mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 16:11:33 +01:00
Reintroduce a basic highlight display
This commit is contained in:
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ where
document_id: *id,
query_index: query.id,
is_exact: true, // TODO where can I find this info?
postings_list: posting_list_index,
@ -384,358 +384,3 @@ impl Deref for PostingsListView<'_> {
fn fetch_matches<'txn, 'tag>(
reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
automatons: &[QueryWordAutomaton],
arena: &mut SmallArena<'tag, PostingsListView<'txn>>,
main_store: store::Main,
postings_lists_store: store::PostingsLists,
pplc_store: store::PrefixPostingsListsCache,
) -> MResult<Vec<BareMatch<'tag>>>
let before_words_fst = Instant::now();
let words = match unsafe { main_store.static_words_fst(reader)? } {
Some(words) => words,
None => return Ok(Vec::new()),
debug!("words fst took {:.02?}", before_words_fst.elapsed());
debug!("words fst len {} and size {}", words.len(), words.as_fst().as_bytes().len());
let mut total_postings_lists = Vec::new();
let mut documents_ids = HashSet::<DocumentId>::new();
let mut dfa_time = Duration::default();
let mut postings_lists_fetching_time = Duration::default();
let automatons_loop = Instant::now();
for (query_index, automaton) in automatons.iter().enumerate() {
let QueryWordAutomaton { query, is_exact, is_prefix, .. } = automaton;
let before_word_postings_lists_fetching = Instant::now();
let mut stream_next_time = Duration::default();
let mut number_of_words = 0;
let mut postings_lists_original_length = 0;
let mut postings_lists_length = 0;
if *is_prefix && query.len() == 1 {
let prefix = [query.as_bytes()[0], 0, 0, 0];
number_of_words += 1;
let before_postings_lists_fetching = Instant::now();
if let Some(postings) = pplc_store.prefix_postings_list(reader, prefix)? {
debug!("Found cached postings list for {:?}", query);
postings_lists_original_length += postings.matches.len();
let input = Rc::from(&prefix[..]);
let postings_list = Rc::new(postings.matches);
let postings_list_view = PostingsListView::original(input, postings_list);
let mut offset = 0;
for group in postings_list_view.linear_group_by_key(|di| di.document_id) {
let document_id = group[0].document_id;
if query_index != 0 && !documents_ids.contains(&document_id) {
offset += group.len();
postings_lists_length += group.len();
let range = postings_list_view.range(offset, group.len());
let posting_list_index = arena.add(range);
let bare_match = BareMatch {
distance: 0,
is_exact: *is_exact,
postings_list: posting_list_index,
offset += group.len();
postings_lists_fetching_time += before_postings_lists_fetching.elapsed();
else {
let before_dfa = Instant::now();
let dfa = automaton.dfa();
dfa_time += before_dfa.elapsed();
let byte = query.as_bytes()[0];
let mut stream = if byte == u8::max_value() {
} else {
words.search(&dfa).ge(&[byte]).lt(&[byte + 1]).into_stream()
// while let Some(input) = stream.next() {
loop {
let before_stream_next = Instant::now();
let value = stream.next();
stream_next_time += before_stream_next.elapsed();
let input = match value {
Some(input) => input,
None => break,
number_of_words += 1;
let distance = dfa.eval(input).to_u8();
let is_exact = *is_exact && distance == 0 && input.len() == query.len();
let before_postings_lists_fetching = Instant::now();
if let Some(Postings { docids, matches }) = postings_lists_store.postings_list(reader, input)? {
postings_lists_original_length += matches.len();
let input = Rc::from(input);
let matches = Rc::new(matches);
let postings_list_view = PostingsListView::original(input, matches);
let mut offset = 0;
for group in postings_list_view.linear_group_by_key(|di| di.document_id) {
let document_id = group[0].document_id;
if query_index != 0 && !documents_ids.contains(&document_id) {
offset += group.len();
postings_lists_length += group.len();
let range = postings_list_view.range(offset, group.len());
let posting_list_index = arena.add(range);
let bare_match = BareMatch {
postings_list: posting_list_index,
offset += group.len();
postings_lists_fetching_time += before_postings_lists_fetching.elapsed();
debug!("{:?} gives {} words", query, number_of_words);
debug!("{:?} gives postings lists of length {} (original was {})",
query, postings_lists_length, postings_lists_original_length);
debug!("{:?} took {:.02?} to fetch postings lists",
query, before_word_postings_lists_fetching.elapsed());
debug!("stream next took {:.02?}", stream_next_time);
debug!("automatons loop took {:.02?}", automatons_loop.elapsed());
debug!("postings lists fetching took {:.02?}", postings_lists_fetching_time);
debug!("dfa creation took {:.02?}", dfa_time);
pub struct QueryWordAutomaton {
pub query: String,
/// Is it a word that must be considered exact
/// or is it some derived word (i.e. a synonym)
pub is_exact: bool,
pub is_prefix: bool,
/// If it's a phrase query and what is
/// its index an the length of the phrase
pub phrase_query: Option<(u16, u16)>,
impl QueryWordAutomaton {
pub fn exact(query: &str) -> QueryWordAutomaton {
QueryWordAutomaton {
query: query.to_string(),
is_exact: true,
is_prefix: false,
phrase_query: None,
pub fn exact_prefix(query: &str) -> QueryWordAutomaton {
QueryWordAutomaton {
query: query.to_string(),
is_exact: true,
is_prefix: true,
phrase_query: None,
pub fn non_exact(query: &str) -> QueryWordAutomaton {
QueryWordAutomaton {
query: query.to_string(),
is_exact: false,
is_prefix: false,
phrase_query: None,
pub fn dfa(&self) -> DFA {
if self.phrase_query.is_some() {
} else if self.is_prefix {
} else {
fn split_best_frequency<'a>(
reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
word: &'a str,
postings_lists_store: store::PostingsLists,
) -> MResult<Option<(&'a str, &'a str)>> {
let chars = word.char_indices().skip(1);
let mut best = None;
for (i, _) in chars {
let (left, right) = word.split_at(i);
let left_freq = postings_lists_store
.postings_list(reader, left.as_ref())?
