# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from copy import copy import sys from ..parser import parse_content from ..eraser import ( replace_object_with, ) from ..plugin import Plugin class JSTOR(Plugin): """ JSTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSTOR watermarks a first page with an "Accessed" date, lots of TC barf, and then also a watermark at the bottom of each page with a timestamp. Watermarks removed: * "Accessed" timestamp on the front page * footer watermarks on each page This was primary written for JSTOR pdfs generated by: /Producer (itext-paulo-155 \(itextpdf.sf.net-lowagie.com\)) """ # these terms appear on a page that has been watermarked requirements = [ "All use subject to ", "JSTOR Terms and Conditions", "This content downloaded on", ] @classmethod def scrub(cls, content, verbose=False): replacements = [] # jstor has certain watermarks only on the first page page_id = 0 # parse the pdf into a pdfminer document pdf = parse_content(content) # get a list of all object ids xrefs = pdf._parser.read_xref() xref = xrefs[0] objids = xref.get_objids() # check each object in the pdf for objid in objids: # get an object by id obj = pdf.getobj(objid) if hasattr(obj, "attrs"): if obj.attrs.has_key("Filter") and str(obj.attrs["Filter"]) == "/FlateDecode": data = copy(obj.get_data()) # make sure all of the requirements are in there if all([requirement in data for requirement in JSTOR.requirements]): better_content = data if verbose: sys.stderr.write("%s: Found object %s with %r; omitting..." % (cls.__name__, objid, cls.requirements)) # remove the date startpos = better_content.find("This content downloaded ") endpos = better_content.find(")", startpos) segment = better_content[startpos:endpos] better_content = better_content.replace(segment, "") # it looks like all of the watermarks are at the end? better_content = better_content[:-160] # "Accessed on dd/mm/yyy hh:mm" # # the "Accessed" line is only on the first page # # it's based on /F2 # # This would be better if it could be decoded to # actually search for the "Accessed" text. if page_id == 0 and "/F2 11 Tf\n" in better_content: startpos = better_content.rfind("/F2 11 Tf\n") endpos = better_content.find("Tf\n", startpos+5) better_content = better_content[0:startpos] + better_content[endpos:] replacements.append([objid, better_content]) page_id += 1 for deets in replacements: objid = deets[0] replacement = deets[1] content = replace_object_with(content, objid, replacement) return content