Refactor word prefix pair proximity indexation

This commit is contained in:
Loïc Lecrenier 2022-07-06 18:20:15 +02:00
parent f55034ed54
commit 306593144d
7 changed files with 649 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1153,6 +1153,7 @@ fn word_pair_proximities_docids(
let db = index.word_pair_proximity_docids.as_polymorph();
let iter = db.prefix_iter::<_, ByteSlice, RoaringBitmapCodec>(rtxn, &prefix)?;

View File

@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ pub use self::roaring_bitmap_length::{
pub use self::str_beu32_codec::StrBEU32Codec;
pub use self::str_str_u8_codec::StrStrU8Codec;
pub use self::str_str_u8_codec::UncheckedStrStrU8Codec;

View File

@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ impl<'a> heed::BytesDecode<'a> for StrStrU8Codec {
fn bytes_decode(bytes: &'a [u8]) -> Option<Self::DItem> {
let (n, bytes) = bytes.split_last()?;
let s1_end = bytes.iter().position(|b| *b == 0)?;
let (s1_bytes, s2_bytes) = bytes.split_at(s1_end);
let (s1_bytes, rest) = bytes.split_at(s1_end);
let rest = &rest[1..];
let s1 = str::from_utf8(s1_bytes).ok()?;
let s2 = str::from_utf8(&s2_bytes[1..]).ok()?;
let (_, s2_bytes) = rest.split_last()?;
let s2 = str::from_utf8(s2_bytes).ok()?;
Some((s1, s2, *n))
@ -24,6 +26,35 @@ impl<'a> heed::BytesEncode<'a> for StrStrU8Codec {
pub struct UncheckedStrStrU8Codec;
impl<'a> heed::BytesDecode<'a> for UncheckedStrStrU8Codec {
type DItem = (&'a [u8], &'a [u8], u8);
fn bytes_decode(bytes: &'a [u8]) -> Option<Self::DItem> {
let (n, bytes) = bytes.split_last()?;
let s1_end = bytes.iter().position(|b| *b == 0)?;
let (s1_bytes, rest) = bytes.split_at(s1_end);
let rest = &rest[1..];
let (_, s2_bytes) = rest.split_last()?;
Some((s1_bytes, s2_bytes, *n))
impl<'a> heed::BytesEncode<'a> for UncheckedStrStrU8Codec {
type EItem = (&'a [u8], &'a [u8], u8);
fn bytes_encode((s1, s2, n): &Self::EItem) -> Option<Cow<[u8]>> {
let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(s1.len() + s2.len() + 1 + 1);

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pub use self::fields_ids_map::FieldsIdsMap;
pub use self::heed_codec::{
BEU32StrCodec, BoRoaringBitmapCodec, BoRoaringBitmapLenCodec, CboRoaringBitmapCodec,
CboRoaringBitmapLenCodec, FieldIdWordCountCodec, ObkvCodec, RoaringBitmapCodec,
RoaringBitmapLenCodec, StrBEU32Codec, StrStrU8Codec,
RoaringBitmapLenCodec, StrBEU32Codec, StrStrU8Codec, UncheckedStrStrU8Codec,
pub use self::index::Index;
pub use self::search::{

View File

@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ fn document_word_positions_into_sorter<'b>(
key_buffer.push(prox as u8);
word_pair_proximity_docids_sorter.insert(&key_buffer, &document_id.to_ne_bytes())?;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
use grenad::CompressionType;
use heed::types::ByteSlice;
use heed::BytesDecode;
use log::debug;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::time::Instant;
use crate::update::index_documents::{
create_writer, merge_cbo_roaring_bitmaps, CursorClonableMmap,
use crate::{Index, Result, UncheckedStrStrU8Codec};
pub struct WordPrefixPairProximityDocids<'t, 'u, 'i> {
wtxn: &'t mut heed::RwTxn<'i, 'u>,
index: &'i Index,
pub(crate) chunk_compression_type: CompressionType,
pub(crate) chunk_compression_level: Option<u32>,
pub(crate) max_nb_chunks: Option<usize>,
pub(crate) max_memory: Option<usize>,
max_proximity: u8,
max_prefix_length: usize,
impl<'t, 'u, 'i> WordPrefixPairProximityDocids<'t, 'u, 'i> {
pub fn new(
wtxn: &'t mut heed::RwTxn<'i, 'u>,
index: &'i Index,
) -> WordPrefixPairProximityDocids<'t, 'u, 'i> {
WordPrefixPairProximityDocids {
chunk_compression_type: CompressionType::None,
chunk_compression_level: None,
max_nb_chunks: None,
max_memory: None,
max_proximity: 4,
max_prefix_length: 2,
/// Set the maximum proximity required to make a prefix be part of the words prefixes
/// database. If two words are too far from the threshold the associated documents will
/// not be part of the prefix database.
