#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pdfparanoia - pdf watermark removal tool This is the command-line client. It accepts pdf formatted data either through stdin/piping or by referencing a file in argv[0]. """ if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import fileinput from StringIO import StringIO verbose = 0 while '--verbose' in sys.argv: verbose += 1 sys.argv.pop(sys.argv.index('--verbose')) while '-v' in sys.argv: verbose += 1 sys.argv.pop(sys.argv.index('-v')) import pdfparanoia # read in all lines content = "" for line in fileinput.input(): content += line # scrub the pdf to get rid of watermarks output = pdfparanoia.scrub(StringIO(content), verbose=verbose) # dump to output sys.stdout.write(output)