~/.config/MeiliSearch/path-to-db-instance-uid`. Ignore the errors.
fn write_user_id(db_path: &Path, user_id: &str) {
let _ = fs::write(db_path.join("instance-uid"), user_id.as_bytes());
if let Some((meilisearch_config_path, user_id_path)) = MEILISEARCH_CONFIG_PATH
let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&meilisearch_config_path);
let _ = fs::write(user_id_path, user_id.as_bytes());
const SEGMENT_API_KEY: &str = "vHi89WrNDckHSQssyUJqLvIyp2QFITSC";
pub fn extract_user_agents(request: &HttpRequest) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|header| header.to_str().ok())
pub struct SegmentAnalytics {
user: User,
opt: Opt,
batcher: Mutex<AutoBatcher>,
post_search_batcher: Mutex<SearchBatcher>,
get_search_batcher: Mutex<SearchBatcher>,
add_documents_batcher: Mutex<DocumentsBatcher>,
update_documents_batcher: Mutex<DocumentsBatcher>,
impl SegmentAnalytics {
fn compute_traits(opt: &Opt, stats: Stats) -> Value {
static FIRST_START_TIMESTAMP: Lazy<Instant> = Lazy::new(Instant::now);
const SYSTEM: Lazy<Value> = Lazy::new(|| {
let mut sys = System::new_all();
let kernel_version = sys
.map(|k| k.split_once("-").map(|(k, _)| k.to_string()))
"distribution": sys.name(),
"kernel_version": kernel_version,
"cores": sys.processors().len(),
"ram_size": sys.total_memory(),
"disk_size": sys.disks().iter().map(|disk| disk.available_space()).max(),
"server_provider": std::env::var("MEILI_SERVER_PROVIDER").ok(),
let infos = json!({
"env": opt.env.clone(),
"has_snapshot": opt.schedule_snapshot,
let number_of_documents = stats
.map(|index| index.number_of_documents)
"system": *SYSTEM,
"stats": {
"database_size": stats.database_size,
"indexes_number": stats.indexes.len(),
"documents_number": number_of_documents,
"start_since_days": FIRST_START_TIMESTAMP.elapsed().as_secs() / (60 * 60 * 24), // one day
"infos": infos,
pub async fn new(opt: &Opt, meilisearch: &MeiliSearch) -> &'static Self {
let user_id = super::find_user_id(&opt.db_path);
let first_time_run = user_id.is_none();
let user_id = user_id.unwrap_or_else(|| Uuid::new_v4().to_string());
write_user_id(&opt.db_path, &user_id);
let client = HttpClient::default();
let user = User::UserId {
user_id: user_id.clone(),
let batcher = Mutex::new(AutoBatcher::new(
let segment = Box::new(Self {
opt: opt.clone(),
post_search_batcher: Mutex::new(SearchBatcher::default()),
get_search_batcher: Mutex::new(SearchBatcher::default()),
add_documents_batcher: Mutex::new(DocumentsBatcher::default()),
update_documents_batcher: Mutex::new(DocumentsBatcher::default()),
let segment = Box::leak(segment);
// batch the launched for the first time track event
if first_time_run {
segment.publish("Launched".to_string(), json!({}), None);
fn tick(&'static self, meilisearch: MeiliSearch) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
if let Ok(stats) = meilisearch.get_all_stats().await {
let _ = self
.push(Identify {
context: Some(json!({
"app": {
"version": env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string(),
user: self.user.clone(),
traits: Self::compute_traits(&self.opt, stats),
let get_search = std::mem::take(&mut *self.get_search_batcher.lock().await)
.into_event(&self.user, "Document Searched GET");
let post_search = std::mem::take(&mut *self.post_search_batcher.lock().await)
.into_event(&self.user, "Document Searched POST");
let add_documents = std::mem::take(&mut *self.add_documents_batcher.lock().await)
.into_event(&self.user, "Documents Added");
let update_documents =
std::mem::take(&mut *self.update_documents_batcher.lock().await)
.into_event(&self.user, "Documents Updated");
// keep the lock on the batcher just for these five operations
let mut batcher = self.batcher.lock().await;
if let Some(get_search) = get_search {
let _ = batcher.push(get_search).await;
if let Some(post_search) = post_search {
let _ = batcher.push(post_search).await;