/// Default value is 4. This value must be lower or equal than 7 and will be clamped
/// to this bound otherwise.
pub fn max_proximity(&mut self, value: u8) -> &mut Self {
self.max_proximity = value.max(7);
/// Set the maximum length the prefix of a word pair is allowed to have to be part of the words
/// prefixes database. If the prefix length is higher than the threshold, the associated documents
/// will not be part of the prefix database.
/// Default value is 2.
pub fn max_prefix_length(&mut self, value: usize) -> &mut Self {
self.max_prefix_length = value;
pub fn execute<'a>(
mut self,
new_word_pair_proximity_docids: grenad::Reader<CursorClonableMmap>,
new_prefix_fst_words: &'a [String],
common_prefix_fst_words: &[&'a [String]],
del_prefix_fst_words: &HashSet<Vec<u8>>,
) -> Result<()> {
debug!("Computing and writing the word prefix pair proximity docids into LMDB on disk...");
// All of the word prefix pairs in the database that have a w2
// that is contained in the `suppr_pw` set must be removed as well.
if !del_prefix_fst_words.is_empty() {
let mut iter = self
while let Some(((_, w2, _), _)) = {
if del_prefix_fst_words.contains(w2.as_bytes()) {
// Delete this entry as the w2 prefix is no more in the words prefix fst.
unsafe { iter.del_current()? };
// We construct a Trie of all the prefixes that are smaller than the max prefix length
// This is an optimisation that allows us to iterate over all prefixes of a word quickly.
let new_prefix_fst_words = PrefixTrieNode::from_sorted_prefixes(
.map(|s| s.as_str())
.filter(|s| s.len() <= self.max_prefix_length),
let common_prefix_fst_words = PrefixTrieNode::from_sorted_prefixes(
.map(|s| s.into_iter())
.map(|s| s.as_str())
.filter(|s| s.len() <= self.max_prefix_length),
let mut allocations = Allocations::default();
let mut batch = PrefixAndProximityBatch::default();
if !common_prefix_fst_words.is_empty() {
let mut cursor = new_word_pair_proximity_docids.into_cursor()?;
while let Some((key, data)) = cursor.move_on_next()? {
let (word1, word2, proximity) =
if proximity <= self.max_proximity {
&mut allocations,
&mut |key, value| {
&mut self.wtxn,
&mut batch,
&mut allocations,
batch.flush(&mut allocations, &mut |key, value| {
&mut self.wtxn,
if !new_prefix_fst_words.is_empty() {
let mut db_iter = self
let mut writer = create_writer(
while let Some(((word1, word2, proximity), data)) = {
if proximity <= self.max_proximity {
&mut allocations,
&mut |key, value| writer.insert(key, value).map_err(|e| e.into()),
&mut batch,
&mut allocations,
batch.flush(&mut allocations, &mut |key, value| {
writer.insert(key, value).map_err(|e| e.into())
fn insert_word_prefix_pair_proximity_docids_into_batch<'b, 'c>(
word2: &[u8],
proximity: u8,
data: &'b [u8],
prefixes: &'c PrefixTrieNode,
writer: &'b mut PrefixAndProximityBatch,
allocations: &mut Allocations,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut prefix_buffer = allocations.take_byte_vector();
prefixes.for_each_prefix_of(word2, &mut prefix_buffer, |prefix| {
let mut value = allocations.take_byte_vector();
writer.insert(prefix, proximity, value, allocations);
A map structure whose keys are (prefix, proximity) and whose values are vectors of bitstrings (serialized roaring bitmaps).
