mirror of https://github.com/eddelbuettel/binb synced 2025-02-06 02:03:06 +01:00

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2018-10-08 17:03:18 +11:00
%% This is the Monash beamer theme
%% Created for Monash Business School
%% Updated by Rob J Hyndman. 8 October 2018
% For binb, one can alter the color theme by by setting eg 'colortheme: monashblue' in the YAML header
2018-11-22 07:57:48 +11:00
2018-10-08 17:03:18 +11:00
% Plenty of room
\setbeamersize{text margin left=2em,text margin right=2em}
% Rounded corners on boxes
% Square bullets and enumerated items
% larger squares for enumeration
\defbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{mysquare}
{ \raisebox{-0.ex}{\hbox{%
\usebeamerfont*{item projected}%
\usebeamercolor{enumerate item}%
\vrule width4ex height2.7ex depth.7ex%
\hbox to4ex{%
{\setbeamerfont{item projected}{size=\scriptsize}}
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate item}[mysquare]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[square]
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[square]
\setbeamerfont{section number projected}{size=\large}
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc shaded}[default][50]
2018-11-22 07:58:42 +11:00
2018-10-08 17:03:18 +11:00
% Figure placement
% Reduce vertical space around displayed equations
% Redefine shaded environment if it exists (for R plots)
\ifcsname Shaded\endcsname
%% End of file `beamerthememonash.sty'.