2018-09-22 10:28:26 -05:00
author: Ratul Saha
address: www.ratulsaha.com
2018-09-23 16:44:40 -05:00
2018-09-22 10:28:26 -05:00
subtitle: clean, simple and extensible
date: \today
output: binb::presento
## Presento
- \begin{center}\largetext{The design is \underline{clean}}\end{center}
- \item \begin{center}\largetext{The rules are \underline{simple}}\end{center}
- \item \begin{center}\largetext{The code is \underline{extensible}}\end{center}
## Open Source Fonts
- \montserratfont This is Montserrat
- \notosansfont This is Noto Sans
- \latolightfont This is Lato (light)
- \inconsolatafont This is inconsolata
- \textsc{This is Alegreya Sans small caps}
## Color Palette
\crule[colordgray] \crule[colorhgray] \crule[colorblue] \crule[colorgreen] \crule[colororange]
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\colorgreen}
\centering{\hugetext{BIG BOLD TEXT} \bigskip \tiny but background color does not work}
<!-- maybe this could be wrapped into one latex command -->
\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[opacity=0.8, at=(current page.center)]{%