Implementation notes ==================== Lightweight cleaning mode ------------------------- Due to *popular* request, MAT2 is providing a *lightweight* cleaning mode, that only cleans the superficial metadata of your file, but not the ones that might be in **embeded** resources. Like for example, images in a PDF or an office document. Race conditions --------------- MAT2 does its very best to avoid crashing at runtime. This is why it's checking if the file is valid __at parser creation__. MAT2 doesn't take any measure to ensure that the file is not changed between the time the parser is instantiated, and the call to clean or show the metadata. Symlink attacks --------------- MAT2 output predictable filenames (like yourfile.jpg.cleaned). This may lead to symlink attack. Please check if you OS prevent against them Archives handling ----------------- MAT2 doesn't support archives yet, because we haven't found an usable way to ask the user what to do when a non-supported files are encountered. PDF handling ------------ MAT was doing some kind of rendering for PDF files, on a cairo surface, then printed it to a file. This kept the text selectable, but unfortunately, it didn't remove any *deep metadata*, like the ones in embedded pictures. This was on of the reason MAT was abandoned: the absence of satisfying solution to handle PDF. But apparently, people are ok with [pdf redact tools](, that simply transform the PDF into images. So this is what's MAT2 is doing too. Of course, it would be possible to detect images in PDf file, and process them with MAT2, but since a PDF can contain a lot of things, like images, videos, javascript, pdf, blobs, … this is the easiest and safest way to clean them. Images handling --------------- When possible, images are handled like PDF: rendered on a surface, then saved to the filesystem. This ensures that every metadata is removed.