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2022-08-31 09:36:19 +02:00
use heed::Result;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use super::{get_first_facet_value, get_highest_level};
2022-09-05 13:01:36 +02:00
use crate::heed_codec::facet::{
FacetGroupKey, FacetGroupKeyCodec, FacetGroupValue, FacetGroupValueCodec,
2022-09-01 11:40:29 +02:00
use crate::heed_codec::ByteSliceRefCodec;
/// Return an iterator which iterates over the given candidate documents in
/// ascending order of their facet value for the given field id.
/// The documents returned by the iterator are grouped by the facet values that
/// determined their rank. For example, given the documents:
/// ```ignore
/// 0: { "colour": ["blue", "green"] }
/// 1: { "colour": ["blue", "red"] }
/// 2: { "colour": ["orange", "red"] }
/// 3: { "colour": ["green", "red"] }
/// 4: { "colour": ["blue", "orange", "red"] }
/// ```
/// Then calling the function on the candidates `[0, 2, 3, 4]` will return an iterator
/// over the following elements:
/// ```ignore
/// [0, 4] // corresponds to all the documents within the candidates that have the facet value "blue"
/// [3] // same for "green"
/// [2] // same for "orange"
/// END
/// ```
/// Note that once a document id is returned by the iterator, it is never returned again.
pub fn ascending_facet_sort<'t>(
rtxn: &'t heed::RoTxn<'t>,
db: heed::Database<FacetGroupKeyCodec<ByteSliceRefCodec>, FacetGroupValueCodec>,
field_id: u16,
candidates: RoaringBitmap,
2022-08-31 09:36:19 +02:00
) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<RoaringBitmap>> + 't>> {
let highest_level = get_highest_level(rtxn, db, field_id)?;
if let Some(first_bound) = get_first_facet_value::<ByteSliceRefCodec>(rtxn, db, field_id)? {
2022-09-05 13:01:36 +02:00
let first_key = FacetGroupKey { field_id, level: highest_level, left_bound: first_bound };
let iter = db.range(rtxn, &(first_key..)).unwrap().take(usize::MAX);
Ok(Box::new(AscendingFacetSort { rtxn, db, field_id, stack: vec![(candidates, iter)] }))
} else {
struct AscendingFacetSort<'t, 'e> {
rtxn: &'t heed::RoTxn<'e>,
db: heed::Database<FacetGroupKeyCodec<ByteSliceRefCodec>, FacetGroupValueCodec>,
field_id: u16,
stack: Vec<(
heed::RoRange<'t, FacetGroupKeyCodec<ByteSliceRefCodec>, FacetGroupValueCodec>,
impl<'t, 'e> Iterator for AscendingFacetSort<'t, 'e> {
2022-08-31 09:36:19 +02:00
type Item = Result<RoaringBitmap>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
'outer: loop {
let (documents_ids, deepest_iter) = self.stack.last_mut()?;
for result in deepest_iter {
let (
2022-09-05 13:01:36 +02:00
FacetGroupKey { level, left_bound, field_id },
FacetGroupValue { size: group_size, mut bitmap },
) = result.unwrap();
// The range is unbounded on the right and the group size for the highest level is MAX,
// so we need to check that we are not iterating over the next field id
if field_id != self.field_id {
return None;
// If the last iterator found an empty set of documents it means
// that we found all the documents in the sub level iterations already,
// we can pop this level iterator.
if documents_ids.is_empty() {
bitmap &= &*documents_ids;
if !bitmap.is_empty() {
*documents_ids -= &bitmap;
if level == 0 {
2022-08-31 09:36:19 +02:00
return Some(Ok(bitmap));
let starting_key_below =
2022-09-05 13:01:36 +02:00
FacetGroupKey { field_id: self.field_id, level: level - 1, left_bound };
let iter = match self.db.range(&self.rtxn, &(starting_key_below..)) {
Ok(iter) => iter,
Err(e) => return Some(Err(e.into())),
.take(group_size as usize);
self.stack.push((bitmap, iter));
continue 'outer;
mod tests {
2022-09-07 18:04:07 +02:00
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
2022-09-01 11:40:29 +02:00
use crate::milli_snap;
use crate::search::facet::facet_sort_ascending::ascending_facet_sort;
use crate::search::facet::tests::{get_random_looking_index, get_simple_index};
2022-09-01 11:40:29 +02:00
use crate::snapshot_tests::display_bitmap;
fn filter_sort() {
let indexes = [get_simple_index(), get_random_looking_index()];
for (i, index) in indexes.iter().enumerate() {
let txn = index.env.read_txn().unwrap();
let candidates = (200..=300).into_iter().collect::<RoaringBitmap>();
let mut results = String::new();
2022-09-06 11:52:57 +02:00
let iter = ascending_facet_sort(&txn, index.content, 0, candidates).unwrap();
for el in iter {
let docids = el.unwrap();
2022-09-01 11:09:01 +02:00
2022-09-01 11:09:01 +02:00
milli_snap!(results, i);