.map_or(0, |p| p.docids.len());
let right_freq = postings_lists_store
.postings_list(reader, right.as_ref())?
.map_or(0, |p| p.docids.len());
let min_freq = cmp::min(left_freq, right_freq);
if min_freq != 0 && best.map_or(true, |(old, _, _)| min_freq > old) {
best = Some((min_freq, left, right));
Ok(best.map(|(_, l, r)| (l, r)))
fn construct_automatons(
reader: &heed::RoTxn<MainT>,
query: &str,
main_store: store::Main,
postings_lists_store: store::PostingsLists,
synonym_store: store::Synonyms,
) -> MResult<(Vec<QueryWordAutomaton>, QueryEnhancer)> {
let has_end_whitespace = query.chars().last().map_or(false, char::is_whitespace);
let query_words: Vec<_> = split_query_string(query).map(str::to_lowercase).collect();
let synonyms = match main_store.synonyms_fst(reader)? {
Some(synonym) => synonym,
None => fst::Set::default(),
let mut automaton_index = 0;
let mut automatons = Vec::new();
let mut enhancer_builder = QueryEnhancerBuilder::new(&query_words);
// We must not declare the original words to the query enhancer
// *but* we need to push them in the automatons list first
let mut original_words = query_words.iter().peekable();
while let Some(word) = original_words.next() {
let has_following_word = original_words.peek().is_some();
let not_prefix_dfa = has_following_word || has_end_whitespace || word.chars().all(is_cjk);
let automaton = if not_prefix_dfa {
} else {
automaton_index += 1;
for n in 1..=NGRAMS {
let mut ngrams = query_words.windows(n).enumerate().peekable();
while let Some((query_index, ngram_slice)) = ngrams.next() {
let query_range = query_index..query_index + n;
let ngram_nb_words = ngram_slice.len();
let ngram = ngram_slice.join(" ");
let has_following_word = ngrams.peek().is_some();
let not_prefix_dfa =
has_following_word || has_end_whitespace || ngram.chars().all(is_cjk);
// automaton of synonyms of the ngrams
let normalized = normalize_str(&ngram);
let lev = if not_prefix_dfa {
} else {
let mut stream = synonyms.search(&lev).into_stream();
while let Some(base) = stream.next() {
// only trigger alternatives when the last word has been typed
// i.e. "new " do not but "new yo" triggers alternatives to "new york"
let base = std::str::from_utf8(base).unwrap();
let base_nb_words = split_query_string(base).count();
if ngram_nb_words != base_nb_words {
if let Some(synonyms) = synonym_store.synonyms(reader, base.as_bytes())? {
let mut stream = synonyms.into_stream();
while let Some(synonyms) = stream.next() {
let synonyms = std::str::from_utf8(synonyms).unwrap();
let synonyms_words: Vec<_> = split_query_string(synonyms).collect();
let nb_synonym_words = synonyms_words.len();
let real_query_index = automaton_index;
enhancer_builder.declare(query_range.clone(), real_query_index, &synonyms_words);
for synonym in synonyms_words {
let automaton = if nb_synonym_words == 1 {
} else {
automaton_index += 1;
if n == 1 {
// automatons for splitted words
if let Some((left, right)) = split_best_frequency(reader, &normalized, postings_lists_store)? {
let mut left_automaton = QueryWordAutomaton::exact(left);
left_automaton.phrase_query = Some((0, 2));
enhancer_builder.declare(query_range.clone(), automaton_index, &[left]);
automaton_index += 1;
let mut right_automaton = QueryWordAutomaton::exact(right);
right_automaton.phrase_query = Some((1, 2));
enhancer_builder.declare(query_range.clone(), automaton_index, &[right]);
automaton_index += 1;
} else {
// automaton of concatenation of query words
let concat = ngram_slice.concat();
let normalized = normalize_str(&concat);
let real_query_index = automaton_index;
enhancer_builder.declare(query_range.clone(), real_query_index, &[&normalized]);
let automaton = QueryWordAutomaton::exact(&normalized);
automaton_index += 1;
Ok((automatons, enhancer_builder.build()))
