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synced 2025-03-19 06:08:20 +01:00
Move the document changes sorting logic to a new trait
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use heed::types::Bytes;
use heed::RoTxn;
use memmap2::Mmap;
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
use IndexDocumentsMethod as Idm;
use super::super::document_change::DocumentChange;
use super::super::items_pool::ItemsPool;
@ -148,6 +149,8 @@ impl<'p, 'pl: 'p> DocumentChanges<'p> for DocumentOperation<'pl> {
(docid, vec![document_operation]),
// TODO clean the code to make sure we clean the useless operations
// add a method to the MergeChanges trait
Some((_, offsets)) => offsets.push(document_operation),
@ -185,16 +188,10 @@ impl<'p, 'pl: 'p> DocumentChanges<'p> for DocumentOperation<'pl> {
// TODO We must drain the HashMap into a Vec because rayon::hash_map::IntoIter: !Clone
let mut docids_version_offsets: Vec<_> = docids_version_offsets.drain().collect();
// Reorder the offsets to make sure we iterate on the file sequentially
docids_version_offsets.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, (_, offsets))| {
.find_map(|ido| match ido {
InnerDocOp::Addition(add) => Some(add.content.as_ptr() as usize),
InnerDocOp::Deletion => None,
match self.index_documents_method {
Idm::ReplaceDocuments => MergeDocumentForReplacement::sort(&mut docids_version_offsets),
Idm::UpdateDocuments => MergeDocumentForUpdates::sort(&mut docids_version_offsets),
@ -202,11 +199,9 @@ impl<'p, 'pl: 'p> DocumentChanges<'p> for DocumentOperation<'pl> {
Arc::new(ItemsPool::new(|| index.read_txn().map_err(crate::Error::from))),
move |context_pool, (external_docid, (internal_docid, operations))| {
context_pool.with(|rtxn| {
use IndexDocumentsMethod as Idm;
let document_merge_function = match self.index_documents_method {
Idm::ReplaceDocuments => merge_document_for_replacements,
Idm::UpdateDocuments => merge_document_for_updates,
Idm::ReplaceDocuments => MergeDocumentForReplacement::merge,
Idm::UpdateDocuments => MergeDocumentForUpdates::merge,
@ -224,129 +219,178 @@ impl<'p, 'pl: 'p> DocumentChanges<'p> for DocumentOperation<'pl> {
/// Returns only the most recent version of a document based on the updates from the payloads.
/// This function is only meant to be used when doing a replacement and not an update.
fn merge_document_for_replacements(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
index: &Index,
fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap,
docid: DocumentId,
external_docid: String,
operations: &[InnerDocOp],
) -> Result<Option<DocumentChange>> {
let current = index.documents.remap_data_type::<Bytes>().get(rtxn, &docid)?;
let current: Option<&KvReaderFieldId> = current.map(Into::into);
trait MergeChanges {
/// Reorders the offsets to make sure we iterate on the file sequentially.
fn sort(changes_offsets: &mut [(CowStr, (DocumentId, Vec<InnerDocOp>))]);
match operations.last() {
Some(InnerDocOp::Addition(DocumentOffset { content })) => {
let map: TopLevelMap = serde_json::from_slice(content).unwrap();
let mut document_entries = Vec::new();
for (key, v) in map.0 {
let id = fields_ids_map.id(key.as_ref()).unwrap();
document_entries.push((id, v));
fn merge(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
index: &Index,
fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap,
docid: DocumentId,
external_docid: String,
operations: &[InnerDocOp],
) -> Result<Option<DocumentChange>>;
struct MergeDocumentForReplacement;
impl MergeChanges for MergeDocumentForReplacement {
/// Reorders to read only the last change.
fn sort(changes_offsets: &mut [(CowStr, (DocumentId, Vec<InnerDocOp>))]) {
changes_offsets.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, (_, offsets))| {
.find_map(|ido| match ido {
InnerDocOp::Addition(add) => Some(add.content.as_ptr() as usize),
InnerDocOp::Deletion => None,
/// Returns only the most recent version of a document based on the updates from the payloads.
/// This function is only meant to be used when doing a replacement and not an update.
fn merge(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
index: &Index,
fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap,
docid: DocumentId,
external_docid: String,
operations: &[InnerDocOp],
) -> Result<Option<DocumentChange>> {
let current = index.documents.remap_data_type::<Bytes>().get(rtxn, &docid)?;
let current: Option<&KvReaderFieldId> = current.map(Into::into);
match operations.last() {
Some(InnerDocOp::Addition(DocumentOffset { content })) => {
let map: TopLevelMap = serde_json::from_slice(content).unwrap();
let mut document_entries = Vec::new();
for (key, v) in map.0 {
let id = fields_ids_map.id(key.as_ref()).unwrap();
document_entries.push((id, v));
document_entries.sort_unstable_by_key(|(id, _)| *id);
let mut writer = KvWriterFieldId::memory();
.for_each(|(id, value)| writer.insert(id, value.get()).unwrap());
let new = writer.into_boxed();
match current {
Some(current) => {
let update = Update::create(docid, external_docid, current.boxed(), new);
None => {
let insertion = Insertion::create(docid, external_docid, new);
document_entries.sort_unstable_by_key(|(id, _)| *id);
let mut writer = KvWriterFieldId::memory();
.for_each(|(id, value)| writer.insert(id, value.get()).unwrap());
let new = writer.into_boxed();
match current {
Some(InnerDocOp::Deletion) => match current {
Some(current) => {
let update = Update::create(docid, external_docid, current.boxed(), new);
let deletion = Deletion::create(docid, external_docid, current.boxed());
None => {
let insertion = Insertion::create(docid, external_docid, new);
None => Ok(None),
None => Ok(None), // but it's strange
Some(InnerDocOp::Deletion) => match current {
Some(current) => {
let deletion = Deletion::create(docid, external_docid, current.boxed());
None => Ok(None),
None => Ok(None), // but it's strange
/// Reads the previous version of a document from the database, the new versions
/// in the grenad update files and merges them to generate a new boxed obkv.
