variables: CONTAINER_REGISTRY: $CI_REGISTRY/georg/mat2-ci-images GIT_DEPTH: "5" GIT_STRATEGY: clone stages: - linting - test .prepare_env: &prepare_env before_script: # This is needed to not run the testsuite as root - useradd --home-dir ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} mat2 - chown -R mat2 . linting:ruff: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:linting stage: linting script: - apt update - apt install -qqy --no-install-recommends python3-venv - python3 -m venv venv - source venv/bin/activate - pip3 install ruff - ruff check . linting:mypy: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:linting stage: linting script: - mypy --ignore-missing-imports mat2 libmat2/*.py tests:archlinux: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:archlinux stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:debian: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:debian stage: test <<: *prepare_env script: - apt-get -qqy purge bubblewrap - su - mat2 -c "python3-coverage run --branch -m unittest discover -s tests/" - su - mat2 -c "python3-coverage report --fail-under=95 -m --include 'libmat2/*'" tests:debian_with_bubblewrap: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:debian stage: test allow_failure: true <<: *prepare_env script: - apt-get -qqy install bubblewrap - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:fedora: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:fedora stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:gentoo: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:gentoo stage: test <<: *prepare_env script: - su - mat2 -c "python3 -m unittest discover -v" tests:python3.7: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:python3.7 stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:python3.8: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:python3.8 stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:python3.9: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:python3.9 stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:python3.10: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:python3.10 stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:python3.11: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:python3.11 stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:python3.12: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:python3.12 stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:python3.13: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:python3.13 stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v tests:python3.14: image: $CONTAINER_REGISTRY:python3.14 stage: test script: - python3 -m unittest discover -v