
134 lines
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// Package us020 allows interfacing with the US020 ultrasonic range finder.
package us020
import (
const (
pulseDelay = 30000 * time.Nanosecond
defaultTemp = 25
type Thermometer interface {
Temperature() (float64, error)
type nullThermometer struct {
func (*nullThermometer) Temperature() (float64, error) {
return defaultTemp, nil
var NullThermometer = &nullThermometer{}
// US020 represents a US020 ultrasonic range finder.
type US020 struct {
EchoPin, TriggerPin embd.DigitalPin
Thermometer Thermometer
speedSound float64
initialized bool
mu sync.RWMutex
// New creates a new US020 interface. The bus variable controls
// the I2C bus used to communicate with the device.
func New(echoPin, triggerPin embd.DigitalPin, thermometer Thermometer) *US020 {
return &US020{EchoPin: echoPin, TriggerPin: triggerPin, Thermometer: thermometer}
func (d *US020) setup() error {
if d.initialized {
return nil
defer d.mu.Unlock()
if d.Thermometer == nil {
d.Thermometer = NullThermometer
if temp, err := d.Thermometer.Temperature(); err == nil {
d.speedSound = 331.3 + 0.606*temp
glog.V(1).Infof("us020: read a temperature of %v, so speed of sound = %v", temp, d.speedSound)
} else {
d.speedSound = 340
d.initialized = true
return nil
// Distance computes the distance of the bot from the closest obstruction.
func (d *US020) Distance() (float64, error) {
if err := d.setup(); err != nil {
return 0, err
glog.V(2).Infof("us020: trigerring pulse")
// Generate a TRIGGER pulse
glog.V(2).Infof("us020: waiting for echo to go high")
// Wait until ECHO goes high
for {
v, err := d.EchoPin.Read()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if v == embd.High {
startTime := time.Now() // Record time when ECHO goes high
glog.V(2).Infof("us020: waiting for echo to go low")
// Wait until ECHO goes low
for {
v, err := d.EchoPin.Read()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if v == embd.Low {
duration := time.Since(startTime) // Calculate time lapsed for ECHO to transition from high to low
// Calculate the distance based on the time computed
distance := float64(duration.Nanoseconds()) / 10000000 * (d.speedSound / 2)
return distance, nil
// Close.
func (d *US020) Close() error {
return d.EchoPin.SetDirection(embd.Out)