The keys are sorted and conflicts are resolved by merging the vectors of bitstrings together.
It is used to ensure that all ((word1, prefix, proximity), docids) are inserted into the database in sorted order and efficiently.
A batch is valid only for a specific `word1`. Also, all prefixes stored in the batch start with the same letter. Make sure to
call [`self.flush_if_necessary`](Self::flush_if_necessary) before inserting a list of sorted `(prefix, proximity)` (and where each
`prefix` starts with the same letter) in order to uphold these invariants.
The batch is flushed as often as possible, when we are sure that every (word1, prefix, proximity) key derived from its content
can be inserted into the database in sorted order. When it is flushed, it calls a user-provided closure with the following arguments:
- key : (word1, prefix, proximity) as bytes
- value : merged roaring bitmaps from all values associated with (prefix, proximity) in the batch, serialised to bytes
struct PrefixAndProximityBatch {
batch: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<Cow<'static, [u8]>>)>,
word1: Vec<u8>,
word2_start: u8,
impl PrefixAndProximityBatch {
fn insert(
&mut self,
new_prefix: &[u8],
new_proximity: u8,
new_value: Vec<u8>,
allocations: &mut Allocations,
) {
let mut key = allocations.take_byte_vector();
if let Some(position) = self.batch.iter().position(|(k, _)| k >= &key) {
let (existing_key, existing_data) = &mut self.batch[position];
if existing_key == &key {
} else {
let mut mergeable_data = allocations.take_mergeable_data_vector();
self.batch.insert(position, (key, mergeable_data));
} else {
let mut mergeable_data = allocations.take_mergeable_data_vector();
self.batch.push((key, mergeable_data));
/// Call [`self.flush`](Self::flush) if `word1` changed or if `word2` begins with a different letter than the
/// previous word2. Update `prev_word1` and `prev_word2_start` with the new values from `word1` and `word2`.
fn flush_if_necessary(
&mut self,
word1: &[u8],
word2: &[u8],
allocations: &mut Allocations,
insert: &mut impl for<'buffer> FnMut(&'buffer [u8], &'buffer [u8]) -> Result<()>,
) -> Result<()> {
let word2_start = word2[0];
if word1 != self.word1 {
self.flush(allocations, insert)?;
if word2_start != self.word2_start {
self.word2_start = word2_start;
if word2_start != self.word2_start {
self.flush(allocations, insert)?;
self.word2_start = word2_start;
/// Empties the batch, calling `insert` on each element.
/// The key given to insert is `(word1, prefix, proximity)` and the value is the associated merged roaring bitmap.
fn flush(
&mut self,
allocations: &mut Allocations,
insert: &mut impl for<'buffer> FnMut(&'buffer [u8], &'buffer [u8]) -> Result<()>,
) -> Result<()> {
let PrefixAndProximityBatch { batch, word1: prev_word1, word2_start: _ } = self;
let mut buffer = allocations.take_byte_vector();
for (key, mergeable_data) in batch.drain(..) {
buffer.truncate(prev_word1.len() + 1);
let data = merge_cbo_roaring_bitmaps(&buffer, &mergeable_data)?;
insert(buffer.as_slice(), &data)?;
fn insert_into_database(
wtxn: &mut heed::RwTxn,
database: heed::PolyDatabase,
new_key: &[u8],
new_value: &[u8],
) -> Result<()> {
let mut iter = database.prefix_iter_mut::<_, ByteSlice, ByteSlice>(wtxn, new_key)?;
match {
Some((key, old_val)) if new_key == key => {
let val =
merge_cbo_roaring_bitmaps(key, &[Cow::Borrowed(old_val), Cow::Borrowed(new_value)])
.map_err(|_| {
// TODO just wrap this error?
crate::error::InternalError::IndexingMergingKeys {
process: "get-put-merge",
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { iter.put_current(key, &val)? };
_ => {
database.put::<_, ByteSlice, ByteSlice>(wtxn, new_key, new_value)?;
// This is adapted from `sorter_into_lmdb_database`
pub fn writer_into_lmdb_database(
wtxn: &mut heed::RwTxn,
database: heed::PolyDatabase,
writer: grenad::Writer<std::fs::File>,
) -> Result<()> {
let file = writer.into_inner()?;
let reader = grenad::Reader::new(BufReader::new(file))?;
let before = Instant::now();
if database.is_empty(wtxn)? {
let mut out_iter = database.iter_mut::<_, ByteSlice, ByteSlice>(wtxn)?;
let mut cursor = reader.into_cursor()?;
while let Some((k, v)) = cursor.move_on_next()? {
// safety: we don't keep references from inside the LMDB database.
