mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 14:18:21 +01:00
Fix filter parser handling of keywords and surrounding spaces
Now the following fragments are allowed: AND(field = AND'field' = AND"field" =
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ use error::{cut_with_err, ExpectedValueKind, NomErrorExt};
pub use error::{Error, ErrorKind};
use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
use nom::character::complete::{char, multispace0, multispace1};
use nom::character::complete::{char, multispace0};
use nom::combinator::{cut, eof, map, opt};
use nom::multi::{many0, separated_list1};
use nom::number::complete::recognize_float;
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ use nom::sequence::{delimited, preceded, terminated, tuple};
use nom::Finish;
use nom_locate::LocatedSpan;
pub(crate) use value::parse_value;
use value::word_exact;
pub type Span<'a> = LocatedSpan<&'a str, &'a str>;
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ fn parse_value_list<'a>(input: Span<'a>) -> IResult<Vec<Token<'a>>> {
/// in = value "IN" "[" value_list "]"
fn parse_in(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
let (input, value) = parse_value(input)?;
let (input, _) = ws(tag("IN"))(input)?;
let (input, _) = ws(word_exact("IN"))(input)?;
// everything after `IN` can be a failure
let (input, _) =
@ -215,9 +216,8 @@ fn parse_in(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
/// in = value "NOT" WS* "IN" "[" value_list "]"
fn parse_not_in(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
let (input, value) = parse_value(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("NOT")(input)?;
let (input, _) = multispace1(input)?;
let (input, _) = ws(tag("IN"))(input)?;
let (input, _) = word_exact("NOT")(input)?;
let (input, _) = ws(word_exact("IN"))(input)?;
// everything after `IN` can be a failure
let (input, _) =
@ -241,8 +241,7 @@ fn parse_not_in(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
fn parse_or(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
let (input, first_filter) = parse_and(input)?;
// if we found a `OR` then we MUST find something next
let (input, mut ors) =
many0(preceded(ws(tuple((tag("OR"), multispace1))), cut(parse_and)))(input)?;
let (input, mut ors) = many0(preceded(ws(word_exact("OR")), cut(parse_and)))(input)?;
let filter = if ors.is_empty() {
@ -258,8 +257,7 @@ fn parse_or(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
fn parse_and(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
let (input, first_filter) = parse_not(input)?;
// if we found a `AND` then we MUST find something next
let (input, mut ands) =
many0(preceded(ws(tuple((tag("AND"), multispace1))), cut(parse_not)))(input)?;
let (input, mut ands) = many0(preceded(ws(word_exact("AND")), cut(parse_not)))(input)?;
let filter = if ands.is_empty() {
@ -276,9 +274,7 @@ fn parse_and(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
/// If we parse a `NOT` we MUST parse something behind.
fn parse_not(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
map(preceded(ws(tuple((tag("NOT"), multispace1))), cut(parse_not)), |e| {
map(preceded(ws(word_exact("NOT")), cut(parse_not)), |e| FilterCondition::Not(Box::new(e))),
@ -288,7 +284,7 @@ fn parse_not(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
fn parse_geo_radius(input: Span) -> IResult<FilterCondition> {
// we want to allow space BEFORE the _geoRadius but not after
let parsed = preceded(
tuple((multispace0, tag("_geoRadius"))),
tuple((multispace0, word_exact("_geoRadius"))),
// if we were able to parse `_geoRadius` and can't parse the rest of the input we return a failure
cut(delimited(char('('), separated_list1(tag(","), ws(recognize_float)), char(')'))),
@ -741,6 +737,10 @@ pub mod tests {
Fc::GeoLowerThan { point: [rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(", "12"), rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(12, ", "13")], radius: rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(12, 13, ", "14") }.into()
// (
// ("channel = ponce AND'dog' != 'bernese mountain'", ),
// ("channel = ponce AND('dog' != 'bernese mountain')", ),
// )
for (input, expected) in test_case {
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ pub mod tests {
