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# Hint.css [](https://badge.fury.io/js/hint.css)  [](https://gitter.im/chinchang/hint.css?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) 
*A tooltip library in CSS for your lovely websites*
[Demo](https://kushagra.dev/lab/hint/) • [Get started](#get-started) • [Who's using this?](#whos-using-this) • [Browser support](#browser-support) • [FAQs](#faqs) • [Contributing](#contributing) • [License](#license)
`hint.css` is written as a pure CSS resource using which you can create cool accessible tooltips for your web app. It does not rely on JavaScript but rather uses **aria-label**/**data-* attribute**, **pseudo elements**, **content property** and **CSS3 transitions** to create the tooltips. Also it uses **BEM** naming convention particularly for the modifiers.
## Get Started
Get the library using one of the following ways:
1. **GitHub**
Full build
- [unminified] : https://raw.github.com/chinchang/hint.css/master/hint.css
- [minified] : https://raw.github.com/chinchang/hint.css/master/hint.min.css
Base build *(Does not include color themes and fancy effects)*
- [unminified] : https://raw.github.com/chinchang/hint.css/master/hint.base.css
- [minified] : https://raw.github.com/chinchang/hint.css/master/hint.base.min.css
2. **Bower** : `bower install hint.css`
3. **npm**: `npm install --save hint.css`
4. **CDN**: [https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/hint.css](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/hint.css) or [https://cdnjs.com/libraries/hint.css](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/hint.css)
Now include the library in the ``HEAD`` tag of your page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="hint.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="hint.min.css" />
Now, all you need to do is give your element any position class and tooltip text using the `aria-label` attribute.
Note, if you don't want to use `aria-label` attribute, you can also specify the tooltip text using the `data-hint` attribute, but its recommended to use `aria-label` in support of accessibility. [Read more about aria-label](https://webaccessibility.withgoogle.com/unit?unit=6&lesson=10).
Hello Sir, <span class="hint--bottom" aria-label="Thank you!">hover me.</span>
Use it with other available modifiers in various combinations. Available modifiers:
- *Colors* - `hint--error`, `hint--info`, `hint--warning`, `hint--success`
- *Sizes* - `hint--small`, `hint--medium`, `hint--large`
- `hint--always`
- `hint--rounded`
- `hint--no-animate`
- `hint--bounce`
- `hint-no-arrow`
## Upgrading from v1.x
If you are already using v1.x, you may need to tweak certain position classes because of the way tooltips are positioned in v2.
## Changing the prefix for class names
Don't like BEM naming (`hint--`) or want to use your own prefix for the class names?
Simply update `src/hint-variables.scss` and change the `$hintPrefix` variable.
To generate the css file, please read the [contributing page](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Who's Using This?
- [Webflow Playground](http://playground.webflow.com/)
- [Panda chrome app](http://usepanda.com/)
- [Fiverr](https://www.fiverr.com/)
- [Stackshare](http://stackshare.io/)
- [Siftery](https://siftery.com/)
- [LessPass](https://lesspass.com/#/)
- [Tridiv](http://tridiv.com/)
- [Alm - TypeScript IDE](http://alm.tools/)
- [Prototyp](http://prototyp.in/)
- [Tradus](http://tradus.com/)
- [Web Maker](https://webmakerapp.com)
- [Tolks](https://tolks.io)
- [Formspree](http://formspree.io/)
- [codeMagic](http://codemagic.gr/)
Are you using **hint.css** in your awesome project too? Just tweet it out to [@hint_css](https://twitter.com/hint_css) or let us know on the [mailing list](mailto:hintcss@googlegroups.com).
## Browser Support
**hint.css** works on all latest browsers, though the transition effect is supported only on IE10+, Chrome 26+ and FF4+ at present.
- Chrome - basic + transition effects
- Firefox - basic + transition effects
- Opera - basic
- Safari - basic
- IE 10+ - basic + transition effects
- IE 8 & 9 - basic
### FAQs
Checkout the [FAQ Wiki](https://github.com/chinchang/hint.css/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions) for some common gotchas to be aware of while using **hint.css**.
## Contributing
`hint.css` is developed in SASS and the source files can be found in the `src/` directory.
If you would like to create more types of tooltips/ fix bugs/ enhance the library etc. you are more than welcome to submit your pull requests.
[Read more on contributing](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Changelog & Updates
See the [Changelog](https://github.com/chinchang/hint.css/wiki/Changelog).
To catch all updates and discussion, join the mailing list: [**hintcss@googlegroups.com**](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!forum/hintcss).
Or follow on twitter: [**@hint_css**](https://twitter.com/hint_css)
## License
Hint.css is free for personal and commercial use under the MIT License.
## Credits
This doesn't make use of a lot of BEM methodology but big thanks to [@csswizardry](https://twitter.com/csswizardry), [@necolas](https://twitter.com/necolas) for their awesome articles on BEM and to [@joshnh](https://twitter.com/_joshnh) through whose work I came to know about it :)
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