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use sdset::SetBuf;
use slice_group_by::GroupBy;
use crate::automaton::QueryEnhancer;
use crate::bucket_sort::{SimpleMatch, PostingsListView, QueryWordAutomaton};
use crate::bucket_sort::{SimpleMatch, PostingsListView};
use crate::database::MainT;
use crate::query_tree::QueryId;
use crate::{store, RawDocument, MResult};
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ pub use meilisearch_types::{DocIndex, DocumentId, Highlight};
pub use query_words_mapper::QueryWordsMapper;
use compact_arena::SmallArena;
use crate::bucket_sort::{QueryWordAutomaton, PostingsListView};
use crate::bucket_sort::PostingsListView;
use crate::levenshtein::prefix_damerau_levenshtein;
use crate::reordered_attrs::ReorderedAttrs;
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ pub struct Document {
fn highlights_from_raw_document<'a, 'tag, 'txn>(
raw_document: &RawDocument<'a, 'tag>,
automatons: &[QueryWordAutomaton],
arena: &SmallArena<'tag, PostingsListView<'txn>>,
searchable_attrs: Option<&ReorderedAttrs>,
) -> Vec<Highlight>
@ -57,14 +56,14 @@ fn highlights_from_raw_document<'a, 'tag, 'txn>(
for bm in raw_document.bare_matches.iter() {
let postings_list = &arena[bm.postings_list];
let input = postings_list.input();
let query = &automatons[bm.query_index as usize].query;
// let query = &automatons[bm.query_index as usize].query;
for di in postings_list.iter() {
let covered_area = if query.len() > input.len() {
} else {
prefix_damerau_levenshtein(query.as_bytes(), input).1
// let covered_area = if query.len() > input.len() {
// input.len()
// } else {
// prefix_damerau_levenshtein(query.as_bytes(), input).1
// };
let attribute = searchable_attrs
.and_then(|sa| sa.reverse(di.attribute))
@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ fn highlights_from_raw_document<'a, 'tag, 'txn>(
let highlight = Highlight {
attribute: attribute,
char_index: di.char_index,
char_length: covered_area as u16,
char_length: di.char_length,
@ -97,19 +96,15 @@ impl Document {
pub fn from_raw<'a, 'tag, 'txn>(
raw_document: RawDocument<'a, 'tag>,
// automatons: &[QueryWordAutomaton],
arena: &SmallArena<'tag, PostingsListView<'txn>>,
searchable_attrs: Option<&ReorderedAttrs>,
) -> Document
// let highlights = highlights_from_raw_document(
// &raw_document,
// automatons,
// arena,
// searchable_attrs,
// );
let highlights = Vec::new();
let highlights = highlights_from_raw_document(
Document { id: raw_document.id, highlights }
@ -117,21 +112,17 @@ impl Document {
pub fn from_raw<'a, 'tag, 'txn>(
raw_document: RawDocument<'a, 'tag>,
// automatons: &[QueryWordAutomaton],
arena: &SmallArena<'tag, PostingsListView<'txn>>,
searchable_attrs: Option<&ReorderedAttrs>,
) -> Document
use crate::bucket_sort::SimpleMatch;
// let highlights = highlights_from_raw_document(
// &raw_document,
// automatons,
// arena,
// searchable_attrs,
// );
let highlights = Vec::new();
let highlights = highlights_from_raw_document(
let mut matches = Vec::new();
for sm in raw_document.processed_matches {
@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ impl Operation {
fn phrase2(id: QueryId, prefix: bool, (left, right): (&str, &str)) -> Operation {
Operation::Query(Query { id, prefix, kind: QueryKind::Phrase(vec![left.to_owned(), right.to_owned()]) })
let kind = QueryKind::Phrase(vec![left.to_owned(), right.to_owned()]);
Operation::Query(Query { id, prefix, kind })
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use compact_arena::SmallArena;
use sdset::SetBuf;
use crate::DocIndex;
use crate::bucket_sort::{SimpleMatch, BareMatch, QueryWordAutomaton, PostingsListView};
use crate::bucket_sort::{SimpleMatch, BareMatch, PostingsListView};
use crate::reordered_attrs::ReorderedAttrs;
pub struct RawDocument<'a, 'tag> {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user