if let Some(add_documents) = add_documents {
let _ = batcher.push(add_documents).await;
if let Some(update_documents) = update_documents {
let _ = batcher.push(update_documents).await;
let _ = batcher.flush().await;
const INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60 * 60); // one hour
fn start_search(
&'static self,
batcher: &'static Mutex<SearchBatcher>,
query: &SearchQuery,
request: &HttpRequest,
) {
let user_agent = extract_user_agents(request);
let sorted = query.sort.is_some() as usize;
let sort_with_geo_point = query
.map_or(false, |s| s.iter().any(|s| s.contains("_geoPoint(")));
let sort_criteria_terms = query.sort.as_ref().map_or(0, |s| s.len());
// since there is quite a bit of computation made on the filter we are going to do that in the async task
let filter = query.filter.clone();
let queried = query.q.is_some();
let nb_terms = query.q.as_ref().map_or(0, |s| s.split_whitespace().count());
let max_limit = query.limit;
let max_offset = query.offset.unwrap_or_default();
// to avoid blocking the search we are going to do the heavier computation and take the
// batcher's mutex in an async task
tokio::spawn(async move {
const RE: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("AND | OR").unwrap());
let filtered = filter.is_some() as usize;
let syntax = match filter.as_ref() {
Some(Value::String(_)) => "string".to_string(),
Some(Value::Array(values)) => {
if values
.map(|v| v.to_string())
.any(|s| RE.is_match(&s))
} else {
_ => "none".to_string(),
let stringified_filters = filter.map_or(String::new(), |v| v.to_string());
let filter_with_geo_radius = stringified_filters.contains("_geoRadius(");
let filter_number_of_criteria = RE.split(&stringified_filters).count();
let mut search_batcher = batcher.lock().await;
user_agent.into_iter().for_each(|ua| {
search_batcher.total_received += 1;
// sort
search_batcher.sort_with_geo_point |= sort_with_geo_point;
search_batcher.sort_sum_of_criteria_terms += sort_criteria_terms;
search_batcher.sort_total_number_of_criteria += sorted;
// filter
search_batcher.filter_with_geo_radius |= filter_with_geo_radius;
search_batcher.filter_sum_of_criteria_terms += filter_number_of_criteria;
search_batcher.filter_total_number_of_criteria += filtered as usize;
*search_batcher.used_syntax.entry(syntax).or_insert(0) += 1;
// q
search_batcher.sum_of_terms_count += nb_terms;
search_batcher.total_number_of_q += queried as usize;
// pagination
search_batcher.max_limit = search_batcher.max_limit.max(max_limit);
search_batcher.max_offset = search_batcher.max_offset.max(max_offset);
fn batch_documents(
&'static self,
batcher: &'static Mutex<DocumentsBatcher>,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
) {
let user_agents = extract_user_agents(request);
let primary_key = documents_query.primary_key.clone();
let content_type = request
.map(|s| s.to_str().unwrap_or("unkown"))
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut lock = batcher.lock().await;
for user_agent in user_agents {
if let Some(primary_key) = primary_key {
lock.index_creation |= index_creation;
lock.updated = true;
// drop the lock here
impl super::Analytics for SegmentAnalytics {
fn publish(&'static self, event_name: String, send: Value, request: Option<&HttpRequest>) {
let content_type = request
.map(|req| req.headers().get(USER_AGENT))
.map(|header| header.to_str().unwrap_or("unknown").to_string());
tokio::spawn(async move {
let _ = self
.push(Track {
user: self.user.clone(),
event: event_name.clone(),
context: content_type.map(|user_agent| json!({ "user-agent": user_agent.split(";").map(str::trim).collect::<Vec<&str>>() })),
properties: send,
fn start_get_search(&'static self, query: &SearchQuery, request: &HttpRequest) {
self.start_search(&self.get_search_batcher, query, request)
fn end_get_search(&'static self, process_time: usize) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut search_batcher = self.get_search_batcher.lock().await;