/// This function is only meant to be used when doing an update and not a replacement.
fn merge_document_for_updates(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
index: &Index,
fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap,
docid: DocumentId,
external_docid: String,
operations: &[InnerDocOp],
) -> Result<Option<DocumentChange>> {
let mut document = BTreeMap::<_, Cow<_>>::new();
let current = index.documents.remap_data_type::<Bytes>().get(rtxn, &docid)?;
let current: Option<&KvReaderFieldId> = current.map(Into::into);
struct MergeDocumentForUpdates;
if operations.is_empty() {
return Ok(None); // but it's strange
impl MergeChanges for MergeDocumentForUpdates {
/// Reorders to read the first changes first so that it's faster to read the first one and then the rest.
fn sort(changes_offsets: &mut [(CowStr, (DocumentId, Vec<InnerDocOp>))]) {
changes_offsets.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, (_, offsets))| {
.find_map(|ido| match ido {
InnerDocOp::Addition(add) => Some(add.content.as_ptr() as usize),
InnerDocOp::Deletion => None,
let last_deletion = operations.iter().rposition(|op| matches!(op, InnerDocOp::Deletion));
let operations = &operations[last_deletion.map_or(0, |i| i + 1)..];
/// Reads the previous version of a document from the database, the new versions
/// in the grenad update files and merges them to generate a new boxed obkv.
/// This function is only meant to be used when doing an update and not a replacement.
fn merge(
rtxn: &RoTxn,
index: &Index,
fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap,
docid: DocumentId,
external_docid: String,
operations: &[InnerDocOp],
) -> Result<Option<DocumentChange>> {
let mut document = BTreeMap::<_, Cow<_>>::new();
let current = index.documents.remap_data_type::<Bytes>().get(rtxn, &docid)?;
let current: Option<&KvReaderFieldId> = current.map(Into::into);
// If there was a deletion we must not start
// from the original document but from scratch.
if last_deletion.is_none() {
if let Some(current) = current {
current.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
document.insert(k, v.into());
if operations.is_empty() {
return Ok(None); // but it's strange
if operations.is_empty() {
let last_deletion = operations.iter().rposition(|op| matches!(op, InnerDocOp::Deletion));
let operations = &operations[last_deletion.map_or(0, |i| i + 1)..];
// If there was a deletion we must not start
// from the original document but from scratch.
if last_deletion.is_none() {
if let Some(current) = current {
current.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
document.insert(k, v.into());
if operations.is_empty() {
match current {
Some(current) => {
let deletion = Deletion::create(docid, external_docid, current.boxed());
return Ok(Some(DocumentChange::Deletion(deletion)));
None => return Ok(None),
for operation in operations {
let DocumentOffset { content } = match operation {
InnerDocOp::Addition(offset) => offset,
InnerDocOp::Deletion => {
unreachable!("Deletion in document operations")
let map: TopLevelMap = serde_json::from_slice(content).unwrap();
for (key, v) in map.0 {
let id = fields_ids_map.id(key.as_ref()).unwrap();
document.insert(id, v.get().as_bytes().to_vec().into());
let mut writer = KvWriterFieldId::memory();
document.into_iter().for_each(|(id, value)| writer.insert(id, value).unwrap());
let new = writer.into_boxed();
match current {
Some(current) => {
let deletion = Deletion::create(docid, external_docid, current.boxed());
return Ok(Some(DocumentChange::Deletion(deletion)));
let update = Update::create(docid, external_docid, current.boxed(), new);
None => return Ok(None),
for operation in operations {
let DocumentOffset { content } = match operation {
InnerDocOp::Addition(offset) => offset,
InnerDocOp::Deletion => {
unreachable!("Deletion in document operations")
None => {
let insertion = Insertion::create(docid, external_docid, new);
let map: TopLevelMap = serde_json::from_slice(content).unwrap();
for (key, v) in map.0 {
let id = fields_ids_map.id(key.as_ref()).unwrap();
document.insert(id, v.get().as_bytes().to_vec().into());
let mut writer = KvWriterFieldId::memory();
document.into_iter().for_each(|(id, value)| writer.insert(id, value).unwrap());
let new = writer.into_boxed();
match current {
Some(current) => {
let update = Update::create(docid, external_docid, current.boxed(), new);
None => {
let insertion = Insertion::create(docid, external_docid, new);
Reference in New Issue
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