unsafe { out_iter.append(k, v)? };
} else {
let mut cursor = reader.into_cursor()?;
while let Some((k, v)) = cursor.move_on_next()? {
insert_into_database(wtxn, database, k, v)?;
debug!("MTBL sorter writen in {:.02?}!", before.elapsed());
struct Allocations {
byte_vectors: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
mergeable_data_vectors: Vec<Vec<Cow<'static, [u8]>>>,
impl Default for Allocations {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
byte_vectors: Vec::with_capacity(65_536),
mergeable_data_vectors: Vec::with_capacity(4096),
impl Allocations {
fn take_byte_vector(&mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
self.byte_vectors.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| Vec::with_capacity(16))
fn take_mergeable_data_vector(&mut self) -> Vec<Cow<'static, [u8]>> {
self.mergeable_data_vectors.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| Vec::with_capacity(8))
fn reclaim_byte_vector(&mut self, mut data: Vec<u8>) {
fn reclaim_mergeable_data_vector(&mut self, mut data: Vec<Cow<'static, [u8]>>) {
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct PrefixTrieNode {
children: Vec<(PrefixTrieNode, u8)>,
is_end_node: bool,
impl PrefixTrieNode {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
fn from_sorted_prefixes<'a>(prefixes: impl Iterator<Item = &'a str>) -> Self {
let mut node = PrefixTrieNode::default();
for prefix in prefixes {
fn insert_sorted_prefix(&mut self, mut prefix: std::slice::Iter<u8>) {
if let Some(&c) = {
if let Some((node, byte)) = self.children.last_mut() {
if *byte == c {
let mut new_node = PrefixTrieNode::default();
self.children.push((new_node, c));
} else {
self.is_end_node = true;
fn for_each_prefix_of(&self, word: &[u8], buffer: &mut Vec<u8>, mut do_fn: impl FnMut(&[u8])) {
let mut cur_node = self;
for &byte in word {
if let Some((child_node, _)) = cur_node.children.iter().find(|(_, c)| *c == byte) {
cur_node = child_node;
if cur_node.is_end_node {
} else {
// fn print(&self, buffer: &mut String, ident: usize) {
// let mut spaces = String::new();
// for _ in 0..ident {
// spaces.push(' ')
// }
// for (child, c) in &self.children {
// buffer.push(char::from_u32(*c as u32).unwrap());
// println!("{spaces}{buffer}:");
// child.print(buffer, ident + 4);
// buffer.pop();
// }
// }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
## What is WordPrefixPairProximityDocids?
The word-prefix-pair-proximity-docids database is a database whose keys are of the form (`word`, `prefix`, `proximity`) and the values are roaring bitmaps of the documents which contain `word` followed by another word starting with `prefix` at a distance of `proximity`.
The prefixes present in this database are only those that correspond to many different words present in the documents.
## How is it created/updated? (simplified version)
To compute it, we have access to (mainly) two inputs:
* a list of sorted prefixes, such as:
Note that only prefixes which correspond to more than a certain number of different words from the database are included in this list.