search_batcher.total_succeeded += 1;
fn start_post_search(&'static self, query: &SearchQuery, request: &HttpRequest) {
self.start_search(&self.post_search_batcher, query, request)
fn end_post_search(&'static self, process_time: usize) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut search_batcher = self.post_search_batcher.lock().await;
search_batcher.total_succeeded += 1;
fn add_documents(
&'static self,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
) {
fn update_documents(
&'static self,
documents_query: &UpdateDocumentsQuery,
index_creation: bool,
request: &HttpRequest,
) {
impl Display for SegmentAnalytics {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.user)
pub struct SearchBatcher {
// context
user_agents: HashSet<String>,
// requests
total_received: usize,
total_succeeded: usize,
time_spent: Vec<usize>,
// sort
sort_with_geo_point: bool,
// everytime a request has a filter, this field must be incremented by the number of terms it contains
sort_sum_of_criteria_terms: usize,
// everytime a request has a filter, this field must be incremented by one
sort_total_number_of_criteria: usize,
// filter
filter_with_geo_radius: bool,
// everytime a request has a filter, this field must be incremented by the number of terms it contains
filter_sum_of_criteria_terms: usize,
// everytime a request has a filter, this field must be incremented by one
filter_total_number_of_criteria: usize,
used_syntax: HashMap<String, usize>,
// q
// everytime a request has a q field, this field must be incremented by the number of terms
sum_of_terms_count: usize,
// everytime a request has a q field, this field must be incremented by one
total_number_of_q: usize,
// pagination
max_limit: usize,
max_offset: usize,
impl SearchBatcher {
pub fn into_event(mut self, user: &User, event_name: &str) -> Option<Track> {
if self.total_received == 0 {
} else {
let context = Some(json!({ "user-agent": self.user_agents}));
let percentile_99th = 0.99 * (self.total_succeeded as f64 - 1.) + 1.;
self.time_spent.drain(percentile_99th as usize..);
let properties = json!({
"requests": {
"99th_response_time": format!("{:.2}", self.time_spent.iter().sum::<usize>() as f64 / self.time_spent.len() as f64),
"total_succeeded": self.total_succeeded,
"total_failed": self.total_received.saturating_sub(self.total_succeeded), // just to be sure we never panics
"total_received": self.total_received,
"sort": {
"with_geoPoint": self.sort_with_geo_point,
"avg_criteria_number": format!("{:.2}", self.sort_sum_of_criteria_terms as f64 / self.sort_total_number_of_criteria as f64),
"filter": {
"with_geoRadius": self.filter_with_geo_radius,
"avg_criteria_number": format!("{:.2}", self.filter_sum_of_criteria_terms as f64 / self.filter_total_number_of_criteria as f64),
"most_used_syntax": self.used_syntax.iter().max_by_key(|(_, v)| *v).map(|(k, _)| json!(k)).unwrap_or_else(|| json!(null)),
"q": {
"avg_terms_number": format!("{:.2}", self.sum_of_terms_count as f64 / self.total_number_of_q as f64),
"pagination": {
"max_limit": self.max_limit,
"max_offset": self.max_offset,
Some(Track {
user: user.clone(),
event: event_name.to_string(),
pub struct DocumentsBatcher {
// set to true when at least one request was received
updated: bool,
// context
user_agents: HashSet<String>,
content_types: HashSet<String>,
primary_keys: HashSet<String>,
index_creation: bool,
impl DocumentsBatcher {
pub fn into_event(self, user: &User, event_name: &str) -> Option<Track> {
if !self.updated {
} else {
let context = Some(json!({ "user-agent": self.user_agents}));
let properties = json!({
"payload_type": self.content_types,
"primary_key": self.primary_keys,
"index_creation": self.index_creation,
Some(Track {
user: user.clone(),
event: event_name.to_string(),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user