685 B
685 B
Testing library
FetchContent_Declare( catch GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git GIT_TAG v2.9.1) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(catch)
Adds Catch2::Catch2
Tests need to be added as executables first
add_executable(testlib testlib.cpp)
I'm using C++17 in the test
target_compile_features(testlib PRIVATE cxx_std_17)
Should be linked to the main library, as well as the Catch2 testing library
target_link_libraries(testlib PRIVATE modern_library Catch2::Catch2)
If you register a test, then ctest and make test will run it.
You can also run examples and check the output, as well.
add_test(NAME testlibtest COMMAND testlib) # Command can be a target