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Backoffice process for disclosure of contacts
Done by a medical professional in the context of a normal consult.
Thus allowing for a professional assessment
Thus allowing for accurate and appropriate advice, followups and so on -- meeting general accepted standards of medical care.
Thus ensuring that the right (medical) information is captures in the right (separate) systems.
Thus ensuring that the patient is able to provide an informed consent. With information professionally presented by a licensed medical professional at the appropriate levels and in the context of a treatment, patient/doctor relation.
At some point, after explaining the ramifications the patient provides his or her informed consent to share the opaque infection information
The medical professional may, or may not, log this as is required by their professional standards.
The patient accesses a special section in the App and shows or conveys (e.g. over the phone) a sequence of (cryptographically random) 6 + 4 numbers or a sequence of words (aka as trustwords or ``car battery horse staple') in an appropriate language.
The app posts a 32 byte hash of the opaque data that it intends to submit to a backend service with the first 6 digits as a reference.
The health professional enters the the 6 + 4 digits into a backoffice systems; the system locates the hash an the professional then his or her UZI chipcard to digitally sign the hash+6+4 digits and posts the resulting S/MIME package back to the backend.
The phone of the user picks this the signed package up; validates the signature of the professional using a build in root certifcate, paying attention to the 'flags' in the professional certficate (e.g. Zorgverlener waarvan het beroep valt onder artikel 3 van de Wet BIG) and if correct - posts the relevant opaque seeds to the backend along with the S/MIME package that contains the signed hash/10 digits. It then destroys any seeds and rekeys (as per the protocol).
The backend receives this data, verifies the S/MIME signature, verifies that the hash contained in it matches that of the submitted seed and queues the seeds up to the next aggregation cycle.
Special case for a patient that excercises his right to not know the results of the test.
In (most?) countries a patient has a right to not be informed of a test result in certain contexts.
In this case - the patient generates the hash / 6 + 4 digits -prior- to consultation and test; and shares the 10 digits with the medical professional.
Once the patient has left the room - the professinal may or may not use these to initiate the process once the rest results are in.
In this case - the user inteface of the app MUST be careful to not disclose this sharing.
In this case - the data needs to be kept for a while. It is not sensitive (it requires to the signature of the medical professonal - and professional standars dictate that this only can be given after reviewing the result in the contect of the indivudual patient).