* a sorted list of word pairs and the distance between them (i.e. proximity), associated with a roaring bitmap, such as:
good dog 3 -> docids1: [2, 5, 6]
good doggo 1 -> docids2: [8]
good dogma 1 -> docids3: [7, 19, 20]
good ghost 2 -> docids4: [1]
horror cathedral 4 -> docids5: [1, 2]
I illustrate a simplified version of the algorithm to create the word-prefix-pair-proximity database below:
1. ==Outer loop:== First, we iterate over each word pair and its proximity:
word1 : good
word2 : dog
proximity: 3
2. ==Inner loop:== Then, we iterate over all the prefixes of `word2` that are in the list of sorted prefixes. And we insert the key (`prefix`, `proximity`) and the value (`docids`) to a sorted map which we call the “batch”. For example, at the end of the first inner loop, we may have:
Outer loop 1:
word1 : good
word2 : dog
proximity: 3
docids : docids1
prefixes: [d, do, dog]
batch: [
(d, 3) -> [docids1]
(do, 3) -> [docids1]
(dog, 3) -> [docids1]
3. For illustration purpose, let's run through a second iteration of the outer loop:
Outer loop 2:
word1 : good
word2 : doggo
proximity: 1
docids : docids2
prefixes: [d, do, dog]
batch: [
(d, 1) -> [docids2]
(d, 3) -> [docids1]
(do, 1) -> [docids2]
(do, 3) -> [docids1]
(dog, 1) -> [docids2]
(dog, 3) -> [docids1]
Notice that the batch had to re-order some (`prefix`, `proximity`) keys: some of the elements inserted in the second iteration of the outer loop appear *before* elements from the first iteration.
4. And a third:
Outer loop 3:
word1 : good
word2 : dogma
proximity: 1
docids : docids3
prefixes: [d, do, dog]
batch: [
(d, 1) -> [docids2, docids3]
(d, 3) -> [docids1]
(do, 1) -> [docids2, docids3]
(do, 3) -> [docids1]
(dog, 1) -> [docids2, docids3]
(dog, 3) -> [docids1]
Notice that there were some conflicts which were resolved by merging the conflicting values together.
5. On the fourth iteration of the outer loop, we have:
Outer loop 4:
word1 : good
word2 : ghost
proximity: 2
Because `word2` begins with a different letter than the previous `word2`, we know that:
1. All the prefixes of `word2` are greater than the prefixes of the previous word2
2. And therefore, every instance of (`word2`, `prefix`) will be greater than any element in the batch.
Therefore, we know that we can insert every element from the batch into the database before proceeding any further. This operation is called “flushing the batch”. Flushing the batch should also be done whenever `word1` is different than the previous `word1`.
6. ==Flushing the batch==: to flush the batch, we look at the `word1` and iterate over the elements of the batch in sorted order:
Flushing Batch loop 1:
word1 : good
word2 : d
proximity: 1
docids : [docids2, docids3]
We then merge the array of `docids` (of type `Vec<Vec<u8>>`) using `merge_cbo_roaring_bitmap` in order to get a single byte vector representing a roaring bitmap of all the document ids where `word1` is followed by `prefix` at a distance of `proximity`.
Once we have done that, we insert (`word1`, `prefix`, `proximity`) -> `merged_docids` into the database.
7. That's it! ... except...
## How is it created/updated (continued)
I lied a little bit about the input data. In reality, we get two sets of the inputs described above, which come from different places:
* For the list of sorted prefixes, we have:
* `new_prefixes`, which are all the prefixes that were not present in the database before the insertion of the new documents
* `common_prefixes` which are the prefixes that are present both in the database and in the newly added documents
* For the list of word pairs and proximities, we have:
* `new_word_pairs`, which is the list of word pairs and their proximities present in the newly added documents
* `word_pairs_db`, which is the list of word pairs from the database. **This list includes all elements in `new_word_pairs`** since `new_word_pairs` was added to the database prior to calling the `WordPrefixPairProximityDocIds::execute` function.
To update the prefix database correctly, we call the algorithm described earlier first on (`common_prefixes`, `new_word_pairs`) and then on (`new_prefixes`, `word_pairs_db`). Thus:
1. For all the word pairs that were already present in the DB, we insert them again with the `new_prefixes`. Calling the algorithm on them with the `common_prefixes` would not result in any new data.
3. For all the new word pairs, we insert them twice: first with the `common_prefixes`, and then, because they are part of `word_pairs_db`, with the `new_prefixes`.
Note, also, that since we read data from the database when iterating over `word_pairs_db`, we cannot insert the computed word-prefix-pair-proximity-docids from the batch directly into the database (we would have a concurrent reader and writer). Therefore, when calling the algorithm on (`new_prefixes`, `word_pairs_db`), we insert the computed ((`word`, `prefix`, `proximity`), `docids`) elements in an intermediary grenad Writer instead of the DB. At the end of the outer loop, we finally read from the grenad and insert its elements in the database.