# GNU/Linux ## Fedora Thanks to [atenart](https://ack.tf/), there is a package available on [Fedora's copr]( https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/atenart/mat2/ ). We use copr (cool other packages repo) as the Mat2 Nautilus plugin depends on python3-nautilus, which isn't available yet in Fedora (but is distributed through this copr). First you need to enable Mat2's copr: ``` dnf -y copr enable atenart/mat2 ``` Then you can install both the Mat2 command and Nautilus extension: ``` dnf -y install mat2 mat2-nautilus ``` ## Debian There is currently no package for Debian. If you want to help to make this happen, there is an [issue](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2/issues/16) open. But fear not, there is a way to install it *manually*: ``` # apt install python3-mutagen python3-gi-cairo gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0 libimage-exiftool-perl gir1.2-glib-2.0 gir1.2-poppler-0.18 $ git clone https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2.git $ cd mat2 $ ./mat2 ``` and if you want to install the über-fancy Nautilus extension: ``` # apt install gnome-common gtk-doc-tools libnautilus-extension-dev python-gi-dev $ git clone https://github.com/GNOME/nautilus-python $ cd nautilus-python $ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 ./autogen.sh $ make # make install $ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nautilus-python/extensions/ $ cp ../nautilus/mat2.py ~/.local/share/nautilus-python/extensions/ $ PYTHONPATH=/home/$USER/mat2 PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 nautilus ``` ## Arch Linux Thanks to [Francois_B](https://www.sciunto.org/), there is an package available on [Arch linux's AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mat2/).