import os import subprocess from . import exiftool class AVIParser(exiftool.ExiftoolParser): mimetypes = {'video/x-msvideo', } meta_whitelist = {'SourceFile', 'ExifToolVersion', 'FileName', 'Directory', 'FileSize', 'FileModifyDate', 'FileAccessDate', 'FileInodeChangeDate', 'FilePermissions', 'FileType', 'FileTypeExtension', 'MIMEType', 'FrameRate', 'MaxDataRate', 'FrameCount', 'StreamCount', 'StreamType', 'VideoCodec', 'VideoFrameRate', 'VideoFrameCount', 'Quality', 'SampleSize', 'BMPVersion', 'ImageWidth', 'ImageHeight', 'Planes', 'BitDepth', 'Compression', 'ImageLength', 'PixelsPerMeterX', 'PixelsPerMeterY', 'NumColors', 'NumImportantColors', 'NumColors', 'NumImportantColors', 'RedMask', 'GreenMask', 'BlueMask', 'AlphaMask', 'ColorSpace', 'AudioCodec', 'AudioCodecRate', 'AudioSampleCount', 'AudioSampleCount', 'AudioSampleRate', 'Encoding', 'NumChannels', 'SampleRate', 'AvgBytesPerSec', 'BitsPerSample', 'Duration', 'ImageSize', 'Megapixels'} def remove_all(self) -> bool: """ TODO: handle problematic filenames starting with `-` and `--`, check """ cmd = [_get_ffmpeg_path(), '-i', self.filename, # input file '-y', # overwrite existing output file '-loglevel', 'panic', # Don't show log '-hide_banner', # hide the banner '-codec', 'copy', # don't decode anything, just copy (speed!) '-map_metadata', '-1', # remove supperficial metadata '-map_chapters', '-1', # remove chapters '-fflags', '+bitexact', # don't add any metadata '-flags:v', '+bitexact', # don't add any metadata '-flags:a', '+bitexact', # don't add any metadata self.output_filename] try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # pragma: no cover return False return True def _get_ffmpeg_path() -> str: # pragma: no cover ffmpeg_path = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' if os.path.isfile(ffmpeg_path): if os.access(ffmpeg_path, os.X_OK): return ffmpeg_path raise RuntimeError("Unable to find ffmpeg")