("'OR'", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `\\'OR\\'`."),
("OR", "Was expecting a value but instead got `OR`, which is a reserved keyword. To use `OR` as a field name or a value, surround it by quotes."),
("channel Ponce", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `channel Ponce`."),
("channel = Ponce OR", "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `OR`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule."),
("channel = Ponce OR", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` but instead got nothing."),
("_geoRadius", "The `_geoRadius` filter expects three arguments: `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, radius)`."),
("_geoRadius = 12", "The `_geoRadius` filter expects three arguments: `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, radius)`."),
("_geoPoint(12, 13, 14)", "`_geoPoint` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance) built-in rule to filter on `_geo` coordinates."),
@ -783,7 +783,6 @@ pub mod tests {
("colour NOT EXIST", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `colour NOT EXIST`."),
("subscribers 100 TO1000", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `subscribers 100 TO1000`."),
("channel = ponce ORdog != 'bernese mountain'", "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `ORdog != \\'bernese mountain\\'`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule."),
("channel = ponce AND'dog' != 'bernese mountain'", "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `AND\\'dog\\' != \\'bernese mountain\\'`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule."),
("colour IN blue, green]", "Expected `[` after `IN` keyword."),
("colour IN [blue, green, 'blue' > 2]", "Expected only comma-separated field names inside `IN[..]` but instead found `> 2]`"),
("colour IN [blue, green, AND]", "Expected only comma-separated field names inside `IN[..]` but instead found `AND]`"),
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use nom::bytes::complete::{take_till, take_while, take_while1};
use nom::character::complete::{char, multispace0};
use nom::combinator::cut;
use nom::sequence::{delimited, terminated};
use nom::{InputIter, InputLength, InputTake, Slice};
use nom::{error, InputIter, InputLength, InputTake, Slice};
use crate::error::{ExpectedValueKind, NomErrorExt};
use crate::{parse_geo_point, parse_geo_radius, Error, ErrorKind, IResult, Span, Token};
@ -48,6 +48,35 @@ fn quoted_by(quote: char, input: Span) -> IResult<Token> {
// word = (alphanumeric | _ | - | .)+ except for reserved keywords
pub fn word_not_keyword<'a>(input: Span<'a>) -> IResult<Token<'a>> {
let (input, word): (_, Token<'a>) =
take_while1(is_value_component)(input).map(|(s, t)| (s, t.into()))?;
if is_keyword(word.value()) {
return Err(nom::Err::Error(Error::new_from_kind(
Ok((input, word))
// word = {tag}
pub fn word_exact<'a, 'b: 'a>(tag: &'b str) -> impl Fn(Span<'a>) -> IResult<'a, Token<'a>> {
move |input| {
let (input, word): (_, Token<'a>) =
take_while1(is_value_component)(input).map(|(s, t)| (s, t.into()))?;
if word.value() == tag {
Ok((input, word))
} else {
/// value = WS* ( word | singleQuoted | doubleQuoted) WS+
pub fn parse_value<'a>(input: Span<'a>) -> IResult<Token<'a>> {
// to get better diagnostic message we are going to strip the left whitespaces from the input right now
@ -71,19 +100,6 @@ pub fn parse_value<'a>(input: Span<'a>) -> IResult<Token<'a>> {
_ => (),
// word = (alphanumeric | _ | - | .)+ except for reserved keywords
let word = |input: Span<'a>| -> IResult<Token<'a>> {
let (input, word): (_, Token<'a>) =
take_while1(is_value_component)(input).map(|(s, t)| (s, t.into()))?;
if is_keyword(word.value()) {
return Err(nom::Err::Error(Error::new_from_kind(
Ok((input, word))
// this parser is only used when an error is encountered and it parse the
// largest string possible that do not contain any “language” syntax.
// If we try to parse `name = 🦀 AND language = rust` we want to return an
@ -97,7 +113,7 @@ pub fn parse_value<'a>(input: Span<'a>) -> IResult<Token<'a>> {
delimited(char('\''), cut(|input| quoted_by('\'', input)), cut(char('\''))),
delimited(char('"'), cut(|input| quoted_by('"', input)), cut(char('"'))),
Reference in New Issue
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