``` _____ _____ _____ ___ | | _ |_ _|_ | Keep you data, | | | | | | | | _| trash your meta! |_|_|_|__|__| |_| |___| ``` [![pipeline status](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2/commits/master) [![coverage report](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2/badges/master/coverage.svg)](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2/commits/master) This software is currently in **beta**, please don't use it for anything critical. # Requirements - `python3-mutagen` for audio support - `python3-gi-cairo` and `gir1.2-poppler-0.18` for PDF support - `gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0` for images support - `libimage-exiftool-perl` for everything else Please note that MAT2 requires at least Python3.5, meaning that it doesn't run on [Debian Jessie](Stretc://packages.debian.org/jessie/python3), # Running the testsuite ```bash $ python3 -m unittest discover -v ``` # Related softwares - The first iteration of [MAT](http://mat.boum.org) - [Exiftool](https://sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/mat) - [pdf-redact-tools](https://github.com/firstlookmedia/pdf-redact-tools), that tries to deal with *printer dots* too. - [pdfparanoia](https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia), that removes watermarks from PDF.